what would Holla Forums do with this dyke I'm friends with
What would Holla Forums do with this dyke I'm friends with
gas tbh
drowned her in the dog water bowl behind her
getting trap vibes. i'd roofie her then fuck her for hours, put a buttplug in and let her wake up confused and sore i wouldnt be able to handle the guilt
That's a quadroon…
def not a trap, just manish features.
Shove her face into the sand and fuck her ass. Post more.
have any more pics? also is she actually a lesbian or just looks like one?
yeah she's definitely a dyke
why do lesbians have to be more attractive
That stops her holes from getting plugged how?
it doesn't, but thought you'd like pics of her girlfriend too
slowly beat to death
Kidnap and strap down to a mattress in the basement. Set up a camera and film her being vibed to forced orgasms. Every time she cums, put down the vibe and mercilessly tickle torture her until she pees herself. Repeat until she passes out.
op's dyke is ugly af imo, but yeah, I always find myself drawn to them. They seem more easy going, have cool hobbies, can drink.. I met one that was into drifting, she even had a pretty sick Audi set up for the track.. like fuck mang.. She was cute as shit too, but she brozoned me.
You're a liar. You have no friends.
Normalfag get out
hell yeah. if you're gonna have female friends, you could do worse than lesbians
lol sadanon
This is not, and has never been /r9k/. If you don't have any friends, we're here for you.
love and cherish forever
put her on the woodpile for next winter
Well shit…
Ask why she has shit taste in clothing.
I would rub her belly. It looks soft.
Any nudes?
Reminds me of this dyke I got frisky with.
They usually have high sex drive since high testosterone levels.
Also, I bet she's reading this thread.
If you want to make that fantasy come true reply to this with a contact, and we can arrange it.
post pics
It was basically a boy without a dick, are you sure?
A'ight give me a minute.
this is all i'm willing to share tbh
this is actually my fetish. contact info pls.
More pics pls. Don be a fegit
She has a gf by now, sorry pal
Good shit. It's very uncommon to find someone like us.
give contact idc. ill make it work.
Yeah, they are qt, can you upload nudes please?
She looks almost exactly like the dark-haired dyke here!
I hope you fucked her good.
Oh you can bet I did
how do you fuck retarded dikes like this? i bet she even browse reddit
First step is not calling them retarded.
You need to establish intimacy and to appear chill yet detached enough to be perceived as "not desperate, experienced".
An easy way to do so is to treat her like a man, with the (obvious) exception of never teasing her about how she looks.
Since most of them are sexually repressed all you need is to sneak some sexy remarks here and there. Nothing too obscene, for example how you'd like to feel up their neck with your teeth, or remarks about their kissable lips and so on.
If they give a positive reaction back, you should pretty much engage in what you'd call foreplay.
It can be verbal at first. Slowly make your way up to kissing, then to more obscene physical contact, then you're pretty much good.
Remember: slow is good, fast is not always bad.
You don't want them to feel trapped in some sort of creepy scheme. You want to have fun with them the whole way through.
Be their friend, have fun, but be a bit too sexy for them to sit well with not wanting more.
People want to explore themselves, expecially dykes who never tried a man's touch, use that to your advantage.
Of course if you need further help that can be arranged.
I have a kik profile, just send yours and I'll add you.
t. someone who pulled two chicks on omegle just yesterday
I don't see the need for one?
That's not me afterall
feed her pork
can confirm. I had one throw herself at me at a party once. She asked me to promise we didn't do anything because apparently dykes hate bis or some shit. She had great tits once the Ace bandage came off
Would rape, wana know what she would say if i put her in a situation where she had to have sex and i was raping her but not by force but mind manip
*promise saying
this. enough testosterone to have an adams apple, but not enough to have a mustache. perfect sex drive for a girl
put her in trash compactor
She sends off three different red flags user, I would avoid that
Sauce? its like heartwork, but with more money and less talent.
I forgot the name. This is the only other one I have.
Where are her breasts?
give her to my wife
is this jontron & moot r63?
I'd make her tonguefuck my dirty unwashed asshole like it was a wet juicy cunt
kekkus maximus
1. Steal IPHONE and contents into your asshole
2. Pull micropenis
3. Moonwalk out in the midst of the chaos
4. Go to Apple store in glee as you just pulled off the heist of the century
5. ???
answer: yes it's real. that's what I'd do to her. the end.
chill wit her
its fun
That's a gay couple if I ever saw one.
That's two men, I mean
I'd lick her asshole.
I also would lick her asshole a little bit.
Tie her up in my basement, fuck her until she stops being a lesbian.
kill it with fire
She looks like a prepubescent boy. It's probably because she has high testosterone levels by a woman's standards, but low by a man's standards. It also explains why she is attracted to women, because her libido and sexual attraction is equivalent to a 12 year old boy's.
7/10 would tape her mouth shut, fuck her in the ass
I've seen her posted before within the last four or so years. Either you don't know her or you've really been waiting too long to take any action with her. She may be fat by now, you know how dykes do.
Murder her. Fucking degenerate whore.
I'd sperm her
awwww… why do you have to be like that?
she's a hard 6 with that cut but would be a 7-8 depending on a better style with longer hair. her lez relationship is a fluke, you can't have 2 masculine girls in a relationship bc of power struggle so it won't last too much longer.
she's ok but could be better if she made better choices
Speak for yourself. They've been going steady for years, and are still together.
keep the strap-on drawer full!
holy shit an actual chand here on Holla Forums?
color me surprised
hair long enough for you now, user?