The shittiest movie you ever saw

I want to watch shitty movies and preferably the shittiest movie ever made.
What is the shittiest movie you ever made. For me? So far it must be Spectre, that was a remarkably long-in-the-tooth shitty ass movie.

Other urls found in this thread:

you ever saw* shit I need to take my meds

i dont even remember shitty movies

nowadays is just turn them off, i dont put up with them

Worst movies I've ever seen:
Transformers: The Last Knight

These are truly shit movies I saw from this year and last year

John Wick 2
The VVitch
La La Land
Hail, Caesar!
Kong: Skull Island
10 Cloverfield Lane
Captain America Civil War
Neon Demon
Finding Dory
Swiss Army Man
The Great Wall
Song to Song

u wot m8. The VVitch was amazing.

Guy makes his living on doing shitty movies.

Solaris is pretty shit. There is a 15 minute scene where you watch some old people watch a video tape. 15 minutes. There was hardly any dialogue between the characters, they were just sitting there watching some kinda court drama.
Then there's the highway driving scene. Literally just a scene of driving on highways. In Japan. God knows why.
I stopped watching right after that. The only Tarkovsky movie I ever tried to watch. The guy is literally reddit incarnation.

Skyfall alone completely ruined the series for me for a little while.
I couldn't even think about watching the older ones without becoming depressed.

Nope mediocre garbage

Watch the remake its actually kino

you're mediocre garbage

What is wrong with Sphere?

I heard it was because they managed to get out of the Soviet Union for once to be able to pretty much go on vacation, so they added the car scene to justify their trip.

I know you peppered some good ones in there for bait reasons but i'll bite - Okja, Hail, Caesar! and Neon Demon were great.

No I didn't pepper the list at all I honestly think all of those are 0/10 1/10 trash

especially those three you just picked out

You know, you can like pig memes without liking a shitty vegancuck movie

The movie was okay but far from bad. Just because you cant seem to ignore the small amount of muh veganism in it. You seem to get triggered over the littlest thing, its like you probably cant like any movie with black people in the background just because they are in the background. How did it even promote veganism? It just showed how the piggys were being btfo and eaten thats it.

The movie focused more on the visual aspects then anything else. The whole plot seemed too quick and rushed. Though I disagree that it is "the shittiest movie" I ever saw.

this tbh. I couldn't even finish because the plot was so boring though I did finish to Elle's fanning

Bong Joon Ho is not vegan. The movie just shows cruel practices to animals. An anti-monsanto message is fair enough in my opinion, even if it was done clumsily. It was unique enough to stand out amongst the trash of 2017.

The audio-visual component is sort of the most important part of a film though, no?


Sure audio-visual is extremely important, but you don't cheap out on everything else. A good music video has audio-visual, but you wouldn't call it a movie. There just needed to be a better story that didn't sudenly take the newbie from nothing to top model while showimg all these characters we know little about.

Absolute trash,

The shittiest recent movie I saw, John Wick 2. The shittiest movie of all time that I saw, either Highlander 2 or The Item.

Yea but when your director is autistic and the characters are dull its shit

Avengers 2 sticks out in my mind for just being so aggressively mediocre. The plot was shit and clearly just an excuse for supermen to beat up robots, the dialogue was standard everyone is Joss Whedon dross, the character development was entirely forced at the same time as opportunities for characters to organically develop as a result of things happening around them were squandered, both the existence of the antagonist (Ultron) and the way they defeat him (Vision) are complete deus ex machinas (dei ex machina?)… I could probably go on. Literally the only redeeming feature was cool explosions. I get that these things are designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator, but if the normies would be happy with any old Michael Bay homage, they could have at least had the decency to put a half decent film underneath.

And here's a few more


just like all marvel movies tbh


La La Land
Swiss Army Man

Agreed. Rest haven't watched/disagree.

Haven't watched but probably true

Watched it as edgy teen, liked it. Not sure how I'd feel about it now.

The worst movies are the Paranormal Activity ones.

Whats worse is that Avengers 2 is almost entirely identical to Avengers 1, and I have no doubt Avengers 3 will also be a carbon copy.

Don't even bother watching the others

This thread isnt funny anymore.

absolute reddit tier garbage


I dread to think of how many different excuses to summon innumerable hordes of faceless mooks they'll come up with.

