Scalia was murdered

Ties in with 'pool parties' = prostitutes theory:

"Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard" TRANSLATION: "I didn't think assassination meant prostitutes at the lodge" i.e. Scalia, prostitute, pillow.

ON THE DAY OF THE MURDER "These stories have no substance yet" *yet*.

STORY THAT BROKE THE FUCKING NEWS: LOOK AT THIS MOTHERFUCKING QUOTE YOU FAGGOTS: "Scalia arrived at the 30,000-acre ranch on Friday and attended a private party with about 40 people that night, according to a federal official."

P.S. Chelsea Clinton sits on the board of the daily beast, which is the first outlet apparently to publish about Scalia's death besides a local Texas outlet as per the above email. THEY CHANGED "DEAD FROM APPARENT NATURAL CAUSES" TO "DEAD FROM NATURAL CAUSES" REMEMBER: NO AUTOPSY WAS PERFORMED

Other urls found in this thread:

Hoooly shit.



So under what other circumstance does pool party = slang for prostitues?
Seriously though, are you new or just retarded?

What the fuck


In other news Obama pushing gay marriage on a nation level might not be on the level!


Wasn't Scalia also cremated/embalmed a few days after he was killed?

Scalia was sacrificed to Lucifer so his Heavy Gavel wouldn't pound the face of (((globalism)))

Your bosses hate you, they're laughing at you right now and calling you dirty NEET nerds with no life

Yup. They threw that body out FAST.

The question is, why was he murdered?

Dumb question, with him dead you can now have supreme court majority.

I thought they said it was a "hunting accident" at the time?

Obama wants to stuff another lib in there and might use elections as an excuse to do so. If he doesn't then Hillary will and it won't really be a lot of difference.

I don't remember that ever being said, just that he was out for a hunting trip and partied the night before. Originally they found him with a pillow over his head, but were (((convinced))) to say otherwise later to cover up assassination.

There's another thread about this but it's being shilled to hell. I don't understand why this isn't gaining any traction, it's fucking huge.

Podesta and Elmendorf are political operatives. Their job is to manipulate the press and politicians. They are not the kind of people who order assassinations or talk about them casually. This is stupid. Incidentally, Podesta and others (including Hillary onstage) were talking about Bernie Sanders's habit of hanging out at parties on Martha's Vineyard right around the time of that email.

Because it's bullshit. I wouldn't be surprised if Scalia was murdered, but this email is not proof that a couple of fucking lobbyists orchestrated it.

Why? Shit nigga, with a vacancy in the Supreme Court, the next president gets to nominate a replacement. Scalia kept the Supreme Court conservative but it's split right now. If Hillary gets in, we get a majority liberal court and Supreme Court justices are in for LIFE. This is more important than who is president. The Supreme Court has the power to interpret the Constitution. If some shitlib gets in, kiss your fucking guns goodbye.


I made that thread it was too early for north americans though. I looked into different connections but didn't get anywhere. Scalia's son is a priest so I can understand not wanting to desecrate a body with autopsy. Here autopsys are done if someone does not die in a hospital but from what I could find the US needs a request if there is no suspicion of foul play.

I don't remember anything about this. Is it new info?

good goy take the bait

Even from beyond the grave he still has over 9000 penises raping children.

We need more. This is good though.

Because its like 4 days before he was offed.

We need to sink her, before she can steal the election from Trump.


The 33,000 emails are going to be released. The only question is going to be how many hang with her.

Pretty much why congress has blocked Obama from being able to choose one. If Trump wins he might be able to undo a lot of their damage, but if HRC wins… well I give it 6 months to civil war. I'm prepping now with what I can but it (probably) won't be enough.

Every single fucking thing out of this appears to be a murder. To analogize this: if it looks like a duck, smells like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a fucking duck.

All evidence so far points towards murder, and that is most likely because it is. There is evidence somewhere that would pin it down (there always is). The question now is whether we can get to that evidence and use it properly to bring about a favorable outcome.

But I will give you this credit where it is due:

I wouldn't rule it out but I haven't seen any evidence of it either. Let's keep that on the back burner until more surfaces (if it surfaces).

Nice meme.

I can't believe this is on Holla Forums I had suspicions immediately after his death but I just didn't have the inclination to go and dig and see what I could figure out. There was a bunch of things surrounding his death that were just not believable when it comes to a supreme court justice.
No autopsy
No investigation
He was pronounced dead by some one other than a coroner.
I can't even remember them all now.
But when you look at who is left on the court it is 4 jews vs 4 goys.
The most conservative goy is now dead, and can be replaced by another kagan or ginsburg.
Nothing to see here run along and play.


All that suspicion and you can't believe it here? You better start believing, because it's here. I think it would be worth it to dig on this one. I wonder what we could find if we hit up the Clinton foundation…

I think we are on the wrong track here.

I don't think they ordered it, but they were kept informed and this was a brief exchange about it.

"I had an inkling "wet works" didnt just mean a pool party at Marthas Vineyard" (when I was first told/informed of what was to happen)

"Yeah, we better lay low while it goes down"

This is why I say this.
There are so many times I have read this in posts that I tend to not even bother.
I read Jim Stone not to actually think I am getting the inside scoop but rather to see what he puts out than tuck it away and see if anything else supports him.
I have seen 2 recent threads on /pol where anons used verbatim text from Stone's website but hid where it came from.
Both times I called them out.
Now that being said Stone alluded to the same thing being posted here today right after Scalia's death.
I thought hmmm lets see if there is anything else some one writes supporting him.
But so far nothing I have found to date until today.


Nothing will fall if you don't shake the tree

Do you think they killed scalia so he couldn't stop the internet handover?

Which email is the first one from?

Not a "federal" judge.
There are only 9 of them at any one time.


Oh btw, technically Scalia was assassinated to be specific in terminology.

is this real? was someone revealing secrets before this leak came out thru fiction?

I'm not seeing this wet works and pool party at the vineyard email in the wikileaks archives

this was on the DNCLeaks reddit

You're a fuckin' faggot.

TEXAS did 9/11

im sorry pham but these old men aren't james bonding anybody, even a fat court justice. here's what happened:

This shit's all happening around the time of the New Hampshire primary (Feb 9th). Clinton was supposed to win that shit hard because Billy won it in a big landslide when he ran, so they were fucking furious when it started going Bernie's way.

OP's email is Feb 9th at 8:56 pm. Bernie had basically won at this point.

Go back a few days for some context. 2/7 polls are showing bernie is going to win huge, and bill starts fuming to the point where staff are trying to calm him the fuck down:

With Bernie winning NH they're moving on an opportunity to make him look bad so they'll do better in the next states' primaries.

In OP's email we get "Sounds like a bad nite, we all need to buckle up and double down" It's because hillary lost.

Bottom email is from Podesta to Elemdorf saying thank you in the subject line.

Steve Elemdorf works for Goldman and is a big name in political strategy, etc. Clinton supporter.
He's a source of stories for this MSNBC journalist, Alex Seitz-Wald. See Feb 2nd article here:

So a few days later, Alex Seitz-Wald puts out another article about Bernie going to 'retreats' funded by big business. Here:

>Senators are flown on a private plane chartered by the DSCC to the retreats, which are held at five-star resorts like the Ritz-Carlton. Sanders was often spotted at the pool, walking on the beach, and at the buffet line. He went on a boat ride off Martha’s Vineyard organized by the committee.

Wald leaves the source here unnamed, but what seems to have happened is, Elemendorf leaked the story about Bernie (and probably the guest list) to Wald, who published the article to hurt Bernie's image.


yeah yeah.

I may be wrong about a detail here and there, but these dates line up and it makes more sense to me that Elemendorf was an anonymous source to knock Bernie down a peg.

Re-read the wet works line from a different perspective. Podesta's saying that he didn't realize you could murder a guy (Bernie, politically) so hard just by showing him at pool parties at the vineyard

He's just using the word wet works as a pun.

the other line make sense in this context too. by saying "I'm all in" Elemenenenendorf is saying he's committing to helping Clinton win

Why don't we let Hillary and her camp explain what they mean instead of making excuses for them? This is one thing I cannot understand about some people on here. The power of making your enemies tell the truth. We have seen Trump do it throughout this campaign. You are either a small-minded idiot or a redditor with no understanding of strategy or a shill not to realize how effective this can be. Either people will think they are up to something shady or the explain what they mean all the while confirming that they are up to less than fair shit. Either they are being criminals or they out themselves with their own words as bottom-feeding political hacks.

