Prostitutes are better because…

Prostitutes are better because…

Prostitutes don't say "I can't. I have a boyfriend."

Prostitutes don't say "No thanks. I didn't think we clicked."

Prostitutes don't say "You're not my type."

Prostitutes don't say "I think you're too old."

Prostitutes say "Do you want to get together? Do you want me to come over?"

Prostitutes don't care if you're unemployed or if you have an unimpressive or low-paying job.

Prostitutes don't care if you drive an old or inexpensive car.

Prostitutes don't care if you're not handsome or if you're short or overweight.

Prostitutes don't care if you're not a good conversationalist.

Prostitutes don't care if you are married.

Prostitutes don't care if you have been divorced three times or six times or if you have children by several ex-wives or ex-girlfriends.

Unless you are young, rich, tall, and handsome, you can probably have sex with prostitutes who are much younger and prettier than anyone you could date or marry.

More than is true of most women, if you are nice to a prostitute, she'll be nice to you.

In an ideal world, all women would be as affectionate and accommodating as prostitutes are. But this isn't an ideal world.

Sex with prostitutes tends to prevent you from being too dependent, sexually or emotionally, on other women.

Prostitutes won't accuse you of "sexual harassment" because you tell her you'd like to be sexually involved with her or ask her for a date or tell her a dirty joke or tell her how pretty or sexy she is or how much you love her.

A prostitute won't threaten to break up with you or actually leave you because you won't marry her.

Prostitutes don't care who else you have sex with.

Sociology research has shown that old joke is actually true: Married men are prostitutes' best customers. This wouldn't be true if marriage were all it's cracked up to be.

Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?

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yea but you can't bareback them and most are drug addict hyper degenerates

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drug addicts
yes in AMERICA

in Asia most prostitutes are NORMAL women

fuck off Jim
12 year old prostitutes arent normal


Yeah because all asian women a prostitutes.

and white women aren't? White women are gold-digging whores who only want to marry the richest men

incel weeb detected

Prostitution is legal in my country, and while it's made women safer, it's also further commodified sex. Sex is officially a tradeable good/service so now all girls behave a little more like whores, even if they're not technically whoring. Otherwise, I don't give a fuck and can't see why it would have ever been illegal in the first place, although I could say the same about drugs and fucking livestock so what do I know.

Meanwhile, asian women a fucking anyone with 3 dollars.
Checkmate, chink.

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Prostitutes are for losers.

honestly waiting for societal collapse is what gets me outta bed in the morning.
t. white person

its illegal because women hate the idea that men can get sex cheaply and easily

Stop the fucking presses.

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i am ugly. prostitutes are the one kind of women i could get, but i dont because i am poor too.

anyway, must be nice being a chad and being able to just get any girl you want. some of us cant because we have shit genes, and theres nothing we can do about it.

so fuck you.

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Ironically it's only (((empowered))) them more. A half decent (i.e 7/10) girl can get easily net $1k in a day whoring if she 'works hard'. Meanwhile le eternal working man struggles to make that in a week/fortnight.

not even a women hater, but… should women have ever been allowed the same rights as men?

seems like we got a really shit deal from women's "liberation".

then you need to go to Thailand or Tijuana

american prostitutes are hugely overpriced

in Asia you can fuck hot women for 30 dollars


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Now that it's legal, they have the full weight of the law protecting them. They don't need pimps.


if they're paying taxes the pimp would be known as the government.

Whores are in all seriousness some of the nicest women you'll ever meet, idk about the street walking kind but the ones who hang out at the good hotels are great in my experience.

That's basically what it became, yeah.

Well ya, you are giving them money after all so they wilñ be extra nice to any stupid fuck

so just like most women?

spotted the mexican

where i live yeah probably like that in most cities

Who runs a brothel? Why do you think "the full weight of the law protecting them" is anything but bullshit?

Yes prostitution should be made legal. Then we can stop having all these weepy incels masturbating over how much they hate women. They'd get jobs then pay for fuck and get their lives on track the end.

depends on if a brother is legal.

Please tell me you're merely pretending.

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most funny, and most disgusting story user

oops i ment brothel lmao.

that dude is unlucky as fuck but its his fault tbh

and he is probably still a virgin to this day lmao

$30 is a lot of money

Brothels are pretty few and far between. They have websites & advertise in the paper / word of mouth. It used to be a gang thing, now they can just call the cops if they feel threatened, so don't need the big scary gangsters taking a cut. I live in a safe country where the women mostly just run amok tbh, pic very related (average # of sexual partners for females)

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damn euro bitches are sluts wtf
and im sitting here in america like a fucking loser getting free water in restaurants but no healthcare

mfw New Zealand..
.. the sheep have a better sense of decency..