Total Recall remake was the worst for me, at least the first half, don't know about the second half

You liked The VVitch? I didn't think it vvas all that vvonderful. VVhat did you like about it? VVas it the plot?

it had probably the best atmosphere of any horror movie I've seen, and I like how it's left ambiguous whether there actually were witches or if it was all in the girl's head

I always say, the absolute worst movie ever made is Kiss Daddy Goodnight. Lots of now big-name actors are thrilled it's basically disappeared.

Not baiting, not memeing. I earnestly believe Avatar to be the worst movie I've ever seen.

I didn't mention jews.

What the fuck man? What the fuck.

All plebcore my man especially 10 cloverpleb lane and that capeshit



Probably one of these piles of crap.

The link between them, and the worst part? They all start out good, but whether earlier or later, they all go to shit hard by the end, completely ruining the experience.

Minority Report was a good Cruise kino and never became shitty. Agree about the rest though.


It's like Who Framed Rodger Rabbit only it doesn't make any fucking sense and none of the characters are likable.

Image glitch, I meant to post these as well


It's worse than Space Cop.

Friend got this by accident at a Redbox one time and I sat through it anyway because it looked like it was going to be hilariously bad. Was not disappointed.

A lot of ironic shitposting in this thread but this is legitimately the most repulsive pile of pretentious excrement I have ever had the displeasure of watching.

I disagree. I enjoyed Skyfall much less. QoS was bad too. Spectre gets a 5/10 for the plot because they had to sleep in the bed they made plot wise, but the set and shot design was a huge redeeming factor in the film. When they weren't phoning in the prerequisite car chase or fight, it was lovingly crafted and if anything overly devoted to the art of cinematography, what with its myriad of slow pans and long takes of meticulously arranged sets. Also, great soundtrack.

Obviously this isn't enough for everyone, but I found it to be fulfilling. I think it could have also been a lot worse. Imagine the same film with Bourne shaky cam everywhere and the blaring Bond theme on every action scene. Or just a disjointed grey mess like Skyfall.

How did shit like this get past the censors?
Its like you can get away with all sorts of degenerate shit as long as you call it "art"


"I don't think so Tim…"

It's just political propaganda where you depict the people you don't like eating poop. European arthouse at it's finest.

Left me just angry after watching them.

Look up Jock Sturges.

You're a retard.

I'm not pro-pedo, but any movie that takes a typical "everyone hates this kind of person" and glorifies the death of them is edgy and annoying.

The same could be said about Inglorious Bastards.

Someone died in that move? I guess I don't remember exactly how it ended.

Xtro 3 is my personal gauge for bad movies. Anything worse than this and I'm out.


The name and the looks grant him an automatic positive in the Jewdar

Possibly the shittiest thing I've seen.
I'm not even a nazi.

If you ever see anybody with a Big Lebowski-related avatar on a forum or youtube or whatever then they'll be the most pretentious, self-absorbed dick suckers you'll ever meet.



Memes aside, the actual worst film I ever saw was probably Cars 3.
I'm shocked the same people who made Toy Story could make such a boring, unfunny pile of shit.
I know Pixar started taking a really negative turn around Wall-E, but I never thought it could so bad so quickly

Sorry, I meant Cars 2. I haven't seen the third one.

nice bait

I like The Country Bears. It's a kids' movie and kis like bears

Let's add to this that The brothers Grimm was butcehered by the (((Weinsteins))). Gilliam fought hard for this and for Brazil too. Brazil survived, this didn't. I can't understand though, why he worked with these guys again after the agony around Brazil

Because Pixar are heavily overrated, user.

Toy Story was a technical feat, an original idea which had never been done before. It's sequel took so much effort to finish that it deserves the same if not greater amounts of commendation. Monsters, Inc. was fantastic too. However, aside from those three there really isn't anything else you could consider a masterpiece, unlike everyone else from normalfags to paid shills who all collectively suck their corporate dicks.

