Hello Anonymous ! Let's make a quality thread today, shall we ? (^^)
Hello Anonymous ! Let's make a quality thread today, shall we ? (^^)
W-why would you post that, user ?
I'it's alright, we can still turn this thread into a quality thread ! Here, have some otter !
Why are you posting these videos ? Oh poor old lady… But i'm sure she's fine now !
T-that was a fake gun ! No worries for chicky-chicky…right ?
Let's ramp up the friendly happy qualities that Holla Forums are so well known for and dependable on.
You're the worst Annon ! This is it, i'm leaving this place forever ! You can stay here with all your virgin weird friends !
t. obesanon
Don't give up! We can still turn this into a quality thread.
and… there it goes…. [fluuussshhhhhh…]
I… I don't know how to do that anymore.
On the upside, it's fake. So you can be happy! People were paid to make a video warning on the dangers of not wearing non-slip shoes in a slippery environment. Lives were saved, people were appreciative, and a meme was made for the additional happiness of edgelords who are sorely lacking in ANY happiness in their lives. Everyone wins.
Uh, the upside here is that granny surely learned some self-help measures after this incident to make sure the next nerd who suckerpunched him got owned really fucking hard.
Okay, that rooster was known evil and attacked his underlings. Basically it was a tyrant removed and a people saved.
I didn't click on that, you're just a bad person.
Murrica will collapse soon, so this trash will only be remembered to teach people how not to destroy themselves and their societies.
Okay, thread ruined.
You just have shit taste, but I'll refrain from spamming my cute girl god in retort. Don't tempt me further.
You don't have the balls.
So what defines quality; what can objectively considered good to all parties? That's a tough one. Lain is essentially the mascot of 8/b/ but she's obviously not good by everyone's definition. So how do we collectively post content which will be appealing and of quantifiabl quality to all parties??
I'll try again…
This is a clever trick; a ruse- you're trying to get me to derail the thread by antagonizing my preferred 2d divinity. It will not work; I am committed to contributing something of value to this thread, damn it.
Oh, I get it, very clever. So you want me to spam the obviously superior waifu. I get it. I mean, lol, Lain? Yeah right, buddy. You almost had me.
double dubs checked
This is a good sign that this may turn into a quality thread.
How's the weather over there? Suppose to have snow this way, haven't seen shit. Sick of waiting for winter to fuck off already.
So that's why he popped his head.
Here's a few more pics I've taken with my toaster– I mean my phone.
It's getting warmer thankfully! This winter was not as bad as last, when I took most of the snowy pictures here. We got buried alive, worst we've had in my 30+ NEET years. It's funny, I loved Winter when I was a kid; now it's rapidly becoming almost as loathed as Summer. Still pretty though.
You are lucky if you collect certain mushrooms that grow there, Oregon and Washington are very beautiful.
I'm right up with you on Winter being almost as shit as Summer. I hate the cold. For some reason, tho, there's something about shoveling snow. Snow in general, I don't know man, maybe my brain is fucked, but it seems warmer outside to me when it snows. I can be out and about for hours.
There's a place called Hobb's Field where I live that people say is good for this in Spring. I've never bothered looking there.
I wouldn't mind so much if my living conditions were better. And it does kinda seem warmer when there's snow as opposed to not. Maybe it's the sunlight refracting off of it? Same reason it can be so bright on white winter nights.
Oh, well. I've been g oing for a couple of hours but i see that kind annons are giving their all to turn this thread into a quality thread ! Good job guys, keep up the good work !
Awww! That's adorable! I bet they're friends.
Have a good one!
Looks like good clean spoopy fun, user. Do they have Halloween festivities here?
They do, but I'm borderline hikkikomori so I don't go. I volunteered as one and spooped kids dressed up as a vampire many years ago, it was fun.
Shifting gears now,
Yeah she adopted the goat. The little thing is a pain in the arse, but she's happy so, meh.
What's going on in this thread?
Statue time!
One of these is my image for jewtube! Can anyone guess which one?
