Only the BEST webms

you can only post your favorite webms
if it wasn't absolutely fucking awesome, don't even post it.

Attached: vr huaaaa.webm (718x404, 5.13M)

Attached: 2 2 the 1 to the 2 to the 3.webm (640x480, 2.8M)

Attached: caw on me.webm (854x480, 3.76M)


Attached: Sister.webm (419x240, 2.89M)

Attached: Comcast Xfinitys proffesional dumbasses.webm (711x400, 8.29M)

Attached: crack.webm (640x360, 3.38M)

Attached: doge gets ripped apart by zombie doges .webm (640x360, 2.3M)

Attached: donaldtrumpcampaign.webm (640x358, 10.97M)

Attached: EA games.webm (1280x720, 8.06M)

Attached: tE44.webm (640x360, 913.38K)

Attached: kkek.webm (640x360, 1.79M)

Attached: ededdeddy.webm (640x448, 408.94K)

that's horrible

Attached: ewewehhh.webm (224x400, 10.72M)

Attached: happy windows customer.webm (480x272, 3.68M)

Attached: hwayhuetm.webm (360x360, 520.15K)

Attached: joannacena.webm (640x360, 2.59M)

Attached: lizard.webm (480x360, 4.13M)

Attached: MAGA the Anime.webm (640x360, 14.35M)

Attached: never tired of winning.webm (1280x720, 6.8M)

Attached: robbery game.webm (640x360, 7.47M)

This video gave me a fucking headache you piece of shit.

Attached: ruined holidays.webm (406x720, 5.68M)


Attached: W0KM.webm (326x184, 1.06M)

Attached: shit everywhere.webm (320x240, 903.94K)

she got blacked.

Attached: poop.webm (360x640, 1.66M)

Attached: ybhK.webm (480x360, 8.28M)

Attached: catnip.webm (352x640, 1016.03K)

what is this reddit tier bullshit, BTFO.

Attached: we like to party choo choo.webm (640x360, 3.89M)

Attached: really amazing poetry and art.webm (1280x720, 7.98M)

I see what you did here. Its like a story.

Attached: awesome sax and drums.webm (406x720, 7.82M)

Attached: cute girl teaches gun stuff.webm (640x360, 1.09M)

Attached: butt.webm (640x360, 1.49M)

Attached: do do doodoo do.webm (640x360, 3.96M)

Attached: doge wave.webm (1280x720, 1.68M)

gfhjg jhdfgfh gfhd hd dghd gdh

Attached: dontmakemistakeohfug.webm (400x296, 3.79M)


Attached: dont worry Ive got you.webm (640x480, 4.77M)

how did the west let it get to this?

Attached: Feminist Theater.webm (640x358, 5.73M)


Attached: its a secret.webm (453x340, 3.96M)

Attached: ra ra natalia.webm (1280x720, 4.64M)


Attached: reihop.webm (540x517, 2.99M)

213t rtykujgfgfnj

Attached: show you a trick.webm (800x450, 1.39M)

Attached: take me to my end.webm (500x360, 3.75M)

Attached: mfwla.jpg (552x626, 35K)

Attached: the truth is out there.webm (640x360, 1.23M)

Notice how the male pulls the female close to protect her.
Take notes betas.

Attached: tomboy cops.webm (800x450, 11.87M)

but i was told men and women are exactly equal and all the sameā€¦.

Attached: Feminist Manifesto.webm (638x360, 7.52M)

dsf dsf sd

Attached: God is really something.webm (480x848, 1.27M)

Attached: mission impossible.webm (180x320, 2.1M)

tornadoes are weird

Attached: 34653232412.webm (1280x720, 247.73K)

Attached: tfwnogfvn0.mp4 (640x360, 9.17M)

Attached: big bang is fake.webm (480x360, 11.46M)

you should give up all hope, user.

