Okay Holla Forums I got a plan...

Okay Holla Forums I got a plan, 14 students died at Marjory Stoneman Douglas Highschool and Hillary Clinton claims 88 people die from guns everyday. She is probably lying but it doesn't matter. So here is the

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I read the name of the highschool as "Majority Stoneman" at first, like the school is majority niggers or something

Das a bretty gud idea, user.
I lig it!


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Nah nigga

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Post the pictures here btw

Go back to cuckchan.


the plan sounds solid its just not that funny
cant we go back to making them piss them selfs to be part of the collective

It's subtle humor like giving out Iron guard or BUF flags at gun control parades. Its also easy to do. If we ever need a good kick we can drop anonymous tips at CNN that highschool "white supremacists" are parading on Hitler's birthday

But make sure the tip is from cuckchan so it gets even more cancerous.

It'll be amazing if that works out, I doubt there's much they could hate more than being seen commemorating Adolf's birth.

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this is brilliant. i will do what I can to make it happen

we have to make sure the hashtag stays the same

Kek, that's funny but it might tip them off with white nationalists using the same hashtag

we can convince them that it was their idea first

You're spreading this too soon, a month beforehand leaves too much time for people to find out

T. Reddit

u guys are so comical and pessimistic. Do you realize how easy it is to influence people?
all it takes is a simple idea. even if this thread doesnt gain ground, we will read about this a month later of kids doing it even though we forgot.

The absolute state of white nationalists; while they’re sitting on their computer coming up with cringy activism campaigns that are completely forggoten about in less than a month their women are being raped and their race is being bred out of existence. Sad!

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thats called cucked, our race is already cucked, the question is are YOU cucked or are you active?

i think it'd be too obvious user,but i don't take risks that's why i'm here,so hey good luck if ya go for it,as another user said tho,too soon,pitch this 48 hours or so before the date and we'll see how it goes

Its truly sad

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all you have to fuckin do is get on those apps for 13+ and find kids and tell them its cool to put that on their arm and tell them when to do it. next thing you know its like a thing. just

Can a kind user explain to me what the "sad!" is suposed to signify?is this another highly used term on reddit or something,keep seeing these and they tend to be included in bait just gives it away imo or from fellas that stick their ass out for everyone to see they ain't from round these parts,just curious tbh

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Everyone is saying the d8 is too soon which I guess it is. I thought giving us more time will hopefully spread it more and the normalfags will have time to plan it out and spread it

Mind telling us which ones

It's a twitter liberal thing

It is far too soon. People are dumb but at least a few of them are going to know what it actually means and others are going to want to look it up as well.

420 is a full month from now, stoneman will be ancient history by then.

what we'll need to do is organise another school shooting on april 14-19 that also kills 14 people.

Brilliant, user you're amazing

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meetme. put ur age as 15 but dont spam because of jewish mods. they also spy on ur messages too so be careful

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wew brave soul,i hope you aren't a burger,or if you are i hope you have good opsec lad

Too soon user,time is not the issue,3 dedicated anons with twitter eggs and a couple of hours of picking at least the one's who are more likely to buy it is enough,you're basically throwing a blunt and hoping the forest catches fire,you do it too soon and even if sucessful the effect will be negligeble,even if you do everything right all it takes is for a good (((samaritan))) that tries to put the fire out before it gets out of hand,it could work tho,but again,it's too soon atm

Thread reported for inciting to violence!

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the fun of it is that nobody will know where this idea came from

How about we create the material early and post them closer to the date

honestly if you are a true troll to the core, you will be leaving anti-semetic propaganda in pupular places. even if you aren't a troll. free speech is free speech, we shouldnt be afraid to talk about jews.

do you know how this world works at all

toasting in epic bread

Reddit tier "meme"

I'm a dog living in the middle of fucking Siberia, starving myself just to respond to your post.

Good idea trips

Nice trips, did Holla Forums know about this? i hate those lazy turks, but they can spread it like fire.