That's awesome!! I have like an acre, I eventually want to be able to raise animals.. well, other than cats; but they raise themselves. I'd love to have goats, maybe some chickens and a cow. Not sure I have quite enough room for a horse, maybe in the back if I cleaned it up really nice.
there's quality going on (^^)
They grow on lawns sometimes a hundred pounds at a time, the temperature causes fruiting at about 60 degrees +/- , 2 degrees, this happens twice a year, spring and fall.
It's my "Glorious" folder. It's mostly statues but also some classical/mythological art as well.
That's good to know. If I wasn't such a shut in I might have to go questing for some. I've pretty much quit using drugs and alcohol but I think psychedelics can be useful for shamanic and visionary experiences tbh.
Moving onto art folder, now.
The plebs have spoken.
I'm not flooding, I swear!
ooooh, spoopy
Art folder is pretty huge.
What else should I post? I have /asmr/, backgrounds, /edgy/, fantasy, /fringe/, music videos, /nofap/, random, reactions, /tg/, tips, and WebMs.
Stay away from alcohol especially.
Mushrooms and herbs are medicinal, the best time to go is on a full moon at night, I'm an apothecary and prepare my own medicines most often as tea. I've been Hikikomori for 60 years so I understand your need for peace and quiet, take care, e
everything that is quality !
I agree. I quit alcohol 100%- my dad died from that poison when I was little, and I can see what it's doing to some of my old friends from High School. I still smoke herb once in a while, but not habitually like I used to. That sounds pretty awesome, I'd like to get into that stuff myself but as always I just think about it and never act on it.
That's what I'm trying to do! How about some nice music videos, I've got some good ones. Most are probably too big, but I'll try.
Faun is one of my favorite bands. I wish I spoke German.
I forgot to say, I really need to watch Ranma. I was a 90s kid, grew up a borderline weeb, and yet I've never seen it yet. That is from Ranma right? Rumiko Takahashi is boss. I loved Inuyasha and Mermaid Forest.
These looks pretty fun!
yep, that's ranma ! if you liked it you hsould watch urusei yasutora & full metal panic, they're very fun & enjoyable to watch
I'm sorry about your father, you will learn to take care of the body and mind or you will suffer when you get old. I do these things to avoid the lunatic asylum that the world has become. I hope that you have a good life young man, enjoy it while you can.
i feel you
In Gowan Ring is amazing; another favorite of mine. The guy literally handcrafts many of his own instruments. A modern day bard and minstrel.
I really should check it out. I don't watch nearly as much anime as I used to– but when I do it's typically the older stuff, like pre 2000.
I actually have the AD&D book that image was printed in. Man, those were the good old days. No screeching harpies protesting about rape culture because of a drawing. How the times have changed…
It's all good. Everyone leaves in the end. Very sage advise, and I feel you. The world goes more and more mad every single day. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who sees it.
Last music video for the night.
I think I'll dump some fantasy art and call it a night.
Hey, it was very cool dude, hope we get more of it some other time
Just realized that wizard is actually Odin. Hah.
this thread sucks
i'll also dump some pics
I'm glad you liked it!
Then make use of the hide thread function, like I do multiple times daily. It's pretty easy; just click on the little minus sign in the upper left hand corner of the thread. The more you know.
Wilderness Survival Guide, I think? I used to have most of the 1st edition books, and also the early (1989) 2nd edition books. Played lots of games back in the day. It's all long gone, after decades of moving around every few years. I never had any kind of stable situation in life, so never got room to keep much. If it doesn't fit in suitcase, can't bring it. Only RPG books I got left are D&D Basic and Expert rulebooks from 1981, plus a few dozen gamebooks like Fighting Fantasy and Sorcery!, otherwise the rest is all in PDF. And the only reason I even have those is I found big lots on ebay for dirt cheap, but that was over a decade ago and ebay isn't worth it anymore (I even let my account expire).
