Podesta Emails Part 6
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Awwwww shieeetttttt
isn't this literally hillary clinton admitting to what she did?
Foreign Calls
To: jake.sullivan
Re: connecting
Headed to Camp David. You frèe earlu?
who's dropping the upcoming news nuke? is it assange or okeefe or someone else?
If anyone is still going after CTR, ere ya go
IRS was hacked. I think the State Department was hacked. Sony hacked. Banks hacked. As we try and close the Benghazi Chapter and the email drip drip. Is there ever a moment in TiMe not to Defend the decision but layout the fact….HRC servers were not hacked. Know this is s naive thought but just thinking.
daily reminder that justin cooper, who testified in front of the congressional oversight committee, mentioned that a SCIF was set up inside hillary's house itself (as is common with any high level politician with security clearances). podesta just confirmed the level of secrecy required to handle classified information. so why were so many classified e-mails found in hillary's email when she had a SCIF to use in her own home?
by the way, justin cooper is one of bill clinton's senior advisors and works (or used to work?) for teneo, which is all over the podesta leaks.
Hilldog meant for her server to be hacked so she could leak files with plausible deniability. That's the difference.
Even her own campaign realizes that she's completely a wreck and is undoing herself.
that is not fucking true at all. HRC server was indeed hacked and the FBI report confirmed it. a bill clinton staffer's e-mail was infiltrated by one or more people via TOR. the FBI was able to check the server's access logs and found three separate TOR exit nodes had logged in to the staffer's account and browsed around.
image is not actually from NBC
Wet works - Scalia assassination?
She's a Soros shill.
That's more or less what she's been saying the entire time. Looks like that email chain is them crafting her public message.
This is for newest leak set. Not another derail. We need to find NEW information.
This is an ironic shill post, right? Maybe CTR is being purposefully ineffectual because they want to get paid, but don't actually want Illary elected?
I'm a #McMullinMissile
Welcome to yesterday. Get with the program fam.
Not really.
She is making it sound like she just did it for convenience. Like setting up a private server is a simple way of doing things. When in fact its more complex than simply asking the state qualified IT people to set up whatever she needs in terms of email boxes.
The reason for the private service was to allow her to communicate outside the watchful eye of the state department.
The authorities would have to physically get hold of her server to see her paper trail.
And she would easily have time to wipe it before that happened.
never trust Mormons
I cant read this shit it is in Chinese.
Just found this…. might be big… fits into anti-Catholic angle ….. get this to Megyn Kelly
but who is [email protected]/* */?
JOSEPH SLOVINEC 425 2nd St. , N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001 E-mail:[email protected]/* */
Phone messages 202-393-7117
with Jobs Have Priority fax at 202-393-7270
that is incriminating as fk
No you don't. GET HIGH ENERGY. Your contributions will help win the war.
Special Investigation Group spokesman Chen Yunan
Last Updated: 2008/11/27 09:05
Cherish words such as gold Chen Yunan
Bao Gong and then the world Chen Yunan, Shou is not Geng Li line. Demonstrate the Buddha for the people, Falun Gong is now being punished. Jen-ming, who loves the clothes of the masses, turns to Falun. Fortunately, the people of Sri Lanka Jun, heaven and earth regulations can be saved. Chen Yunan, spokesman for the special investigation group to meet the media in the morning, at nine o'clock in the morning, as a simple word like gold, also known as "the history of the most cattle spokesman," Chen Yunan When he was appointed as the Hsinchu District Prosecutor's Office, is known for simple, even in the home in a hurry, he also to call home phone, but also to the Department of Public Prosecutor colleagues impressed.
blah blah, ignore.
First result in google faggot.
CTR will be unemployed in about 3 weeks.
Anyone want to call Eric Holder on his personal cell?
Filter this filthy kike by ID+. Anybody responding to him is shitting up the thread to, this post included.
Senator Menendez requests private meeting with HRC maybe about Iran, Huma takes over
CGI Advisory Group Meeting 2013
Develop a repeatable event model that reduces demand on the Clintons to be successful
Contains PDF & with 50+ Company membership sponsors. Contains donations and fees during the past 3 years 2011-2013. Shows 3 universities who paid $400k for booking fees for speech. Interesting information for CGI/CF diggers, but not damning.
Secretary Clinton cautioned that CGI should avoid becoming a corporate platform.