A Bug's Life badly shows it's age in a lot of scenes and is just plain boring with a predictable, unoriginal Troy storyline involving the fake bird, the bad guy getting his comeuppance and the hero settling down with his wench of choice. Nemo was alright and Incredibles may have been good at one point but has become the Firefly of animated movies thanks to Reddit's insistence on a sequel after so many years. Cars was an average film at best that appealed to some petrolheads but obviously didn't work out the way they intended. Ratatouille was just absurd. Wall-E should have been more about robots in space and less about a preachy Gore-backed cautionary tale about the environment. Up is a Reddit knockoff of Batteries Not Included, and the first time they tried to go darker and edgier. Toy Story 3 played upon the nostalgia of the fans of the original, and is definitely one of their better works but doesn't even touch the first two. Cars 2 is unwatchable, Planes even more so, and basically everything since then has paled in comparison to what other studios have been able to produce during that time. Yet everyone continues fellating them.

what about Wreck It Ralph?

This fucking scene right here made the movie for me.

Wall-E should have dropped the entire space angle and continued being a cutesy robot romcom like it is at the beginning.
One way they could do it without changing the story too much is to have Wall-E not get aboard the ship. Eve returns with the plant, Wall-E never seeing her again.
It would have been a lot sadder than the actual ending, granted, but anything is better than how it ended up. It quickly gets awful after Wall-E gets to the ship and all sense of subtlety goes out the fucking window.

It's an unpopular opinion for sure, but an IRL friend of mine and me both agree that it's a painfully cringy attempt at mainstreamifying obscure video game culture for the normies as well as yet another example of Disney trying to force its way into a high spot within the medium instead of organically producing a game worthy of being deemed a classic. Epic Mickey was meddled around with too much during development and Kingdom Hearts was literally piggybacking off of the well-established Final Fantasy series, so instead they tried their luck at a film, and lo and behold, it worked. I could repeat everything this faggot below said but personally I'd be wasting my time.

One of the biggest flaws he doesn't really touch upon is the lack of consistency or even basic logic. Supposedly, Silverslut-loli is a glitch that should not exist, because faults in the programming result in the creation of a whole new character apparently. Couple that with the unplugging analogy (does powering off have the same effect or is the plug like the heart of an arcade machine in their world?) and the hamfisted cameos of old video game characters that barely anyone remembers (look kids are we cool yet?) and it's like they forced themselves to make a movie about video games instead of just a plain old candy-fuelled adventure similar to The Lorax.

Now if they'd said something to the effect of her game being an unreleased masterpiece from a company whose factory went up in smoke one day and her machine was the only extant model in the world, yet the internal components were dying and soon she would cease to exist, that would be a story that doesn't insult your intelligence and is something that could be plausible in the real world, given stuff like Cheetahmen. On the whole, I wasn't impressed at all. But that's just my opinion, and most people seem to think it was great so fuck me I guess.

Damn, I always think it is sad when people don't get what the director was trying to achieve. Inglourious Basterds suffers from this in the same way as Starship Troopers although with a different angle. With Starship Troopers Paul Verhoeven had to defend that he was not glorifying fascism to the majority of the critics, but it was actually a satire on a Utopian fascist state.
And with Inglourious Basterds you see ruthless jews torturing and killing good nazis. Nazis are depicted as good professionals with honorable ideals while the Americans and the oppression in France are depicted as inhumane killing machines with no honor. When you are rooting for the jews in this movie, then I have bad news for you: you are a bad human being.

These movies are satires on the common Hollywood crap about war and the army. With satire you are not supposed to take everything literally that happens on the screen or automatically assume that the actions of the main characters are a reflection of the views of the director.

i'll fight you pleb

Uwe Boll has a doctorate in literature. You are too underdeveloped to understand his kino art.

people sometimes ask me: "what do you mean when you say a movie is 'reddit'?" I tell them this

This is the perfect example of a generic movie thinking it's okay to be a generic movie because it's self-aware and has a "WACKY TWIST XDD".

I own a pretty extensive collection of Jessie action figures from Toy Story 2. Sometimes I like to take one of them off the shelf when I’m done masturbating. I cum on her face and leave the room, pretending she comes to life while I’m gone, like in the movie. I imagine her crying and all the other toys trying to console her because she can’t clean the jizz off without arousing suspicion when I come back. I then proceed to clean her face with the same tissue I used to wipe my dick, while at the same time waterboarding her with a cup of my own urine. I repeat this process once a day, every day, until the face begins to crack and wear off. It usually takes around 1-3 weeks. Then it’s onto the next Jessie action figure, and so on. I just want to see if you guys think this falls under the realm of “normal behavior” and what your opinion was.

