is it happening?
Other urls found in this thread:
I hear it's another shoa
8D chess.
I can't wait for the three trump=jew shills to come out of the woodwork later today.
They use disqus. Raid imminent.
They've ousted themselves so badly that no one will ever trust them, ever.
My god. He is from the future. We have a hope.
Why is it so common for leftists to talk about "the internet" as if it's one person that agrees with them on everything?
Trump still has Jewish connections no matter how many loser Jews cry out that he's leading a revolution against the status quo.
These kikes just can't help themselves, can they?
When you speak in abstracts the reader/listeners mind fills in the meaning. They use these kinds of words because they are effective. Hillary only speaks in abstracts.
You got blown the fuck out buddy. Time to stop embarrassing yourself.
w40cucks confirmed for libshits
This fucking comment section…
kikes must be retarded
Keep up your delusions, just don't spam that wall of text proving that Trump is the next Hitler since there's a few Jews online who fear what's been built the last 70 or so years being demolished by a group of opportunistic Jews.
Best speech of the year thus far.
Are you sure it isn't 1488D chess?
Holy shit, dumbass, you got the rally thread and the thread dedicated to the part of the rally where he calls out the cabal. Fucking educate yourself.
Soundbites here:
Of course, antisemitism is bandied about in order to obfuscate who controls the international banking scene. These wealthy, over-mighty merchants do not care about Jewry or about Judaism. Antisemitism, as a meme, exists for their benefit. It's a tool, a cudgel, by which they can scare their fellow Jews into falling in line with their policies, and, once the gig is up, they'll abandon their tools to whatever fate awaits them. These are people who callously use the red blood of their own kin as a shield.
It's like the echoes, all over again. These neurotic kikes just can't help themselves, can they? They're so desperate for another Hitler that when somebody says something vaguely nationalist, they leap at the opportunity to be thrown into the gas chambers. Funniest thing is, they don't even seem to care when the person in question has plausible deniability.
Xanatos 1488D chess.
Thanks a lot user. Have some Carpenter Brut.
At this rate I'd go to war for him.
And I'm not even American.
1. Reported for being an obvious shill.
2. Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist
Citing 'Core Beliefs,' U.S. Rabbis Condemn Trump's 'Hateful Rhetoric'
ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’
Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli'
Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?
Attacked by Trump, Mexicans look to Jewish groups for help
Trump, Brexit, ISIS and the Unmistakable Stench of the 1930s
Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content
Time to Form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump
Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?
Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump
Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not
Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews
The clan leader of white Americans: the disintegration of the GOP has created Trump
ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach
Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler
If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump
Jewish Groups Join in on Bill to Block Trump's Muslim Ban
Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East
Is Donald Trump’s Endorsement by 88 Retired Generals a Secret Neo-Nazi Code?
Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump
Why a Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Mainstreaming Anti-Semites
Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds
Jewish donor dumps Trump after community backlash
UN Commissioner Warns of ‘Weaponized’ Populism from Wilders, Trump, Farage Turning ‘Into Colossal Violence’
Oy vey! Enough of Trump!
Heil Donald? Students instructed to compare Hitler to Trump
Honestly this part is a bit disconcerting, IF the democrats manage to win, they, along with the GOP will be absolutely vindictive in their victory to make sure nothing like this ever happens again
Of course, they'd go overboard and cause a revolution
More proof that Bernie was never a real candidate, even though we don't need it
Michael Glassner is a good Jew in your book though right user?
I didn't really like Trump much before, obviously he was much preferable to Clinton but his dancing around the problems and describing how great the solution would be instead of actually describing the solution rubbed me the wrong way, but I can say I like him much much more now.
No dancing around the issue, no restraining against biased press, told it like it is. He was way more genuine and straight in this talk than all the others. I hope he will be like this all the time from now on.
There are no good Jews
No refunds, goy.
Did you miss the primaries? He's going back to that since the cuckservatives are trying to shut it down.
Ive been around so long I remember when pol thought Trump was just a role player
Trump is dropping redpill nukes on the normie masses. What wisdoms will he tell next, I wonder?
You realize after this speech if they steal the election and nothing is done and Trump doesn't provide a plan shit is going to probably get real..
I thought a civil war 2.0 would fester AFTER Putin started the party. The clinton cartel fucked up though. Their pushing with retarded personal attacks against the Don however is basically advancing the schedule of what it takes because people are going to be spicy
Remember anons if you find yourself in a position where you need to remove a kike, just say he's a known media supporter to squash any "muh anti-semitism" to shut down group dissent
fuck off CTR
When did he implicit jews?
They are recognizing and ousting themselves just like that?
Are they telling the truth willingly? the fuck is wrong with them?
Nice metaphor. Red shield=rothschild
Kill yourself tbh.
I think Sheldon is a pretty cool guy, what's your problem?
You don't belong here, newfriend
These are people who grew up being told horrific stories about the evils of gentile pogroms by their own neurotic parents. They've been terrorized by their family and by their own institutions, and they've since internalized it so greatly that they cannot help but terrorize themselves. Ever on the lookout for the specter of antisemitism, their paranoia grows until even the slightest, most ephemeral confirmation is seized upon for all its imagined worth. They then conspire to take measures into their own hands to keep the gentiles docile, only to be the inspiration for antisemitism.
They could easily say, "Yes, I am a Jew, but I am no Globalist. I am a Jew, but I am not associated with international banking." But that would deprive them the joy of experiencing the righteous indignation which accompanies being a victim, and it is a rare individual who would break his own conditioning.
Seems these commies want us to be fascists.
Is this even liberalism or is this something else? I used to be a liberal way back in the early 2000's after Bush started wrecking everything, back when "patriot" was synonymous for "government using fear tactics to pass whatever laws they want" – and not once would I ever have looked at someone who said "America first" and thought "fascism".
Trying to raid the comment sections, can't do that via archive.
Maybe flicking through the Torah to find out what plans they have if Holocoaster 2.0 happened, or being kicked out of another country for the 110th time in history.
Holy fuck how did they equate that with anti-semitism.
Every time I see the lefties try to flex their brain cells I die a little bit inside. They are so insanely stupid, fucking subhumans.
break your links or it leads back here
Yes, I understand that. But at least break the links, god damn, how many times are we going to have to go over this?
He meant break the link you nigger.
Cultural Marxism
He's an avid Donald Trump supporter.
Exactly, not one fucking time did say "Jews, kikes, lsrael," etc.. and they just out themselves by saying it's all anti-sematism. Because he outed them without calling them by name.
motherjones .com/politics/2016/10/donald-trump-gives-his-most-extreme-speech-yet-florida
rawstory .com/2016/10/trump-just-gave-an-anti-semitic-speech-dripping-with-hatred-and-the-internet-is-horrified/
thehill .com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/300863-cnn-media-correspondent-trumps-speech-was-paranoid-and
Oy vey, that's right Goy! It's not because he's trying to save his skin during the Holocaust or anything, Goy. You sure are very smart Goy, yes, would you like to see a few Hollywood movies for free, my treat?
It's like they don't even understand their own controlled opposition. Jonestein had all the semi-redpilled fucks and tinfoilers chasing ghosts until they started (((outing themselves))) on social media en masse.
They're about to get ousted from society for like the hundreth time soon.
No, hes simply fleeing a sinking ship to a new one. There is a reason Trump ignored him, and his attempts at donating to him.
Well, we finally waited, and we got Hitler.
High IQ my asshole
No, he's not. He decided not to spend money on Trump like the kike he is.
a lot of the GOP still stand by Trump, but the only one who shouldn't be purged is Sessions
I'm honestly surprised it isn't fielded more often.
Just as the argument has been made that Jews are a parasite upon the population they inhabit, it could be argued that families like the Rothschilds are a parasite upon the body of Jewry. It even conforms with their own theology. Every time YHWH punished the sons of Abraham, it was for the impiety, greed, and hubris of their leading members, and YHWH, being an apparent fan of the philosophy "go big or go home", is fond of absolutely decimating their population in such circumstances. The rational Jew, under these circumstances, would be more concerned with policing his own community instead of shrieking accusations of bigotry.
These Jews are good though right?
Vincent Harris (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Digital Strategy Manager, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Carl Icahn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Owner and Chairman, Icahn Enterprises
Charles Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Founder and Co-Owner, Kushner Companies
Jared Kushner (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chief Executive Officer, Kushner Companies; Publisher, Observer Media
Yael Kushner [née Ivanka Trump] (Orthodox Jewish convert) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Richard LeFrak (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, LeFrak Organization
Jason Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Communications Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Stephen Miller (Ashkenazic Jew) – Senior Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Steven Mnuchin (Ashkenazic Jew) – National Finance Chairman, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Sam Nunberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Policy Adviser, Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
Stewart Rahr (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Owner, Kinray
George Ross (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Senior Counsel, The Trump Organization
Phil Ruffin (Ashkenazic Jew) – Owner, Treasure Island Hotel and Casino
Felix Sater (Ashkenazic Jew) – Former Senior Adviser, The Trump Organization
Andrew Weiss (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President, The Trump Organization
Allen Weisselberg (Ashkenazic Jew) – Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, The Trump Organization
Steve Wynn (Ashkenazic Jew) – Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Wynn Resorts
Lara Yunaska (Ashkenazic Jew) – Associate Producer, Inside Edition
Reported for D&C
oh man. I love it. Trump never out right says Juden but both sides know he wanted to.