This one posted yet, but the package releases are all in one or are they separated, I've been following news and catching up
The young couple moved from the relatively bohemian Fayetteville to the more formal Little Rock. Hillary went from the legal clinic to the Rose Law Firm, which represented the moneyed interests of Arkansas. It did not hurt her prospects at the firm that her husband was the state’s chief legal officer. Not that Bill planned to stay AG for very long. Less than a year after the election, his chief of staff called in a brash young political consultant from New York, Dick Morris, to evaluate Bill’s next step — governor or senator? Morris urged a race for governor, beginning a twenty-year association, interrupted by occasional storms, between the crafty tactician and both Clintons.
The only email that turns up on term "bohemian"
Pic related.
Dude, the alien conspiracy stuff is insane. Is podesta really a fucking ayy lmao nutjob or what?
On FB (disabled) and in the Stratfor leak.
Aniello Alioto. Seems to be some sort of sicko. Google Group entry for a, 'singles party'.
That spic is a fucking CHILD RAPIST.
Look at the sender's email. Wtf? WebTV still exists? Did Hillary's server use a 28.8kbps modem?
[email protected]/* */:xtube
in one dump I have.
He's big on anal probes just look at the AIDS infested faggot.
Dude, CTR is so in violation of campaign rules it isn't even funny.
The link to the video is already ded
Who's going to prosecute them for it? Obama?
It'll have to wait until Trump gets into office.
you fucking idiot
John – Did you see our last email calling for the appointment of a progressive woman of color for the Supreme Court? Candidates are being vetted as we speak. Sign the petition to President Obama today act.democracyforamerica.com
Podesta SCHEMING to move Illinois Primary out of March because the Republicans won it in 2012.
This one is to another WMD gmail wmd2501@ gmail.com with different numbers this time. Getting strange with wmd's, someone said earlier wmd was for IL government head though.
Services of a defunct provider can simply roll onto the buyer but they keep the technicals alone.
That's how my ISP who's been renamed and acquired and merged 3 times still uses the same 15 year old hostnames for the region I'm living in where a smaller ISP once existed.
Okay, China dude here, here's the translation:
It's basically about a Taiwanese guy call Yunan Chen who claims to be a reincarnation of Guan Gong, and a member of Falun Gong, and it talks about how he is a very accomplished office worker.
It's irrelevant information, but interesting how the person still receives spam news.
how many names is the gallows bucket list sitting at now?
leftists select people like they're picking crayons
eh, can we please stop treating their spam box as breaking news?
it's derailing AF
personally still digging for more on uranium one deal,
found pic related, pretty juicy convo featuring JP and his brother Tony trying to keep their heads down as kikebart reports his brother being a fracking/uranium one lobbyist
this image includes who the sender is: a senior Democrat.
Seems like some campaign planning shit. There's quite a lot of information about voter mobilisation/grassroots activities. Also there's this
She's a snake
Center for American Policy revolving door with Google. Nice.
things sent to podesta from randoms aren't incriminating. The guy is a former lackey for some other congressman and currently a blogger that has a few angry emails in the pile.
That's a lot of work for some toilet paper.
This one's already out, i think I heard somewhere, right ?
We could even have her come out against Keystone on Monday as well (not sure where that stands), which will solicit criticism but that might help distract from emails. Kind of like bundling taxes, health, and email last Friday.
what sort of nyt email is this? admin/mod maybe?
(Won't fit in embed box)
Anyone else notice the complete lack of HRC emails or anything DIRECTLY incriminating?
They're saving up for it……….
Second, please add o the weapons sytems for Israel (I suggested the BBB and MOP): "And I will work with Congress to provide Israel with the weapons she needs to defend herself against any possible attack from Iran."
> Dear Mr. Podesta, > My name is Jacqueline Carozza, Assistant to George and Tamiko Soros. > Please know that I will be the point of contact this summer in Southampton and going forward for the Soros social calendar. > With summer quickly approaching Mr. and Mrs. Soros are starting to plan the 2015 Southampton schedule and would enjoy your company. Please let me know which dates suit you best to come for a visit and hopefully we can coordinate a mutually convenient time for your stay. Please note that Mr. and Mrs. Soros will begin their summer in Southampton the weekend of July 4th and wrap up Labor Day weekend. > Many thanks in advance and I do look forward to your reply. > Best, > Jacqueline > Jacqueline Carozza > Office of George Soros, Soros Fund Management LLC > 888 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10106 > Office: 212.320.5512 / Mobile: 646.596.6148 / Fax: 646.731.5512 > [email protected]/* */
Any idea about this person?
fuck, we need to figure out what this one is about asap
its a subscriber email
you have to scroll down. it's like fallout from 2008 campaign
"What's the matter? Don't you want to break federal law? And if you do, and by some miracle you are successful, you get to be the guy who killed the dream. You'll be hated by young people and African-Americans for the rest of your life. Gee, it sounds like such an attractive offer, John."
