Stop wearing cargo shorts you nerd

Stop wearing cargo shorts you nerd

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How will I move cargo without them?

Men who wear cargo pants are unfuckable.

Maybe this is why Im a virgin. Im handsome and inteligent, but I like to wear cargo pants. Gives a sence now

but i like the pockets

I don't even wear shorts, nigger


If Brad Pitt or Chris Hemsworth started wearing Cargo shorts, they would be cool.



OP is a skinny jean wearing soyboy. If you live in a hot climate like the south and actually do any real man work, you wear cargo shorts. You need the pockets to hold stuff and you don't sweat your ass off.

fuck you i'll wear my camo-cargo wherever the fuck i please

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L0Lz op confirmed an faggot!!

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I hate shorts, everybody can see my hairy chicken legs

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Jokes on you I lost my virginity in cargo pants

Nothing wrong with chicken legs as long as they are taned legs.

Thats a simple fix user
that isn't junk food. Oat meal is a great option, cereal is shit.
three reps should be the minimum

Rinse and repeat two or three times a week and you'll slowly cease being a lanklet.

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If your advices will help me, I'll make vine for you

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I thought Twatter killed vine though? Just be sure to make a before and after image for /fit/.

Btw it really will work over time,

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There is a good reason why women do not want to talk with you at all.
This thread demonstrates why.

never worn them in my life but who the fuck cares? buncha /fa/ queers in here smh

is this the 90s?

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You're thinking early 2000's

I only wear cargo pants and shirts. It's the only way to accommodate my everyday carry. I get laid all the time

2D waifu pillows do not count.

I wear whatever.
Ask me if i give a shit?
Pro tip: I don't.

Then what should I wear?

What's a cargo shirt?

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Don't worry, keep wearing them and you'll find it again

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Fuck you faggot, cargo pants are practical legwear with many pockets to carry whatever you need with you at all times.

What options for short pants do we have?
I'm not wearing my nice polos with basketball shorts.

I wear plaid shorts with my striped polos.

That's an option. I don't like how most of them look besides blue and white ones though.

Denim shorts get too damn hot at +95% humidity

graptic tees and cargo shorts are cool

Well yeah, you have to take your pants OFF to have sex. No wonder you're still a virgin.

But I only wear cargo pants.

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lmaoing @ your life

sweatpants and longsleeve tees


"Board Shorts"
Welcome to the 80's

Your likely a big guy to need all those pockets.