I fucking swear, these threads have been filled to the brim with damage controlling faggots who want people here to twiddle their thumbs instead of making the enemy make a move.

this is literally retarded


sorry you dont deserve to be yelled at user. We just look like fucking children whining for no reason when we push this shit without some reasonable evidence. If there's more than a couple of words giving us reason to pursue it, then fine, but this was a leap to begin with and it distracts from the actually incriminating shit like money from foreign countries and how she dealt with her emails.

You're right, this is damage control, but it's damage control for US, because they're already calling us fucking russian spies and saying shit's faked, then they started faking docs themselves and saying HERE LOOK ITS FAKE

now theyre trying to say Assange is a pedo. Do we really want to get behind a mariginally (at best) accusation to then be told holy fuck you guys are insane?

I mean, look, I just reposted this in the main thread because scalia kept popping up there.
I've been making spreadsheets and tracing down stories all god damn day. Go look, I have like 40 fucking posts in that thread with that id. we have the same goals here, we just have to be smart about it

>mfw he can't even link to other threads
>>>Holla Forums10957824

also fuck you for calling me a redditor

I get what you mean that Trump accuses people for shit and he can get away with guilty until proven innocent because he's doing it on television and people listen to him

but there are so many stories coming out of WL right now and we're fighting for it to be taken seriously. Assange doesn't have the superhero abilities of trump where he can say or do anything and people forget about it after a few days and love him again. There isn't a 'face' of wikileaks equivalent to Trump, so what we're doing is having the opposite effect. It makes us look like tabloid nonsense. Do you see those headlines in the checkout lane and think "wow woopie goldberg's corpse needs to have a press conference and tell us she's really alive before I'll believe she isn't dead yet.

nigger im tired cut me some slack

I find it funny you are calling others niggers while acting like one.

I don't want people to twiddle their thumbs. I would rather people find real corruption in these leaks instead of making up fantasies based on poor wording. That will only serve to discredit the leaks in general.


Yeah that seems plausible too, tbqh. The wet works line is sus as hell though, but it could just be their own industry speak about taking down opponents politically.

this is the one that will take them down

meme magic has proved it

number dont lie

here user i made this for you so we can be friends

There is nothing lost by putting this info out there and saying this is some shady shit. Throw in as many explanations but forcing them to explain themselves puts them on the defensive and also gives validation to the leaks as well.

Again more PR whining. At the end of the day, you are more concerned about appearances than strategy. Disgusting.

Goodness gracious all you think about is PR. This is the same bullshit that fucked over gamergate.

No we don't. I want to win. You want to look good. This is all you care about.

Fuck you you sack of shit. Kill yourself already.

Holy shit more PR nonsense. You do realize they can just outright ignore and deny anything you say, even if it is the truth. Even if there is a video of Hillary raping a kid, they will deny it. This is why you have to force their hand and force their confirmation by forcing them to correct something that to anyone else is suggestive. Either they let the suggestion persist and there is plenty of information that shows this and by all accounts that suggestion may be true, or they are forced to comment on the evidence and explain it away. If they try and handwave everything, it hurts them, especially when the evidence is compelling. As for wikileaks to be taken seriously. They are already being taken seriously. If they weren't, Assange would not need to hide away in an Ecuadoran embassy. People don't do that for fun. Lean the power of suggestion and confirmation bias. Trump has used to great effect.

No, because no matter what is found, people like you will declare there is nothing there and damage control and that people should keep digging. The leaks themselves cannot be discredited since the information does not change. Only the interpretation. Force an official interpretation to force an official recognition. No one thinks anything of the interpreter since anyone can interpret it. A war of interpretation will force people to take on the task of interpretation themselves. Many of these threads have proven the latter point true over and over again.

I fucking swear. The wikileaks stuff has been hijacked by reddit. This is why we've been finding dynamite stuff for some time now and suddenly, people constantly trying to stop each other left and right when we never did that before.

So you think that people aren't going to find anything of substance in these emails? You would rather force the media to comment on something you know is bullshit? You want to hype up something you can't deliver and make everyone look stupid?

Please take the soonest opportunity to pop cyanide and wash it down with bleach, you dumb fucking faggot.

yes, we should argue with each other instead of spend time looking through emails.

this is exactly the problem user. shit slinging only gets you so far. have you tried to talk a hillary supporter out of voting for her? You dont change people's minds by spewing shit and hoping something sticks. the people that works on have already decided she's a criminal.

if your response to me giving you a reasonable fucking explanation for what happened is to cry about PR then you don't know how the world works. everything is fucking PR.

Appearances isn't strategy?

you dont have to win those people over. seriously. those people are voting trump already. the people that matter are the bernie supporters who are voting for hillary because hillary = democrat, or because they think hillary is going to give them some piece of what bernie was. My explanation shows that they're shitting on bernie and laughing about it. That's the kind of thing that works, not your tabloid bullshit.

Not by enough people. Fox is the only channel in america talking about wikileaks. That's gotta change if you want actual hillary supporters to abandon her.

I cant, my dick is too big and it keeps getting in the way every time I try to off myself

keep telling yourself people who disagree with you couldn't possibly be older fags than you.

now, do you want me to draw you something too? we are in this together friend, even if one or both of us is/are cocksucking faggot idiots.

No because people like you are going to work your damnedest to explain things away instead of letting other people look into this themselves. You off no invitation into looking into the information in the first place.

I don't think it's bullshit. I don't buy the explanations. The explanation is just one interpretation among many. I'd rather put out something with my own interpretation that I think is true and let the jew-owned media try and offer their own interpretation or the originators of these e-mails explain themselves proving their ill intent. A war of interpretation will bring in anyone on the sidelines to look at the original content and interpret the emails for themselves, now that the e-mails have been confirmed. The truth still gets out no matter what.

Do you think there were thousands of people celebrating the collapsing of the 9/11 towers on rooftops? It's not hype since at the end of the day, anything any of us come up with here is still an interpretation of them speaking cryptically. Like the stuff about Hillary and her talk of witchcraft. Also, stop being so concerned with PR, when it is only the interpreter who gets dinged, not the source of the information. This is why wikileaks provides their info as they do with scant interpretation. Some stuff is straight-forward but some stuff like this talk of wet works and so on, is cryptic bullshit that the enemy should explain.

Kill yourself you stupid fucking faggot. You've learned nothing from Trump.

How many fucking coincidences do you want? If nothing else this thread is a place to keep digging and if someone wants to shoot it down, they can fucking do it.

I'm pretty sure I saw this shit on plebbit before this thread showed up anyway.

fictional cliche's are made so because of a conscious effort to make them unbelievable. that way anyone trying to call you out is called an idiot without investigation.

No, this is proof that you're from reddit. Only redditors talk like this, like it means something or adds weight when it makes them stick out like a sore thumb.

In other words, we should just agree with everything you say or command and anyone that disagrees is a detriment. Okay then.

You talk to something they care about, appeal to emotion and reason, and invite them to look into the information themselves. They will be more assured in anything they find themselves than anything anyone tells them.

Not the way you're going about it. You are, for whatever reason, conflating your reputation with that of wikileaks when such is idiotic. Wikileaks is not doubted. The only thing anyone would doubt is the interpretation you give. Thankfully we are a faceless nameless bunch and any interpretation given can be valid or shit. In the end, because of this, anyone who has half a brain will look to the source of the information. Whenever I talk about stuff from here, I make a point to note this so people will look to the sources.

Enough people are aware of wikileaks. If you think the rest of the media will touch something major that will hurt Hillary, you're lying to yourself. This really is a repeat of gamergate.

More reddit humor.

It's the truth. In a weeks time you guys will find nothing while other places will find something that you glossed over because you guys tried to damage control for it when it was something legit or at least worth putting out there.

So, let's get a few things straight:

So, that's my fucking story. What digging have you done? You want me to invite you to dig further? Well, here it is you dumb bastard. Dig and find something that stands up to scrutiny like the uranium one shit.

holy shit.


And this shows how much of a fucking idiot you are and how obsessed with controlling everyone's actions and interpretations faggots like you are. I'm trying to stop this odd obsession with controlling what information is spread about a given leak. In a situation where the leak is equivocal, people should be allowed to spread whatever theory they want on it. You can spread your theory, but don't get fussy when people don't buy into it and then cry about the validity of wikileaks and whine about PR like the other faggot. This is the 3rd or 4th thread where I've seen this kind of damage control. Shit is terrible and does nothing to make normalfags look into this information themselves or even ask questions about what the fuck these government types mean when they speak cryptically. I want people to look into this shit. You want people to see you in a good light and agree with your interpretation. It is not enough they agree but they should look into sit themselves.