My first time diving into emails, and I found this. The subject line in this email is called "The truth finally comes out", and Steve Silberstein links Podesta an article from beforeitsnews.com that links this Silberstein guy to Soros and his entire left-wing billionaire cabal.
first pic: more from emailid/112
staffers hoping the uranium one deal memory-holes itself
lol @ 2nd pic related
PJW tweeted that bill got 1 million check from Quatar, is this new?
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
a quick search for new york times jan 8th shows poll results and obama killing it
These cunts are so out of touch it is absolutely unreal.
hm that could be linked to this
praise kek
Yes. Or she is even more of a puppet than we imagine. We already know that Obama was using a pseudonym to avoid incrimination; and the FBI and congress also know.
People don't understand that the email server was for running operations outside of the government. Those 33,000 that are going to be released are going to send a lot of people to the gallows. I'm hoping for ones about Sandy Hook personally.
fuck off
slow ass board this morning
Stop, that's from the first leak 4 days ago. Sandlerfoundation is a weekly email chain with tons of spammed information of weekly news.
No, most of their donations are by law public.
You too are digging in the first Podesta leak 4 days ago. Guys make sure to sort by "newest first" its around id 7,000 for Podesta leak 5.
Seems like they were worried about this when it came out
>[email protected]/* */
I really want to start doxing these cunts and put them in a list
Massive technology & Hardware sector meeting Podesta in name of HRC
*When:* Monday March 14th?
*What: *Dinner with top CEOs to discuss politics, the campaign, and national trends more broadly.
*The CEOs include:*
· Ursula Burns, CEO, Xerox Corporation
· Safra Catz, CEO, Oracle Corporation
· Mark Durcan, CEO, Micron Corporation
· Brian Kryzanic, CEO, Intel Corporation (tent).
· Dr. Tom Leighton, CEO, Akamai Technologies, Inc.
· Steve Mollenkopf, CEO, Qualcomm Corporation
· Virginia Rometty, CEO, IBM Corporation
· Joe Tucci, CEO, EMC Corporation
kek still blessed me, and he can bless you to
I don't know if this is pertinent, but here's a high level NYC healthcare connection
https ://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/8422
Steering CNN reporter Chris Frates
woops wrong first file
[email protected]/* */
or something like that, I saw it in an email, but can't find it now. Fucking aol email account. Bet someone could find some dirty shit in that inbox if they could get into it.
filtered et reported
ooh, wasted quads
ty for the heads up, i am searching newest first.
fyi i'm digging mostly just uranium one stuff, i put uranium into the search field so i don't have to go through all of the new emails. hadn't seen those correspondences yet, b/c, you know, real life calls.
i'll be manually searching the new emails later
godspeed, anons
Now that is really interesting, it would be interesting to compare this email with the Clinton Tax returns to see if they match. 20 Million from Qatar sounds high, I know they did donate sums from 1-5 million though. But it is interesting that the Clintons/Podesta got to funnel that money into Haiti for their donors, so it really was more money for the World Cup Bid Throw, probably around 25-30 million.
In general:
Corrupt Haiti contractors-→ Embezzle the cash as much as possible
Clinton Foundation -→ throws USA world cup bid to Qatar in exchange for money
Qatar -→ gives about 5 mil to Clinton through surrogates, 20 mil through "muh projects"
> ______________ This email has been scanned by the MessageLabs Email Security System. For more information please visit messagelabs.com
Nothing big, Palmieri & Podesta praising insidephilanthropy.com for writing a positive CF article.
looks like a text channel, I'm unable to connect to it almost immediately. Guessing its some sort of a security measure since downed sites usually try for a minute or so before saying they cant connect.
colluding with Super Pacs: wikileaks.org
this is illegal right?
Just do a search, not difficult.
Brent J. Budowsky (born February 19, 1952)[1] is an American political opinion writer and blogger for publications including The Hill,[2] the LA Progressive,[3] and The Huffington Post.