I love
I think it's dungeoneers survival guide, close enough either way. That sucks man. I'm pretty lucky I've had a stable life. I've lived on the same plot of land pretty much since I'm born. It's not perfect but I've certainly amounted plenty of books and other such stuff. I often wonder what I'll freaking do with all of it if things get bad, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it… or wise up and start planning an escape route now. If push comes to shove I plan to sell my worldly possessions, join the Hare Krishna and try the whole ascetic thing.
Here have a cookie
Alright, that's it for me. It's been fun, and keep posting quality!
This is cover of a scenario/adventure module for early 80's french RPG "Légendes Celtiques". Never did find the rulebook though. I wonder if some of these old games will just be lost and forgotten.
Not a good idea, I lived with yoga meditation mionks for 2 years on 80 acres in a forest, in always comes down to money.
The monks are parasites and their so-called teaching is their business plan. You become their work slave, to do everything that they don't or can't be bothered with. They are manipulators.
True Hermit here, ask me anything.
1981 Basic & Expert D&D rulebooks, with the modules and dice that came in box. Kitty not included.
Meh. They're Vegetarian, fairly traditional and have some nice songs. I could do worse. I have heard since the original founder died the original purpose, the spread of Dharma-yoga and Krishna consciousness has become secondary to sex, drugs and money. Not sure if it's true, but I like to think my back up plan is better than nothing.
Let's not bring too much religion/anti religion or pol/leftypol dichotomies here, kay? This thread is quality, and that shit is objectively cancer. I was merely mentioning my back up plan in conversation. I'm not advocating or encouraging this to anyone else, whatsoever.
I have a few little yellowish booklets that look similar. Super cool! Sadly like so many other things they will probably be buried by the stream of time.
Niiiiice! Good stuff my man. Also cute kitty!
Better "hide" this wand, before those two idiots step on it.
I understand, having a dream plan is essential for the me, it can't live without hopes, goals, meaning, purpose, all of the imaginary words of the delusional state of mind. I'm not political or religious, just relating a few facts to help you stay away from trouble. I am a real hermit though, and it's work to get there, because of the extortion machine and all of the stories that you don't like or want to hear. The planet is filled with vampires and cannibals, and that is the problem.
That old Dragonlance art was really great. I'll never understand why they changed it to worse stuff when they reprinted the novels later on. It's the same story with the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. They started using art obviously made on computers instead of the nicer drawings and paintings from the old days.
Seems legit, that's what any self respecting rogue/wizard would do in that situation.
WWJD tbh fam
Fair enough. It's not so much a dream plan; I guess my dream plan would be to cultivate my little plot of land into a self-sustaining farm… although I'm not sure an acre is enough for that? For one or two people may be. The other thing is just back up if I end up on the streets since I could not survive out there. And you're definitely right on the money about the kinds of people in this world, lord.
How does one become a real hermit, anyways?
I totally agree. All the new D&D art looks like shit imo. I have the originals from the early 80s; scored em on the cheap at a used book store. The whole digitized art is big with the kids now a days. They grew up playing WoW so they prefer that to something actually drawn by hand by a real artist. It makes me sad.
TSR > WotC
Japanese release shows a bit more skin on the box cover.
Grorious Nippon!
Thats ok user
I'll post a few from my /tg/ folder since I'm still not sleepy. It's not that big, I've only started lurking 8/tg/ since discovering it's not a giant WH40k like 4/tg/ was.
Kinda low quality, actually. My bad.
My /tg/ folder needs work. I'm gonna stop now.
Yep. That's what I said.
The desire for peace and quiet is the only prerequisite. I can't be lied to anymore, getting there is what you have to learn. You have everything you need in that land, don't loose it, finding a way to make it work without a mortgage is the key. Never go into debt on purpose. Try to make do as simply as possible. See through the hype, and the rest is easy.
We can talk more later 'Lain' I will always identify as e for elder, take care.
skin is nice
That iconic wizard is from this old adventure game for Atari/Amiga/DOS. It plays a bit like early King's Quest stuff. Pretty nice game, but I got stuck early somewhere after the forest that's just west of the starting town. I should probably try again, it's been some years… Anyway nice story behind the making of the game: gamecrafters.com
This is one of the main reasons I'm a lonely cunt. I spent over a decade breaking/training troublesome horses, my bullshit detector is literally life or death tier. Makes it very hard to take simple shit in face value, especially when I detect deception.