I'm not talking about an invitation to dig in these threads you faggot retarded monkey. I'm talking about the average person, the normalfag or as you might call them, normies.

That's how I can tell you're a newfag.
That's how I can tell you're retarded.

It's the same reason why we don't talk about the Benghazi diplomats or about 9/11, it happened years ago.


fuck off. I just realized I've actually done you a fucking favor

Bitch had scalia killed? Great. We've started shouting that. This thread no longer serves a purpose. It's just make wild accusations and link to some text that might prove it, yeah? Ok, fine, faggot. But now that I've explained what actually happened, anons dont have to waste their fucking time looking into this 'mystery' which isnt a fucking mystery. They can go find the email with the attachment that says 'pizza.jpg' and start accusing podesta of sending cp to his staff.

so, youre fucking welcome you ungrateful nigger

..fucking what? the fuck are you talking about?

more fucking nonsense. not my reputation, the reputation of a fucking legion of anonymous investigators, half of which is full of CTR faggots, and only a handful of real anons actually do any fucking searching. what the fuck have you contributed?

you just fucking said this isn't about reason it's about shouting until they disprove accusations. kill yourself

oic now. you have to accuse me from being from reddit so it's less obvious that you only just started using halfchan this week and migrated here when you fatfingered the 4 on your numberpad googling the fucking url for the third time and hit the 8 instead. reddit piece of shit, get fucked on your way out

All four of which are catholics. There is not a single original stock WASP anywhere near the supreme court.

I'd also like to know which set of mails it was from.

What is this pic from?

you don't belong here

Nigger are you serious? I'm trying to explain the truth to you and you'd rather hang on to an appealing fantasy because of muh pr, and then you accouse me of being a PR fag.

I fully believe Scalia was assassinated but spreading false theories doesn't help the truth to come out any, but you don't seem to concerned with that.

What you are calling damage control here is just you being told you are wrong, because you are.

It happened earlier this year. The reason it isn't getting attention is because this email is literally nothing.

It was released yesterday, if that's your question

That it was.

I almost never spend time in the digging threads, because it feels like too much of a timesink. I'm glad there are other people in the movement like you that do the investigative work.

Stay salty you reddit fuck. This is you, acting like people should worship you for something anyone else can do or see for themselves. You are literally asking to be patted on the back for mild digging and putting forth a theory, something many of us have done in the all the digging threads. you should kill yourself.

You're the one trying to tell people what they should and should not spread. You want to control people. Stop being dense.

You're an idiot. They have no reputation in itself. Reputation only lies in the original leaks and that information does not change. Stop deluding yourself.

Let's just get usernames, reddit gold and reputation points. This is what you sound like.

Bullshit. I said that we have to play on all aspects of a person and not just one. All. The problem is that you are playing not nly to one aspect but sanitizing things and telling them what you want them to see. You are acting as gatekeeper to the information, especially when you try and tell people how to compose themselves on what they should and should not spread. You're trying to instill in people here this stupid notion that our reputation will somehow take a hit if the theory is not some committee approved theory. That's nonsense. I say if someone comes up with a theory and wants to put it out there, that's fine. It's on them and nothing more. If people buy into it, fine, If not, fine. In the end, if the information is disputed, people will look into it themselves. I wonder how many people looked to the original leaks because of this shitfit we're having? Now imagine that among normalfags. This is why I said you're an idiot with no head for strategy.

Keep crying you sack of shit. you don't control the process and you're not the end all be all. Your anger and hysterical ramblings are proof of how weak you are.

No one says "be me" here. That's from those cancerous pictures reddits likes to make and flood the internet with. Kill yourself already.

No, you're trying to make excuses for yourself. Try again.

I'm not asking for false theories to be spread. I'm asking for people to spread their honest interpretations of shit and I don't think it is in our place to tell someone not to like the other fag was doing or think it is right to defend that kind of shit like you were. I think the e-mail is equivocal and should be out out there. People can attach whatever explanation they want since I've yet to see one that is the absolute truth. We're not going to get that by sweeping this under the rug. Again, they are talking cryptically. How can you say, with 100% absolute certainty to the point that you would risk your life on it, that is what they are talking about? That's the issue. One can't. The explanation the other fag out out there is nice but it's not complete and assumes a lot about the people in the conversation are saying. It certainly assumes that these guys would not talk about this or that in such a forum which we have seen with Hillary and her discussions about ISIS funding is not true. We shouldn't act as gatekeepers to a lot of the theories here. We can talk about them but if someone wants to put one out on twitter or something, then it is on them and only them. They have personal responsibility. The idea of a greater identity that has to maintain PR is silly.

Show me where I said the Scalia is absolutely correct. Show me exactly where. I'll answer that for you. You fucking can't. My main point has always been
"Why don't we let Hillary and her camp explain what they mean instead of making excuses for them?" And it is still my main point. This could be indicate something about Scalia or could be something else. I'm actually open to any idea but think it is stupid to excuse one that ir damning for something that is less damning purely because we are worried about some collective PR when putting forth both is fine since it would force the same thing.

imposter from reddit. the fuck says salty?

I said I did you a favor to insult you, not because I want you to suck my dick. But you can suck my dick.

lewl nope

only reddit faggots use phrases like that


fucking sanitize yourself from the earth

I would respond to everything else you said but you're failing at being an imposter and winning the gold medal of being flaming pile of dogshit from reddit

Your whole post is nothing but you angry that you can't control the process and you got called out and know you're wrong. You're mad that you got singles out as being from reddit. You're mad that you are actually being a hindrance to the process. You're so mad that you're projecting like a liberal. You're so mad it's sad.

That said, you're the type of person that when Hillary was collapsing, you'd say it was pneumonia and get mad at other people for putting forth other theories, even though these theories were put forth in good faith, were backed by some information (others more compelling that others), and were put out there in an honest attempt to figure out the answer for this equivocal thing that was before them. Their theories, some wild and some plausible, made people look into the whole event themselves and come up with their own theories. That hurt Hillary considerably because people were convinced of what they saw because they had researched the event and came to their own conclusion. You want to do away with that and tell people what to think instead of letting theories get out there because you are worried about some odd collective PR. That's low energy.

smdh tbh fam

My honest interpretation is that they were talking about their ongoing campaign against Bernie sanders who spent time at Martha's Vinyard with elites despite trying to be the outsider candidate. Bernouts were assmad at this revelation.

I have nothing to excuse myself for. You're the one acting like a fucking retard.

They do tell normalfags who don't recognize greentexting to get the fuck out, though.

Is nigger thomas a catholic?
IIRC he (but I was surprised) is but I am not 100% sure but he defiantly aint white

To translate from reddit and nigger twitter, in other words you can't because you know I'm not arguing for the Scalia theory and instead arguing over this idea that we have to control what information is spread like we're the corrupt media. In other words, you're wrong that I am in support of the Scalia theory. You're wrong. That stings, doesn't it?

That's fine. I have no problem with that idea being spread. I have a problem with spreading that and telling others not to spread their shit, or acting like someone spreading the Scalia idea is somehow doing everyone a disservice when it doesn't matter and worrying about such shit is the epitome of PR. Personally, I've been spreading the links, telling people this is some weird shit and getting their ideas on what is going on instead of telling them what to think. Apparently to some people in this thread, that is wrong.

You're the one trying to control people in this thread. You're the one acting like a retard. You're the one who thinks acting like some sort of gatekeeper to information is necessary to the validity of the leaks when their validity speak for themselves and are based in the Assange's reputation. You are useless in the regards.

Only reddit says "be me". Kill yourself already.

phrases only grandmothers use
talking about Holla Forums in real life
gender neutral language

it's pretty obvious who the shill is here, dumbass. is CTR paying you enough?

three posts and you dont check these dubs? gtfo


sums up this faggot's existence pretty good:


no you angry

Kill yourself. I'm saying Holla Forums should put everything out there and not sanitize shit. Congrats on being a faggot.

I'm not. I'm trying to stop you faggots from trying to subvert this place with this stupid idea of PR. PR by any other name is still PR. You are a PRfag.

You gave no arguments left and are just mad I'm right. The Hillary collapsing argument is a perfect example of why you're full of shit.


Glad to see you're opposed to putting it all on the table.

Can some sane user post what is really known and verifiably true at this point?
I will start us off
1 Scalia is suddenly dead
2 No autopsy is performed to determine his cause of death
3 We have some leaked e-mails………

I didnt argue your bullshit because it's pointless and because it's a shit argument, but here, just to prove to you that you're an idiot:

I never said other theories were bad. But you don't draw the line anywhere. If I said she was being piloted by a small alien in her fucking skull and her batteries died, then that's a worthy argument to you.

