You know what to do lads
You know what to do lads
Google doc traps are a way of getting your email. This is an infiltrator.
if you fall for it you deserve it
So use sharklasers you tard
Do you think my real email is [email protected]/* */?
what the fuck do you think 10minutemail is for you dumb nigger. ffs you can type in [email protected]/* */ or are you trying to say that anons use jewgle and are logged in when they go to the docs? you're a grade a retard if that is how your info gets out.
CTR really sucks nowadays
Use a fake email and make up a funny story.
Flood their system and make them gag with the details.
does the field have a character limit? because I sure could use a place to dump the entire bee movie script, all of TDKR and maybe even the entire bible too
It captures your email if you're logged into your google account.
o am laffin
CTR troll thread 2: Electric Jewgaloo
just checked, there's a limit sadly
Obvious but we have lots of 4chan refugees so i'll say it anyways:
I know there is a lot of funny and believable and clever stories you guys can write but all it takes is one CTR shills exposing a buncha fake responses that they won't waste time following up on.
>Do you think my real email is [email protected]/* */?
Considering Hillarys history of amateurish internet security, its probably easy to log in to her server and set yourself up an email box.
Aww but I want to read what people say.
Has someone tried injecting the field with SQL scripts to drop the database?
Trump is literally Hitler! He gassed my grandfather three times and cremated him twice! His asshole still hurts to this day, oy vey!
Am I going to get zapped for a hate-crime because of this?
check cuckchan
there are operations going on about this