
how tranny boy can do this?

look at round bubbles ass?


if slut tranny boy is shaking big round butt and teesing u how u stop and not just rape all his holes?

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By not being a faggot.

HRT with estrogens and testosterone inhibitors does wonders if started early, ideally when hitting puberty.


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I think that's visceratio.

I've had sex with 6 trannies that I can remember (I've fucked dozens of people and have lost track).
2 passed
4 didn't
Would do it again too
Never paid for any of it. We met at lgbt events (club events usually, you'd be amazed at how many of these people are not cool. Like they're losers…I mean honestly if you want to date a tranny but can't find one, seriously don't be intimidated to go to lgbt events. The people at them are 90% autists. Nothing to fear.) and danced, kissed, etc. We'd always find a hotel or a private room at the after party.

post gay things

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Is that the jewess everyone has been posting??? She's been a trap all along???

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this, hormones are insane. just look at what roids can do.

I am intimidated to go out funny thing is when i do i get drunk as fuck and have tons of fun any tips to pick up traps?

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Most traps I was with got hit on by disgusting ugly piggos. I'm cute, so I was like a rare treat. I was just nice, I'm a funny guy when I'm in a good mood, they liked that.

U don't. There are no brakes on the rape train.

Sounds a lot like regular women
Thing is, by the time i'm drunk enough to go talk to strangers i'm too drunk period, so it's a work in progress.

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Well it's simple really. I can't raep nobody, because I'm a fucking egg!

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how do they do this?

Steroids aren't as magic as people think they are. If your average Holla Forumstard started a cycle, and continued his life of sloth & shitposting, he'd just get obese around 30% faster. Where steroids come into their own is when you've already hit your biological limits for carrying muscle, because your body says 'fuck it, I'm big enough' and stops releasing the chemical triggers to keep growing. So they allow you to exceed biological limitations.
Still need to get off your arse though.

OP legit sounds like a hadji which makes sense because they're all faggots


white boy suicidel?

amerimutt population: obese soy boy cucks and mentally ill men wearing womens clothing

posting some webms

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hot. at the end how he she licks her balls wow

is there full version?

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Delicious asshole tbh

Does anyone else think Natalie Mars is insanely ugly