There's more proof of her having an alien driver that than there is the Scalia assassination. Video + lots of alien emails > "wet works", right faggot?

you're one of those arrogant cocksuckers who thinks he understands other people, but you dismissed PR and appearances outright as a distraction from shit-slinging, so you've proven you're a social retard operating at cataclysmically autistic levels, but you don't contribute anything worth reading like autists should.

Hillary supporters don't come up with their own theories about any of this shit. they buy what the news and their circle of friends is telling them.

Like fuck they did. They saw her being slung like a sack of meat into a van on every fucking news channel and said "WOW THAT BITCH LOOKS UNHEALTHY". They didn't fucking open an investigation for themselves.

This delusion is all that's keeping you going in life, isnt it? I feel fucking sorry for you.

I'm going back to searching through emails. You can keep lying to yourself.

Wew lad!

Scalia is dead under suspicious circumstances and death was handled in a manner where it seemed no investigation was desired.
This left an empty supreme court seat and affirmative action still in place.

Later we have a these leaks. was found
People placed this email talking about "wet work" within the same week of his death

With that in mind, read

He isn't wrong. You want us to just make up shit and float the wildest theories just so MSM can dismiss the leaks altogether.


And there it is. Le Merchant reveals himself.


This will be fun.

No, you're the one who was worried about some collective PR, like such a thing exists in the first place. You were the one defending that like some nitwit. When called out on it, you spilled spaghetti all over the place confirming your intentions.

This is not even a point and more angry nonsense from you.

And there it is, amidst all that projection and comparable to a liberal angst. You are concerned about PR and ignore the power of letting people coming to their own conclusions. You're a faggot. And this was never about Hillary supporters but the normalfag who has no strong intentions. Hillary supporters for the most part are a lost cause.

And this is where you're wrong. People looked into this shit to see what was wrong with her. When they saw conflicting reports here and therem they came to their own conclusion. You don't even want people to jump into this shit. You want to act as gatekeeper.

The only delusional person I see here is you who thinks he is important or making any kind of difference.

The media will dismiss whatever they want. How do you not understand that? How will you stop the media from dismissing anything that they don't want to? That's why I critiqued the manner in which some of you were trying to go about this shit. There is a reason why Trump does shit the way he does. He makes it hard for the media to outright ignore shit while inviting people to look into the information themselves and come to their own conclusion. Thanks to the power of confirmation bias, he knows that even digging into this shit will swing people his way or at most neutral.

You do realize that right now, Trump is suing NYT for lying out their ass about him. Despite this, and despite the fact that they are lying, ample proof of their lies and so on, they are doubling down and sent a bullshit virtue signaling letter meant to piss him off. These are people who will not buckle even under threat of death. This is why the way Trump is doing things is so effective.

Oy vey goyim, Trump works on confirmation bias! Its not because he tells the truth.

fuck off schlomo

And you know what this makes MSM look like? Liars. You know what we look like if we float shit that we know is probably false? No better than the MSM.

why are some shills saying that anons have a reputation to uphold

anons reputation could not be worse. there is nothing to defend.

shills really dont want this one taking off.

too bad… it already has

He gets his details wrong but in the end, it is minuta. Kill yourself kike.

Only when they are proven to be liars. They do not care about the truth so no amount of worrying about PR will mean anything.

You don't know it is false. We're assuming as such. I'd rather they try and say something about the info instead of us screening shit for them and giving them things they can ignore. They will only pay attention to shit they are worried about and the only thing that worries them are normalfags looking into shit and talking about shit without the media's interference.

Fucking this.

reverse image search nigger

Real Bout Fatal Fury

Cuck The Record is out in full fucking force tonight.

gas yoruself

This is true. That is why I was calling you out on saying he works on confirmation bias when people look up the truth you turbokike. Then again I'm not surprised you didn't get that without greentext since you seem to lack critical thinking ability.

You do know trust for MSM is at an all time low right now, right?

I do know that context from other emails points to a far more likely story that this had to do with Bernie Sanders and not Scalia.

I do know there is literally no evidence that connects them to Scalia other than someone using the phrase "wetworks" within the same week.

See, you keep acting like vetting the info helps THEM. It doesn't. It makes it so our story is more solid so fucking lugenpresse can't contain it.

okay first
WHY do you think building a SOLID case based on VERIFIABLE EVIDENCE isn't good enough?

Hillary is going to lose a ton of votes based on Kaine's remarks on the Catholic church. There is a mounting case for her corruption with verifiable information, and there is bound to be more.

These are things the MSM can lie about but won't be able to curtail because they are LYING. The truth is going to hang Hillary. This will not.

Always the first post. Always.

immediately after I had a long talk with one of my professors where we both agreed it was a hit but he was of the opinion" well these things happen". he was also a devout hilary voter.
Fucking liberals.


anons dont utilize credibility

we utilize confirmation bias, slander, emotion, suspicious

shills tell us not to ruin our reputation. what reputation?


Tastes a bit like Goon, but not sure.

but we're fighting for kek, they're getting paid to shill for (((them)))

OK I read everything so far in this thread.
It is a huge leap of faith to go from that e-mail to a murder plot.
I myself give the chance of Scalia being murdered way more than 50-50 but you are not going to find the evidence in a few e-mails and twist the offending phrases to suit your narrative.
The place he was staying was the perfect scene for the crime to take place, huge remote ranch with guest cabins.
You could drop in assassins from any direction and have them disappear just as quickly.
However they would have to have prior knowledge which cabin he was sleeping in.
So do we know all the people that were at the ranch the time?
Anyone of them would have known which cabin he was in.
Can we link any of the attendees to the people on the emails?
The off chance that we could ever find a direct link to the scalia murder is slim to none, this had to be done at a very professional level, but I would start at who was all there that weekend, and work from that angle as well.

Fuck you, you've already outed yourself, kike. plzgo

Get the fuck out, google.

its ok to be jewish

just because ur jewish doesnt mean you have to be a greedy shill

you can still turn your life around

its not you that is the enemy, it's the international jewish bankers as the God Emperor proclaimed today

normal jews are only guilty when they shill for hillary, but even those shills can be redeemed thru the green blood of pepe(USER WAS GASSED FOR THIS POST)


One conspiracy theory floating around is the hired killer was a prostitute, which would explain why nobody wanted the body tested.

good question
Would be a good thread to pull on. Like you said it is unlikely, though.


daily reminder:

This is what you are implying whining about PR.

It's been long established that they will check the shit themselves and should be encouraged to. That is why I kept stressing including the original information and laying all the info out on the table. I said this and of course you either ignored it or disputed it.

You first.

No, you're a faggot. His truth sinks in because of his use of confirmation bias. This is why he can counter the media. The truth is not this magical thing that glows when the media is throwing obfuscation left and right. This idea that the truth will always win and that how you present it does not matter is why we are in the state we are in as we speak. Trump is a master of making his enemies tell the truth. It's like the Hillary thing. The truth was she is fucked up. The details were not important. Which particular theory was correct was not important.

Your argument has no merit at that point because it is not 100% certain. They could very easily be talking about something else. I'd rather let people decide that for themselves. You are against this. Why are you against letting people decide for themselves?

The lugenpresse can say what they want about that story. In the end, they can still counter and say you do not know 100% and dismiss your theories. If multiple people have multiple theories, they have a harder time and have to dismiss all of them, pissing off multiple people.

What makes you think you can ascertain the exact meaning of an equivocal statement that the sources will not even venture to verify? And that's the problem. As it stands now, they can just not verify it since they have no reason to since not many people are commenting on it, looking into it, or coming up with their own conclusions. you have done work for the media and the enemy by limited the scope of things. The Hillary collapsing example is a perfect example of this. All theories could have been true, were important to multiple people, and because of all the theories were being actively discussed so the media had to step in as did the Hillary campaign, forcing them to look silly when they tried to explain it away. If something is equivocal, especially when the enemy has the upper hand in simply not acknowledging it, it is a good idea to make them respond lest confirmation bias and facts set in and make it hard for them to make a move.

