How do I open my third eye?

The area on my forehead slightly above and between the eyebrows has been tingling for ~1 week. Supposedly that's where the third eye chakra is. I can feel it tingle and pulse with certain sounds or vibrations. I was in an idling car recently and the vibrations from the engine made it feel like something was trying to get out of my forehead. I can tense up that part of the forehead if I want. Some sources say you have to relax and remove all tension around there though. I also read you might see a purple light when you close your eyes and look up if you make progress. I'm not seeing shit, but there are more eye floaters lately. If anyone says meditate, I'll treat it as a nonanswer, because that's too vague. My experience is meditation with a specific goal in mind involves specific steps, and the different kinds of meditation are so numerous as to make picking the right one without experienced insight like winning the lottery.

I don't expect to see a literal eye there like gif related.

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Other urls found in this thread:

dbz is not real you dumb mexican

You have a brain tumour.

That may be, but that show is loaded with references and metaphors pertaining to the chakra system. Due to certain circumstances and recent personal experiences, I am more inclined to think the chakras are real, but in what sense they are real and the true extent of what they do is what I am trying to investigate.

You do know your "third eye" is referring to your asshole right? Right?

The sensations are not happening within the skull though. If a tumor, it would be like skin cancer or a tumor around the frontal sinuses. Whenever I bring my awareness to that spot, I can feel it pulsing and I can send it sensations as if tensing a muscle, but no muscle in the area tenses.

I have yet to see literature where it is used as that kind of metaphor. Perhaps if you used a resource like urban dictionary, but I'm not interested in street slang usage.

6th sense is impossible to explain. some have it and some dont. i've spent my younger years as a devout catholic and a science nerd, so i was constantly thinking about what reality is and the true nature of life. tbh it led me into a temporary mental breakdown until i finally saw the 4th dimension.

top kek

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I thought the third eye was your "Japs" eye. Your penis hole.

Large Object Insertion.

Search goggle for "third eye is anus", have fun.

desu bait

get on my level brainlet

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brown eye is anus.

you need to work with your third eye in it's realm: dreams. give it permission to show you what it wants or needs to show you. get plenty of sleep and keep trying. it can be trained/improved like any other skill.

Are you sure you don't mean ego breakdown? My understanding is sometimes egos respond with great fear and anxiety when change or loss of control is sensed.

Anyways, I don't need third eye powers so much explained as I need help activating or becoming aware. I think if I read too much about what it supposedly does when open it will lead to preconceived notions and limit what I can see, but if you want to elaborate on signs I should expect in order to confirm it being open, that might be interesting.

I will explain why I suspect the chakras are real though, so this thread can be a little about me giving info instead of just asking. I recently experienced a revelation on what my body is capable of. There was an initiation into many secrets when someone told me a story of what happened to him when he lied down and did a very specific removal of tension in a very specific place and way. I don't mind telling someone exactly what, but it must be messaged privately, as there is some indication that the process may go wrong for certain individuals. He said his body began moving on its own, first with simple movements and then leading on to full blown yoga poses.

I was intrigued and had known him long enough to not just toss it aside as mere bullshitting, so I decided the only way to know was to see for myself. So there I was, on the floor and listening to music, just trying to relax and focus, but nothing was happening. The music started to pick up and my will to succeed grew strong, and I'm not sure which it was: either I intentionally visualized it, it came to me, or it was a little of both, but I saw myself running through many open doors straight to the "end" and there was a sense that it was my right to do so and nothing would stop me. Later this experience caused me to do much reading, and I now suspect that those doors were a subconscious representation of my "chakras". I felt a jolt of "electricity" and then it began. First a smile overtook my face and then my legs started twitching, and before I knew it my whole body was moving every which way and all sorts of popping was happening at every joint moved long enough. It was like a very active chiropractic session, and now that I have let my body have it's way on several nights with time to spare, it does actual yoga instead of just semi-random spastic movements. Each time my body does the yoga, it removes stiffness from all joints involved and my energy and blood circulation flows more freely than ever before.

That might sound burdensome, but apparently it works like breathing in that you don't need to think about it. You just let it happen to you when you want to let it happen. Unlike breathing though, I can consciously stop it at any moment with no effort, and it doesn't interfere with sleep. (But I was an insomniac after that first experience.) I did more reading and I think this is where regular yoga comes from: by people who discovered this biological process and everybody else was just mimicking it. My intuition is that this automatic yoga is a very intelligent process, and the only body parts it involves are those needing to be fixed from too much stiffness. I even let it reach my face for a while, and my jaw gave an enormous pop and realigned itself.

So there it is. It's possible I know all of yoga now from a single experience that lasted about 2 hours (in a sense as far as the physical movements go) and I never studied it before. I always thought yoga was boring and useless (and for the most part I still do). But now I'm standing in an open door to a whole new world of knowledge, and I'm trying to find out which of the old stories are true and which are fiction. So is the third eye a real thing, just one of those doors I passed through or will pass through?

pic related is similar to one of the stretches it made me do recently except it stuck my arms out in front of me. It sits you back up when it's done, sometimes by doing a weird shaking, twisting motion. If you decide to stay standing the movements can be like a dance.