Just parsed through a dozen emails and it looks like a spamming folder with hundreds of pic related. It's like Nigerian prince scaming scheme v2.0 where people ask him to gave them shekels to counter the smear campaigns done by racist bigoted right-wing russian hackers - xenophobic sexist climate change deniers
Keep digging, I'm sure you're better at doing this than me. also drunk
Think I might've found something good
Anyone up for texting Cheryl Mills dick pics?
Indeed it is, user.
Anyone have that clinton death sheet? I want to cross reference some dates.
Seems like it might be innocuous but any idea who Mary is?
wikileaks. org/podesta-emails/emailid/7797
Email subject headers: the new sexism?
nice to see they actually do plan out these childish, fantasy-tier "zingers" to pop the audience
doesn't have any indication they know what the question is, just looks like speechwriting and dumb jokes by committee.
Looks like it might be his wife or daughter w email [email protected]/* */,
Wife it looks like.
Getting to edit/approve articles for spanish language newspaper La Opinion
James Rubin is married to CNN anchor Christine Amounpour haha. No coincidence they talk to this fucker. Media collusion talking about who to put in as Chair to an unknown position in government.
We need to blast this to the bernie bros
That's autistic as fuck. Who would naturally laugh at that?
What does this all mean? Could be collusion between people who shouldn't be colluding? Convo between Marc Elias (of Perkins Coie LLP), John Podesta, Robby Mook, and Huma Abedin
wikileaks. org/podesta-emails/emailid/7956
Did she say she supports 15?
Brent Budowsky is really worried.
And what does this mean for those who speak english:
I strongly suspect she has been sold a bill of goods from Obama consultants who became Hillary consultants
Is there a wiki over this so I know who is who and what's already known?
Stole one from halfchan
More pay2play
Who is Susanne Grooms?
oops, forgot the wikileak link
No, they can't support 15 because of labor. Read the email.
probably skimming for contracts, labor oversight is minimal
Talking about new hires
This is the man who found the Trump Howard Stern audio tapes few weeks ago. He is speaking directly with HRC's campaign crew. He works at CNN and used to be at buzzfeed. Andrew Kaczynski
He is trying to find out Hillary's ancestry and thinks that they mismatched a wrong grandmother. Irrelevant but nonetheless he's on the side of HRC.
La Opinion is the largest Spanish daily newspaper in the country, reaching 2 million readers monthly in print and online.
Owned by ImpreMedia ( impremedia.com/) which also owns La Raza Chicago.
All officers have Hispanic names, most Jewy is Mr. Francisco Seghezzo. Doesn't seem to be publicly traded. clearly a lefty-propaganda institution.
here's some more Gridiron info
Coordination to bury Sanders after the Iowa Caucus, could be used to rile Bernouts more.
Mail chain about the Shill's 'Reagan was outspoken about AIDS" fuckup a while back. Could be spread to anger gays with how long it took for her to admit she 'misspoke'.
Clinton was head of the Bid Committee for the 2022 World Cup to get it in a US city.
He intentionally fucked up the US city bid for Qatari money so Qatar could win.
Then Qatar through a few proxies donated to the CGI and Haiti. Also FIFA donated a little too.
Editing of a Clinton script to make her crimes seem less 'problematic'
lol that's even more ridiculous than I would have thought
Hillary is a good person to ask about that! xD
nice find
This was in the Clinton cash documentary. Did no one actually watch it?
I will keep rolling for dubs to call attention to this bullshit. They had to convince a state legislature to INTRODUCE a BILL to move the IL primary so hrc woild get more votes
I fucking hate when people do this shit. Look the fucking word up if you're that god damn illiterate.
Obviously they have an inside connection to Cummings staff regarding benghazi
Oversight committee is very very openly partisan when it comes to dems not giving a fuck, sliding discussions and helping out their buddies in hearings. she's only a staffer too, so probably not anything, unless "shows" is referring to something else entirely.
Good question. Seems that Trump's campaign hasn't, because between the gold mine and the Rosatom deal, she would be buried on a debate
I even bought the fucking comicbook to spread it across my normalfag friends
Already sent email to rt.com, someone get it to drudge
John Podesta eager to meet George Soros late summer (aide says Podesta is busy till late august though, but still). That's it for this one, nothing deep.