The truth without any regard to presentation is not enough. The truth has been out there and it has done jackshit for people because people like you think by itself it has meaning and ignore that humans are not robots and that presentation matters. Tell me about the power of raw truth in the face of the world as it is. Trump is the perfect example of what truth combined with presentation, putting stock in confirmation bias, will give you. His way is superior to anything you have to offer. The only thing that makes me glad is that alternate media understands this, rendering us for the most part, useful for other things.


i was just damning with faint praise

the guy is a jew who was hilling for shillary

he was lashing out about it based on the brainwashing from his jew upbringing that taught him the goys are all out to get him

but actually we arent out to get him. goys are gentle hearted, good natured, honest, and trusting

we just want the jews to stay in palestine since they can't stop themselves from subverting the cultures they refuse to assimilate into

jews who stay in palestine arent so bad. all the muslims and jews should go live in the mid east together. we could build a wall around it

says the kike as I've this brain rot leak on to them

I'm now convinced you don't know what either of those terms mean.
Learn to deductive reasoning or get the fuck out. You are arguing the validity of a point that is 100% uncertain.
I am letting people decide by presenting them with better information.
You seriously need to go
You are tiring me, kike.

Are you incapable of writing sentences and paragraphs?

'I've seen this brain rot leak…

with a 4-4 tie on the supreme court the lesser court's ruling is upheld, if something were coming up his way soon…

You are the only kike I see here.

I'm saying we should present the source and present all the theories, with all the information and let people decide for themselves. Let people discuss among themselves which forces the media and Hillary's campaign to act on it if people decide on a theory they dislike. You apparently dislike this as evidenced by your vehement disdain for what I'm saying.

You are the one who wants to present the info but one theory that you and some people like out of fear that if anyone sees the other theories, your reputation will take a hit or some other twisted concern about PR.
This is the epitome of what I am talking about. "Better information?" Why not all of it? Everything. All info, all theories, all takes, all of it. You are deciding what information they see instead of putting all theories out there and letting them decide and discuss for themselves. You cannot explain why you don't want to lay everything out for all to see and let people figure shit out for themselves and let them come to their own conclusions and by doing so, by encouraging people to think for themselves and look into this shit themselves, the media's and Hillary's hand in the whole thing.

Okay. We'll do things your way. Source and then theories.


Theory 1: This is an email from the campaign about campaigning against Bernie sanders by slamming him for having pool parties with Elites at Martha's Vineyard. They had to buckle down and double down on their campaigning in order to beat the increasingly popular communist. The hit pieces were jokingly referred to as "wetworks." This fits a timeline and context outlined here.>>7844879

Theory 2: The email says wetworks so clearly this means they killed Scalia the next week because fuck Hillary.

Happy now, kike?

Turns out Feb 9th 2016 was the night of the New Hampshire primary, the 8pm response "im all in, we need to buckle down" could have been in regards to how close the race was when hillary was supposed to be the clear favorite. still a little iffy on the "wet works" tho

oy veeeeeeeeeeey

This thread is getting shilled to everloving fuck, which means we're onto something.


spooky as fuck. normally these conspiracy theories are full of holes but

also this

It always comes back to the media.

What a gross mouth breathing troglodyte.

I think this is poisoning the well tbh fam. Scalia was murdered, but John Podesta isn't going to be kept in the loop for that sort of thing. It's like 9/11, the enemy puts forth conspiracy theories so everyone questioning the official narrative gets lumped in with the fags saying it was aliens or some shit.

fuck me you are still defending your bullshit?

this user literally did what you just said is so important by adding more information to the thread and building on the OP's material. you don't understand how logic and arguments work at the most fundamental fucking level, do you?

some user posts clinton camp murders scalia with evidence that wouldnt hold up in a soap opera written by retards for retards, because "wet works" might mean murder, and nowhere is scalia mentioned. the only link between the two is the email was sent several days before scalia dies. fine. I fucking love it. Lets start making memes.

But when finds a logical connection for "wetworks" in this email that's just a new theory. It's even still damaging for hillary because it's hillary's people lying about bernie. Shit, now there's two angles we can meme the fuck out of.

Well? Why do you then dismiss the whole post as disinformation and shilling? It makes a much better argument. No, let me reword that. It makes an argument because it has decent evidence, so there's more to go on, more likely to catch on. scalia murder is a fucking longshot but sounds more exciting, would be hilarious if it were true

I don't give a fuck about reputation or appearances, but the problem isn't about appearances, it's you being a fucking idiot about this shit.

You can say "Why not all the theories?"
or you can say "Stop pushing your bernie theory that makes more sense because it interferes with the more damaging one"

But not both. Pick one, nigger.

I hope that becomes Barron Trump some day.

for fuck sake, the clinton/rodhams are like the fucking Borgia's

Sure it does. See:

A much more mundane answer that makes sense since their main function is campaigning. Scalia was killed, but if the Clinton campaign did it, it had nothing to do with this email.

Holy fuck this creature is somehow even more disgusting than her mother.

Only a kike like yourself would be this unhappy about laying all the information on the table and letting people judge for themselves.

And I bet she received little flack for that.

I'm saying stop worrying about the mythical PR and present everything to the normalfags and let them decide.
I didn't. I even said it a was a good theory but should be treated as such. I never said it should be put out there, I said everything should be put out there. Everything. Why would anyone object to that unless they are trying to shape the way people see things. You might as well peddle narratives while you're at it.

No it's you being mad that someone is not playing along and agreeing with everything you want.

None of you kvetching kikes have an answer for this because you know damn well you are trying to act as gatekeeper and the minute someone comments on that, you go into hysterics. There is no reason to not lay everything on the table and it is stupid to care about PR in any capacity.

how the fuck am I acting as a gatekeeper? you're the one criticizing new theories.

show me one positive thing you said about it in this entire thread

What a cunt.



She's really ugly.

Scalia was the only thing left standing their way. The Rules for Radicals at work.

Wait, so wanting everything put out there is now criticizing? Goodness gracious you lie like the fucking media. Show me where I said that theory should not be spread? Go on , do it faggot.


And you can search for the rest. You are a lying kike.

We have to focus on getting Trump in first, then we can get rid of the Marxist judges and instate proper constitutional judges.

Would have been a party at Soros house. Soros had him killed.

If Hillary wins, she'll likely put in Obama's suggested nomination, a jew. This would make the Supreme Court majority jewish (Sotomayor is questionably jewish, but I've heard she's a Sephardic jew. Even if she isn't 4/9 jews isn't good either). Bad times are ahead if Trump doesn't win.

Here, let's do an experiment. Not because I'm calling you out but because I want to understand what you're so determined to explain to me and where it doesn't sync up with what I'm talking about.

same people in the "scalia" email. even has a word that can mean different things: 'bedwetters"

Bedwetters most commonly refers to babies and toddlers pissing themselves at night. So they might be trying to convince kids not to kill themselves. This email is from feb 2nd, and that week brazil linked the zika virus to birth defects in 17 children born earlier that year:

"We won" could mean that Zika is a government conspiracy and its finally starting to infect children in lesser countries like brazil. But they dont want parents killing those kids because they want the world to see how bad zika is, so they had to talk them out of killing the kids.

Does this barely make sense? Well, so does scalia. Push it all you want, see how far it gets, see if anyone listens.

Now if I tell you that Hillary barely won Iowa on Feb 2nd and "bedwetters" also means people who are nervous about supporting a politician, do you even care about this email anymore? or is it a total waste of time because the first interpretation was pretty weak to begin with. There's not much difference with the scalia theory.

You say "all theories welcome" but you can't really mean that, because there's no threshold: you would just free associate words from whichever wikileak email has the most aggressive language, or start printing posters about hillary's secret alien alliance and call it "strategy" But it's not strategy when it's just noise

There are limited resources, limited attention spans, limited anons. I can understand the value of pushing all possibilities and theories, and in a perfect scenario I can even appreciate the "truth will come out if we all decide for ourselves". You're right, that would happen. But it's not that simple.

It looks less and less likely that the scalia theory has any merit. If individuals are supposed to "seek out" the truth for themselves, they're probably going to do it in relation to the most memorable stories they've heard about. Say scalia is one of them, uranium is another, and donna brazile is a third.

MSM is just starting to report on the last two, and it's not clinton-favorable. Let's say the individual watches MSNBC though and has only heard about these three but never given any MSM clinton negative info. So they go to the internet and start looking. They're going to find things about uranium and brazile on dailycaller, infowars, twitter, everywhere. Scalia will take some digging, and they're not going to have an easy time. Most normalfags have never once been to wikileaks, and I'll tell you this, most normalfags are fucking afraid to. They've heard Assange is a rapist and that wikileaks is a russian spy organization and that the site is full of viruses. They've been told wikileaks outright forges fake emails and puts them up. The odds are seriously stacked against anyone who isn't already keen on this stuff.