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unless you put your penis into a vagina you have not lost your virginity. Shemales do not have vaginas

because the normal asian woman is the type that would become a prostitute.

prostitution isnt considered something bad or immoral in Asia

Where is Poland on that list?

polish cunts are hot

probably somewhere under czechia

but HPV and herpes though
there is no condom against that

Those are just excuses. I'm unattractive too, but i got my pride/honor and i would never use a prostitute. Imagine how many dicks she had inside, the thought alone makes me sick. Both prostitutes and their clients willingly give away their souls into cheap change. Faping seams less depressing and its free.

yeah, degenerates keep trying to say that almost the entire world has herpes. even if that is true, it's not genital herpes. as for HPV, it's new enough for every site to shill and say "Its no big deal goy!!!".

I've had sex with only 4 chicks and it's high probably that even I have HPV. Freaks me the fuck out sometimes, which it should I dont use condoms and no one is to be trusted when it comes to sex.

That's just excuses. I'm ugly too, so you know what i got? an ugly wman. now everytime i come home from work i get a feet massage

You know what I got? An ugly sex doll that has sex with my Australian Shepard.

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With all that money you spend on hookers and their gaping holes wouldn't it be better to spend it on improving yourself and getting free high quality pussy ?

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source please

commies are too content. it's like the tendies situation.
i hate u btw

Strait out of /r/incels

you would know

What kinda beta fag buys his way into success? Both prostitutes and buying success is fucking lame as shit. Nevertheless prostitutes should be legal.

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No protstitution shouldn't be legal. And women that wan to be prostitutes should be incarcereated and sent into forced labour so they can learn how to become useful members of society

You forgot:
Prostitutes are cheaper in the long run.

Surgery to increment height is extremely expensive, you cant do shit for half a year and it wont give you that much, only a bit more than a couple of inches.

The whole problem with women is that they're all basically prostitutes. Why do you want to support the problem, (((OP)))?

hmmm…typical retardation from someone who also has too much free time and speaks with a belly filled with food.
Just like my previous post you too should also be incarcerated and sent into forced labour so you can learn how. Imagine…you and the whores cleaning forests or working in a farm.
Garenteed you would start looking at the world in a different way after a few years.

fucking shit about HPV is that it gives you cancer down the line

>>>Holla Forums

my great grandma was the only one i know who died of cancer. but to be fair, she was over 80 and it was breast cancer but still… I watched her disintegrate and practically beg for death.

I have a little sister and the though of her being a whore and then dying of slut cancer triggers me, almost compelling me to want to take a bible and start going around beating people with it.

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Lol go die, not everyone and everything will be useful, and having them pay taxes in the meantime is very useful.

Its painful, unpractical look very weird when you're naked.
I would never advice such thing.
If you're a couple inches too short then pic related is more then enough.
By the time she figure it out you'd have already busted your balls inside her, so who cares

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idk about the first retarded shit, but the second webm was tight. known fact by men who have taught women how to shoot. they are better shots. it has to be a male who teaches them though.

only good thing you posted

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this post is 100% true.

dear Holla Forums.


a prositute will never respect or love me. sex is fun but so is just just laying with a girl and talking about random shit for hours. oh god im so lonely i want to die.

Enjoy wearing a concrete blocks

How do you know?
You never had a girl talk to you, let alone laying next to you.

ive had normal girls and hookers, they like me for a little bit then move on.

Prostitution is already legal in every normal civilized country.

Yes prostitutes are better.
Tend to be less judgemental and sometimes down to earth.
Been there done that kind of vibe it's more comfortable than the presence of a "normal" woman aka prostitutes in denial.

There are many chatrooms on interweb where you can meet and talk to girls, i'm not talking about camwhores

When you post to you support pedophiles


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They do reject you if you're black or look like a psycho

t. black & on crack

Nothing in life is free, you pay time and effort, or you pay cash. Either you spend hours of your life convincing some slut to let you get your nut off or you pay some other slut $350 and get it instantly.

Fuck off back to reddit.
Prostitution is degenerate.
And women should be forcibly married off early to keep them in line.

Unironically this.

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Why 3dpd when silicone is almost free.

Depends where the shemale puts his penis …







only good thing you posted

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You've missed the point entirely you dweeb

Do you know how Sleipnir was conceived? Pure degeneracy.

I'm fine, thank you for ask. So, how is your mother?


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you're a man of taste and not an absolute degenerate

pic not related. i just wanted to post it.

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very nice legs user