Are you autistic?
If there's one thing the Democratic rank and file don't believe, it's that they're getting hard dicked by corporate America and Big Banks.
These kikes are literally advertising for us at this point. Holy shit somebody stop these madmen.
He's clearly a D&C kike. It's the whole "Trump is a Kike" meme all over again.
These guys have been working with Trump for years now, they knew about this entire thing in advance?
High IQ means various things, in the Jew's case it's mostly verbal, they can make a turn of phrase. That does not mean they can think things through very far.
They're preemptively gone into full "the goyim know" mode and ramping fucking everything into overdrive, just like last time, just like the time before, just like the hundreds of other times they've been ousted in the past.
I interpret IQ has the ability to rapidly understand concepts, and the ability to do mathematics reasonably well. Can Jews do either of these things? Being a good talker doesn't mean shit, or make you smart.
What does that mean, though? Will Trump have an (((accident)))?
Would you rather Hillary? That is the only other functional choice.
He's a goon, fuck 'em
I'd rather Trump, his Jews are alot better than hers.
These Kikes are running out of time.
> rense .com/general44/sevenjewishamericans.htm
Seven Jewish Americans Control Most US Media
> tapnewswire .com/2015/10/six-jewish-companies-control-96-of-the-worlds-media/
Six Jewish Companies Control 96% of the World’s Media
> haaretz .com/jewish/oliver-stone-jewish-control-of-the-media-is-preventing-free-holocaust-debate-1.304108
Oliver Stone: Jewish Control of the Media Is Preventing Free Holocaust Debate
> newobserveronline .com/jews-boast-of-owning-hollywood-but-slam-gentiles-who-say-the-same/
Jews Boast of Owning Hollywood—But Slam Gentiles Who Say the Same
> rense .com/general21/bet.htm
Do Jews Run Hollywood? - You Bet They Do…& What Of It?
"Hollywood is run by Jews; it is owned by Jews–and they should have a greater sensitivity about the issue of people who are suffering. Because…we have seen…the greaseball, we've seen the Chink, we've seen the slit-eyed dangerous Jap, we have seen the wily Filipino, we've seen everything but we never saw the kike. Because they knew perfectly well, that that is where you draw the [line]."
–Marlon Brando on Larry King Live
So is it happening?
Do you think Trump personally hires and looks into the backgrounds of everyone related to him and his businesses? Do you ask everyone you know, if they have relations with Jews? Do you ask the fucking guy working at mcdonalds if he's jewish before you buy a burger? Christ you shills grasp at straws almost as hard as CNN. You don't have to fucking murder every Jew you meet to be redpilled.
I can't wait to see the rush for the exit on November 9th. The airports will be packed with fleeing kikes with nothing more than the clothes on their backs.
You earned it :^)
Trump just gave an anti-Semitic speech ‘dripping with hatred’ — and the Internet is horrified
US-born Israeli MK to Trump: Enough is enough
New edition of Hitler speeches book slaps Trump on cover
Heil Donald? Students instructed to compare Hitler to Trump
Is Donald Trump’s Endorsement by 88 Retired Generals a Secret Neo-Nazi Code?
Goldman Sachs Bans Employees from Donating to Trump
Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist
Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler
Why a Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Mainstreaming Anti-Semites
USA Today: "Don’t vote for Trump. The Editorial Board has never taken sides in the presidential race. We're doing it now."
If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump: Trump has always appealed to bigots. His address to a Jewish coalition confirms that he's an anti-Semite himself
Jewish Groups Join in on Bill to Block Trump's Muslim Ban
Six Reasons Trump Would Be Disaster for U.S. Jews, Israel and the Middle East
Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds
Citing 'Core Beliefs,' U.S. Rabbis Condemn Trump's 'Hateful Rhetoric'
ADL Calls Trump Plan to Ban Anti-Semites ‘Anti-Semitic’
Trump’s Candidacy and the GOP Platform Are as Much anti-Jewish as 'pro-Israeli'
Is Donald Trump’s Inadvertent Anti-Semitism Worse Than the Real Thing?
Attacked by Trump, Mexicans look to Jewish groups for help
Trump, Brexit, ISIS and the Unmistakable Stench of the 1930s
Jewish news organization declares 24-hour ban on Trump content
Time to Form an American Jewish Emergency Committee Against Donald Trump
Donald Trump is Losing Jewish Donors and Intellectuals, But Will it Impact His Bottom Line?
Meet the One Jewish Group that Can Attack Donald Trump
Donald Trump Doubles Down on ‘America First’ Slogan — Whether Jews Like It or Not
Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews
The clan leader of white Americans: Conservative David Frum perfectly explains how the disintegration of the GOP has created Trump
ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach
Jewish donor dumps Trump after community backlash: Republican developer Martin Selig ‘stunned’ by blowback from Seattle Jews
UN Commissioner Warns of 'Weaponized' Populism from Wilders, Trump, Farage Turning 'Into Colossal Violence'
After Offering $100 Million, Jewish Oligarch Sheldon Adelson Gives Virtually Nothing to Trump
The GOP’s Jewish Donors Are Abandoning Trump
Oy vey! Enough of Trump!
It helps give you a high IQ.
I've missed you lad
They are just that stupid
Yes. Trump has been planning his presidency since the 80s, I would only hope he's autistic about who he associates himself with.
Iv'e also been thinking that the old globalist inbred European aristocracy might be involved as well.
Remember Minerva is a Roman and thus European goddess.
We have entered a state of perpetual Happening.
Jews, like women, have a high verbal IQ, but they have no real capacity for strategic planning. That's why, no matter where they find themselves, they can con the goyim in the short term, but also find themselves subject to pogroms in the long term. The only benefit is that they've never learned their lesson and continue to be swindling merchants.
No, they'll be naked and clutching bags of shekels. Clothes just create drag when you're making a getaway.
Did he ever actually mention Jews directly? It kinda seems like the media is making that leap.
thank you for the link friend, much obliged!
praise Kek!
They're making the connection between trumps speech and Goebells speech.
Here you go, friend:
He means it too. They already seem to be trying to meme post-election violence against Hillary. The thing is, they risk getting their wish.
No, it's just that all of the globalists that donate to Hillary and run US foreign policy happen to be kikes. So they're going ahead and making the connection for us.
hence the thread title and 40 keks
try to keep up
I don't know if I can agree with this after reading the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, their higher kikes definitely can plan very well. What we see here is just their "lower brethren" squealing in fear.
Yep. The kikes can't stop outing themselves now. They're so panicked they're doing literally the opposite, in ebbry respect, of what they should be doing.
There's nothing they can do:
If they attack us, we don't give a shit
If they ignore us, we grow stronger
No, the speech was hype as fuck and well worth a watch; but he didn't name the jew, Holla Forums would've exploded if he did. He called out international banks and the cunt plotting with them about destroying the sovereignty of the US.
not one single word about Israel and jews. I can't believe he is going to make anti-semitism a non-taboo topic. The level of chess he is playing transcends the very fabric of the entirety of existence in all the parallel-universes.
Subsequent which the Jew called out itself. 14/88D chess.
Trump mentioned the chains would come off, didn't he? And now that he's finally in the spotlight, now that they simply can't assassinate him, he's going full out. I have a feeling he'll go Super Saiyan soon. Exciting month ahead!
I was on the fence before, but fuck, the man's won me over.
God bless you, Donald, you're walking in Adolph's footsteps!
This, when you say "the Internet" the average good goy hears "my Faceberg friends that agree with me," and then they conflate that with the rest of the entire Internet.
The goal of this manufactured outrage is to distract people away from the leading globalists. By equating an attack on their persons with an attack on all Jews, they can create for themselves the opportunity to flee to greener pastures. After all, it'd be much more difficult to move to China if people are publicly calling for your head, but a wealthy refugee fleeing irrational violence has easy access.
Yup. With the rise of mercantile power, those European aristrocrats who have maintained relevance are probably sharing a bed with them.
All the kikes had to do was just let Trump win without all this fuss. He would have been a fair with them but as always, kikes make their own worst enemies by lashing out in fear and paranoia.
get the fuck out newfag
awesome triple h self check
These kikes are in deep shit and they know it.
Jesus christ, it's habbening.
Can confirm. I was talking to the internet
at the watercooler today in work and he
said "I'm fucking horrified."
