The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been found to contain child pornography within the blockchain

The cryptocurrency Bitcoin has been found to contain child pornography within the blockchain.

The manner in which this quandry is resolved could have profound effects for pedophiles. In effect, if possession of the blockchain is deemed legal in spite of conflicting child pornography laws, then it will be possible to directly store and distribute child pornography using the technology with no legal consequences. Alternatively, the technology would have to be completely outlawed.

Who will win, bitcoin and pedos or kikes and anti-pedos?

Attached: 1520813590278.png (1000x818, 479.69K)

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(((They))) are trying to get rid of BTC from every angle. Its pathetic tbh

Lmao, good thing I got out when I did xD

Attached: 1472886455095.jpg (617x367, 44.35K)

They ruin everything.

Yes because the kids are doing pornography volunarily and are very well paid. Going to school and university? no fuck that!

You make me sick OP. There's just no reasons why you shoud be allowed to be a part of society..

damn pedo scum

I'm sure some pedos were buying CP with cash too. Is that an argument for abolishing real money?

Yeah I sold all my btc at $600 too…
t. killing myself now
