It's time to try something experimental with the channel


Based Mike. Breeding pigmen to exterminate the white race is the new hotness.

So this is why pinktext was introduced.

isn't that pig female?

The alarm stung her ear, she rolled over to spy
Much to her chagrin and her dread
A big fucking hog with two oversized balls
Strewn all over the bed

“Pig fucker! Pig fucker!” That’s what they said
“Pig fucker! Pig fucker!” That’s what they said
“No, never fuck a pig, dear,” that’s what mommy said
“Never, never fuck a pig, dear,” that’s what mommy said


Which kino would the pigs force Mike to watch in his cuckshed while they oinked Jessi?

Underrated thread.




Animal Farm and Okja for showing the strength/superiority of porcines and to guilt Mike for being a human. Razorback and Squeal to terrify Mike into submission and make sure he never asserts himself again. Babe and Babe: Pig in the City for light relief. That should be enough, but pigs do orgasm for 45 minutes plus so Jessie might be there a while.

Alternatively, a playlist in 1440p HD with surround sound, with all Mike's favourites like "Whore for a Boar" and "City Girl Learns What The Farm Is Really About".

Holy shit, how can human bois even compete?!


She has that towel on that back because boars like to rake the shit out of the backs of whatever their mounting using their hooves.
This cowboy and cowgirl don't fool around.

Reminder that kino is an anagram for oink.

Thread theme.





You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

WTF why are you making fun of my internet friends!? Fuck you guys, I'm going back to r/redlettermedia

Pretty good taste in pig kino.

Is the picture behind Mike real? Wtf?

I, for one, welcome our new oinker overlords.

Jesus Christ, I am wondering if all these oink-posters will have sex with pigs in their life.
Maybe they will create a virus that will exterminate all o fus.
Should I report them to the police?


are you autistic? Do you think the cuckposters are actual cucks? They browse Holla Forums, no way in hell they'd be able to find a girl or a black guy to cuck them. Same with pigposters. Most people into bestiality also have to be into keeping the animal they fuck, which is why its far more likely you'll run into a dogfucker on Holla Forums than anything else.

Pigs are not for sexual!

uh… user…

You can only be a cuck if you meet one of two conditions

Nobody on Holla Forums has a gf, and no one on Holla Forums is extroverted enough to go outside and be a politician, or even really vote

If you're not alpha enough to breed me you can't blame me for looking elsewhere to get what I need. You can watch if you put on your cage though.

You forgot the other conditions


Did you know that BBC (big bolt cock) takes 30 minutes to spores?

…is Jim "Yogapig" Watkins now shitposting Pleb Leddit Memeia threads?




I hate to break it to you but they rally are cuck. Because of their bad genetics they want their Jewesses to be fecundated by Goyim, posting their cucks memes is a way for them to normalise their affliction as well as to push people to adopt their perversions.
Same goes probably for the zoophile cucks, I already alerted the CDC, I take these kind of matters really seriously, and you should too.

You are a disgusting filthy individual young lady, you should seek psychological help :/