A great time to be alive and i'm in my prime too.
to be fair ive been on the fence about whether or not he is jew wise.
I think it was more just lack of belief that anyone in the public eye would be there without the kikes approval.
This speech makes him pretty dam legit in my mind
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a… globalist… and apparently the whole world goes apeshit?
How does the world keep going crazier? Are there truly no brakes on the happening train?
Wait…are the Leftists…are the Leftists unironically supporting International Bankers now?
Where have you been since the late 90's?
Yep. Buckle up fam.
of course hes jew wise. you dont become rich and powerful without knowing about the jews. question becomes if he wants to gas every last jew or take the civic nationalist route and allow "good kikes" to stay. this is only the beginning but the jews have reached their peak and its only down hill from here.
I knew they already do
But now they have openly, explicitly admitted to this. I'd love to see infighting with the Bernie/Occupy Leftists
Nice. Saved.
Anti-capitalists supporting globalism.
Sounds like a lefty to me.
Kek confirms.
This is the weird thing for me.
If there's a populist talking big about cultivating strength and virtue while condemning foreigners and traitors, the sensible thing to do would be to demonstrate one's willingness to assist in that goal. By demonstrating that willingness through charitable activities and the cultivation of personal virtue, the individual immunizes himself from the threat of being violently purged.
But I guess that's harder than using the press to throw a shit fit.
Underrated post.
funny when collusion between private corps, which HRC has been proven to do, with email documentation, is the basis of fascism. HRC is a fascist. She has manipulated the election and the coverage of it through corporate connections. She has engineered a Watergate.
What will she do in office?
Capitalist jews and communist jews always work together when they feel threaten (source WW2)
The kikes really are retarded.
Good work outing yourselves as you always do.
Back to 4cuck with you, newfriend.
what a glorious time to be alive
This should be stickied. We are near the end
All they had to do. Was keep their fucking mouths shut. Make some slick deals behind the scenes. And take their medicine for a few years.
But instead of loosing their grip on our throats by a few newtons, they're going all motherfucking in on this motherfucker.
Article gave no instances of anti-semitism other than "international banks". Wew.
The whole "fascism is corporatism" thing is a meme though
That quote was not made by Mussolini
I hope they keep those organs inside of China I dont want any jew organ inside of me
I'm starting to like this timeline.
My God, it'd be beautiful man…
I wrote this as a joke in the other thread. They might as well have just copy pasted it.
You're a fucking retard.
When will you faggots go back to 4cuck?
One way or the other, America WILL Be Great Again.
The salt levels will be way too high.
He never even used the word "jew".
The jews are shitting all over themselves, but this time they aren't enjoying the experience.
We are one step away from dragging them into the light.
It looks like the retard that believes anyone that says the right things beat me to the thread.
1. Hitler was a Jew that exterminated whites.
2. Trump is probably an attempt to finish the job.
They must have upped the fluoride dosage because the elections have been a Jew scam from the beginning. I only wonder which cliff they're going to run you off this time.
It's the result of a shitty translation from Italian to English
Educate yourself cuckchanner
I would buy so many Chinese lampshades.
I know this is late in the thread but Jesus do people believe this shit?
Seems legit Moishe.
you've got it backwards faggot
i see what you did there
You know it's pretty funny they claim no dots considering the wikileaks emails are dripping with Soros stench
dude you definition of fascism is pretty dumb.
How can fascism survive without corporate sponsorship? I await your examples. Because Hitler had Krupp and von seeckt. There must be collusion between private sector.
It isn't about the lies they tell but what they do. Complete state control of all things. What do you think HRC wants? How is she not a fascist? Remember fascism is a death cult that doesn't benefit the host country. Look at the horror Hitler and the rest of those Nazi idiots wrecked on Germany. Capital city divided and occupied by Russians. territory lost held since 1280. HRC will lose us texas probably.
Been here since Putin shot down MH17, not a pol but enjoy reading.
read some Hannah Arendt
just checking these dubs
Just become an open borders fracking free for all merchant, go- I mean guys. Lolbergism is the only logical choice!
Like fucking clockwork.
Did /liberty/, /politics/ and /k/ lose posters again?
only newfags say newfag, faggot
That's not correct at all.
/liberty/ pls
Just admit it, and stop posting, faggot
This autism is amazing
Laughing so hard tbh famalam.
Back to the cuckshed with you.
you don't know shit, nigger
Seems legit Schlomo.
I've been around a lot longer than you friend, I know plenty. If usage has changed post exodus I wouldn't know, but then again you shouldn't brag about knowing either.
Record Status:
[] Not Corrected
[X] Corrected
Excellent work, comrade, but our labour is never over! Make sure to continue to tell these goy–I mean nazi LARPers what's what.
By the way your wife asked if you could babysit her children this weekend. She's going on a yacht with Tyrone and his friends.
Are you even trying nigger? Getting in bed with (national) conglomerates is nowhere near nationalization industries or the means of production. The Strasserists were purged for advocating exactly that, state control of strategic economic sectors.
Simmer down you two. Now's not the time for petty infighting, that comes later.
"only newfags say newfag" is the oldest meme for newcomer detection ever. YOU don't know shit, faggot.
i have no fucking clue why but this whole post has me crying laughing.
there's always time to improve posting quality via angry banter
By your terms current USA is already "fascist" because it has in all but nationalized a ton of military corporations and automobile producers as well as banks. Although in reality, the corporations are the ones "on top" here, rather than the reverse during nazi germany.
Just stfu already. Stop posting, you witless moron. You look more out of place than a chink at a petting zoo.
Yes, why would they, you fucking kike-lover?
Friend, apply yourself.
god i love how they shout USA, it shows what it really is about
Let's just remember the kikes are on TV right now calling themselves international bankers and parasites.
Kek be praised
Riddle me this:
Fascism is considered nationalist, so if the Jews win and there take control of the whole fucking world as one nation, wouldn't that then make leftists fascists?
they take control
Seems like all the people acting like 4cuck newfaggots have all been around since 2006, weird how that works.
Seems like the 4cuck migration is getting worse.
Oh, right.
You ARE a kike.
My bad.
The only thing jews give a fuck is themselves
Trump - International Banks Plot Destruction of Sovereignty (10-13-2016)
Impossible for burgers to reach that level of bantz
Jesus Christ you fucking imbecile.
True. When are you going back?
Trump - The Global Juice
which one is it?
That slut looks like she was born with a mild case of progeria syndrome.
Put Global Cartel Out of Business
Even fucking normalfags will notice this shit. Its fucking over they shot themselves in both feet.
You can fudge the details, I'm more or less talking about boundaries + leftist ideology.
I am wondering now, if Trump was redpilled before this election or the election redpilled him….
Corrupt Criminal Establishment
One of the best speeches Trump has given so far
They better hope to Moloch that he doesn't because it will be the end of them. This isn't 1963 anymore folks, daily life is too shit and too many people have wizened up to their tricks.
Hello 4chan
Jesus fucking Christ, did you cretins discover the chans last week?
Do normalfaggots hate kikes though? I was raised Evangelical and I was basically taught to worship the ground Semites walk on. I hope this is a world class red pill but I'm worried it won't sink in enough with the normies. Either way I'm celebrating the Jews unwittingly jewing themselves.
and he's about to do it again
When asked
you reply
You're Jewish, aren't you?
I've never seen anyone but a Jew make such an obviously slimey move to dodge a question.
Nation is not arbitrary boundaries on a map.
The whole world could not be a singular nation, without some serious fucking genocide.
Trips beat Dubs faggot.
Hah, and even my dubs were superior.
I can't cringe any harder at you my man.
checking your kampfy dubs and saying,
Hitler was a moron. The Nazis were morons. The Wehrmacht was a perfect weapon. and Hitler blew it. Anything else is delusion. enjoy that delusion.
God damn. He needs to give this speech everywhere. All people really need to vote Trump is to see him speak once with an open mind. I have no doubt he will win in November.
No, but they hate all those institutions. When the link is made between kikes and everything they hate, they'll be force fed the redpill by Chaim himself.
Heil Hitler
hitler checkem
Reported, faggot TRS shill
Was thinking the same thing.
TRS really is becoming more cancerous than beneficial.
(((They're))) just saying this speech "sounds like Hitler" and it's the same rhetoric Hitler used.
Don't know if normies can put 2 + 2 = Jew though.
My man, I hate to break it to you, but you're not where you think you are…
You calling me a Jew? Because that's the worst insult I can think of. I would have to shoot you in the face if you said that to me in person on principle.
And fuck your nitpicking.
Ah okay. For a second I thought you were trying to not stick out like a sore thumb.
Some do, but most just honestly believe in (((coincidence))) but the fact that the MSM has the lowest approval rating in history and that they just admitted to being kikes, even a normalfag will be able to put 2 and 2 together.