Attached: how are you reading this.jpg (772x525, 125.57K)

Attached: a.webm (640x360, 7.95M)

Attached: change.webm (640x358, 7.69M)

Attached: everything alive is intelligent.webm (640x360, 7.98M)

Attached: grights.webm (534x300, 4.38M)

Attached: most efficient killing machine! very sad!.webm (960x720, 536.68K)

Attached: the universe is a simulation.webm (576x324, 819.02K)

Attached: why you shouldnt use discord.webm (711x400, 11.95M)

Attached: why you shouldnt use discord2.webm (1280x720, 5.37M)

Attached: you're waifu a shit.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

Attached: I will fight for you with every breath in my body.webm (640x360, 2.67M)

Attached: TRUMP IS OURGUY.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

Thats what I would do, am I an alpha?

who's the faggot posting all the gross webms and shit throwing chimps and dumb femminist videos?

Fucking mint.

what the fuck

Moar like these please.

always had that suspicion.

We're future humans or another lifeform and this is a virtual reality game

BF1 is unironically my favorite game to come out in the last 5 years


anyone else willing to post something good?

sounds like a fag

that's how you know you're doing good in the world, all the evil bastards hate you.

Real men have naturally deep voices and dont have to resort to feminine trickery, faggot



You mean song?
N'to - Trauma (Worakls Remix)

Post fap sadness and regret.

yelling, screaming, barking, mooing, fapping invisible cocks, all incoherent all of that for what ? sometimes i think feminists do this thinking "look at how deep it is" but really everyone is like "im going to fucking cash in on some money for a cringe compilation for this shit "

Attached: a029b04cbeaf0007093efeae390ce8b3afc6c5a384bf184909b03be07b5b574c.jpg (600x614, 36.08K)

Attached: Dennis Prager Social Justice.webm (640x360, 2.86M)

Attached: physiology.webm (711x400, 11.84M)

song name? swear it was on a codex installer

Attached: safe sapces.webm (1067x600, 7.59M)

Attached: Fireworkhead.webm (640x360 4.42 MB, 3.72M)

Attached: slavery.webm (640x360, 4.04M)

Attached: the west is the best.webm (569x320, 7.69M)

Attached: baffometi27.mp4 (540x360, 6.16M)

I'll never get sick of the 2016 election. Say what you will about his recent actions but his election is a stick in the eye for the left and the butthurt he generates alone is worth it.

Attached: arnold.webm (768x480, 7.36M)

How the wave-particle duality relates with the theory who claims that the universe is a simulation?

Attached: 576796f6af289fe9e52a63973c8f084320762f97d871576a8deabaa3b376e7c6G.webm (480x360, 10.26M)

Attached: ffda0436323c27c558044bbdc1126719.webm (1920x1080, 9.13M)

Attached: french door.webm (640x360, 906.77K)

Attached: multitrack listening.webm (541x914, 3.68M)

hory shet I think that might be the ASMR people are talkin about. wonder why I get it from that and only that.

If that was my sister, I'd let it drool cum all over her face

It's not "Feminist Theatre"ā€¦ it's a "Showcase of Advanced Autism"

Attached: meme-fu-up.webm (1280x720, 9.57M)

Attached: 16104071_110372132804720_4063416830159486976_n.mp4 (480x600, 392.97K)

Attached: ŠšŠŠš Š’Š«Š£Š§Š˜Š¢Š¬ ŠŠŠ“Š›Š˜Š™Š”ŠšŠ˜Š™.webm (320x240, 4.16M)


Attached: tutus.webm (640x360, 7.98M)

she's cute. who is this? she has a slightly "jordyn jones" vibe going for her

The track is amazing, didn't knew that one from IM

Attached: 1483233153284.webm (640x640, 533.36K)

wtf this makes me feel so fucking weird, how is that done?

fucking dropped

she already looked 20 something when she was 15. she is going to look like an old leather couch in 5 years now.

what did you expect? she's white trash just like her mum.

and this is where pedos get it wrong. to have someone they're attracted to, they would have to keep trading the old model for the new model once they're too old. this is why you find a young looking grill who will look young for decades. pic related

Attached: 1514760662081.jpg (1000x1000, 161.56K)

Attached: 1512566644238.webm (250x252, 3.99M)

Nope. This is why non-exclusive pedos (i.e. most men throughout all of human history, including now) are GOAT. Start loving her when she's 7, then love her for the rest of your life. Widow her when she's in her 40s or 50s. She'll have a brood of offspring to take care of her, and she will have hit menopause by then anyway.