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Always be prying open your third eye

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How though? I don't think it's a coincidence that soon after the automatic yoga started that the area began tingling and throbbing.

perhaps. never looked into it.
never did it. was in martial arts into my late teens. also i spent a lot of time isolated.
can't into meditating. whatever works for you though.

If your third eye is open, can you tell me what it is like to look through it? I mean, is it always open, always giving you information? Or can you choose when you look through it? If you choose when, where should I bring my awareness to look through it?

You must internalize every Rick and Morty episode. Gain the big brain IQ.

I don't know man. I just was reading a lot no matter what something conflicted with something else. I would be in public and nothing people did make sense. Nothing made sense, I didn't make sense. tbh it's always kind of been like this. When I was younger I got real sick, didn't really remember anything except falling. I was falling forever in a dark orange and black mist, everything was amazingly huge and incredibly small at the same time, I was scared but I wasn't, and then when I woke up it was a few days later. Really haven't been the same since. It was a few years ago when I actually cracked though. I think what you're looking for is only found through struggle.

With a knife. Keep going and don't stop until you find it.

did wittle babby get triggered by the thread that stepped outside your safe zone?


A common theme I see is coming to terms with what is illusion and an open third eye is sometimes said to see through illusions or cause one to be aware of illusions. Does that resonate with you? Are there any particular illusions you came to terms with?

be careful. someone is searching for something.

What do you mean "someone"? If you mean me, it is obvious that I am searching for a way to see the truth regarding the so called third eye, so what's your point?


can't really explain anymore. pic somewhat related but not really. i stopped bothering otherwise i would decent further into madness since i lack gray matter.

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You are on the right track if you can naturally feel this sensation or initiate it consciously. Chakras are real but they wont turn you into an airbender or allow you to levitate. These focal points have to do with communication and the ability to moderate/sense balance in your own body/life. I will give you an example then give some pointers on how to empower this development.

The 3rd eye has to do with intuition and judgement. It just so happens that you can scan other people (and yourself) to develop better idea of your environment (physically, emotionally). This leads you to better judgement and honesty within yourself. Another example, the sacral point will show you sexual compatibility in a partner – you can think you like someone, but a real partner will pull on your chakra because this communication is invisible. A improper partner may give you an erection but that is only part of the equation (hence why hookup culture is damaging: you loose the ability to engender a true connection).

If you want to expand this growth, you are going to have to be a healthy person. You have to fine tune the machine that is body and mind. For the 3rd eye, you want to sit somewhere without direct bright light, breath easily but continuously, keep the breath stable and cyclic, and don't think. Keep your eyes closed. No ideas or pictures in your head. Try to just breathe and observe. Once you can quiet the mind, focus your "vision" where you feel the tingles. What you are looking for is a circular purple light at that point in your forehead. Keep the breathing stable, and just focus on this point, don't force it.

Kundalini yoga is great for chakra development – the other forms of yoga are for your body mainly. It has to do with breath and vibrations via chanting. There are specific forms for every chakra point. Don't gloat because you have this awakening, some people may not ever get there. It also helps to try and be a good person which may not be possible in our modern lives.

With an icepick, this finishes the lobotomy that you started and makes complete surrender and liberation possible.

What do you think about this: my intuition regarding the "automatic yoga" is that it gradually travels upwards and eventually reaches the face and head. It goes wherever tension is released, but this sounds like a purely physical phenomenon effecting only the musculature and joints. But I wonder what should happen if I should seize upon the opportunity of when these movements become particularly energetic and thorough to also release the tension in the mind and feel its liberating dance in my brain? Do you think if I develop this practice enough it will be enough to open the third eye? This seems like something I would know already, but I haven't had the time to just do yoga until it reaches an enlightening climax and the movements didn't have much sophistication at first.

Did you try the icepick yet, I'm confident that it will help you the most.

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fuck that

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does wittle babby want attention?

I think if you work on it with intent progress will be made, but with all things, it helps to learn from someone that has been shown the way. Look for a kundalini class near you, or watch videos like this for a while:

just want to let you know OP. what you want, you will only find though struggle and partial death. proceed with your life with no restriction.

God, what's with all the eye floaters lately? I tried relaxing my physical eyes like many instructions advise, but now I am seeing eye floaters much more frequently. I am guessing they were always there, but now my attention is brought to them. Why though?

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shotgun 14 bong rips, netflix & cuddles

Now you're breathing manually.

Pretty much, yeah.

das a spirochetal infection user.
RIP in peace

Yeah… no. Spriochetal infections cause skin issues, not floaters. UV exposure increases floaters. I get outside a lot without sunglasses.

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Did you feel threatened by the thinking that was outside your personal model of the world and how it works and felt compelled to respond even though you hate this thread really, really badly and wish really, really badly that it wouldn't be bumped?