Wew. Kek is definitely pro-waifu
i know that feel.
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
You do realize fascism is a very specific ideology, someone isn't a fascist, becuze dur baed!!1
checked you glorious weeb
So how exactly was Hitler a good military leader? I'll wait.
Into the oven you go…
They started to purity spiral and condemn anybody who's not part of their exclusive circle jerking shekel mint. Fuck 'em.
lose the cancerous tredditspacing
when all other buzzwords fail, go to the trusty (((anti-semitic))) defense
There is no arguing with the power of quints, Jew.
His successes far eclipse his military failures.
Quints confirm anti anime fags are just trying to derail threads
I do. Do you?
I really don't care to prove anything to a TRS faggot cultist. Keep your shit on your AIDS support group forum.
In case anyone missed it, we caught TRS red handed shilling at us, find it here: >>>/polmeta/12189
thread successfully derailed
You're not even trying to fit in today.
Literally babbys first WW2 history, kill yourself faggot.
At last I truly see.
Semetic religions in a nutshell: Oy vey it's not culture or civilization unless your core values are engineered by us goyim!
And so the true god will divide everything up again and confuse the languages to keep the kikes from subverting every gentile nation.
wew lad.
Are you saying Icarus was the best pilot ever?
You're a fucking idiot He was fighting against all of the largest empires in the world because he free'd Germany from the jewish globalist. To say that he was a moron for fighting against a war that was practically impossible to win is stupid and yet he had the upper hand for half of the war.
7 is Kek's holy number. Fuck off back to halfpol.
The balls on this man to give this speech in one of the biggest den of goblins this side of jewyork.
Kill yourself, Jew. ;^)
Seriously though kike, we just had a huge thread on this the other day, in which is was pretty-blatantly demonstrated that Hitler's initial military plans were not followed on the Eastern front.
Pathetic. Even normies must be able to see through this bullshit.
surely if you use disconnect on your browser it doesnt happen?
I don't know man, from what I know even in my libshit college History class everyone agreed that Hitler was a great leader/speaker and that the 6 gorillion was an exageration. We even talked about how in reality MOST bankers and the press after WW1 in Germany were jewish (which is why Hitler went after them). Everyone always had to add that he was terrible though.
This is from a college proffessor in WA. A BLUE state. Everyone agreed. I was so happy, there is a real chance here with this.
for fighting in a war
I don't even know what TRS is. I'm just an user.
Maybe you could try and think instead of jerking your knee.
Praise Kek.
checked and, please. Halder was going to Kill hitler.
Notice it says Manstein plan? and the Halder did even more work on the basically modified schiflien plan?
So you argument is Hitler was a great military leader because he approved a plan?
So hitler is a great military leader but in a different way than all the fucking other ones? Where is he among Alexander, Frederick, Napoleon?
50 shekels were deposited into your account. Thanks for correcting the record.
The man brought a broken country back from ruin. The only reason he lost the war was because he was fighting the entire industrialized world. If you're gonna shill, at least put some thought into it.
You probably meant to link to someone else. I'm saying Hitler did nothing wrong.
Anime never was, nor will it ever be Holla Forums.
Y'all weebs will get the rope on DOTR, right alongside the merchant.
You're joking, right?
They're the scum who started pushing that 'purity spiral' shit to begin with to defend them against accusations of faggotry and generalized degeneracy.
Purity spiraling is what the chaff call quality control.
Lugenpresse never cared when Ron Paul complained about these things.
Trump really can make his enemies speak the truth.
You do not belong.
they could still run to south america, argentina most probably
Note the echoes and the hammer and sickle in the twitter reactions the article displays.
Sorry m8 I did
Nice trips btw
You're outing yourself so hard. That's a line we used 8 weeks ago.
All these unchecked dubs; wew lad
You're very obviously not one of us. Trying to shill against Hitler is basically sacrilege here. You wouldn't get that because you've been inundated with TRS swill about the 'iron larpers' and how anyone who supports the Nazis or Hitler are just 'crazy people', but that's not our game here. Fuck off TRS.
I've been here since two years, edgelord.
What about Peter Kalikow, "friend of Trump for over 40 years"?
""I've been friends with him for over 40 years," Kalikow said in an interview. "Wouldn’t that be cool if he became president?""
Peter Kalikow: "Ronald Lauder, one of Mr. Kalikow's best friends."
Ronald Lauder: president of the World Jewish Congress (WJC). (Among numerous other things.) The 'chairman of the governing board' of the WJC is David de Rothschild.
I was using their term for their activity of chastising/expelling fascists, national socialists, southerners, Christians and people who don't just shitpost on their forums and give them shekels.
But goy, what Trump said was a baseless anti-semitic conspiracy theory. Hehehehe…
Yui best girl
Oh my,
I'm saying scrape the barrel and let me see what you can come up with.
So your argument is Hitler was a great leader because his premature decision to invade Russia was not followed correctly? Let me guess it was the general's fault, not Hitler's right?
The myth of Hitler being a genius lets all the allies off the hook for not stopping him sooner and standing up their obligations. Plus strong evil powerful hitler means Israel must happened. If hitler was an idiot it takes away some of the push for Israel.
Your are helping justify Israel's existence by pushing the false hitler was competent meme. I am sure they appreciate that.
No because he overrode the General Staff and was right to do it, faggot.
Moving the goalposts from
to "Hitler is shit because he wasn't Hannibal"? And if that's your standard for military incompetence, what does that say about the German General Staff who wanted to fight like they did in Poland? By the way, I thought the Wehrmacht were a
which should surely include the General Staff.
Fug I've been found out!
Shud id down
you're a paranoid nigger, but that's not entirely a bad thing
Correct the Record is a part of the Hillary Clinton campaign and has nothing to do with people who disagree with you personally on the internet.
Someone "correcting the record" is someone who spits out HRC talking points to bring down Trump. Using the "correcting the record" whenever anyone says something you don't like makes you look like a complete and utter retard with no grasp on anything ever in the history of everything.
For fuck's sake dude. Look, I completely believe that Hitler did nothing wrong but I'm smart enough not to say that there, because I'm trying to fit into board culture. Stop trying to educate Holla Forums if you want to post here. The hivemind does not have to adapt to you, you have to adapt to it.
Us weebs have been here since the beginning, not you normalfaggot people who come after we did all the heavy lifting then try to insist everyone is like you when historically that was never the case.
Still have my glorious foreskin.
fucking wrong thread
brought it back from ruin to ruin it worse?
Who occupied Berlin in 1918? Who occupied Berlin from 45-89?
How was Dresden after ww1? What german city was destroyed after ww1? How many german women were raped after ww1?
you can't prove me wrong. I'm not pol but aren't you supposed to be smart?
I already said I wasn't pol. You can't prove hitler was not shit. If he was anything other than shit it would be easy to prove. I feel bad for you.
So are we still talking about how Trump got the international Jew to oust himself?
D&C, concern trolling, and other Jewish tactics is pretty fucking classic CTR lad.
Frankly, I was just pleased that he named Soros during the debate. Everything else is gravy.
Israel would have happened without Hitler, maybe even earlier. Hitler tried to save the west
It's a Trump thread, in case you forgot. CTR loves to derails these threads.
Just as you called something you didn't like "CTR/intl/JIDF".
you realized this now?
You didn't need to tell us, we knew. That's something you will never understand. You faggots show up and spew your retarded opinions on questions that have been broached a million times and expect us to take you seriously instead of just telling you to lurk more faggot. Instead, we will just act in concert like a group of antibodies when we find a foreign entity.
So wait what part of his speech was antisemitic?
Nah, I don't buy into that. If someone says something I don't like, then they're just an asshole. Giving them credit for being part of some overreaching cabal with the power to sway mass opinion is giving the random asshole Holla Forums poster way too much credit.
The fact where he mentioned Americas enemies. The media then pointed out the fact they're all actually Jewish, so Trump is clearly Hilter.
The part where he didn't get on his knees and suck cut cock while begging for forgiveness for the 600 billion good boy Jews killed by Hitler.
The part only audible to retarded lefties.
Well, I guess retarded is redundant.
Selective hearing is the leftist's mutant superpower.
you are saying the general staff was wrong but yet Halder did all the work? Hitler just picked another plan. again, not a great leader.
I am sorry to confuse. Hitler was a moron. Hitler, being a moron, was not a great military leader.
If you want to attack the general staff that is fine with me. But why did Halder plot to kill hitler on the eve of the invasion of the Sudetenland? Why did Halder resign? Because hitler was incompetent and Halder knew he would bring Germany to ruin.
And I didn't mention Hannibal because Carthage fell. What would Frederick the great say about how Hitler squandered and lost what he worked so hard to build? Where is the enlightenment in Hitler abortion of a Reich. A twelve year Reich.
Praise Kek he actually did it.
