Why do poltards worship nazis? Especially Amerifats. It makes 0 sense.
Why do poltards worship nazis? Especially Amerifats. It makes 0 sense
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I dont worship nazis.
yes drumpftards you need to join the communist revolution
because they want to be g*rman for some reason. also the same issue with left cucks is they follow an even more toxic g*rman ideology.
Because National Socialism is the only way to restore the greatness of Europe and the White Race
because they're too low IQ to even know who they're talking about when they scream about DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS
Most people don't want to live under a totalitarian regime and most white people don't want a bunch of autistic teenage / early 20 year old edgelord larpers ruling over them.
Because they tried to stop (((them))). Which is more than anyone here can say. Kill yourself op.
Now more than ever, people want a goverment that protects them from the outsiders and their dangers. And so, because the liberlas have failed to it, people are more receptive to authoritarian regimes, Because those regimes can protect them and their families
Just because you surround yourself around people who think that way. aka Holla Forums.
Does not mean majority of people in society think that way. Don't delude yourself.
Beautiful logic
Not once did I say that or imply that. You should go back to school though Billy, Alabama has enough uneducated "white master race" individuals such as yourself.
Well, then go ahead and survey the peoples of Europe, and see if they agree with you. Look at Italy for example. Their people are scared that their country will be invade like Sweden, so they elected the 5 Stars Movement to be their govt. Same has happened is Austria ad most Eastern European countries
Nobody is electing in fascists and national socialists. And my main point was Americans.
Why do Americans who happen to seem to make up majority of natsocs online worship nazi Germany which laughed at them for being mognrels.
Nazi Germany was not white nationalist in any way. They were German nationalists/supremacists to an extent. Hitler did not care about "white people".
we need to follow the uk's lead and populate our contries with mooslims
Muh reddit spacing. Nice argument you presented there teenager.
it's more hindus and jamaicans tbh
Because liberal - Democracies has failed. These people want tradition and strong nations. Not faggotry and (((tolerance))).
So the misguided Holla Forumsacks choose fascism as a rejection to this modern hell hole. They want National Socialism because the liberal left has alienated the white race, putting them in a corner.
When really, a return to Monarchy is the only thing that can save Europe and America
Read, faggot.
They believed theey wre the descendants of the Aryan Race, wich was literally, a race of White gods. They believed in the supremacy of the Aryan Race. Go Google that word.
Hitler's ideal mans, was tall, blonde, blue eyes and oh yes….. White.
Hitler was not Nordic he was an alpine nigger than I am assuming by your logic? Who is white and not white then? Because you're just proposing Nordic supremacy. Most "whites" are not blonde or blue eyed.
Im just telling you what Hitler believed. And yes, only Nordics are White. Got a peoblem with that?
t. shitskin
cry more nordcuck. you, just like the g*rmans are not people.
So post a pic of a dead 16 yr old who was wearing the wrong uniform.
Than what's with all the Roman statues the aut-right loves so much?
checkmate atheists
So muslim rapes are just a lie? why white women lie like that?
imagine being this mad lmao
Because they were right.