The current state of U.K!

The current state of U.K!

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Other urls found in this thread:>>7840986

Everytime someone posts an Amerimutt meme, I just thank the stars I'm not European or a Brit. But honestly, at this point Britain will never be independent from the EU

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OP here, and i agree. I couldn't be happier to not be Britbong right now, that place is a mess tbh. And you're right Brexit will fail

Thank god I'm not living in the 3rd world Corporate Dominion of America, where people get cucked by companies. Your nation is a joke. Quite literally to be honest. The whole world laughs about you, even street shitting indians.

And before you come around with that stereotypical "I don't think much about you." Ignorance is not an excuse for stupidity.

Wait what the fuck happened? Someone got convicted for making a joke? Can you link?

t. butthurt Britbong nigger

Thank you

ITT: demoralization shills glow in the dark


Then I look at my country, where we don't have niggers nor mudslimes.
Then laugh at USrAel.
Filled with mexicans, niggers, jews.
Where shit load of population want to live in communism, or fighting for social justice.
Where some cucks fapp to niggers fucking their own wives, and the rest cheer them because of that.
Truly an utopia.
Who would thought that that shithole was considered a land of opportunity and freedom in the days of it's glory.
How you manag… ah yes democracy, nvm.

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More like White Nationalist point out the fuckery of their country, in hopes g getting it back. I mean, i thought the whole (((Brexit))) thing was suppose to get us rid of the shitskins. If things remais the same as always, why the fuck did we even vote?

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Ok wtf is this actually real?

This guy taught his girlfriend's pug to do the Nazi salute. Now he faces jail time for being "Grossly offensive"!

Ah I heard about that.
You know that you're living in a totalitarian country when you go to jail for stupid jokes and some group go around raping and killing, and their crimes are covered up by the same gov.

What a joke this world has become.

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Its all done in the name of (((Multiculturalism))) and (((Anti-racism))). Meanwhile, your freedom of speech is taken away, to not hurt people's feelings. Specially the (((JEWS)))

Time to combat the police, i guess

The more people you silence and throw in prison, the more radicalized people will become. I really hope these kikes know this.

It's very real. And they also jailed a politician who made negative remark about immigrants.

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I guess that's why brits can't even have a fucking butter knife.
God damn, it was funny at the start, but now it's simply tragic.

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Good thing I surrendered all of my weapons to the government today.

Reminder that ISIS is an american invention, payed by the american taxpayer to attack Europe.
They knew that by causing chaos in the middle east, european nations would show humanistic values due to ww2 memories of death, destruction and hunger.
The US Empire is using the muslims as muscle against Europe in order to achieve their goal of a fully americanized globe.

Has ISIS ever attacked US soil? Has ISIS ever attacked one of the many US military bases in the region? I rest my case.

Maybe they want to make white people angry at muslims so we one day decide to just wipe them out. Only thing is, we realize who's pulling the strings.

Has ISIS ever attacked israel?

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Reminder that the dictators of the Middle East warned THE WHOLE WORLD before they were murdered by the US that they were all that was holding back things worse than we knew about, including ISIS.

It's not US vs Europe. Merkel and her peers are inviting them in. She was doing that even before the Iraq/Syrian wars. France had tons of african immigrations in the 90's (and arabs decades earlier). Sweden has been multiculti project since the 70's. Nobody was ever given a choice. Only Hungary, Poland, and some other eastern Europe countries resisted.

You glow in the dark

that's a lie

True, its not a coincidence that ISIS appeared in Iraq, after Saddam's death. Not saying Saddam was a good guy, but he kept groups like ISIS from rising up. Same thing in Afeghanistan and al-Qaeda, Lybia and many others.

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It's not. Someone wanted to talk about Islam, and they called him a hate monger, arrested him for hate speech. For the audacity of wanting to discuss matters.

Great argument, m8

yes. repeatedly. we also have to take on refugees.


listen chaim… nobody is going to buy your tricks here. youre not smart enough.


Just spreading (((American Values))) around the globe


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You do know user is right, don't you? You probably also think Russia helped Trump witht the elections.

(((Coincidentally))) ISIS also never attacked Israel…really makes you wonder

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it's blindingly obvious that he and his entourage are crooked to the core.

FFS I can't post this meme enough it seems.

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List of countries being bombed by the U.S, right now:

Yet, still no proof of any collusion.

Wile Hillary literally gets away with destroying subpoenaed evidence

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Moar glow in the dark posts.

The real question should be why isis doesn't bomb Israel while they are both in the middle east.

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it doesn't matter. his legitimacy is in shreds. his administration is imploding. 75% of americans want him impeached. pass the popcorn

your fucking face is a rape nigger

Sure buddy, keep telling yourself that xD

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That was al-Qaeda dipshit. ISIS wasn't a thing, back then
Made by a dude that had a bner for ISIS
inspired by ISIS propaganda
Yet another ISIS fan-boy
see above

Stay mad, kike

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They take responsability for every fucking attack. None of the attacks, user listed were made by an atual ISIS radicalist.

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i don't want either. I want both moose lames and Amerimutts to fuck off

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I should add: the 1965 US immigration act comes around the same time as the beginning of those european changes. It's pretty dumb for europeans to make fun of american "56%" and vice-versa. On both sides of the Atlantic, we've been under assault by our own politicians who aren't working for our benefit but for someone else's. Mocking the other side of the ocean doesn't solve the problem. Look instead inwards at yourself and your country and who runs it.

can we just all agree that we hate jews?


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choose, fag. choose

He chose back when he jumped on the Trump train. Don't bother trying to talk to him, he's already long since gone.

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The one thing we can all agree on.

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ISIS claimed responsibility for steven paddock's country festival hootenanny

ISIS has a good track record of only publicly taking responsibility for attacks they were actually connected to

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ISIS is an NWO invention, all yanks and bongs are the victims of parasitic elites

divide & destroy?
divide & dick?
divide & dooby?

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Jesus is that forced

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where the fuck are his teeth?

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I'm kind of jealous of how pure they are.

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another onslaught of shills testing memes that drive a wedge between the uk and the us at a time when both are under attack. who could be behind this?

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In times like this, you have to ask:

Who benefits from these memes?

My guess is (((Holla Forums)))

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The left can't meme for shit. This is just banter.

My post is being mis-interpreted, i see. I meant to say that (((jews))) are behiind this>>7840986

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which of you is it? only a vol could do that
>you will never learn