How is thinking of your country first wrong? Why the fuck should you care about the welfare of any other nation besides your own? Why waste your nation's wealth on helping sand niggers, niggers, or jews? They don't return the favor and never have and never will.
Barely enough time to get through a single cycle of depression. Get back to me when you can group esoteric WW2 literature by the US election year during which you've read the piece, followed closely by PRs which you name after the current establishment puppet and the amount of iron you'd like to drop on their head.
Fucking casuals…
oh fuck off travis
wtf i hate Hitler now
I honestly don't know if I'm ready to be buried in a simultaneous sea of salt and smug.
Haters BTFO
He can't be anti-Semetic his daughter's Jewish.
That's what I tell leftists, although some leftists hate Israelis because of the Palestinians. All fine by me. Damn Jews.
naw dude. That is not the way of Kek. fuck fitting in.
jews did Dresden?
I think you may want to read up on what the Zionist were doing during Hitler's rise. If not for the manpower loss during ww2 the brits would not have left Palestine.
I've been dropping in to tell you things you didn't want to hear since MH17, like I said, and I'll keep doing it because internet. If you had anything to say to defend Hitler you would have typed that instead of your green drazi swill.
This is the beginning of true nationalism. not worshiping failures but thinking about how to improve.
I just play them the clip where he's talking about his beautiful jewish grandchild.
But when Rolling Stone, a liberal website, commented on this issue years ago, it was okay.
The kikes are just making people more pen to the idea of gassing them with their kvetching. Everything is anti-semitic now and that's exactly what people will think and what will make them tune the jew out when he is getting roasted in the oven.
I like 40k and I'm not a libcuck
Don't insult Communism Kills, fam shes my kosher waifu
We're playing tabletop 40k on a hypercube with the Godemperor playing his own model.
I never want this ride to end praise Kek.
Hitler is incompetent because he successfully played Shitain and France? Halder was right despite being completely wrong?
You are not a special snowflake motherfucker. If you want to be a part of history here, you fucking adapt to our culture and shibboleths. You start liking anime. You get yourself a waifu. Only then can you realize the reasons we HAVE these cultural identifiers. They're not juat for fun, they serve a legitimate purpose and we've collectively evolved them for a reason. But how could you expect to understand that if you win even try to grok what we're about here?
I migrated from /fit/ to /new/ on cuckchan, then to 4pol, then to 8pol once CrippleCuck took in the First Exodus. You sound like a blowhard and a faggot. Only women and gays obsess over seniority.
Your weeb ass can't bench 100lbs. There are Russian 90yo women that are stronger than you.
Read a book, nigger. Kikes were going full-out against Germany whether Hitler wanted war or not (protip: he didn't). You don't decouple from international finance, and not get your country wrecked as punishment.
I'm so glad that we waited for Hitler.
The tweets featured in the article are priceless, full of kosher salt! This time, the shoah will be real
Exactly, I mean its an old play to marry off your daughter but its still effective. One has to wonder how long he's been putting the plan together. Also how much of his family is in on it, I've heard rumors Ivanka purposefully married the Jew so that her father would be protected from that criticism.
Also the chosen Rabbi they used for her conversion was denounced in New York for his talk of anti-Zionism.
You tried to pull seniority like a fag, and got called out. What seems to be puzzling you?
You're no aryan.
DOTR soon, shitskin!
I still don't buy that Trump is opposed to Jews in any way. I think that Holla Forumsacks are deluding themselves on that one. He's going to go after international bankers and that's it, there might be a large overlap with many of them being kikes but many of them are white too and there's many jews that aren't part of that.
I've seen absolutely no indication that he's going to go after jews in general.
underrated post (checked)
the only explanation is that they truly believe hillary is still going to win and they will still have their power after the election to demonize everyone who dislikes them
We all know Trump isn't literally Hitler. But any step in the right direction is a good step to take.
He won't. But he's pushing the Overton window to the right, and hard.
Does anyone know of a transcript of the speech I can read?
Preferably without ant annotations.
See you on the battlefield newfriend
They can't even hear themselves outside of the chamber they have built themselves into.
Absolutely which is why I'm so supportive of Trump.
Eh, I think there's a few retards that have bought into their own memes and think he's literally going to shoah the jews.
Is this real life?
I can actually even though i watch anime sometimes, so what?
Nice digits.
That's fucking racist, not all Jews work at banks #its2016
first half was meant for
Kek has not abandoned us, praise him, forever.
fucking heil'd
Nobody here believes that, but it's important and fun to promote the meme.
Right Wing Weaboo Death Squads Soon
If this is CY+1, you're gonna love CY+2
that's a blood raven of course he's going to act like a thieving jew
he won some battles but lost the war and most of Prussia. That is why he is incompetent.
Halder was right. Halder should have pulled the trigger. Halder's plan was Hitler to be shot while escaping. But Chamberlin caved. What a different world we could live in. Hitler and all the Nazis dead in '38 but still a strong german military.
It is a fact that Germany had more territory in '39 than they do in 2016.
waifus are a waste of time. anime is lame. I shave my neck when I shave the rest of my face. I'm 6'3" 200 lbs of solid maltadextrin and creatine. It takes a crane to get me out. Can't play if you don't win, that's what I always say. People don't fuck with me. People don't fuck with me. People don't fuck with me. You think I would invite you to my house for a nice wine party and trip your wife, bro? They call me pineappleman.
I'm just your neigh/b/or, fucking with you by asking a legitimate question about Hitler being shit. 12 year Reich.
So hitler failed to understand the consequences of decoupling despite being a great leader. I see.
I've gotten into arguments with people trying to say that Trump is secretly red pilled and actually hates niggers and kikes.
And yet you still can't figure out what we're about here. Fucking 125 IQ normalfags shitting up the place.
We need infographs literally connecting the dots between gov, finance, media ASAP. We need to flood twitter with them.
Of course. He's not effin autistic. You deal with the areas that are most effected by them and you move on.
Snark is the defining characteristic of leftists (and those faggots from MPC). It's because they have nothing to believe in, and nothing to fight or die for, so they resort to nasally bitch-fits like evinced by your posts. Likewise, no self-respecting aryan man would cuck himself by watching cartoons - ones made by nips, no less. It's beyond degrading. War is coming, and those of us who want to defend our homelands are getting fit, while faggots like you continue to waste time with trivial bullshit.
You're either a divise shill (snarky posts indicate this), an unwashed shitskin, or an overweight piece of weeabo trash.
In any case, a waste of carbon.
Why? It's escapism peddled by slant-eyed rice goblins. Read, lift, train, shoot guns, and impregnate a good woman. Anything less makes baby Adolph cry.
Make Anime Great Again
> Oy vey, Trump is mapping out the political and economic landscape that is causing all these coordinated coincidentally focused attacks on him.
The Jews are turning themselves into the pink elephant you're not supposed to imagine, but keep imagining every time you're told not to imagine the pink elephant.
I'm not trying to figure out why you are here. I am asking you about Hitler being shit.
For some people, for me it's just a hobby, i'm not a "weeb" at the sense you imagine. I don't have posters of it all in my room.
Link me to this speech I want to see what the fuss is about
Can't wait to rub this in the filthy Jew faces when they try to claim Trump is anti semitic.
But Bernie the Jew said the same thing about these globalist jewish bankers…
How dare you question Bernie! He is one of the chosen!
I expect these fagits to cry more like the jbags they are
Whether he does or not doesn't matter. The world is too hyper-sensitive to anything "anti-semitic and raycist" now for any real top down solution, and honestly I'm not a huge fan of the government being that hands on.
The populace just have to get red pilled slowly and steadily, thankfully Soros is really helping out with that in Europe with his influx of shitskins. I just wish they weren't so fucking rapey.
The white man has always created reality.
Every people around the world only tries to replicate what the white man carves from nothing and is unable to advance alone.
They all fail because they lack the blood. And are therefore unconscious, they are destined to follow or remain directionless.
its only undemocratic fascism when conservatives do it, leftists have a higher purpose, to guide us along the "correct" path.
I'm sorry to ask.. but..
This is.. unimaginable.
I dunno man, it seems pretty fucking lame. But whatever floats your boat, I guess..
I mean.. JFK
If you knew why we were all here, you'd be smart enough not to ask the question. You're just not on our level, which is why you think trying to educate us about Hitler amounts to three cubes of wombat shit.
We need to meme this hard.
You are not a real progressive if you don't support bankers.
do you feel it Holla Forums
do you feel it
the flood is coming
the fire is rising
the gas is warming
we are coming for you, you bastard's are going to hang high come next year
gas yourself
May his protection ever lead us on the straight path from the Goon.
I always hope when you guys say stuff like hanging and rope, you're being figurative. My mind is running wild with way, way better and more painful ideas on how they should die.
kill yourself, you know they deserve worse.
Love watching these kikes kvetch all over themselves.
This fucking guy.
You know what, I'm just not going to spoonfeed anything else to you.