I think this is more of the same that I was talking about . cooperation on party lines is pretty open in those committees and dems drag their feet. I don't think there's any specific legal issue on it, and you'ld probably just get better traction just doing a compilation of cummings being a nigger in hearings instead of doing his job.
My spidey senses are tingling. That doesn't seem like a coincidence.
Which makes you question the memes that "started" on here
Looks like they were worried about press scrutiny of the foundation.
No shit. The only thing keeping them alive and out of jail right now is their media manipulation.
They know that if they don't win this election, they are dead.
Lanny Davis
>Think we are stuck with Lanny for the brothers.
>On May 12, 2015, at 3:50 AM, John Podesta > wrote: In the land of he blind, the one-eyed man is king.
Seems oddly masonic to me, probably just my tinfoil talking.
Lanny has been nothing but an embarrassment for the Clintons, yet they keep him around.
Is there anything specific we should be looking for here?
What's the high priorities?
Media collusion?
Primary fuckery?
Any particular people that deserve extra scrutiny?
I recently re-watched it and I feel like I'm going crazy now. That documentary is enough to convince any rational person she is crooked to the core and I never see anyone even mention it anymore.
This was in the first or second dump I think. Maybe this is further down the same email chain?
THEY DON'T CARE, many Hillary supporters are voting agains Trump, not for her
I want newfags to leave.
Look for anything dodgy. Like we've always done.
Focus on the foundation though and the connections to current affairs in foreign countries.
Also look for CTR related material and any signs of evidence tampering
I was so disappointed when he didn't counter by bringing up rosatom in the second debate. It so cleanly destroys all of her yammering about russian business ties.
Uranium sale details
Scalia assassination coverup
Iran deal
DEVGRU assassination coverup
Possible sandy hook coverup
One-liners of hillary being racist
We're looking for videos of her sacrificing babies to moloch while getting fucked in the ass by Putin so we can make it go viral on social media.
Even then I doubt that would be enough to sway the dimmocrap sheep from voting for her.
Don't they already have three of those (kagen and RGB aren't exactly h'white) ? Ofc in their eyes the entire court should be "progressive women of color".
Holy shit podestas brother was a lobbyist that help sell the 20% Uraniam stake to the Russians? And they say Trump has dirty Russian ties? For fucks sake
Need to make some good infographs that connect these dots.
1. Look for anything disparaging Latinos/Blacks/women (Like the podesta email that said "Needy Latinos"
2. Collusion between media/campaign/pacs
3. Donors giving devastating advice (letting the cat out of the bag)
4. Anything and everything that contradicts public statements.
Maybe the screenshot wasn't LARPing after all.
Suzanne Grooms was definitely their woman on the inside of the Benghazi committee
Vote for the democrats, who the pharmaceutical industry has donated millions too, so we can get more autism on Holla Forums!
I'm thinking of the average cuckservatives who went weak in the knees about the pussy grabbin thing. How can they (dumb as they are) not see these things are not equal.
Anyone have a highlighted SN of this? How does one do that?
He presumably works for Hillary's brothers, Hugh and Tony.
ok, that's a valid point
Btw 4chan is handing out random bans (got one for 'requesting personal information/raid' which I did neither). 4chan Holla Forums also has no HTTPS by default so be careful boys.
Also when did they switch his arm flaps from physical disability to autism?
Consider those dubs checked. This might not be the thread for it, but what's the kike numerology on 88?
If you've seen this image and cross-reference the doxxed CTR info, the leaker unfortunately left her info in the sidebar here. I won't post the name because I don't want blood on my hands but it's not hard to deduce.
Should I?
have some explanation of what it is, but yeah why not?
It's a attempted subconscious jab to when Trump made a remark about a disabled kike reporter named Serge F. (((Kovaleski))). In this supposed imitation when he mentioned him he didn't flap his hands. So in essence it's to reaffirm their victim hood status bullshit to their own voters base. This is again feelings over facts; this ad will speak mostly to mothers.
Twitter has banned me from sending messages to people who don't follow me holy fuck
By the time those emails are taking place she is the staff director for the dems in the committee so she's a fairly natural person to talk to about those things.
However, she does have a somewhat amusing resume behind her before she was hired to that job.
Make a new one
More collusion with reporters
Be like the Phoenix. Rise from the Ashes, born anew,
And after the video tape of Hillary "disparaging and demeaning black people in the worst ways" is dropped next week they will stay home instead.
