Post ITT only if you're an amerifat

post ITT only if you're an amerifat

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Ya, Am burger YEEHAW okie dokie fo sho nig FREEDOM No.1!!

that cheeseburger looks terrible. he has shamed us all.

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Innout is overrated.

what about this one?

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ok then how about these? onion bun, yes, but has everything else

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and these

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i like the 3rd and 4th

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Get the fuck out of here, leaf.

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thin leaf of lettuce looks nasty and needs more pickles, but nearly perfect.

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kys fat boy

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good point, at least it isn't that huge though

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i'll only do big macs and won't tolerate anything else unless i am starving.


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no sauce on those wings

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they're basted in sauce, eurotard.

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whatever you say pleb with your dry ass wings.

stay jelly euronigger

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this burger was made by a madman

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I really need to leave the food industry, burgers are some unhealthy shit

make artisan salads and sell them at 30 dollars. hipsters will buy it.

Now thats a business idea, might help me lose the weight i gained working at this pos place too


terrible bait

Son of a whore I bet those were good.

It's a joke, autismo.

Jokes are supposed to be funny.

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He used the jew flag and called people goyim. Subverting isn't even the word when he outright states his plans. Holy shit you cuckchanners are shit eating retards.


at least they aren't killing or stealing

Not enjoying a based Luther burger.

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Absolutamente Asqueroso

That quad burger looks so good

now this is quality

I want to eat 3 of those at once and i hope it kills me right away

I bet those fires are shit. burger seems ok though


cheeseboiaga thread

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God bless the US


Damn, now I could go for some Five Guys tbh

dear Holla Forums.


you mad?

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I'm kind of jelly. I can't shovel food into my mouth like that.

How old are you, 53? or is that your dad.

I mean you could but would you really want to?

I mean… I'm american so I kind of wouldn't mind once in a while. Not in pug though.


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I'd like to hear about this pug's struggles

It struggles to breathe.

I know for a fucking fact you aren’t an American. Its a fucking CHEESEBURGER you fucking mutt. There is supposed to be alot of CHEESE and a lot of BURGER. What are you, brain dead?

Get out. Dont you ever come back here.

You just wait till you guys run out of chicken

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why did I make it to 3m before realizing nothing would happen? cute kid though. I also hadn't realized people actually drank slurpees with meals.