I want people to dig and hit something that changes their mind. Will Scalia be that thing? It doesn't look like it. More people keep turning up and pointing evidence against the theory. Saying "push all the theories and let people decide" only works if people have the know-how, the time, and the initiative to seek out answers while wading through oceans of bullshit. Anons are the kind of people who have that time. We've given scalia theory over a day now.

I don't think it's gatekeeping to say it looks like we're not going to get anywhere with it, and there are thousands of emails that we could be reading through with untapped potential. It's the same reason that even though I can find connections between Zika and babies and that second email, it's stupid to pursue that line of thought when a very reasonable explanation makes much more sense and the original story is increasingly unlikely.

this is for

Why do you think Fox rebooted The X-Files when they did?
Why do you think the first episode was named "My Struggle"?
Why do you think the last 10 minutes of the first episode was a monologue about how secret societies ruled the world?



I think the bernie angle has legs: tactically it's a better idea to split the dems before the election than try to make a murder case against the clintons that few libs are gonna buy.

Although I may be prejudiced because it also sounds like the truth and I prefer the truth.

Still, what's better? slinging mud or scattering the #nevertrump assholes among a bunch of third party candidates?

The bernie angle makes no sense and has reeked like a shill talking point from the get go. DNC leaks were full of zero guilt collusion to keep bernie out, and then suddenly a lobbyist/fundraiser is going to have to buckle down in the future because some article that he has no provable connection to has come out in the past?

Nothing matches up there.

Buckle down because he needs to work harder to get Clinton winning, genius.

They had to buckle down because it was primary night, and Bernie actually wound up winning NH. It was a bad night for them. They had a hit piece out on Bernie and they made the wet work pun because it involved pool parties at the DNCC retreat at Martha's Vineyard.

It doesn't sound like you've actually tried much digging. Most of the emails are pretty boring. Finding the nuggets of corruption is actually work. Of the thousands of emails Its mostly newsletters and mundane chit chat. The wet works email is the latter.

You'll believe what you want to believe, but if I had any reason at all to believe they meant they were going to kill Scalia aside from an off color joke that shows what complete assholes these people are, I'd be the first one on the attack. As of now it is a very flimsy conspiracy theory.

Bruises and puncture wound…


Shit, I fucked up the link…

(that's the main stuff up to 13:00, I'm still watching)


That image is so æsthetic and fashy!


thanks doc

Has FBI-user made other threads since that one in the image?

That was like a year ago 4niggers.

Very suspicious stuff.

">be me" is reddit you fucking newfag

Also agree this PRfag reeks of reddit:

Nice job derailing the thread by engaging these two faggots.

Newfag, Holla Forums influences through rhetoric, not logic. This is a lolberg paradise no longer.

Even if you're correct, murdering Scalia would give hillary a huge advantage.

And TBH this kind of email would make more sense after scalia died, not before, but I've got no idea why they'd use a code word for murder.

Digging through their references to SC is interesting, obviously they really want to fill the seat.

Man Holla Forums has gone so fucking autistic these last few months. Like 20% of this thread is people jumping on others for using words and phrases that aren't Holla Forums™ approved.

Don't you think that the shills have ramped up lately though? If there are more shills, then of course there's more people being accused of being shills, or otherwise obviously not from around here.

It's a D&C tactic, mainly because jackasses taught them how to shill better here.

We may have to seriously consider a phone/email/snailmail campaign to Republican senators, and congressmen about how fucking serious it is to get behind Trump.


That's cryptos for you.

No it's Daniel Gabriel, he has become the Master of Shills, the final boss, the man who cannot be stopped.

The shill of all shills.

she also says that sandy hook is the golden standard for mass shooting, not literally, but you get the idea, SH is one of the most ridiculous psyop ever, there is too many anomalies to be pure coincidence.

Until we have the list of the 40 guests at the party we're pretty much boned on evidence.


There is a pool, but that doesn't look like a vineyard, the rows are too far apart. Also the type of irrigation they're using is wrong for grapes.

"He channeled water flowing from the springs into rock-lined canals, called acequias, for irrigating fields of beans, corn and squash and a peach orchard. (Faver became quite famous for his peach brandy.) "


Not a vineyard.


reads like turbo larping

cuck/pol/ has been turbolarp goons for like 2 years now and reddit since the exodus

You are retarded, mods.

What I posted earlier.
I applaud Holla Forums for even attempting to figure out what happened, but at this point trying to solve a suspected murder case over the inter webs is akin to finding a specific acorn in all of New England's forests.
And don't think I would not love to see something come out of this effort.
The list of politically motivated murders in the US is extensive and stretches back over a century.

kill yourself

It was this February. Either the the night of the 12th or the morning of the 13th. They don't know because they didn't do an autopsy.

I'd like to know this too.

They're all fucking retarded newshills, all the old ones deserted after hearing what their masters thought of them and it's not exactly a job that everyone would take, nor a job that would be offered to anyone

True information is meaningless to an indoctrinated individual.

Am I kewl now, guise?

Wow ctr shows up and tells me to kys and they didn't even attempt to add anything of substance to my post.
Imagine that.

Why the fuck is this larping bullshit sticked now?? Da fuq?? tbh, disappointed fam. We should be digging and spreading the leaks to normies right now, not chasing fucking X-files….

Every goddamn thing is circumstantial right now and we already debunked the email in the podesta7 dig thread you faggots….

Alex Jonestien already covered this, the damage I was worried about, the right making asses of themselves, is already done.

Kill yourself, CTR shill.
I'd love to fucking murder you, honestly. It would give me great satisfaction to gut you like a goddamn fish.

I could shoot you; I've got plenty of guns. I think it would be a lot more satisfying to kill you with something small, like a box cutter. I'd love to go full Nevada-tan on you.

Unsticky this shit.

Scalia was probably assassinated, but this is about 10x as likely not about Scalia's assassination. Jumping to conclusions just makes us look retarded. It's one thing to have a fun LARPing thread speculating about it, it's another to make it a sticky and therefore look like we're seriously endorsing this interpretation.

I want to murder your entire family in front of you and make you fuck their corpses.

You fucking faggots, why is this pinned?!

you fucking idiot, why is this not saged?!

That depends: Why do you sound so upset?

Thank you for Cucking the Rugrats.

Possible evidence Clinton knew Scalia was murdered…I could understand that makes you nervous kike.

Saging a stickied thread lad. Wew


OH LOOK, looks like he decided to kill himself :^)

Wewww, lotta (1)'s pushing this.
There's so little in that email you idiots. Why not pin something where there's actually some substance to the claims? There's loads of good stuff that's come out of the wikileaks digging threads, but this isn't even close.


Intelligentfags, what are the odds she actually will seat Obama?

While I agree this email is little more than a pun, it inspires others to dig or keep digging, and it reminds or informs people of the circumstances surrounding Scalia's death, which was definitely a murder regardless of Podesta or Elmendorf's involvement. Unlike other retarded avenues of attack that got far too much traction here – the "we didn't [give it to the State Department]" email, for example – this doesn't immediately discredit itself. Sure, it seems like little more than a pun, but it also somewhat implies wetwork would be a relevant phrase for either Podesta or Elmendorf. At least this wasn't presented as SMOKING GUN HOLY SHIT like last time. The most important takeaway from this is:

Well if you think the Clinton camp killed him by all means build a case. I tried to starting with this email and led me to the logical conclusion that this email was about campaigning against Bernie Sanders.

There are a lot of people who have motive to have killed Scalia based on an empty SCJ seat. Its really just as likely Obongo or even some cuckservatives did it. Don't lose touch with reality just because you wish this email meant something.

I also saw that he was considering Secretary-General of the UN.
Unless Trump can investigate and have him charged with Treason, Obongo is by no means done fucking the American people in the ass.
Nigger can't pardon himself, right?

… can't he? He can't un-impeach himself, but theoretically he could pardon himself, I believe.

Imagine Obama getting that seat on the Supreme Court.

kill yourself shill. and if you really aren't a shill, just ignore this thread. just because it is old news to you doesn't mean it is old news for everyone else

You know, it occurs to me that constitutionally, I believe there's actually no rule that prevents a President nominating the Vice President, or even themselves, for the Supreme Court. It would never pass through Congress, obviously, and I'm sure I'm just stupid, but it's hilarious if it's legally possible.

If scalia was murdered, it was impossible to prove, and these emails/innuendos if they are that aren't enough.

It isn't what you know, its what you can prove.



