Did anyone else notice that all the vols talk like women?

Did anyone else notice that all the vols talk like women?

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Uh, wow, rude much? Can you not?

what's up boy? you got triggered when people break your circlejerk?

you're retarded and you have to get through your head that 21st century people are shit, generally speaking. regardless of gender. Modern men makes me sick as much as modern women, but if your fags only want to blame women, then it shows you're nothing but a pathetic useless fag, modern "men".

ever since Holla Forums went mainstream it has been heavily raided by roasties following their (((feminist))) overlords
they have infiltrated the ranks of the moderator positions and now only dysnomia can save us

spotted the roastie

t. dysnomia


Keep it up, see how long until you get banned.

If by triggered you mean beating you in a debate and then watching you sperg out and delete the entire thread, then I suppose.

You're bluffing.

It took me a minute to figure out wtf that was, but then I lost my shit. We need to determine a final solution to the roastie question.

Save us, Dysnomia!

Is this thread actually infested with them or are you just LARPing? I'm scared now.

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So am I, so am I.

All boys need to leave this thread literally right now, I mean it!

I wish all women on Holla Forums would drop dead right now.
Including Pupchan. Excluding Rozelli.

Even Hex?

What if I identify as a girl, user? or perhaps am an agender transhumanist individual who does prefers pronouns "they" and "it"

Do you also accept the pronoun "freak"?

Get out! I'll tell my big brother, he'll ban you!

Rozelli is one ugly motherfucker, just had to put that in there.

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pupchan is the best waifu, faggot


I also did the keking

that's a common symptom of the mental illness known as 'being the child of a single mother'

A long time ago one of the rules where if you said you where female you would have to show tits with timestamp or get baned. Time's have changed so much that it seems even the moderators have become cucks to women.
I imagine it's because most men today where raised by single mothers and are still controlled by them in some way. This makes it to where they think they need to respect women or lose all control over their lives.

Fucking kekd mang


I was a woman, but I was cured

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