Love music videos
I like
hang on…I don't know how or why but the other day I thought this was a wallpaper thread…I have no clue user…I obviously didn't read title but maybe I went to click a wallpaper thread and clicked yours by mistake, my bad user
It is ok user
Why is that kid holding the 56%r by the ass at the end?
It is ok user
I am here
I don't see you, where is here?
Here is breaking my heart
I like
G'nite chaps
Yeah, I kinda half knew that already. Problem is the trailer I live in is falling apart. It's nearly 50 years old and hasn't been properly cared for. Also I'm a poorfag NEET so I have no way to buy a new one. It's beyond repair at this point. Thanks for the pointers, I appreciate it!
Damn son you're high as fuck aren't you? It's all good, just have fun and get comfy. You're here forever, and it's not so bad once you get used to it.
No worries.
Nighty night. I'm gonna crash out myself.
Hello anons, Op here. This quality thread was really cool and "qualitative". If anyone needs me, i'm in my bed dreaming of giant robots and all sorts of wonderfull things. Goodnight, sweet and fluffy dreams everyone
ur beautiful
All the nurses are asleep. Let's kick it, homies!
Also very cool
Isn't there any food around here? Let's go raid the fridge!
looks cumfy
are you ok
If all else fails, there's always ASCII.
i love robots
Why anime always talk shit?
so wids
Is it ok to be bad here?
It is your mind that is truly beautiful :)
Pride of An Uncle
I likeanonymous
Do you have one of these videos where they ignite the farts?
y e s
Hey Holla Forums… this is what your ETERNITY IN HELL will sound like!
This can't truly be a quality thread without my waifu.
I feel this quality by my pancake face.
3rd world country tbh
Hey guys, I need some help. I've been exiled from my homeland and am looking for advice. Here's my story:
It's not that I don't like you guys. It's the format of this website. You have to constantly scroll up and down to make a quality post and it's fucking me up. I'm seriously shook you guys.
Basically, I'm wondering how one of you would appeal this ban if you were in my position, because apparently nothing I have to say is valid. Please help me return to my homeland. Help me get back to where I belong
your postings reflect your soul
no u
Vile. As if negresses weren't bestial enough already.
I think I'm a pretty good guy. I've said so in my appeals, but now the mods at r9k think I'm some sort of political terrorist. Definitely not the case. I don't hurt anyone, you know? I stand up for the downtrodden, I give love to the ignorant, yet all of that is nill in the face of ONE little potentially threatening quote. Fuck man.
So I've been passing the time arguing with communists on leftypol (they're the only ones in all of Holla Forums who even pay attention to me), but it's come at a price: I'm burned out. My fingers are gouting because there's too much to unpack. I'm literally dying here. I shall return to dust unless something is done.
Should I just sit back and jack it? Is it hopeless to think I'll ever be allowed to schmooze with my robots again? These words are still, but my emotions come in overwhelming waves. Waves of sadness. The sadness of solemnity. The solemnity of exile.
Welcome to hell
Only the best bby
Ultimate badassery.
You must be new to attentionwhoring, try posting garbage like
It knows how fucked up is this world and refuse to live in it, yet that asshole cut his "rope" so…
Welcome in the club!
The exile of a misunderstood but ultimately good man. I now know how Napoleon must have felt: to drag that which you love from the depths of hell, to spend your life on that, and have your people oust you as though they didn't owe you their lives and liberty. Honor is a dead concept. Modern justice is a calculation, not a question of ethics.
Yes, it seems the guillotine will fall on any doomed to be leaders. On every great and just man, there will be the glaring eyes and wringing hands of those who want control but are unfit for it. The schemers who hunger for divine and kingly blood. Even I was unprepared for their shadowy, backstabbing operations. I only pray that the next great figure is a shrewder man than I, for had I been aware of the severity of the situation, I could have done something. I could have rallied arms to push back the forces of degeneracy. Instead, I am here, no longer an emperor but a sapphire poet trapped in his soliloquoy.
