Earth at night

What is the first thing that comes to your mind looking at this image?

Attached: 324350main_11_full.jpg (1880x1410, 157.04K)

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the bit around the aral sea looks out of date


Niggers have no infrastructure outside of what whites & chinks have built for them. Wakanda when?

The earth is flat

That Africa is the second to third largest continent (depending on wither or not you consider Eurasia a continent) and its also one of the leaat lit

Seeing Earth at night is like a redpill showcasing how retarded niggers are

yes goy more lights and fuel consumption

Nice try shlomo

t. electricity cuck

Europe is a shitty country.

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That without the White man, niggers live in the dark

Whites are being bred out of existence we should destroy the planet before we fall so inferior people don't inherit it

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seems like a good plan tbh. Either way, if niggers were in charge, the whole planet would to hell anyway. Since they are not able to develop themselves, let alone the entire world. kek

All we need to do is burn tires and houses en masse to ensure we will be the last rulers of the human race

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Have I ever told you guys that I love you? Of course not, that would be gay, but the sentiment is there.

Were both me but thanks (assuming non faggotry)

I'm seeing all the places that white people have fucked up, and all the places that white people want to fuck up! Also Africa is the largest continent in reality, not according to the fake map that whitey created! Thanks but no thanks!

It's pretty dark down there. Could stand to be a bit darker and a lot quieter.

Green land sucks.

at least the niggers can see the stars

Attached: __chitose_sana_tenshinranman_drawn_by_chiba_sadoru__04922db078095f6dc2293dbe775ae16f.jpg (518x640, 187.83K)

That's not how light works

yes it is, stupid. Go outside once in a while and you'd know that you can see the stars ten times better outside a city.


I could walk out in the middle of NYC at midnight and still see every constellation in the sky. You're just a blind faggot or something.

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You know light pollution is a thing, right user?

niggers use electricity more efficiently

t. african jealous that he doesn't have electricity

Tbh first thing that comes to mind is asking where you got the image/if ya did it yourself,how?

Timezones are a lie.

Attached: they-live-alien-mask-3.jpg (1000x1000, 91.57K)

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t. blindfags

retard confirmed

Even if that is true, constellations are made up of the brightest stars.
Go out in the woods some time when the moon is dark and you'll see the milky way as a trail of white-gold, glittering dust.


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Are you implying that this is the belief of le jew man or to be against said belief is to be le jew man? I'm so confused

if you want more indepth data on the dark continent

all the "advantages" of living in an urban area are just worthless ploys to push urbanization… nigger concerts, nigger clubs, nigger meetups, big shopping centers with literally nothing worth buying, etc

Attached: africa.jpg (854x843, 185.48K)

The jews are behind the mass use of lighting, at first it was just so that we would slave away through the night shortening our lifespan and sperm count but an added bonus for them was taking us away from nature to make us even more subservient

What i'm wondering is what did user/whoever did the image use to put together at least 2 images because 1 photo isn't enough to catch the whole planet in nightime

Ya think, genius? And the fact that the planet doesn't have night time all at the same time. Duh.

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Lesotho is strangely brighter than South Africa that surrounds it.

Is this ice wall at the top I keep hearing about?

Thats because of all the bonefires they make

Brace yourselves! The White Walkers are coming!

Attached: brace yourselves.jpg (622x477, 37.41K)

OP is a faggot.
Followed very closely by the thought that Norway and Sweden look an awful lot like a cock and balls.

Your dick must look very fucking weird

no homo bro

Greenland is a beautiful, comfy place. Many underground facilities are there along with with pure nature and nice people. The real power is held from there but will only be reclaimed when the times are at hand.

Not to mention large.

ohh snarky today aren't we,it was a rhetorical question numbnuts i just want to know how because it looks good,i'll just reverse image search,unhelpful faggot

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Make an infograph and get Holla Forums to believe this.

t. oil shitskin



He could be a shower



Attached: 324350main_11_full.jpg (814x283, 68.75K)

Shock at how barren aussie is

plentiful rural area left


you misunderstand sir, all this:
is embarrassing nonsense, Europe will always prevail

Exactly, I think they could fit at least another half billion indian, chinese and pakistani brothers and sisters in there to be honest.

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most of 'straya is desert

Yeah, listen to this guy.
You'll all hate it here.

Move over m8

Why the fuck do pakis dress like ringwraiths

To protect their 'rings' quite literally

right up until you get destroyed by g*rman fuckery yet again