That was the way of humans for 99.99% of our existence until suffragettes and beta males started to ruin things.


althiough i do agree with you, as my other post was meant to imply , the legal system is set up to prevent that now

My dick need more cheerleaders. More, pls.

t. Muslim


another word for "seduction"
it's how we as animals find mates with which to pair bond and reproduce

my favorite webms are too strong for you traveler


But webm creator, I need your strongest webms to repost in future webm threads. I can't repost if I have no webms!

2016 was the year of the meme. We will see nothing like it again until something else the size of trump occurs

Vaping is thee most gayest shit out there. These mental midgets literally think blowing thick clouds of smoke is 'cool' or i'm sorry i mean 'dope'. Its so funny because most of them try to look all hard as they do it lol!!! . Search vaping in google images and you'll get what looks like a Antifa member spreadsheet

Attached: 156687.gif (1500x1000 996.58 KB, 180.84K)

I'd fuck this jewess

you made me lose again.

Attached: 11.jpg (881x881, 261.75K)

Stop calling attention to it or the mods will know.

My sentiments exactly.

Attached: NGO Human Trafficking.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Found it, fitgirl installer

Attached: bitcoin.webm (1280x720, 14.1M)

This is really cute.
The ideal imouto.



Attached: half yo.webm (400x224, 1.96M)

Attached: 1521210086902.webm (854x478, 1.98M)

two separate tracks, each with panning automation and large hall-sounding EQ.

Attached: Smoking_Anus..480p.webm (480x480, 11.99M)

Attached: 1511126780433.webm (640x640, 845.82K)

Attached: 1431216261281.webm (640x360, 7.36M)


sauce? what game? ā™„ ā™„ ā™„



this but unironically
she's a cutie and it would be fun to watch her swallow stuff

Attached: URAM-001.webm (695x473 2.99 MB, 93K)

Attached: meme-2-2the1.webm (640x480, 2.8M)

Ughh. I swear, people who can't spot a kike are the worst. It's so fucking easy. Have people like you never seen another person before? This girl is clearly 100% kike-free.

Have a webum

Attached: ea2a6d6d9867c8134c29f358f47598220ad935649dbfce7d9a8d3012ba8a152a-pol.mp4 (640x360, 11.34M)

It feels so fucking good.

Maybe it's the same guy on hooktube watching vids about ridiculously obese people and cooking vids by ridiculously obese people. I swear it's one fucking guy.

It's all kike nonsense.

Attached: meme-fart03.mp4 (640x480, 328.27K)

For anyone who liked this, you really should check out ALL of Sapolsky's lecutres, they're fucking amazing.

Attached: what is wrong with this community.mp4 (854x480, 6.51M)

Attached: f3f1cf1380947a1b4b4b749d64a1f0ea-videowebm.webm (1280x720, 3.88M)

Attached: kissa kylvyssƤ.mp4 (320x240 3.27 MB, 6.17M)

sadly no sound

Attached: 4chin_filename.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

I am no fan of Trump, but that was pretty good.

meant for

I'd like to know from what movie is the firework video

ź“·ź“ ź“µź“³ź“¢

Attached: 3FE4E5E1-6D37-47AF-81EE-5406E9BABE02.mp4 (568x320, 9.14M)

Attached: most beautiful video.webm (640x360 7.83 MB, 7.66M)

Name of black and white song?

Attached: deusdeusdeus.webm (746x420, 3.7M)

ŠÆ Šø ŠæŠ°Ń€ ŠÆ Šø ŠæŠ°Ń€ ŠÆ Šø ŠæŠ°Ń€ ууё

well done, fukken saved

At least she didn't scream, I guess.