Now see, this makes a lot more sense to me. Thanks for the well thought out reply.
Still pretty sure it doesn't deserve a pin, but whatever.

feb 9th was the new hampshire primary. it's way more likely podesta had spoken with this guy who'd said they were working really hard and would use wetworks if necessary etc. as hillary loses the primary, podesta jokes about it and teases him - saying he didn't think wetworks meant "taking it easy" to which the dude says he's all in & everyone will work harder

Looks like he can, unfortunately. If he did, though, it would be proof positive that he did some terrible shit. It looks like he wouldn't even need to detail what he is pardoned from.
The only hope to make him pay is either and international crimes hearing, or to charge him with crimes at the State level, since the President's pardon affects federal crimes (if that is possible, I don't know)
If a State Governor, Attorney General, and Grand Jury could somehow create a winnable case against him there might be a chance he could be punished. Same with Hillary.

Can't hold more than one office, but it's conceivable that Obama could nominate himself on Jan 19th and be a Justice as soon as Congress were finished deliberating.


How is this new to you?

You don't seriously expect them to say 'We're gonna waste the motherfucker' in a govt email, do you?

Elmendorf doesn't run hit pieces, faggot. He's a lobbyist unconnected to their media collusion.

cool story OP, but still..

> using a spy site

Not sure if anyone will remember this. I posted it back in February in a thread after Scalia died.

I picked up this newspaper in my local courthouse when I went to go vote back in the primary, which here in my state was back in March. This story right here in particular caught my attention, because Scalia had just died not long before, and it reveals Hillary Clinton's possible interest in appointing Obama to the Supreme Court.

The date is January 29th, which is precisely two weeks before the death of Antonin Scalia.

your dubs say

7843955 will hang.

and that's just the start

Check that shit out lads.


What's the "mokroha" thing? I don't see it in the original email. What's going on? Also, Podesta is an assassin, literally. That much is completely obvious (arrogance of a sociopath only found in the post-murderer). Presumably by strangulation (if you see how he gestures, then you'll see it's kind of his weird-as-shit thing).

I remember, user. It does seem like getting people used to the idea before there actually was a need to replace him. It's curious whether by that time they had already made concrete plans to kill him or that was just still on a guess level what judge will drop first.

Can King Nigger even be anything but a judge in name only? I recall some of his college classmates making an official statement that they never actually met Obama while he was supposed to be studying.


Will we get to see Chaffee and Howdy grill them?

*Chaffetz and Gowdy

Podesta was the one who made the pool parties joke. He is involved in media collusion and I'm sure they were both aware of it since they are obviously campaigning against Sanders.


From what I've read on it, it can assist in gripping and throwing. What is degenerate about this? Secondly, we've been using here for quite some time, the only bad thing I know about it is that it deleted Holla Forums archives. You need to go in-depth more on why exactly it's a spy site.

There is literally nothing wrong with archiving. The person posting this is a faggot.


Are you fucking kidding me?
Doen't check dubs = newfag.

Halfchan-san, please go.

so much shilling in this thread… f off

> all sites track in-links (technically your browser rats you out in the header - because all browser makers are assrape)
> so someone made redirect sites, but those are just spy sites too. lulz? uber buttfucking
> the spy site is super-duper bad, because it keeps copies of what you visited. in other cases maybe they get a 404, since shit goes down, which is very often in your fucking favor
> see:

> the only thing… known so far :-)
> it's a literal ASN site. Sdrawkcab.

Here you go shill

Literally no dissent from the conspiratorial echo chamber allowed whatsoever, because of course, the only reason someone would disagree with you is if they were being paid to do so. Well done.

I know what wetworks means, I'm not retarded. I also know that you don't know what this email means on account of there's no bloody context. This was the night Hillary lost to Bernie really badly in NH. Perhaps that could be just as plausible an explanation for why a campaign manager would use that term in an email.

I said weeks ago there was a likely Jewish/Russian mafia connection to all of this.
I was banned for "spam".
Now we have mail proving it.
Fucking mods, you need to remain calm and withhold banning someone until it's clearly spam. I spent a week using Tor because of that.

You are right about the emails, but his death was handled in a way where it couldn't be any more obvious something was being hidden. I wouldn't even be surprised if Hillary *was* involved somehow. It just had nothing to do with her campaign, at least not through that email about their campaign against Bernie Sanders.

Its more than likely it was a pun based on the fact they recently had the media publish hit pieces on Bernie Sanders regarding pool parties at Martha's Vineyard with other elites.

Get it? Hit piece. Pool party. Wet works.

pic meant for

Normally that's relevant.

But that post was nothing. Not critical of anything.
So why point it out and waste not only time posting that, but my time pointing this out in another post

You know how I know you're not from this neck of the woods?
Your retarded echobox forum internet slang.

If it's a spy site then who cares, as long as it stores information.

If it tracks you, use a tor.

Point at him and laugh.

Do you not read any of these emails. These people will do the most extreme acts because their neck is now on the line.

We're both backing each other into corners and it's getting feisty now with murder occurring.

That's exactly what I would do if I was covering up murder.
That's a form of word encryption. It's basic, but it still does the job to a degree.

It get's worse, there was a "pizza.jpg" in another email sent to Podesta and others.
Assange didn't leak the attachment - you can probably work out why. It's exactly what you think it is.
These people are writing legislation for your country. Yet there are still a majority of people ok with that Actually I doubt those polls with the amount of media manipulation they use

Have *YOU* been reading emails? Most of them are completely boring bullshit with a few bronze nuggets to smack the libshits with. The suspicious ones are the emails trying to arrange talks over phone. That tells me they are smart enough not to leave a paper trail for *all* of their dirt. Context shows this email was talking about their struggle against the Bernie Sanders campaign.

The attachment was released today and it isn't porn.

not an argument.

And what happens when they delete all the stuff they don't like? Where's your "archive" now?

I have, and the circumstances are collecting. To the untrained eye it's nothing, but to those keeping up with other interesting circumstances - there is a case of murder building. I believe the next set of leaks is key.

I will look at the source of that image later.
That doesn't add up, because Assange should have been able to at least release a modified form of that photo. Where did that photo come from?

silly user.

In fact that's very suspicious. There was no attachment before, why is it suddenly there?
also I bet there's some interesting date in that photo

The source is the email on Wikileaks.

What is suspicious about it? These releases are incremental. Not all of the attachments are showing up at the same time as their emails. If you've been digging, you'd know that.

Sometimes a pizza is just a pizza, user.

I've been digging and that's the first time I've seen a delayed attachment.

I don't buy it. After Elijah wood's revelation I can smell the pedophile connection to this lot. Remember, Clinton is funded by the same moguls that are a part of that ring.
(what's odd is that nothing has been done about that pedophile ring, it was swept under the rug by the media immediately)

Is there an archive of this?

Any source for what they ate that night at the ranch?

Then you should pay better attention or not pretend that you've been digging
You do realize that these aren't the only people Clinton rubs shoulders with, right? Podesta is the chairman of Hillary's Campaign. His emails aren't some secret file with every sin Hillary has committed. Lucky for us she has committed so many that a few here and there actually pop up even if they don't actively hide all their shady dealings.

That is of course giving you the beneifit of the doubt. You honestly seem like a faggot who is *try hard** to derail.

I know, that's why I said it helped the circumstances of the case, there probably won't be a clear crime shown by an email itself. You have to connect the dots user. That's all im doing.

And I swear I have never seen a delayed attachment. Do you have other examples of this occurring. It arouses suspicions towards Assange to be frank.

Also note, he was italian american. Italian Americans also have a mafia

Now that's just a whim, but I think something is occurring with mafia involvement. It's suspicious that there are now russian, jewish and now italians involved rather than other ethnicities. Most of these people seem to be from New Jersey and New York too. Odd.
We also know that there is alot of Russian mafia control of the Russian Government. While some people have said it's the "jewish-russian" mafia, I'm convinced there's also a "jewish-american" mafia too.
And both would not like a person like scalia involved if he too was 'linked' again, very little proof yet, that's why I'm digging

That's it. I'm calling bullshit. Either you are full tinfoil or you are a larper.

Back to >>>/infowars/

My family may have mafia connections.

That's why I'm suspicious. I know how they think.

What's with this link? nothing but rubbish comes up. "http://"

From that SA article in the op:
>"It's unfortunate with any death, and politically in the presidential cycle we're in, my educated guess is nothing will happen before the next president is elected"
Does this statement seem odd to people in this thread?
A peer of his just died and all he thinks about is the "political cycle" and the election. I don't know about you, but normally that's not a comment I would make regarding someone's death. It's odd.

"Older piece on how vacancy would favor Dems from Wapo:"

Again, nothing but a focus on replacing him. This is weird. No eyebrows were raised by this?
That cannot be.

>"Only Jeb Bush said Obama had "every right" to nominate a justice during his final year in office."
How strange for Jeb to do that against his party's wishes.