Lurk most, faggot
Glad you checked my dubs faggot.
Right-wing Germanboos are going to adore Hitler. Do you think this is some kind of arguable point?
Guess I'll have to pray for him..
What about Steven Miller? I think he's only half kike though.
What really outs the Jews as being anti-white to their rotten core is that they could literally be our greatest allies if they wanted to. They could help us and us help them protecting one another's nations and enjoying technological, educational, cultural exchange while both maintaining our own people's identities.
Who in their right mind wouldn't choose this option? The Jews, apparently.
Why are you samefagging? Are you so desperate for approval and validation that you resort to shit-flinging on a Taiwanese snail-farming open air market?
Try going for a run, you fat piece of shit. That'll give you the dopamine fix you're so desperate for.
Then the Globo-Nazis can hunt them down just like they were hunted after WWII…
because they were his decisions? Watch out for the jew, oh no I did Nazi that coming?
nice try col mustard gas.
here comes the airplane
I argue adoring Hitler means you aren't a nationalist but rather a demonstrable moron.
They are already preparing to flee to China.
After the election ends, there may well be war.
From the makers of "an eye for an eye" and "the samson option".
Good to talk with you; thanks for sharing your height and weight, we're all very intimidated here and will defer to your opinions on all matters.
Anime marches on through snow and goon
been here all summer?
IDGAF, I've got my cans and can opener.
Could you like, try to lurk for a few WEEKS before stinking up the place? Maybe then you'd get some of the answers you're pretending to be looking for.
Trump has put himself in a weird and extremely volatile position. At this point, if they try to take him out he becomes a martyr and the right will explode violently. It's too dangerous to take him out right now. Things might be looking worse for them every day, but to shut it down now, while every last citizen is looking his way for better or worse, would mean instant retaliation and certain death for them.
For a German nationalist, yes. For others, he's meh, cool guy but I've moved on.
Son, is this your first time here? Do you understand what a post ID is? Is this weakshit the only thing you can come up with?
Casual genocide with Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda shorts.
Your retardation is on a cosmic level.
useful idiots user
Oh wait, you were just triggered by me calling you a faggot.
Stellar rebuttal, friend. You're totally not a samefag!
Summer never ends…
Ok, Garibaldi, I'll hang out in the Zocalo and watch the guy from taxi score some spaceahol from Michael York.
Are you going to spend the next weeks furiously concocting a reply? I'll just check back. I'll look for the thread that says, "Hitler proven to be great, with footnotes and citations and actual content other than, "Lurkz moarz durrz".
I'll start the sentence and you can finish it.
Hitler was great because despite squandering early successes by attacking an ally he (the part where you type how that is true) .
Now you can cut and paste it and put in your own answer. this way it won't take weeks of lurking and avoiding Delenn.
I hear Goons are really sensitive to LBTQWTF issues, don't call the faggots guys, and please stop posting the anime, it really rustles their jimmies.
But he isn't a cool guy at all. Hitler would hate the internet. that guy was a real Nazi about free expression and the exchange of ideas and frog pictures.
wow you are a salty one
"Citing recent Clinton campaign emails published by WikiLeaks, Trump told the crowd that "Clinton meets in secret with international banks in order to plot the destruction of US sovereignty." "
And that's precisely what she did.
8pol was never anime, just like it was never fully libertardian. The fact some of you worms lair here doesn't mean you're the majority. You're tolerated, and only barely.
And yes, YOU'RE the fucking newest of faggots for spamming that shit. This board tolerates smug waifus in a tastefully and contextually appropriate reaction image every now and then, but it was never a fucking anime board, you cock-mongling nip-loving lardass.
Just block this faggot.
I think sometimes they are using him to make certain facts unrepeatable in elite circles.
You faggots are plebbit tier.
Reported and filtered. Stop shitting up the thread you autistic faggot.
You make it too easy to find you guys.
Blow your brains out. Not a meme. Not a platitude. Literally kill yourself.
Choke on a dick you dumb nigger.
You reek of plebbit.
Gonna need a new lamp soon Schlomo
This speech is fucking epic.
The crowd booing when they hear her name and chanting lock her up.
m8 don't blame us because the thread is better without your posts
International banks are ok as long as they are run by Jews,Because Jews are lefties mostly and Jews are at the top of the grievance food chain
Take your anime autism elsewhere in another thread.
I can't kill myself. I'm here forever. The ride never ends. I'm a passenger. and I ride and I ride. Ride ride ride ride ride la la la la la la la.
You might have had your run on 4pol as Goons, but you idiots can't stop helping from outing yourselves. You derail threads by making a big stink over anime, and it's our duty to smack you down every fucking time.
So you lump yourself in with those two nip-loving cucks? Alright.
You type like a chink.
hate to break it to you friend but this thread devolved into autismal shitposting long ago
I think we melted the fag's brain with a few smugs.
Does anyone have any videos of the media getting butthurt in response to this speech?
The list just gets bigger
I never really got that, what is this emotional issue the goons have with anime?
I can not believe the coordinated media reaction to this speech. I literally can not believe what I am seeing right now. Who in gods green earth thought playing the anti-semetic card was a good idea?
That dude wasn't a knight, none of the cats you saw in the real world of SE:L were knights except for the obvious agents of Tachibana
The Knights all got killed by Lain in the end and so did all the pretenders like him, everyone that tapped into psyche-processor or took Accella died because of Lain
Sorry TRShills, we don't allow cancerous trannies or faggots in the trenches with us during DoTR. Your lazy, kosher approved narratives don't belong here either and now that you've once again raided our board, I'm going to leak more of your internal IRCs. I didn't want to have to do this but I warned you to stay off our board.
Got my masturbation machines and holocoaster ready.
holy shit kill yourself
They're incredulous at how badly they are losing, so they're just throwing everything out there - basically, just calling Trump names even though everyone knows by now that strategy won't work.
Anti-semite is supposed to be the last resort to ruin somebody. Luckily, Trump, like a drug-resistant virus, has become immune to even this last line of defense.
This is the link to her speeches by the way for those who want the reference:
*Hillary Clinton Said Her Dream Is A Hemispheric Common Market, With Open Trade And Open Markets. *“My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.” [05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 28]
They're buttblasted in denial because they want to like it but goon dogma says that anime is for gross misogynistic nerds
Do it, and make sure to drop by here >>>/polmeta/12189
The original hive mind was two dudes in a lab. they did not know the holocaust was the biggest hoax of all time since the kikes mistranslated the bible and qu'ran on purpose.
Christians are not supposed to turn the other cheek, they must slay the devils who want to hurt the sheep. aka holy justification and blessing for GTK RWN.
Where the fuck are you people even coming from?
Oh fuck me, this wedge tactic smells of Holla Forums…
on the side, look at what the MSM via zogbook is doing
"Trump suporters want to repeal the 19th amendment"
keep on watch, these knee jerk media frenzies have turned into a long seizure and there dosent seem to be any end in sight
I'll see if they derail this thread again before posting, no need to waste user's collective energy combating TRShills if unnecessary. This thread was supposed to be a celebration for Trump nearly naming the kike.
Nice try fag. The only mistake Hitler made wasn't even his fault. His generals had revised Barbarossa behind his back.
David Irving explained (below) about the changing of Adolf Hitler's attack plans at the end of the video "The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History [1].
When Germany attacked Russia (June 22, 1941), Adolf Hitler’s attack plans were an immense encirclement movement with one army going towards Leningrad, the other army going towards Caucasus, and meeting behind Moscow. Hitler said the only thing that will bring the Soviet Union down is to depriving Stalin of his resources, his raw materials, and we taking them over and tilting the balance. That will bring the Soviet Union down.
Unlike Adolf Hitler's plans, the General Staff preferred the old fashioned way of full frontal assault on the enemy capital.
But Adolf Hitler’s attack plans were changed by General Staff when he became severely sick with dysentery.
In the middle of August 1941, Hitler suddenly became severely sick with dysentery. Hitler was debilitated for 2 weeks. So he was unable to take part in any of the war conferences and unable to stand up to general staff.
During these 2 weeks when Hitler was severely sick, General staff completely changed his plans. General Staff recast the whole of these strategies on the eastern front by pulling armies away from North and Southern fronts of this attack which Hitler had devised and throwing into a frontal assault on Moscow with the result of none of these operations succeeded before the winter set in.
David Irving also points out that this was the real cause of Hitler’s real misfortune.
In this same speech, David Irving also reveals that Germany weren't able to attack Russia before June 22, 1941 even if they wanted to.
David Irving - "General Guderian said under interrogation that as things turned out, the waterways and rivers along the frontierline along the frontline area were flooded until mid June 1941. So they couldn't have launched the attack on Russia anyway even if they wanted to in May."
That porchmonkey should be picking cotton. Why the fuck did we give them rights?
