Prostitutes are better because…
Prostitutes don't say "I can't. I have a boyfriend."
Prostitutes don't say "No thanks. I didn't think we clicked."
Prostitutes don't say "You're not my type."
Prostitutes don't say "I think you're too old."
Prostitutes say "Do you want to get together? Do you want me to come over?"
Prostitutes don't care if you're unemployed or if you have an unimpressive or low-paying job.
Prostitutes don't care if you drive an old or inexpensive car.
Prostitutes don't care if you're not handsome or if you're short or overweight.
Prostitutes don't care if you're not a good conversationalist.
Prostitutes don't care if you are married.
Prostitutes don't care if you have been divorced three times or six times or if you have children by several ex-wives or ex-girlfriends.
Unless you are young, rich, tall, and handsome, you can probably have sex with prostitutes who are much younger and prettier than anyone you could date or marry.
More than is true of most women, if you are nice to a prostitute, she'll be nice to you.
In an ideal world, all women would be as affectionate and accommodating as prostitutes are. But this isn't an ideal world.
Sex with prostitutes tends to prevent you from being too dependent, sexually or emotionally, on other women.
Prostitutes won't accuse you of "sexual harassment" because you tell her you'd like to be sexually involved with her or ask her for a date or tell her a dirty joke or tell her how pretty or sexy she is or how much you love her.
A prostitute won't threaten to break up with you or actually leave you because you won't marry her.
Prostitutes don't care who else you have sex with.
Sociology research has shown that old joke is actually true: Married men are prostitutes' best customers. This wouldn't be true if marriage were all it's cracked up to be.
Are Prostitutes Better Than Normal Women?