Old copypasta but still funny

Rampage is pretty good.


Holy shit, I remember a fuckwit arguing that this movie was realistic. What the fuck.

Okja, The Witch, La La Land, Hail, Caeser, and Neon Demon were all kino, you fucking pleb.

You'd have a point if it weren't for the fact that Tarantino married an Israeli kikess.

without that retarded ending the movie was fine

Holy shit you have fucking shit taste faggot all suck

No it wasnt it was a big pile of shit mewfag

The movie speaks for itself. It is you who has to do more trouble to understand it.
And btw I'm not judging him on who he marries, the dude is ugly and annoying. I bet he is happy he found anyone willing to marry him.

Keanu "cowabunga" Reeves as a badass assassin would be good in a slapstick comedy.

Seventh Son. I think I killed some braincells watching that shit. It's like a direct-to-video, shitty 90's B-movie that somehow made it to the big screen.

What the fuck? Did they seriously have them firing guns in a crowded building? Even with a fucking silencer that shit would've been audible.

Also, aren't these guys supposed to be god-tier assassins? How do they keep missing while their targets are moving at a casual pace with barely any obstacles in between?

I'm glad I didn't waste money on John Wick 2.0, the first one was already pushing the point of hammy stupidity, I figured the second would just go full retard.

this film was a mistake

Yea I thought the first one was fine for what it was I guess, I never liked it in particular but I couldn't even finish John Wick 2 I had to delete it. And lmao idk but I fucking HATE Common.


Boring absolute garbage with a stupid mumbling nigger.
Went nowhere and would not end.

This one is especially grating because it's a bad remake of a good movie.

Ratatouille was great fam

How much ritalin do you consume daily?

You were surprised by a Jack Black movie being awful?

This. Any movie where he has the lead is ritalin-kino. Pic related.

This. Cabin in the Woods is also the worst movie I have ever seen. I have seen more boring and badly produced movies but when it comes to just lazy shitty movies that think they are high art and shits on an entire genre while pretending to be an homage this takes the cake.

Did you know the script for this piece of garbage was written in two fucking days?

Did Louis CK work on this movie?

This was grating and irritating.
I found myself shouting at the tv, the only time I've ever done that.



No thanks, I'm probably on enough lists as it is

No it was goddawful.
The tone switches from light action to deathly serious, then there's like a ten minute long slapstick jetpack fight scene that comes out nowhere and doesn't fit at all. The whole movie leads up to the moment where Tom confronts his son's killer, then PYSCHE! it wasn't his son's killer at all, and we never find out what actually happened to him and the ACTUAL climax of the movie is non-existant. It just ends.

Plus the bald psychic chick was so fucking annoying

The fuck are you talking about? It wasn't ambiguous in any way. We see the witch at the very start when she's grinding up the baby.

Not Pixar

It would've been a lot more than "audible." Nobody realizes that the purpose of suppressors is so you don't get hearing damage when firing your weapon without protection. It's still pretty loud.

I like it because it's so bad.

I love that it doesn't name but, what, 5 characters of the 13 warriors? The credits have to have their "name" and a (personality trait) That's goddamn hilarious.

Isn't full of "females can do anything" shit? Also I wouldn't be surprised they made a Cars 4, someone in Disney seems to really like this shit, despite it not being particurlarly popular. Interesting that Cars is the one thing that Disney retardingly blows money on, building amusement parks and making new movies.

Who cares? It's not about the 13 warriors, but the 13th.

Good for you, because its getting a sequel! I'm willing to bet that Wreck it Ralph 2 will copy heavily from the Emoji movie if the latter makes enough sheqels.


Everything from Pixar that wasn't Cars

What about Planes?

Or Boats for that matter?

The one with the big titty underage japanese animated girls with shield faces that tries to appear deep when is just more quirky Japanese random insanity on top of a fairly simple plot, that one.

This was pretty goddamn bad. I remember sitting in the theater, kind of stunned that Star Wars had turned out like this, and waiting for it to be over.