What keeps Trump alive? The threat of 50 million angry Americans with guns going off reservation if he's harmed + (probably) a dead man's switch the likes of which the world has never seen.
You know what Jon Williams, I am fine with that America if everybody speaks proper. Fucking. English. instead of the ebonics lite you are laying down.
I'm pretty sure that Steven Miller is a straight up Bobby Fisher and Stanely Kubrick tier self hating Jew.
Here he basically says that he's a traitor to Judaism.
sasuga niggers
How did you get a TRS invite? I would like to keep an eye on things myself low-key and not get caught like the other anons.
It's important to get this out of the way: Did he ever mention the Jews? Did he make any direct implications of such?
If not, they really have no ground to stand on.
The time is coming.
It's as if instead of shooting themselves in the foot they decided to use a corkscrew to make a hole.
Lads, we need to spread this shit, the resembalance to JFKs speach about global conspiracy and kikery is uncanny, I knew I felt something nostalgic listening to the Don, but this really gives me fucking hope.
Its because they don't want to share, they want it all.
Good post, I almost feel bad for the jews who are not connected to any of the shit and want to be left alone or want peace the really weird outliers since they will be dragged into shit they really don't want to be a part of.
Check'd and Kek'd
I would go to war, period.
I would also go to war for anyone that was even mildly accepting of anti-semitism.
I would even go to war for someone who is against democracy. It's easier to subvert a communist dictatorship than a zionist occupied "democracy".
But I would especially go to war for a white guy who wants to make his country great again, who is a mostly-self-made billionaire and who has given signs that he flirts with anti-semitism.
t. non burger
well they did talk about hitting Sanders over not being a "real jew", that just got dismissed as a retarded strategy.
Does anyone have the original bernie with a no refunds plaque, smiling?
gotchu fam
I have this bernie, it's my favorite of this election so far.
They're really getting scared now. They have played every card and none of them worked. They will really ramp up tension with Russia now.
They will try to kill him or crash the country before he gets in.
It's the least effect race card they could have played with all the Jewish family relations he has.
There are NO good jews.
That's how they survive, they cannibalize other jews and then pretend that "not all jews".
200 years later they get enough power to fuck shit up again
Not the one I wanted but it's top kek.
Hitler talks about pretty much the same stuff in the same fashion except plus race.
What hes saying isn't exactly unique if you are trying to fight the powers that be.
Rockwell, Mosley, Andrew Jackson the founding fathers of the United States and even the Russian Royal family along with Lincoln and many others have echoed similar things. There is really very few right answers when concerning certain truths.
What they all had in common was to secure state control of their issuance of currency. Arguably one of the few tasks it's absolutely necessary for a government to be responsible for.
Not fucking once. He mentioned the global elite, bankers, media moguls, PACs.
The media going completely 'WAAAHHH ANTI-SEMITISM' is entirely uncalled for.
The kikes are stupid. They lost.
whoops meant for
My guns are out right now. Trump is literally the next JFK. It is great but it is also terrifying because (((they))) offed him after his speach. I really hope Trump has increased security.
I used to love Ryan Faulk for the informative (if poorly edited) videos he churned out. They taught me a lot, and really tuned me into nationalism, evolutionary biology, psychology, and the sociological issues with diversity.
I knew he was a fag, and kind of weak on the JQ, but I was willing to tolerate that because of his brilliance on other things. Now, he's deleted a lot of his older videos and he and his Alternative Hypothesis buds are shilling for Jews more often than before.
These alt-goys are really starting to annoy me. It's amazing how someone can recognize that Muslims, liberals, and so on need to go, but adamantly assert that we must keep Jews in our nations and even let them control the banks and media because "there was this one jew who wrote a book like 60 years ago about how Niggers aren't as smart as Yahweh's chosen."
any one have a link to this speech, this i have got to hear.
This. Judaism is a religion, it is a culture, it a set of values and a way of life. The Talmud instructs these people to commit crimes against the 'goyim', to practice usury to enslave others, to manipulate, deceive and destroy all others. They are told the whole world belongs to them, that they must always help their own over others regardless of crime; even that to kill one of 'goy' would not require any punishment for the jew perpetrator. This is to mention nothing of their hatred for our faith and subsequently their wish to see us destroyed or enslaved.
If a jew knows anything about their religion then they are evil. If they are not then they are no more a Christian than your typical person who has never read the Bible but claims to be one culturally.
Extreme hatred of all other people has now caused jews to more or less become their own race as well, but it is their ideology which makes them evil.
https ://
Remove the space.
Also watch after the fact, shits about to fucking happen.
Indeed. We really are on the cusp of the next paradigm shift, it will either end up great for us, or the world will literally burn. Either way, we win.
It's like you TRS faggots don't even read, or study history at all for that matter.
Here's a quick one: When Hitler was young he was an artist that liked drawing cartoons, qt girls, and dogs.
I'm scared too user, especially for the debate on the 19th. Oct. 19th is when Franz Ferdinand was assassinated, sparking a world war. Oct. 19th is also the date a lot of other presidential assassination attempts were done. It seems to be a date the kike's like.
Good job defending W. Bush politics fucking journo cunts
Fuck me crash this shit.
At this rate they're going to build the ovens for us and throw themselves in. All we will have to do is flick the switch!
kek why would you even call this anti-semitism? Just say that you're against globalist bankers. Wtf are they TRYING to out themselves? I don't even know what's real anymore
In case anyone would wonder what Hitler's opinion on us would be, I refer you to this image.
I see the First Shegro gave some speech today that was supposed to shame Trump somehow.
I hope he's asked about this in the debate and he says something like, "Look, I am against GLOBALISTS. I don't care what their race or religion is."
They're mocking Christians 1019 is also "the day of the lord comes" in Jewish Germatria
Kek would never let us down.
fucking cuckchan refugees
i can't believe you've done this
Damn, this speech is fire so far.
Oh shit, I missed his speech?
Was is based? What did he go over/say?
This makes too much sense.
He went full Holla Forums in every way except racial issues.
I remember one debate where a news station had a bunch of college students watching the broadcast. At one point the host asks "who said "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"". All these college kids said things like "I think Hitler" or "probably some fascist". This was less than a fucking year ago.
Jews are a walking contradiction.
In their movies they say the Egyptians denied them even their clothes as they left, but their books say otherwise.
In their books they say they were driven out of Egypt, but also say that the Egyptians gladly let them loot Egyptians of clothing, silver, and gold so eager were they to be rid of them. Golden calves don't come cheap, and jew dick don't come uncut.
This is truly the best day of my life. GOD BLESS AMERICA, AND GOD BLESS TRUMP.
You can do anything.
Fucking kek.
To be fair, "ask not…" was a totally non-eloquent turn of phrase that sounds like something out of a Reverend Wright sermon. JFK deserves a better legacy than that.
Based RamZPaul, he calls out all of those lame 1488 hollywood nazi SPLC shills!
Real patriots are civic nationalists that invite Jewesses to Euro Nationalist conferences.
It makes too much sense afterall, they are rebelling even TO THIS DAY against the Bible.
It is my fault though. The fact I'm alive right now and shitposting on a chan instead of using 100% of my time trying to fix this as my ancestors are being thoroughly shat on is a disgrace.
who cares what that dude has to say?
can this be considered anime?
You can tell the thread got raided by cuckchan by the sheer amount of anime shitposting that suddenly flooded in.
You beta cucks all have to go back.
This fuckin guy
Don't let your memes be dreams, it's ours for the taking now.
If that's true it would explain why I always thought he was one ugly son of a bitch.
reminder that (((they))) hate anime
…will my NEVER EVER become a FOREVER EVER?
Liru became foreverever m8 anything can happen.
Not really, the average westerns life is like that of being a veal calf.
From the very moment we are born we are subjected to the brain washing right out of box, literally and figuratively speaking. :^) Now thats not to say that we don't have free choice, look at us, look at other who are "awake", but that's because something in our lives brought us out of the sheltered lies they present us with, not everyone gets that choice, so people are only given the lies.
We don't think anything is wrong with the world because we have been told that the way the world is right now is good, its equal, Gay marriage is good, because LoveisLove, Interracial relationships are cool because race is a social construct, being a degenerate is a-ok because morality is relative and life is about doing what makes you feeeeeel good.
Its why if you move out of Holla Forums and look at the average person today they are the very definition of the oversocialized from Industrial Society and Its Future, their life is on a set of rails, and they are unable to deter from it, they may be headed for a brick wall, but the train can only go in one direction and they know no better.
No. If they did that, there would be a civil war / revolution in a matter of days.
Thank you for proving me right.
Why would they hate a fetish/time waster no different from MLP and furfaggotry?
Reminder to everyone that cuckchan got a 77777 get saying trump will redpill the world of (((them)))
Moon base when?
Kek protects against anti anime goons
No argument is needed. It's well known that shills can't help outing themselves through hatred of anime. Nobody knows exactly why, but when you've got an advantage, you press it.
