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Holy shit. thats bad.
The cringe is real
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Thanks for the free propaganda, reupload with higher contrast and VHS filter over some cybernazi and this is great stuff.
In this episode of Propaganda that backfires!: the lügenpresse makes baneposting comparing Trump to a Big Guy and the Clintons to a Two-Faced monster, while spreading his message to the normies and making it seem cool. Well done, Washington Free Bacon!
This. Everyone knows that Bane is much more sympathetic than Dent.
It's an apt comparison.
also reminder that Dent incites the events of Dark Knight returns of which the climax is Batman going full DOTR before faking his death in a fight with Superman that he wins
also in the background just noticed:
fucking meme magic lads. I have been reading capshit my whole life and never noticed that.
Is this supposed to be anti-Trump? The scene they used was Bane exposing the lies of the past society had built itself on top of. They do not not know how to mene at all.
kekek they're making our propaganda for us
This is sign of victory guys. When enemy is totally defeated and extremely desperate last thing he does it try to copy what opponent did.
"It worked for them, maybe it will work for us"
And the result is total fuckup. This is not funny or well done, 0/5 meme.
Do you feel in charge, Washington Free Beacon?
They merely adopted Baneposting. They think it is their ally.
How do you fuck up so badly you make something that's bretty gud?
Bane with the League of Shadows is responsible for putting decrepit empires out of their misery before their corruption spreads. Under the guise of a proletariat revolution, he takes over Gotham with the intention of destroying it, not rebuilding it.
All part of his plan.
looks like something Holla Forums would make
If Holla Forums made it it'd have more airhorns
His "populist revolution" was also engineered to cause maximum pain to Batcuck, by showing him the true nature of the common man.
What they got right was that trump is bane.
What they got wrong is that trump being bane isn't a bad thing.
If this wasn't made by a lefty group and was posted on Holla Forums, you wouldn't even have known it was supposed to make Trump look bad.
they actually think that because bane is a comic book villain we will equate trump as being evil
Who wouldn't want to vote for Bane? Are these people retarded?
Holla Forums said the file was to big, so here's an embed instead. Feel free to make it into webms and stuff, I really don't know how to do that at all
wait, I got it compressed. Here it is in a shareable format.
These faggots are likening the American people to a bunch of escaped criminals. Welp, looks like the mask has well and truly slipped, doesn't it?
They made a huge mistake with this video. What you're supposed to do when making a video like this is take the stupidest things the person (in this case, Trump) has said. They took his greatest speech of the election and posted it here. A lot of people who wouldn't have listened to this speech before, are gonna hear it now thanks to this vid
They're likening Trump to Bane, the quintessential big guy, the biggest of all guys.
if we pull that off, will they die?
"Bring me the twat!"
This webm is amazing.
I honestly don't think the media has any idea what power they are tapping into when they try to meme.
They have re-ignited the most potent and powerful meme to ever exist, baneposting is going to crash the world with no survivors. The fire has risen.
That is not how you meme responsibly.
Soon NYC will burn, the masketta man will unleash the nukes.
The Dark Plane Rises was actually a prophecy of this election all along.
For a second I thought they were using Bane because we do it, but then I realized they were trying to make Trump the evil villain. Holy KEK they just fucked up and they will never know how.
please clap ;_;
They didn't realize Bane was actually the hero of the movie.
I'm convinced that some shitposting Holla Forums autist did this just to banepost irl.
…did a mole make this??
Isn't the whole objective of the leuge of shadows to basically agree and amplify degenerating nations so they collapse faster?
They expect one of us in the wreckage.
You guys should check out their other videos, I'm pretty sure they are pro Trump.
What the fuck are they doing? Don't they know that Baneposting is the most potent and dangerous meme known to man?
According to that one user. Which would be agreeable, founding father Thomas Jefferson believed we needed to fight every so often to keep our freedom, this is essentially the same thing.
Not with that ratio. This vid of theirs is a stillborn.
Not in my opinion.
Bane was going against his father's legacy and creating chaos so that Gotham could rebuild. He broke Bat(e)man so that he could rise stronger in the same way. He purged the scum of gotham by killing the rich kikes and their pets the prisoners in the end, and pushes Bat(e)man to become stronger. Bane's fire wasn't the fire of destruction, it was the fire of reforging, he was the crucible that cleansed.
Bane didn't actually die in the end, he retired to a south american ranch where he lived to an old age.
Banes father was never mentioned in the film tho…
Watch it again
I've seen it four times. How bout you tell me who Banes father is supposed to be instead
Where's that DWP Guy?
Al Ghul was alluded to being his father in the movie lad.
m8 did you even watch the extended edition?
Bullshit. Confirmed dumbass. It's you who needs to go back and watch the fucking movie. And read this before you do.
Bullshit. Confirmed dumbass. It's you who needs to go back and watch the fucking movie. And read this before you do..
Don't know if it's 8ch or my internet a shit.
Here's the twitter of the guy who edited the video. Surprise, he's a kike
Was getting caught part of his plan?
His punishment will only be more severe.
When the media is in ashes then he has our permission to die
listen to Shadilay and watch that gif
The dark knight rises was about a communist takeover (Obama), and then the nationalist "batman" and "police" take the city back.
You big dummies… because it has Washington in the name it's evil right?
I liked the explanation
linked to better, made more sense.
Looking at their website, I can see I wrongly accused them. Looks like they just did the request of some person on twitter.
I honestly thought they were thinking Bane was "evil" because he was against batman, so they put a Trump clip saying mean things to shillary so they can attempt to make Trump look bad. But it seems not to be the case.
so basically Animal Farm + batman
Crashing this election!
Cohencidence, user posted this on Tuesday night?
The comment section is pure gold! Unregulated and unsanctioned .999 troy ounce Banepostin
==HAS ANYONE TOLD >>>/bane/?**
This is art. A.S.S. art