Attached: putitdown.webm (640x360, 9.56M)

Attached: videoplayback (3).webm (400x224, 1.37M)

Attached: videoplayback (1).webm (640x360, 14.92M)

Attached: videoplayback (2).webm (640x360, 13.01M)

Attached: well be missing you.webm (640x360, 6.82M)

Attached: 2manycrows.webm (630x354, 7.43M)

Attached: acidtripinwonderland.webm (492x360, 4.42M)

Attached: 8ch April 1st.webm (640x360, 2.37M)

Attached: as for you.webm (550x300, 5.35M)

Attached: bestnigthevar.webm (1280x720, 10.93M)

Attached: carmen mechanics.webm (492x360, 6.87M)

Attached: Compelling Anime Plot.webm (640x480, 11.56M)

Attached: frog astronaut.mp4 (326x184, 549.51K)

Attached: Er ist wieder da.mp4 (640x360, 5.9M)

Attached: jewsandjesus.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

Attached: you will never experience friends like this.webm (474x360, 7.99M)

Attached: wish i could turn back tiā€¦.webm (320x240, 3.22M)

Attached: killerguitar.webm (320x240, 4.8M)

Attached: Mac Miller - Trump.webm (720x480, 11.83M)


I miss when Sweden was badass.

Attached: Car Ride MrFusiion.mp4 (640x360, 6.22M)

south park always produces a fantastic song

Who is this

i like no sound webms,sometimes
same thing, it had no sound
ADD'd sum

Attached: 6E4839B9-3A8E-456B-8A57-E55F2AA89AAC.mp4 (480x480, 4.61M)

Attached: Call on Traitor.webm (640x360, 2.28M)

Attached: ć‚†ć‚ć«ć£ććƒÆćƒ¼ćƒ«ćƒ‰ 10thć‚¢ćƒ‹ćƒćƒ¼ć‚µćƒŖćƒ¼ birdmania reach YN.webm (512x384, 2.53M)

Attached: Pulp Compression.webm (1280x720, 3.07M)

Attached: Sam Hyde Driving Fast.webm (1280x720, 8.76M)

Attached: Maytrix2.webm (850x352, 3.56M)

been looking for sauce on that for about a year now



finland is the new old sweden

Attached: n64c.webm (1200x720, 3.85M)

It's a cartoon, retard. 2D is fine.

2d CP? Even worse than regular fucking pedonigger

Attached: cpthread.mp4 (480x600 4.19 MB, 76.43K)

Attached: putinyouth song.webm (450x360, 7.74M)

Attached: partyrock.webm (720x405, 4.24M)

I know my oral game is pretty up-to-scratch, as my g/f fainted on me, the last time I ate her out.

Fucking John Oliver is so annoying. Glad he got put in his place in 2016.

Attached: 0o0o2a3.jpg (640x458, 105.16K)

Attached: grl on bus.mp4 (768x432, 2.84M)

I'm always annoyed how that comic shows the girl as the level headed pro free speech one and the guy as the sjw when the reality would most likely be the opposite, not to say that there aren't pro free speech women or sjw "men" but still
males are always the problem


The man who did this needs to be hanged.

what is the song in background ?

Attached: around bait hesitate.png (436x432, 45.17K)

Why do you faggots have to keep posting that roastie jewess cunt?

Explain this to me.
There was a case in Australia about two homophiles who groomed a child since he was a toddler. Then there was an alleged story of a 9-year-old and some guy, where she protected him. Anons in the thread said she was "groomed", but she's too old for that. Even if 9-year-olds are stupid and ignorant, I can't help but think her feelings were legitimate.
Not sure about the Podesta video. Might be grooming, might be his fetish. Wonder how old the kid was? Anyway, it just seemed different.

Please tell me that idiot got fired.

Speak for yourself.

What is the sauce?

Men are the problem tho. The only reason feminism/socjus propagates is because of their thirsty whiteknight enablers. If it was just a bunch of legbeards sniffing their own queefs no one would give a fuck

Yngwie Malmsteen

Yngwie who?

