Before you call me a shill.. Please take a moment to read.
Here's a black pill for all of you…
Trump will LOSE the election, they WILL steal it from him!
When they steal the election from trump protests will happen, no one will buy that hillary won, her rallies are shit compared to Trumps. Not even women want hillary(excluding the fat feminists of course).
These protests will be dealt with Force by DHS/Police etc.
Then white people will start chimping out.. When whites chimp out. It actually IS scary not like the blm nogs.
Organized riots would happen by right wingers which would soon escalate to division of states and actual civil war!
But before a civil war can fully develop, there will be a false flag/inside job, a huge terror/bioterror attack will occur on a right wing state, and russia will be blamed. This will be used as a scapegoat to stop a civil war from happening.
There is no way in hell the current leftist government can win a civil war, the right wing is the ones that owns the guns, also the majority of weapons manufacturers in the US are right winged. Half if not more of the US military/generals etc would desert and join the "Confederate states". Also russia has been saying for a long time that they would ally with the confederacy(for their own reasons no doubt).
The current leftist government KNOW they cant win. Instead they would rather start a war with russia.
Also keep in mind all the deteriorating relations between Russia in the past year(especially in the last 2 weeks..)
Will it be WW3? who knows, Maybe another Cold War.
The point is.. WAR IS COMING And with it:
Pestilence, Poverty, Hunger, Unemployment, etc.
If you aren't prepared already… START STOCKING UP. If you have some small land, make yourself a well and buy a reverse osmosis filter(. Alternatively you could also Make your own water distilation unit(Search up, theres tons of guides and info).
Stock up on non perishable foods(Like canned meat). If you have land then in a HIDDEN MANNER, farm some fast producing crops, like potatoes etc.
STOCK UP ON AMMUNITION, Forget buying gold and stocking money, money is worthless.
Tell no one about your supplies and never let your neighbors know, if you want to advice your friends do so, but dont tell them you're stocking up, because chances are in such a situation they will betray and try to steal your shit.
Again stuck up on guns and ammo!
We all know they WILL steal the election from trump…. This is it guys.. It is REALLY happening..
Hopefully some of you who read this will take me seriously..
(Also i don't think nuclear war would happen, there's too much to lose… But then again.. Only one nation in the world has nukes on an ACTUAL COUNTRY before… Take that with a pinch of salt)