Why are Americans obsessed with being white?

Why are Americans obsessed with being white?

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because before 1965 the country WAS white

…not counting obsolete farm equipment

niggers will nig

Why are Euros obsessed with pointing out that America is becoming less white while pretending that the same thing isn't happening to them?

because it's still new to them. they are now where the usa was about 50 years ago - thinking that the demographics won't change that much

Because America was never White, to begin with

Wrong. Before FDR was president, the country was white. Social gibs was the single most harmful presidential action in history and we have been suffering ever since.

i can't argue that gibs are bad. but the hart-celler act was very damning

because they're not but want to be

i can't argue that gibs are bad.

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that's it. fuck it. i'm learning german and returning to the homeland

All of the social gibs in america are a 20% or more income tax and you get fucking nothing in return, you just lose more money. Theoretically you get welfare checks when you reach retirement age in return but most people probably die long before they can get any value out of it and certainly before the payout is equal to the money they had stolen from them during their entire working life.

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Holla Forums tier

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Spam more pls

Because they are all trying to get chads from Holla Forums so us Agender, Androgyne, Bigender, Butch, Ceterosexual, Crossdresser, Demigender, Enby, Epicene, Femme, Gender fluid, Genderflux, GenderFuck, Genderless, Gender neutral, Girlfag, Graygender, Guydyke, Intergender, Neutrois, Pangender, Pomosexual, Third Gender, Trigender, Transmasculine, Transfeminine, Transmedicalist, Truscum, Tucute, Tupuke, Transtrender, etc, to have sexual intercourse with us.

Keep on trying to convince yourself OP

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Better, but still shit.
Why does anyone let this shitty meme make them mad anyway?
It absolutely reeks of projection on top of not being particularly offensive.
You might as well be shitting your pants over burger spurdo.

So it's basically confirmed that people who spread these memes are twatter liberals

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u mad, cuz your sister won't let you smash?

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That and Holla Forums

Amarica is white dont be fucking retarded it wouldent be great if it wasent, and every one is gona hate to here this but the jews did help. Like an apendix thou they arnt needed anymore and can cause problemes

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Because they have nothing else going for them. The biggest mistake european nations did was allowing for the new world colonies to become independent.
Unfortunately France had to help a bunch of farmers defeating England. Otherwise the mighty british army would have defeated them easily and the survivors would have shut the fuck up.
Big mistake.

Because they are mutts and being forced to acknowledge it gives them a rare moment of self awareness stressing their cognitive dissonance and sending them into a blind rage.

Also the board owner of Holla Forums is having a break down on twitter and on the board because the meme is forcing him to accept he is a mutt. We already got their other nazi mod to quit, if we can get Gahoole out the only mod on Holla Forums will be /ourguy/. Keep pushing back against the r/The_Donald Holla Forumsyps and we will take back 8ch.

Gahoole isn't the BO, newfag
>>>Holla Forums

Because they're Jews

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Soon mudlims will circumsize the dicks of the dume eropenis and we will see how bad america is then when elon musk is geneticaly enginering asians with big tits

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(((Religious bullshit)))

Yes, i know americunt…it all is going according to your plan until now. But Russia and China will save us from NATO and the governments which are lackeys to the US Empire.


zerosugar's having a meltdown?
I don't see anyone having a meltdown, are you sure you're not blowing a couple of (you)s out of proportion?

I really hope you aren't being serious. And if you are go back to >>>Holla Forums where you belong.

Well he is on his sixth thread deleted in the last half hour after getting caught out white knighting himself and defending amerimutts.

I saw the threads get deleted, but they were blatantly not on topic, zerosugar has always deleted those kinds of threads, and I haven't seen anyone outed for anything.
t. browsing Holla Forums for the past 6 hours

whats with all the commie faggots around here lately? was there some sort of exodus from reddit?

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Go read some breitbart Holla Forums cuck

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wut annie may is that from?

use saucenao

I'll use your mom, nerd.

bro have you even read Marx?

the media and jews are obsessed with being white you faggot.

And I'll use your butt, faggot.

And I'll use your mouth, cutie.

And I'll ask you to snuggle afterward, hotstuff.

And I'll bully you for it, cupcake.

I'll use your mouth too

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Why does a bear shit in the woods when toilets are easily accessible and plentiful?

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Because you're butthurt about it?

As a third generation American of European descent I have no reason to be butthurt. If I am not white, you're not white; some aren't, but many Americans are white. Soil and country are not determining factors of your ancestors.

Show me a European willing to defend his heritage and I'll show you ten more Americans already prepared to do the same.

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In a few short decades the kikes turned a beautiful country into a muddy shitfilled cesspool, and then tried to claim that the US had always been like that.
Jews arrived as a 5.5 million strong invasion force between 1900 and 1950 to do just that.
They also launched a massive race related propaganda war by mixing them all together, and all the negroid 60s idiocy.
No one else in the world would call themselves "white" unless they were exploring darkest africa, to show contrast.

