You know whats grate about dating teens?
no matter how old you are or where you go, they're still teens.
You know whats grate about dating teens?
That's not how that quote goes. I want to rub those legs
Those legs need a vigorous penis rubbing
Of the leg-rubbing variety?
Non virgin dilf here, the fun part is that oldies are the ones with lower expectations, teens are just horny things expecting a lot, we arent in the 50's anymore.
maybe they can teach you spelling?
This Chad bullshit is just propaganda. Theres nothing revolutionary about it, now stop sharing this with us you bitch
rostie salt only make the whole thing more enjoyable
Does it help make Trump's presidency any less shitty?
Have you ever considered making a thread that isn't about the same exact thing?
At first I thought your tripfaggotry was ironic but now it's just obnoxious.
never mind the car is on finance and the 'place' is a rental dogbox
Picking up teens (legal of course) is like shooting fish in a barrel. They think shit like your alcoholism is edgy and cool, wheras a 20 year old girl just cringes at that shit.
Um, no. Not really.
Sad part is, I'm not a roastie. I'm you. I'm just not even proud of it anymore. They're just so easy to manipulate. Last three girls I fucked were 17. I convinced the first (slightly chubby) one to bring a friend using some Bill Nye tier nonsense, and proceeded to use them, and had them do things to each other over the next four days. Once I'd completely emptied every last bit of jizz it kinda dawned on me how fucking pathetic it really was. Truth is I struggle with women my own age, because they see me as the drunk, underachieving sack of shit I truly am. They hate me, and they should. It's a healthy reflex.
Old ladies just ask for a dick pic. Car? home? autists always lost their virginities with oldies or retarded girls, the average teen go for chads/promiscuous then everything else, then autists, a fucking saspie can get money for pumping semen inside a 40 years old.
Because nobody wants to fuck them, user..
I wish they would turn on ids to deal with same fagging. Single women past the late 20s and single moms have the lowest standards because they are in low demand. They are also interesting to talk to and capable of conversation, unlike most women 19-27. Single, childless females in this age bracket are stuck up, shallow and only interested in meeting as many people as possible to try and find the perfect boyfriend. Only when their looks start to fade do their egos diminish to realistic levels. Many of them aren't even nice to other women.
Females who haven't graduated high school are kinder, more willing to engage in conversation and listen to what you have to say. They're also less damaged from all their failed relationships.
Oldies or asburgers?
imagine believing this garbage
both I guess
Nice LARP.
Unfortunately it's the truth.
Fuck off larper
Larking for a larp
It's "neither".
t. grammar Nazi
You're projecting, user.
I never lied nor manipulated any girl into having sex with me, they do it willingly fully aware of the consequences, some times they even dump me first!
They leave right after sex and i never hear from them again. not that i'm complaining.
Girls are really far from being innocent little creatures.
Reminder that pedos create feminists. They fool them into thinking they love them, fuck them, dump them thus creating another feminist that will believe all men are the same.
Hence why pedos must be shipped away to die.