It is almost as unbefitting of me as a good ruler is unbefitting of a scheming people. Ironic, in a sense, for having never raised them from the mud, they could never have stood to oppose me, yet seeing my people grovelling in powerlessness weighed on my heart. It seems the true evil comes from within, and its nature is that of your soul wanting to do good in the world. You nurse the lion to health, and it consumes your body as thanks. What a terrible reality that is, truly! There is no excuse for this. It serves as an objective model of the vileness in the spirit of mankind.
Now, in exile, pray I never return, for I will have seen through the dainty puppet show, down into the most personal core of every man, woman and child, and will judge them all thusly: I shall say, "you who would scheme beneath my rule shall no longer be afforded the opportunity. All dissent will be crushed. All dissent will be vaporized." A younger myself wouldn't have been able to utter such words; my soul would be burdened. I would have felt like a tyrant. The newer, however, realizes the neccessity of tyranny in a world of snakes and double-crossers.
It is decided, then, that I shall once again rally and march, for that is what I love, and I will march to mount the world as a whole, to rape her with my seed and spill forth others like me; those with a sense of honor, loyalty, and dignity. To the rest, I offer exile the likes of which you offered me. You will be sent away from the ones you love, away from the lands you cherished, to eke out the rest of your existence in some hostile, foreign place, and to be reminded daily of the life you forsook when you turned your spears towards your rightful king.
But they put him in the end like a corpse.
Downtrodden and rain-soaked I stand. I shall demonstrate the true power of man: how one word lights a fire in a single soul which spreads to hundreds, and from them to thousands. No more will I be a wall against the warriors. I will be a crown to their muscle and bone, directing them in the best way to take whatever they desire, and they will drink and feast in my name. No ropes or axes for traitors; I shall cut them down myself in a trial of single combat. Fall and fall they shall, until no drop of traitorous blood remains in a living avatar. They will fall until their blood stains the moon in harvest fashion for eternity and beyond, and then only the valiant will remain, and they will pillage their fill and rape until their desires are quenched, all while I once again ascend to the familiar luxury of a throne and clout.
It will be a hundred years, or more, of my new reign of spite. A hundred years taken forcefully from the one God himself, who'll be compelled to spare me more so that I might continue the eradication of all ways man shouldn't be. From my lips, a slaughter. From theirs, ultimately, gratitude. Gratitude for my delivering them from their mortal coil into the cleansing arms of death. Their sins weigh on them, surely, as their actions did on me. That is a wretched existence. That is a life that is a curse and disease. It is fair to call me a doctor, if that is the case, because a disease strides the earth and that disease is disloyalty.
There is no corner you may retreat to, and no cave in which to hide, for I will run along the skin of the planet like water down nubile face, seeking the grime of every pore and unresting in that pursuit. There will be no neutral position. You will feast under me, or be feasted upon. To tolerate a middle ground is insanity; such tolerance betrays a lack of learning from the past. We shall use the past as our catalyst for this great storming of the hells, then obliterate every account thereof; a history of woe is no history for a nation of the strong. Singers will sing of our greatness, or be without a tongue to weave music and without a head full of ears to hold it.
This is the duty sent down to me by the God through his plans, which saw me dethroned and pushed away. That, surely, was Him reminding me of the dangers in becoming too restful. My Lord, it will not happen again! This, on the crest of my immortal soul and throughout, I promise. I promise you under Lucifer's infinite torment that I shall never fall a second time, whether in battle or palace. Neither my body shall break, nor my spirit dry, before this dream of mine and of God's is given throne in the breast of our crippled planet.
tldr plz
What the fuck?
French as fuck
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God. I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little wofl thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic” wofl, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan posting about a fucking wofl. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic wofl NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “I REALLY REALLY LIKE THIS PICTURE.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.
WHat is even considered "quality" nowdays?
niggers yes
Dangerously unchecked.
Poor guy
Stop sexualizing semen, ok?