It reminds me of this band

Attached: LesLuthiers.webm (480x360, 7.82M)

thank you so much kind sir

Attached: 1-Minute Audio Test for Stereo Speakers and Headphones.mp4 (640x360, 2.6M)

Attached: poppy_What Rhymes with Breath.mp4 (1280x720 2.34 MB, 2.29M)

Attached: oh_cmon_what_did_you_expect_crf26.mp4 (640x360, 13.8M)

The Untamed


or maybe she has some kind of life-threatening condition that causes low blood pressure.

Attached: Welcome to 8ch.mp4 (1280x520, 15.62M)

Attached: f5271920.mp4 (426x320, 5.41M)

Attached: sorry.mp4 (426x240, 1.33M)

Attached: Why you shouldn't donate to the 3rd world.webm (640x360, 10.93M)

seconding sauce request

Attached: shutupandtakemymoney.jpg (640x427, 32.85K)

Attached: pakistan.webm (568x320, 2.99M)

Cool I'll just go to another company


Yah, there's a reason capitalism is the best system ever made. We've developed more in the past 11 years than at any other point in human history.

I think a statue would be more appropriate than a painting.

Attached: millenials.webm (448x252, 3.98M)


Attached: dr steel manufactored_reality.webm (480x360, 4.89M)


b-but the news media told me there's fierce competition in private sectors

It's actually 10 mega corporations owned by 4 conglomerates: McGraw-Hill, Northwestern Mutual, CME Group, and Barclay's.

Attached: 10 Mega-Corporations.png (1600x1005, 1.54M)

my anus puckered all the way up my rectum


Here's the best one.

Attached: Poppy - How to Load a Gun (Re-upload in 1080p).webm (568x320 2.18 MB, 861.87K)

Someone post the goofy black girl dragging soda cans in the middle of the road at night.

Attached: dogmeat.mp4 (640x360, 4.56M)

Attached: [SFM] We like to party.webm (1280x720, 6.55M)

Thought this was a motherless url, tbqh. It's nothing. 404.

the gun is loaded then take it up your ass bitch

Sounded more like he was using some audio modulation software to me, y'know, to keep it more anonymous, as in inline with our sort of thing here.


The kangs won the racewar and just want to study in granular detail all of the conditions of how it played out. We're inside a RAM chip inside of a PYRAMID ship.

broke = the universe is infinite
woke = negro supercomputers

You should have seen internal semiotics.

he's such a faggot

Attached: 1495323801573-0.webm (480x352, 985.51K)

Attached: 1508860711561-0.webm (640x360, 1.9M)

Attached: 14722455015520.webm (490x360, 15.18M)

Attached: 14722416344510.webm (384x288, 884.88K)

Attached: 173d09de12f26676d3eae8c216304fbf44d18c328dbc4334d689d40ce39cfaa6.webm (640x640, 3.69M)

Attached: b7936d965eb58576b8dd427dbfc0fc6745896931c6342458364c7da6741cb06e.webm (720x480, 1.87M)


Attached: 1492325882010-1.webm (640x352, 9.96M)

Attached: 1515944322940-1.webm (500x281 2.21 MB, 3.5M)

Attached: 16104071_110372132804720_4063416830159486976_n.webm (600x480, 240.43K)

Attached: 1515944322940-3.webm (1280x720 2.34 MB, 3.21M)

Attached: sector136213816.webm (640x360, 6.8M)

Attached: sector134511024.webm (1136x640, 2.45M)

Attached: metal ants.webm (960x540, 2.77M)

Kill yourself.