Planes was meh. And it's not even Pixar to begin with

Its ok, Disney has fixed Star Wars once again!

Anything by Nolan, Synder or Bay

I have never been able to understand what people enjoy about this movie.

Its funny


The fuxking blatant anti-fascist/ done to disredtic the industrial and economic revival of Italy price of revisionist propaganda , done to smear and vilify the arguably greatest political party to ever exist. The book is interesting atleast in apolitical macabre sense, the soundtrack was good atleast I guess, still pisses me of the Normans and libtards will associate with based Duce society.

Anyway for the worst movie I personally saw it was this awful fucking film about football where some kids dad dies and then he plays it just bored the fuck out of me and I hated the awful sixth form i went with

Spring Breakers
Only God Forgives


This movie falls into the same category of awfulness. You can't make these type of movies with cardboard characters.

It helps if you live in the upper Western area it's poking fun at.

I challenge you to find a worse film than this

Up has a couple of good moments like the montage of married life, but in general it shows how badly Pixar's form dipped tbh.

When I first started watching this I thought 'well this is shit, it's boring and nothing is happening'.
But I kept watching it. There's something kind of sweet and weird about it that I like. It leaves you with a warm feeling after you've watched it. Also the soundtrack is pretty great.

The Force Awakens

Keira Knightley is cute though

How do you fuck that up?

Revolver is seriously unironically my favorite movie I've ever seen.

It's called revolver meaning "one that revolves", not like the gun. Avi uses a S&W Model 36 to pistol whip Jake in it and to my rememberance that's the only revolver in the entire movie.

It's very bad, but nowhere near as bad as the force awakens

It was actually somewhat funny but 9fag-tier teenagers ruined it by quoting it too much and wearing those faggy vote for pedro tees

All of Steven King is terrible except Stand By Me, which is the only thing he ever wrote with an actual story. Almost hard to beleive he's the one who wrote it

It's terribad, but it's an interesting peak into the mind of white liberals. That movie is how they actually think the world works, and that third world shitskins really are mystic like the navi

She's top tier plankfu

Doesn't matter. Putting non-revolver guns on the poster of a movie called revolver is retarded.

Then why didn't they put that on the poster?

Mendes, man, you got the wrong board.

At least it's not a homoerotic video game written by (((((((Neil Gaiman)))))))

One of the worst things, movies or otherwise, that I've ever seen. Only the niggers of niggers would enjoy this.


>managed to at least get the Italian equvilent of niggers but with ability for some form of coherent tactic to the United States of interest/usury ruled zog

I will admit though he wasn't without his flaws, much like his sadly lacking by near end of war tactiuianary skills :c. As for the kike fucking that is pretty depressing I do wish Duce would've stuck to his own race but nontheless he atleast compensated by a bad goy with fascism.



Oh my fucking god

…fuck. We need to do a movie night of Space Cop, make sure all anons are on the same page

Plan nine from outspace

I would agree with you if I thought that tarantino was capable of making something with any kind of subtlety whatsoever
I think he genuinely was just making a ridiculous nazi killing film

What he does in Inglourious Basterds isn't subtle. Everything is grotesque and over the top, because he makes exploitation movies.
In this movie he shows the duality of man where 'the good guys' are ruthless killers and the nazis are charming and polite, in other words the civilized people. Every scene has this motive.
Watch the movie again with this in mind and then report back.

The only thing good about this movie is that it lead to the director getting ran over by his own car and beaten to death

This. It was good but of course, Jew Jew had to fuck it up

This made my day. Thanks for pointing that out.


that was kino you fag


she dies at the end

They need to know the pain that is Space Cop to truly understand it. Nothing else in this thread compares to it.

He does good movies, it's just that reviews got shit taste for humour. Hence why they don't like the classic Postal-movie, probably the funniest movie made last decade.

Are you German?

It's fucking good. Guy Richie's best movie.

No, germanic though.

How is this not funny?

That doesn't mean anything.


If that's the worst movie you've ever seen you must have only seen about four movies. Go watch The Room or the first Killjoy.

Manos the Hands of fate.
The movie was made on a bet by a Texas fertilizer salesman

Those are movies made by amateurs. Too easy to shit on those.