Soil and country are a big part of it, but your people are the most important.
The problem with Americans isn't that they aren't white, it is that that is all they can say about themselves, as they have no real nationality.
Are you a thoroughbred polak, third generation?
Or are you an American, interbred with half a dozen European nationalities and beholden to none.

My great grandmother was a supporter of the kizer during ww1 when she lived in Minnesota. My grandfather was a farmer who married a woman of pure German descent. My father was born in a bar that was also my grandparents home. My mother has a similar background, however they were some of the pioneers who settled Washington state. Admittedly I know less of her history than my father's side of the family, but based on the limited history I have access to they appear to be of a strong German decent.

How so?

What about Brits?
Are they all 100% Welsh, Scottish, or English with no interbreeding whatsoever?

the absolute irony. 'white' is a purely american term, coined very early on, to distinguish between the civilized europeans, the savage redskins, and the subhuman negroids


jesus. the source is obscure as fuck. give me at least a day to track it down (serious). i read it a couple years ago when the 'alt-right' was making headlines

Okay, I'm willing to wait, I'll probably ask in the next goblin meme thread you make.
I'd think such a bold claim would be more readily available though.
Considering Europeans were dealing with non-whites long before America was even discovered by them, I'd imagine for example a British sailor describing Indians to someone who has never left the island would at some point describe their own skin color as white in order to differentiate from the brown Indian.

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i think it was before america was founded proper, in the colonial days. so they couldn't just say "american" because that designation didn't exist yet. in europe it's easy. you're british, or you're irish, or you're german, or you're italian, etc

honestly the "we waz 100% nationally pure" is simply a rediculous statement for the simple fact that territory bounderies were never the same through out europian history. look guise americans stand for no culture, duh. us europians weren't changing our religions throughout the ages or nothing like that… it's no more than Holla Forums being retarded like usual.

" The racial sense "of those races (chiefly European or of European extraction) characterized by light complexion" is recorded from c. 1600; meaning "characteristic of or pertaining to white people" is from 1852, American English."

thanks user. the source i was thinking of was a little known story on some half-professional blog that i don't know how to find anymore


That's part of what baffles me about this meme, literally all of Europe are mutt descendants according to its logic.
So many different nations have risen and fallen in Europe's history that claiming you're say 100% Polish basically means you're a 100% mix of various slavs and Germans.

So it's originally a colonial European thing?

Who cares?

white/yellow skin and high IQ are genetically linked.

People of poo color are low IQ and lack impulse control.

what about indians (dot variety)

They're no different.
The whole Indians are totally all smart doctors and programmers is an utterly retarded meme almost on the same tier as the kangz.
The doctors represent an extremely tiny percentage of the population.
And the programmers?
The programmers are infamous for being utter dogshit, it's very rare that poogramming is up to par.

what? user, like i said initially, it's an american term. the other user's etymology even shows it

Yes, to distinguish the conquerers from the natvies and from the slaves.

America didn't exist then. It was all European settlements.


Tecnically, they were European, since America back then was a Brittish colony

And not a single one of those pie graphs is a solid color, what a bunch of mutts haha
t. goblin memer

Being born an Englishman, swimming across the channel, and landing in France doesn't suddenly make you not-English.

technically they weren't. they were of european descent

i was born in america as an american citizen. my ancestry is 90% german, traceable back to the immigration wave of the 1820's. does that make me german?

technically they were, since the settlers were European and merica was a Brittish colony, and Brittain was a part of Europe. So yeah, they were pretty European.

So even if I was 100% English and able to trace that lineage for hundreds of years, I'm not English because I was born outside of England?

Makes you 90% German, yeah.

You answered your own question, retard.

this is why europeans will never understand what it is to be an american. they can't think outside the lines of the european nations

Explain, you're meandering about and I'm not entirely sure what point you're trying to make.
Are you speaking from a cultural perspective?
Because you'd be right from that angle, but genetically it doesn't matter what continent you're born in, if you're 100% whatever you're still 100% whatever regardless of what clay you happen to tread.

it makes you possess highly observable digits

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i'm explaining that i'm a white american, faggot. i'm not a german american, not a 90% german american. i'm a fucking white american.

with German ancestory, yeah

I think you're very confused, ignorant, and angry is what you are.

and since america has multiple sources of fair skinned european ancestry, they started using the term "white". i'm not sure why this is so difficult

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its not difficult. It was a term used to distinguish the settlers from the Natives and from the Slaves.

But you're still 90% German.
As in, you're more German than British.
You're also 10% mutt :^)

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That pic is clearly about modern day burgerland though, dipshit.

Because americans point out how we are fucked when theyre almost gone, literally. And have guns, but do you use it? Nooo. Go kill jews right now to prove me wrong.

We are the all in one
We are white
We are black
We are grey

We are ANGLO

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There's only one race: human

haha, no

not shown: decades-old rape gangs that treat native european girls as subhuman fuckdolls

also not shown: entire european police departments that turn an extremely blind eye to said rape gangs

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TBH 14/88 is probably just a feminist conspiracy to restore the dwindling market value of almost-30s white women.

uh oh, he's stuck in an infinite loop.

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Niggers are a separate species tbh