Talking with a friend about which Disney princess is the most attractive and I say Ariel

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Ariel when she's a marmaid or when she has legs and can't speak?

Either, does it matter?

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How can you have sex with Ariel if she doesn't have a vagina because half of her body is a fish? I would say it matters

I can still rub my dick all over her face, can't I?
That's all that I really desire in "sex" nowadays.

Your friend sounds like a massive feminist cuck. You should redpill him on how Chris Hansen is full of shit and anyone who says teenagers can't consent is a liberal retard who thinks they can decide what's good for everyone. Failing that, fuck his girlfriend because he's a cuck and deserves it.

16 fish years that's like 48 human years

That is a very compelling point.

Aren't they all like 14-16?

What if it's Lilo?

are (((you))) gay? fish have vaginas. you must not have brain because you don't even have to think for yourself to google such facts.

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Fish do not have penetrative sex.

The females lay eggs that the males then masturbate onto.
Angler fish have the male meld into the female until nothing but the semen puch remains for her to pop when she thinks it's okay to make babies.

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The cuck in the OP must have been mad as fuck about Mulan, because Shang is an army captain, so he has to be at least in his mid-20s or so.

Had a similar conversation once.

Lord knows my Disney trivia knowledge didn't get me laid that day, but I'd rather be throught of as a Disney weirdo than a pedophile.

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17 is legal in many US states. You should have just said that.

Never mind. Anyone who thinks attraction to 17-year-olds is pedophilia is too stupid to fucking live. Was this person a female above 17 years old?


Any women who doesn’t appreciate a man who knows his Disney princesses doesn’t deserve his hot sticky cum.

Yes, although I didn't know about the difference in age for statutory rape varying at the time.

Just for extra irony I ended up looking up the laws a while later and found out the state we live in has a minimum age of 16.

Honestly, you're an absolute moron. Please off yourself, faggot

Classic case of female jealousy. Should've smacked the bitch upside the head and told her to get back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich. No, wait, never mind, she's too stupid to make sandwiches correctly.


don't fishes have a cloaca

what is life at this point?

So… if Ana was a fish… I could jerk off over her… is that what you are saying?

I've always wondered…
1- Should a guy stop having sex with her GF when he turns 18 and wait until she's 18 too?
2- Is true that when a technical service found pics of a 12yo naked girl in a cellphone they called the police… and the cops arrested the owner of the phone for possesion pf child pornography. Cellphone owner was of course the girl in the pics. So is it legal to take naked selfies of yourself if you're underage?
3- Is it legal to look at your own naked reflection in the mirror if you're underage or does it count as watching pornography?
4- Is it legal to masturbate if underage or does it count as rape of a minor?

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1- most places have laws that allow for preexisting relationships
2- no, it's illegal
3- shut up
4- see above

1- that's illegal. he/she has to wait.
2- it's perfectly legal to take naked pictures of yourself if you're underage and even show it to your friends at school.
3- absolutely not. mirrors duplicate an image, which is why cp that has a mirror in it counts as two separate child rape images.
4- it counts as rape of a minor, yes.

1- Idont know about that specific case, but i know a case where, an underage girl got arrested for sending nudes to her BF, who was also underage.
2-Yes. Because they don't know what you are going to do with said picture. For example, you could have taken that nude to send to a predator.
3- I kek'd, but no. It is not illegal
4-Its called masturbation, no matter how old you are.

Dumb ass

Really if you think about it, 14 is the new 21, so you can fuck all the girls you want.

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But you can't because you already here, loser

7>17>everyone else.

1 - In a lot of places that's illegal and a number of 17-18 year olds have gone to prison for this.

post moar jumpsuitedmonster

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this picture is perfection

If she isnt a cheating whore its a fair deal.

You can jerk it to her now. There's nothing stopping you.

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Yeah, most girls just hit the wall. She's gonna smash it like a semi-truck going 90.

She's very pretty though. She looks like this bourgeoisie former friend's ex, when she was like 15 years younger. She's a total burrito goblin now tbh.

I wish more men would understand what women turn into later in life. Men just become "seasoned" as they age but women it's like they genetically change into something that looks worse then any older man. Maybe it's natures way of saying "don't ever fuck older women or your child will become a goblin". Older as in over 35-40.

How could one person be so FUCKING HOT

hu, who is that beauty queen?

too bad she is a lesbian dyke

I know a lot of older lesbians "mid late 40's". They all just want a man to dick them. It's sad how they are. They finally realize they want dick but cant get it because of their age and looks. It made me think about things… Next time i see a dyke I'm just going to ask her if she want's to fuck. Maybe it will work out, maybe not but I know where she is heading if she keeps on her path. "i'll marry her since im not a degenerate".

Who is this girl?
i've seen pics of her for years but still couldn't find her name.
This is why slavic girls will always be superior.


eh, she's not so hot anymore

She's cute and pretty but not hot, agree
Also, her name is jumpsuitedmonster?

no, i mean she used to be hot. now she's a psycho purple haired dyke. jumpsuitedmonster used to be her tumblr name. i have no idea what it is now

looks like a guy faggot

your mom gay

Still kinda cute

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if you say so

Still think she is cute?

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No, lol
lmao, what happend to her?

she came out as a lesbian

What a dumb bitch. She never had a penis in her that's why she goes full dyke whore.


Wrong. Carpet munching is the result of letting perversion and narcissism go unchecked for years. It's why over 50% of "lesbians" were married to a man prior to them deciding they suddenly love the same sex now.

She was a major qt, what happened?

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I'd fuck the liberalism out of her.


I'll volunteer to help her find her way back to dick.

Ask your female friend how old were the real princesses historically when they were married off, usually. The youngest I know of was 12.

Hate to break it to you, he is male and still thought this.

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Oh well then you have an easy solution. Just play America's favorite game show with him: "Guess how old!". Pull up mostly 20 somethings to confuse him, then throw in a 15-16 year old and watch his reaction

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You are asking for this.

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Then why do you keep the company of such people?


This but unironically.

Yeah, I'd hit Lilo… Rule 34 of Lilo gets me off every time

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You son of a bitch, I JUST HAD A FUCKING SEIZURE.

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Drones are sexless though.

t. someone who has never watched alien

At least for the 1st one the answer is simple. Most places have so called "romeo & juliet" laws that allow two people who are close in age to engage in sex even if one or both are under the age of consent. Often the limit is around 2 years. Also you should keep in mind that 18 is the age of consent in only a minority of places.

If you are you deserved it.

I'm not I was lurking this thread

If they can eat well and are away from any swarm, they can produce ONE egg eventually. Wew!

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Very sick individual.

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Do you have her number? I wanna axe her out.

shes a granny now

LOL in Estonia the age of consent is 14 years old =) But heres a nice vide for u guys

i heard she got ugly as fuck and she is dumb

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Probably. I don't know anything about that specific example, but I do know that there are at least some states that don't specify an exemption for pics taken by the minor themselves (possibly just because it never occurred to whoever wrote the law that anyone would be callous or cruel enough to prosecute a child for their own pics). Prosecutors like low hanging fruit, and getting a bunch of slam-dunk convictions of 'pedophiles' is often too good an opportunity for them to pass up.

I also know that cops have been caught paying bounties to tech support guys to go through the phones and computers that people bring in and find CP.

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user, we've been through this already.. It's time to let it go…

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Holey shit, I can see her in one of the retirement homes I own. Bitching how bad men are and how medicare is to much.

never. let. it. go.

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why not just show two zits popping on each-other?

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Incest is winest tbh

p-plz no bully.

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t. retards who forgot what makeup was

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