Godspeed Nordic Resistance Movement.
P.S. Hail Odin.
I really need to start saving smug anime girls as badly as they trigger shills and I don't even like most anime.
Can confirm, the internet is horrified. I just got the answer out of Cleverbot.
It's fucking hilarious. It works EVERY. TIME.
They know it's a wedge. They'll spam it without context and if you object, well then you're a just a kike.
Same here!
I have no idea why but it works so fucking well.
I never thought that i'd be using weaponized smug anime girls to fight a war for the survival of western civilization but fuck it, reality doesn't make sense anymore.
Gee wiz, Barry. That's just sad.
holy shit kek
Wew lad. Thank you for proving me right, now go back to cuckchan and never come back.
This is the dankest timeline, brother.
Anime requires literally no justification on Holla Forums
We're aware of this, the Jews is simply a convenient term and a spicy meme for the most part.
Plenty of these kikes aren't even kikes.
It's not animated.
We all would user.
Globalism =/= Empire
Don't fucking tell them! We need them to keep coming here over and over trying to explain to us how Trump isn't LITERALLY Hitler.
Agreed, there is no justification for posting literal degeneracy. Weebs, along with furfags and ponyfags, deserve to and will get shot by the thousands.
My apologies user, you're correct.
I deleted my account after only having it for a month because Catholics kept raiding my threads, even when they wouldn't be about religion. I don't think they'd go full /liberty/ retard like this guy is, though.
Fuck off goon cancer. You're not required to like anime, but you are required to keep your mouth fucking shut about about how degenerate you imagine it to be and why [YOUR FAVORITE SHOW HERE] is so much better and more exemplary of the values of Uncle Adolf.
I hate anime but this was good.
He is a well known and well regarded by many much like Julius Caesar was, but he also made his fortune in real estate/land ownership and is self-funding his bid for presidency much like Washington funded/outfitted much of the Continental Army.
I'm ready.
Post-election Trump sitcom when?
The fact that if they touch a hair on his head we will make the streets run red with their blood.
I was going to post "nice vid," thought that was a shitty contribution and didn't, and then noticed your digits.
Praise Kek!
Checkd and Kek'd
Top kek, you aren't even white are you? Also nice strawman faggot, but I watch no such thing as a 'show' because I actually fucking go outside to lift, to shoot and to study. But even if we went there I could list dozens of examples of media, even within anime itself, that are a gorillion times better than the pedobait you're so fond of shitposting.
Yep its a goon.
Wew lads, the fire rises!
Buckle up brothers. The time is swiftly approaching.
I am sorry if the video wasn't great, still trying to experiment with different things at the moment.
Have fun wasting your time, I hope you at least get paid for it.
The asshurt is coming from INSIDE THE SHILL.
I will grant you this much, you're doing a better job than 99.9% of your brethren. Something tells me you run the risk of becoming a fine Holla Forumsack someday. Better get out while you can, faggot.
This place is a message… and part of a system of messages… pay attention to it!Sending this message was important to us. We considered ourselves to be a powerful culture.
This place is not a place of honor…no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here… nothing valued is here.
What is here is dangerous and repulsive to us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location… it increases toward a center… the center of danger is here… of a particular size and shape, and below us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited.
No, fascists don't disguise themselves. These are classic communist tactics
No sorry, I meant I liked it a lot, just that I thought "nice vid" wasn't much to add to the conversation. Keep up the work user I had a hearty kek.
I saved it to mp4, because it looks good to spread to normalfags.
Oh okay thanks mate, will do.
The only cuck here is you. If you think anime posting is a recent phenomenon, I'm afraid you are going to have to kill yourself.
No problem, I encoded it into webm, but I had posted it here before so here it is:
A world populated only by jews, and everyone else as animal cattle.
is that egoraptor?
Fuckkin checked!
I teared up, bro…
Holy fucking checked, this user speaks the truth.
Stop fucking trying, goon.
Yup definetly not from here.
Did you forget your pills this morning user? Also, nice job not refuting a single one of my points. Though I guess I shouldn't be surprised when it comes from the retard that thinks we should be okay with the pedo variant of chinese animation being posted here just because he says so.
I'm going to filter you now, user. You don't really have an argument, and I don't like making fun of the mentally ill. You have to go back, and I will keep calling you cuckchan faggots out until you all go back to your migrant camp.
It's like comedy hour. Top lel, dude.
To think that Ben and Pence were the only ones to stand with him till the end. This year is being good at highlighting who really cares about America and the global (((problem))).
The asswreck on this guy is fucking real m8s.
The fuck is the backstory of the Harry Potter skinhead macro?
Why are there so many in that one tip end of Nevada?
It'll have better characters, an epic plot, all new direction, you're gonna love it!
Why are cuckchan faggots so autistic?
There's not a huge backstory. Goons(and millenials in general) love Harry Potter. They think Holla Forumsacks would like skinheads(why the fuck would we, they're drug using degenerates). Its comparing their innocent childhood to how they see us in an attempt to fit in. Plus like you said, image macro.
No need to make your goon status any more obvious.
Some move where he's a WN FBI plant
Las Vegas
Egoraptor is such a effeminate Jew that he looks like an average Jewess.
The fact that almost all Jews have the same 5~7 faces doesn't help either.
oy vey, he named the bankers and the media.
Movie. Hollywood shit.
CommunismKills. She has great khazar milkers.
This goon is fucking killing me you guys. This is no ordinary faggot. This is like, the SuperGoon or something. The 6 gorillion dollar goon? They've made him better, stronger, faster than before. Able to shill tall buildings in a single kike.
Of course he still falls flat on his face because he's a 125 IQ normie. But I'll be damned if this fucking guy didn't give it his best.
Hot enough to melt steel beams?
You are really generous.
That's Top lel, faggot
I heard this driving today.
Guess Mendax has pedowood tapes or maybe he bugged BiBi. In any event, shit is about to hit.
I decided to take one for the team and turn on CNN to see what they were talking about.
Anderson CIA FAGGOT Cooper had Jessica Leeds on giving her sob story about how Trump grabbed her throat, ripped her panties off, and slipped his massive horse cock in her pussy in first class on an airplane.
Then the next segment was four talking heads all pretending like Trump's campaign is over.
According to CNN the enter election is over with already, Hillary won, and Trump is a pedophile.
What a wasted quad fam.
This is going to backfire massively.
don't forget last and faulk are faggots, one of them confirmed doing so for money
fuck them.
A surprising number of leftists aren't being complete cucks for Clinton. Stein had 2 million people watch her livestream where she mocked the 2nd debate.
Not even an anime fan, but kill yourself you subhuman worm.
Anime people are a vital part of the imageboard ecosystem.
The next time a goon tries to tell you that anime is not Holla Forums, show them this.
Animeposters, christians and the like are of course THE MOVEMENT.
Will you love me if I a…a …ah… ahemhemhem. Awoovement! ~~♡♡♡♡♡oni
would rather not scan 700+ posts to see if a link to watch the actual speech is anywhere here. Briefly searched and couldnt find. Anyone help me with a link?
They're throwing around "anti-semitic" as much as they throw around "racist", except the general public does not know nor care about jews. This is only confusing them, and they'll start asking questions.
"Goyim don't have to be your audience. Goyim are over."
Here you go.
Awoo is for head patting not lewd
They're shillling the 'Stein Surge' on Fox.
are they shilling stein endorsing trumps foreign policy too?
This. I have normiebook friends getting 1488-curious.
what is this meme
Weeb meme used widely on cuckchan. Disregard.
Trump's priority after the race war will be to make anime real
I'm still waiting for someone to scream Awoooo! at the top of their lungs at a Hillary rally. Come on, it's not like they'll kick you out over it. They may think it's a good thing, but oh how little they know.
I know this is ultra-heretical to say, but some times I feel like when it comes to [CURRENT_YEAR]+n, I … you know… you know… can't even
Vid was tits m8
Imma fucking south american mongrel and i would too.
He doesnt eve name the jews. Kikes just had a Freudian slip when talked about (((global elites))). It has been like this since the second debate by now.
Does she like mayonnaise by any means ?
It's backed and irrefutable. All Trump has to do is delve into the pol repository of material on the subject. fish in a barrel.
"our campaign is a threat like they haven't seen before"
but they have
his spirit rises from the grave
oy in the captcha
thank you
Wait for Hitler.
Long ago, some lefties accidentally meme'd him to be the guy that brought the temple down on himself and all the kikes in it. We took it from there to transform him into the God Emperor he always was meant to be.
it's really easy, niggers can understand the kikes are a threat without too much goading at all.
poor fucker
Who knows what he will name in the future, 8Dchess going on.
He was talking about what leftists believe you moron
The flow of jewish blood will ascend my soul.
Two can play that game. :^)
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