Attached: sector135100184.webm (640x360, 8.74M)

I wish i can

Attached: ŠŠµŠ½Š°Š²ŠøстŠ½Š¾Šµ Š·Š°Š²Ń‚Ń€ŠµŃ‡ŠŗŠ¾.webm (480x360, 10.1M)

Attached: ćƒ€ćƒ”ćƒ€ćƒ”ćƒ€ćƒ”.webm (720x405, 1.14M)

Attached: sector170248440.webm (854x480, 4.31M)

Attached: sector126830696.webm (320x240, 1.4M)

Attached: sector138243600.webm (240x240, 780.38K)

Attached: sector122932800.webm (800x450, 10M)

Attached: sector115821896.webm (480x360, 9.35M)


Attached: sector119189704.webm (800x450, 7.65M)

Attached: 63e515f378b71a21699386849206e14ee0094438bd7879884177c337d4feab90.webm (640x360, 1.53M)

Attached: 1475704604115.webm (720x404, 8.31M)

Attached: 1492484408208.webm (1280x720, 2.53M)

Attached: 14686038445190.webm (1280x720, 1.7M)

Attached: 14712140610902.webm (720x480, 2.75M)

Attached: Modern Educayshun640_crf24.mp4 (640x360, 15.25M)

Attached: 14712140611493.webm (300x180, 3.73M)

Attached: Patriotism.webm (568x320, 1.2M)

Attached: sector172890968.webm (480x360, 3.99M)

Ok i'm done for now

Attached: sector221727696.webm (1920x1080, 9.96M)

Attached: If Alex Jones did Voiceover for Doom(2016).mp4 (400x224 5.22 MB, 2.18M)

Attached: storm_in_russia.webm (720x404, 3.68M)

The muslim version is better.

You only posted a few decent ones.

Attached: SteelVengeance.webm (1280x720, 14.09M)

That's fire and ash dickhead.

Attached: Goblins.webm (1280x720, 11.83M)

Attached: schiftyfive.webm (540x360, 4.71M)

based rmc

Attached: we_re_the_good_guys_everything_s_gonna_be_neat.webm (1280x720 1.11 MB, 2.76M)

Attached: voodoo.webm (1920x1080, 2.96M)

Attached: Shut_up_fat_cunts.webm (426x234 7.84 MB, 7.15M)


the way he says obama you fucking nigger gets me every time

that pigfarm shit is disgusting, factory farming is truly revolting even just thinking about the smell kek

entering a thread.webm

too many zooz

Attached: Rockefeller Street Nightcore mix.mp4 (480x360, 3.29M)

Made by amerifat jewess that has no idea how firearms are held.

they just hired a crazed feminist for the cues at the end

love me some modern talking

Looks like Gunsmith Cats too.

Attached: crying.mp4 (576x442, 11.71M)

its that song on the crowder podcast

Is this rape?

Attached: 80% positive, no lie.webm (940x529, 7.45M)

smalldick and fuck for mney

that's my fetish .png

Attached: forced-dildo-anal-whipping.webm (448x336, 3.88M)

Attached: Swedes migrate from Sweden to Eastern Europe, USA, Australia to escape Islam plague & Muslim savages.webm (640x360, 14.68M)

These are newly converted from bitchute and youhooktube sources, respectively. I'd post it to Holla Forums except that I'm banned by the turkroach for openly criticizing his bullshit.

Attached: Interview with Ervin Kohn (Deputy Director at The Norwegian Center against Racism).webm (640x360, 8.38M)

Attached: Sweden's Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools_s.mp4 (640x360, 15.61M)

Attached: moose.webm (960x540, 3.89M)


It's better to have a lower resolution video with better fidelity than a larger resolution one afflicted with artifacts as badly as that one. You can save a lot of space by converting the audio down to really low bitrates. 24khz at 32kbps, mono, encoded with opus sounds just fine. All that matters is that the speech is legible.

Attached: Copy of Sweden's Feminizing Boys with Genderless Schools.webm (480x270, 15.11M)

my browser dont play yours anyway.
h265 shit?

VP9 and Opus. If your browser can't play vp9, then it's out-of-spec.

it is chromium on linux

Do you know if your browser handles Opus audio fine? A lot of other webms use Vorbis instead. I encoded it with Xmedia Recode on windows so that could maybe be it too.

that works, h265 /hevc shit don't

i would say the opposite, using same codec, a higher resolution video with higher CRF looked better, if you use a h265 against a h264 then you get same quality at 45% less size (for a price).

check this out, it fits in 15MB ! :)

Attached: The.Truman.Show.1998.720p_small.mp4 (320x180, 15.57M)