This thread should be relevant to the discussion here

Read through it, some user found forum posts that might be related to the hitmen or planners behind scalia's assassination. I only skimmed most of this stuff, and I haven't checked the thread here to see if it's been posted yet, but I wanted to make sure it got seen here.

You guys are slower than 4chan, so threads digging into stuff like this have more time to corroborate info. You also don't get shilled to shit as much.

pic related


Clearly you missed the Fisher v. University of Texas connection.
Had Scalia been alive, there would have been a different decision.

In fact, the decision was a 4-3 decision. Had Scalia been there, he would have clearly dissented:
 "There are those who contend that it does not benefit African Americans to get them into the University of Texas, where they do not do well, as opposed to having them go to a less-advanced school, a slower-track school where they do well. One of the briefs pointed out that most of the black scientists in this country don't come from schools like the University of Texas. They come from lesser schools where they do not feel that they're being pushed ahead in classes that are too fast for them."
Yes that was a very controversial decision. Which is why I think that instigated his death.

How the fuck was there not an autopsy after his death? Clearly there would be a clear motive that would deem the death suspicious.
Question is.. who did it?
Who wanted to win this case the most?
Probably a someone who is connected to a mastermind that enforces affirmative action

That means - Soros is probably connected. Which means there's probably a Clinton/DNC connection too.

I don't fucking even:
"Finally, the court found that the petitioner failed "to offer any meaningful way in which the University could have improved upon" its prior race-neutral efforts to achieve diversity-associated goals, including expanding the Top Ten Percent rule, which would leave, as quoted from the Grutter decision, "a gap in an admissions process seeking to create the multidimensional diversity" envisioned by the Bakke decision"

So her application was rejected because "she didn't give another solution to fulfill racial diversity needs"
She was literally discriminated against because she's white.
What the fuck.

Remember - had Scalia been alive this decision would not have gone this way.

White women should look clearly at this. This is their future and far worse if they keep voting for the likes of them.

Welcome to communism.
But replace the proletariat with minority and burgeoise with whites.
And you're swore in the party when you're born.

I want you all to understand in what country you live in. If they can kill a supreme court justice and get away with it, how many ordinary citizens are getting unpersoned each year?

Oh yes, the mafia is very ((italian))

There's a ((russian)) mafia aswell.

Come on, do we literally have blue-pilled faggots on this board? Pick up a fucking book, this is the basic stuff.




There sure is plenty of (((double spacing))) going on in this thread. Do they think double spacing every sentence will make people be more inclined to read it?
It just makes it seem more suspicious by standing out. You can tell right up front who they are.


Suspicious or not, this creates a fucking deluge of shilling regardless of where it's posted. What the fuck.

C. Allen Foster

Took Scalia to the ranch
Works with Podesta
Ties to blackwater



they were going hard on /k/ on halfchan earlier. the amount of CTR posts was mind blowing


Nobody goy, go back to sleep

you have so little respect for yourself you're working as an internet shill for people who call you nerd virgins

A supreme court judge in the fisher II case.

Literally killed because he was going to dissent.

Hillary could get any seed she wanted and she took one from a fucking potato?
KArma sure works on descendants.

Fucking disgusting.

leftists don't believe in genetics, so what difference does it make who delivers the goods?

Hey guys, still writing the summary but my IRL legal studies are getting in the way a bit, will probably post it online to get anons to cooperate.

Will probably make sure the information is on several sources - in case it 'disappears'
I'm convinced we now have enough circumstances to paint a grander picture.

Don't worry I know they seem dodgy too, like they've been subverted too. Not even criminal organizations are safe.

I'm not saying she's not ugly, but she did like somewhat nicer when she was younger, before the plastic surgery.

She looks like a horse in both.

I bet you could park a mini between those front teeth.


>> *Date:* May 9, 2015

Scalia Kill: February 13, 2016

Texas did 9/11

1. Democrats invited Scalia to some lodge and sent a hooker to his room.

2. ????

3. Democrat hooker put a pillow over his face and smothered him to death.

Now his family and the GOP don't want the story to come out that Scalia used a hooker, because they're a bunch of evangelicals…. even though the far bigger story is that the Dems used fucking hooker-assassins!



It seems there are some other people exploring this avenue.


You're very bad at your job.

the good stuff is that anons who don't visit XYZchans are also doing god's work, we are helping, but the masses are awakening some kikes are the definition of evil, evil rats

I still talk about 9/11.

It did happen years ago, but that doesn't change the fact that no fucking plane hit building 7 asshole. These various politics boards were basically founded by people who didn't buy all of the accepted stories. You can't change that.


hmmmmm, lets keep digging

I do as well user except now I always say arabs could not have snuck into the buildings so that they could blow them up.
And oddly enough no one ever calls me out on it.

Masonic ritual murder. There was something called agenda 2100 that emphasized removing all ties to high level scottish rite rituals in the guise of several side orders this order of Jubertos is exactly that. It is exactly what the bohemian grove is aswell, a masonic side order secret society within a secret society within a secret "clandestine" order to remove it 4 degrees of seperation to the lodge. The masks on the wall all of this is masonic.

user, why couldn't it have been just a regular old fashion murder? Why does it always have to be some sort of esoteric bullshit? Tell me, why must you always assume it's related to the occult and not just a "get out of the way so I can fit in" type of thing?

(((Soros))) would never want Scalia dead.

(((Katsas))) only assassinate targets in FOREIGN countries.

Females usually make the best spies and assassins.

Chink female spies are targeting beta nü-males working in computing/gov specifically because of the whole Asian fetish nü-males have.

Kek. FBI counter-intelligence has its fucking hands full. Feel bad for those ladz. They have to recruit more.

I used to call out hot Russian bitches who used to pretend to want to date my friends in government. I thought the Russian women were asking too many work-related questions.

Used to ask the Russian girls to smile because they're being taped. My friend thought I was hating on them.

Usually the Russian bitches worked in places that had a lot of traveling or people, like hotel concierges and shit.

Cucks. They need dick discipline as much as they need trigger discipline.

You aint been here long have you faggot?

We pegged this as murder within an hour of the first confirmation of his death. I didn't even have time myself to HEAR it on the radio or TV before user's here had already started disceting it all.

Welcome to pol.

It's a bit more than bias ay.
It's like we synchronize our perception. It hones it.

And it's different to other conspiracy sites. Our's has a more rooted take. We see a game of chess, they just live in perpetual paranoia ok we do a bit too - but so do most politicians by the looks of it

conspiracy nut stuff, absolutely, but it was fucking blatant that he was murdered all the same.

The court case he was in and the standoff decision that he would have created made it very suspicious.

Then there was no autopsy and very little investigative work.

I don't get why the news didn't push this? This was clear as daylight.

it was LITERALLY covered up by the people in power, that's why the news didn't push it

have you not seen that since he died, NO news source has been as reputable and upstanding as Walter Cronkite?

There is a reason he is still the most respected person in media.

take the big picture schlomo

hell, even before he died, Cronkite was an order of magnitude more trustworthy than 95% of media outlets

We know that now, but back then there was a reasonable suspicion too.

Nothing is more accurate than the primary sources themselves


Podesta 1 emails 1-1090 in one whopping big pdf file!!!

The time has come. Four of clubs.

i gotta agree with this user, all derailing aside. These people are sick fucks and i dont put it past them


Fucking thread live damn you

Because the guy in charge of the FBI is a corrupt fuck.

new email in batch 11 mentions the vineyard

are you a jelly girl?


A CTR slut did the hit for 1 millions $


I've written this out a couple times but no one ever picks it up. Out of context, the original email from podesta doesn't make sense. I thought about it and I came up with this sequence of events that helps to give it the context that it's missing.

"What on earth were the Clintons thinking? This question has been plaguing political watchers ever since Chelsea Clinton, in her first solo campaign outing for her mom last week, threw a punch at Bernie Sanders. … Conservative websites gleefully denounced Chelsea the “attack dog.” Democrats, meanwhile, wrung their hands over why she of all people would be dispatched to do this kind of wet work."

"Didn't think wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard."

"I am all in"
"Sounds like it will be a bad nite , we all need to buckle up and double down"

Essentially they had spoken about the Atlantic article's use of "wet work" before which was hyperbolic exaggeration, and later on they had reason to discuss real assassination, hence this means of referencing it. Written differently to convey tone, it might have been this:

"Didn't THINK wet works meant pool parties at the Vineyard…"

Additional tidbits, roughly 7 months before Scalia's death.

Maybe help set a clear motive.