8/pol/ in a nutshell

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wow I am so woke now. thanks

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hi Holla Forums

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Holla Forums in a nutshell

Shills made sure Holla Forums is absolutely incapable of trusting their own people. That's why they became that way.

Holla Forums is almost unbrowsable due to the constant shills using D&C tactics, sliding threads, and shitting up the board as much as possible. Hell, they even have bots that just do nothing but say complete nonsensical garbage just to limit discussion in a thread. What did you expect from all that bombardment?

you must be a shill to think that way. Holla Forums is based as fuck, you'll never be as red pilled as Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums tbh

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Holla Forums is BASED as fuck, anyone who speaks out against it is Holla Forums or a shill

damn, that's fucking based, i'm glad i took the red pill and can comprehend that image

nice based comment

Why is Holla Forums so obsessed with Holla Forums? There's always like ten threads on Holla Forums about "look at what I saw on Holla Forums!", they constantly talk about how to shill against Holla Forums to "convert people to their side," and every slide thread they spam on Holla Forums is about Holla Forums.

Meanwhile, on Holla Forums the only thing I can find about Holla Forums are occasional comments about how Holla Forums is retarded, usually made in a thread someone made on leftism in general. Holla Forums basically barely acknowledges that Holla Forums even exists.

I don't know why, but for some reason Holla Forums allows Holla Forums to live rent free in their minds. They just can't stop thinking about Holla Forums. Every other thread they make, every shill thread they post, and every discussion they have about proselytizing on other boards all revolve around Holla Forums. They just can't seem to think about anything else.

It's a bit sad really.

Their whole existence revolves around Holla Forums and also stuff like transgender rights

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are hiveminds of americanism. You don''t dare to criticise the US empire in such places.



i know right. they're so unbelievably autistic that they think they can subvert Holla Forums of all places. they actually think they can subvert chaos.

What immediately comes to mind whenever some weeb mentions anything to do with Holla Forums

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Here's the thing other countries, especially countries like China where any kind of actual political debate is considered taboo, is that what they see as "infighting" is actually just another piece of the Great American Experiment.

You can't hurt America by attacking it with words. America was built on top of debate, on discussion, and yes, on infighting. Other countries see this as a weakness, they confuse news stories attacking Donald Trump as "America must be finished!" They have it all wrong. America is such a fucking great country BECAUSE talk show hosts are allowed to blatantly shit on their countries leaders on live television. You might not agree with what they're saying, but they're exercising their rights. And you have to respect them for that in the very least. God I'm proud to be an American

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Yup, all that talk, debate, disunity and $50k+ in debt per person.

Ya gotta love those (((American Values)))

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Holla Forums is everything Holla Forums wishes it was. Gets shit done, revolutionary in some capacity.

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The dept is a meme

The MAJORITY of United States Dollars in circulation is in FOREIGN countries. The dept doesn't matter. America isn't defaulting without taking the economies of several other countries down with it.

retarded autocorrect tbh

Imagine being this delusional

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Yeah, no big deal until we get a one world global currency. There is not a single fiat system that has survived. In the long run. A fiat system, may I remind you, that cannot survive without War and Endless Debt.

When the Dollar Empire falls, the East will rise and take its place. All while Americans suffer like the Germans did in the Weimar Republic.

These are the (((American Values))) you hold so dear. The same American Values that gave birth to Communism. The same American Values that drone strike innocent people daily. The same American Values that spreads degeneracy and leftist Cancer whereverit goes.

Fuck your (((American Values))) and your corrupt system .

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Replace the alchohol in that image with piss and I agree with your post

i cried a tear of burger grease

everyone know both 8/pol/ and Holla Forums are all jew shills


China holds billions in US debt m8. In case you hadn't realized, China kind of relies on Americas existence outsourcing their labor for cheap. America has the world cucked kek

america can get cucked into a crater hole with one nuke detonated at yellowstone, it's literally fucking death-star tier structural weakness, why do you think they're shitting their pants over north korea getting nukes? china and russia can be bought but those maniacs could actually pull off the happening.

Even in a worst-case scenario the major population centers of the US, LA, Texas, New York, DC.etc will not be affected by Yellowstone. The great-plains and mountain regions of the country are fucked. But most produce comes from California. The biggest hit is likely all the mining operations in the mountain regions

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i like /pol because it can´t be changend by Newfags. Pol will change them or make them leave. It cant die of cancer like 4chan did or 8ch/b will at some point.

Do I really need to spell it out for you faggot? Whenever a thread is created on Holla Forums criticizing trump, there is always that one aspie who has 80 or more posts in the thread that is fervently against trump with virtually zero substance behind them and several copy pastas or how trump supports Israel (newsflash, every candidate did!). And on the other hand, people ironically shitpost about how trump "is a national socialist", or is "pro white" and how he's secretly plotting for a revolution. This is pure cancer, accomplishes nothing, and wastes everyones time, every single fucking time.

thats because anyone who doesnt suck the g*rman ideologist cock gets banned. same with marx cuck Holla Forums.

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Don't worry OP, you'll all grow out of it soon hopefully, either that or you'll shoot up a school or some such.

TRSodomites are hella fucking gay tbqh

They're not any worse than the rest of the aut-kike though.

this lefty shilling is terrible. you kikes are worse than Holla Forums.

it's scary how accurate this is, but you forgot the imkampfy "SHILLS BTFO" threads he stickies when Trump does something like insult CNN on twitter or say the word "shithole"… after a week of shitting on America

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If you cannot convince a fascist, maybe he's right.

so these are the people who ban me when I say g*rmans are fucking faggots…


At least Holla Forums isn't a bunch of establishment drones who think they are revolutionaries.

Fascism will always be better than National Socialism.

Holla Forums in a nutshell

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They are both shit tbh. Holla Forums was actually really good before learning kike ruined the board with his shit-fuckery. Now it's one big Trump circlejerk, I literally can't even go on there, it's too much.

Gross, if true.

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Hitler idol worshipped Mussolini before ceasing power; then Mussolini developed a massive case of penis envy at Germany's early military victories. He lashed out at Greece in an attempt to get a fashy feather in his cap, failed because the Italian military was shit and needed to be bailed out by Wehrmacht forces en route for the USSR. Fun fact, it's very probable Stalingrad would have fallen before the winter set in if the four precious weeks hadn't been wasted bailing the former kindergarten teacher out of the hole he dug himself into.

Mussolini is still alright; I recommend reading Doctrine of Fascism. It's a quick, easily digestible pamphlet you can absorb in one setting.