The #deletefacebook movement was probably started by Google considering how artificial and sudden the outrage feels but who cares? Fuck both of the tbh
Normalfags everywhere are calling for the death of Facebook now
panem et circenses
That's been Geopolitics in general since the Cold War tbh
I support free software and live in a hole; what's going on now that got through to the normies?
Not sure if it has anything to do with google though, there's a lot of people who want zucc's head since the election
Facebook leaked a bunch of user data and now normalfags are pissed
People have wanted Zucks head for years now. Yet it's just now starting to gain traction among mainstream journalists. Obviously someone is pulling the strings. Likely what said though
yeah sorry to break it to you but normalfags ejaculate to the thought of their money lining the pockets of rich pedoniggers
two months ago there were already an increase in articles pushing for more regulations and stuff like that, iirc even Murdoch was pushing for that. I don't know who started it but there's a shit ton of people ready to jump at the opportunity
Not until vk is integrated with tinder and all that shit, a lot of normalfags don't really use facebook anymore but they won't delete it because of details like this.
Hopefully it will make 3rd party services creators realize that they can't rely on a platform like this without getting fucked down the line
Because he didn't censor free speech enough. How dare he allow the goyim a voice? He's betrayed the Tribe and must be made an example of.
Normalfags are addicted to social media, if facebook dies these attwhores will migrate to another shithole made by another giant american supercorporation.
Btw, Facebook has lost 60bi in value and "people" started this "hate campaign" against the company just because cuckeberg indirectly allowed another data companies help the Brexit and Trump. He failed. Globalist have no mercy.
Have you tried Reddit?
Sort of base Zuckā¦ I knew there was something fishy about the moral outrage against kikebook. Clearly Jewoogle and Twatter want to exorb his user base.
To bad Theresa May cucked the UK for merkel for what ever reason.
You don't have to agree with everything he says or believes but do bare in mind he's smart guy outside of his more insane political ideologies.
Yes, truly companies who are trying to subvert the government should be allowed free reign
lolbergs, not even once
Was this part of their plan? Was Z. designated to be found in the wreckage?