Already on it. It's just funny to me they felt threatened enough by me when I shitpost with anime tiddies 87% of the time.
that's fucking dynamite
oh shit
I am now eternalized in their Podesta #6 article!
Also reminder tweet Gowdy about wikileaks and tell him there's 20+ emails about him, they were scheming what to do about the hearing. "Search for your last name Gowdy" or "Here's a bunch of emails gossiping about you! wikileaks.org
I feel like we could reach more normies if we did something like broke out the worst quotes and put them into an image format similar to the MSNBC fact check things. Just a small, easily passable image with a quote, picture of who said it, picture of Hillary, and a link to the wikileaks email.
You already spilled her blood by posting it here,
Deal with it, this entire thing is treasonous to the American society, I feel bad for her, but this spread has to be sent out to the entire group (with the side bars cropped). Perhaps she will get a reduced sentence/let go from leaking this.
I do hope so.
So they sent CNBC questions to ask shillary, as well as graphics?
Fucking really? They're not even trying to hide it.
lol doug seems a bit antisemitic of you there doesn't it
We still have work.
I want to drive Hillary into the dirt where she's been putting citizens for decades.
Kek, that makes this song pretty relevant tbh.
Rumor has it soros is secretly a fascist. But I think that's bullshit, he's just a selfish cunt.
Holy shit is there a source on this coming? If it's reliable we could meme that thing harder than the Romney's 47% ship sink.
Is this the ENTIRE Deutsch Bank speech? (at the bottom)
top kek
I think it's the project veritas guys. They just got shoahed off Twitter when they were supposed to leak something big about a senator today.
Yea there was an email yesterday about asking if WJC (Bill) was friends of Tsipras so he could go over and convince him of shit. This is a further email, good job.
ooohhh dats a gud one
OH shit we on fire now
This. I'm going to start creating some later today when I get home. Remember to make them clear and concise. Make them easy to read whilst just scrolling through twitter (i.e. not some huge jpg that you have to zoom in on to see anything).
fine formatting user
Can you fill me in user?
I saw that pic last night, but what's the story?
Doesn't that slow down the legislative process unnecessarily?
Isn't that a against the law?
If it's to believed, they use NSA level spying tools to intercept data and do 'quick redirects' of your browser to install malware without having to use phishing methods.
It sure fucking does and it sure fucking is
Jeffery D Zients, just some fucking wikipedia entries on this kike
which is a fucking Episcopalian private uni
literally just consulting, consulting about what this fucker is worthless
Yes, that has to be the speech. It says Oct 7 2014, Oct 2014 is when the supposed speech was made by Deutsche Bank. This is the most of the speech the public has at this point I think.
I think we should see if we can find any of the others by searching for the names of the places they were given. I'll see if I can make a list
Term doesn't exist.
Program doesn't exist, nor is this a grey/black hats term
They don't even understand the basic concept of quantum interception.
The only thing the shadowbrookers (who got NSA level tools from a compromised NSA subcontractor) released were shells to attack/create backdoors on certain types of routers/firewalls. No other NSA tools, especially not FOXACID have been hacked.
Most targets that the NSA meet are shitty windows or larping linux users. Goodluck with oBSd / hBSD.
If you fall for this shit you have no clue wtf their talking about to begin with. This has goons written all over it. Proven to be a bunch of larping faggots. The goal of this screenshot is to scare you into stopping with beeing vocal on social media or wherever.
If u run umatrix / ublock ori you negate these QI attacks even if they mitm the cert.
The majority of blackhat attacks occur through httpv2 nowadays thanks to browser builders intentionally being retards.
disable altsvc
looks like politico picked it up too
alright what the fuck is this, no way are they emailing about some food
Are you checking the release dates? I saw this email chain earlier this week (at least part of it)
Someone needs to contact a bunch of lawyers and bring this up.
Hell, I might start showing this to my lecturers. They seem to know she's dodgy, especially the evidence law lecturer. I'm not in the US though
They sure do take for granted that reporters will accommodate all of their whims.
damn I fucked that post all up
it's not taking it for granted when the reporters are in your pocket
kek why are you saging a sticky user :^)
Pic related feels like a good quote for Deutsche Bank's speech. She praises globalism and denounces nationalism, and she helped bankers interests as Senator. Sending out emails now for this.
Nice. I just sent one to the daily caller 10 mins ago too.
so just out in the open about meddling in the affairs of other nations huh?
these people are worth less than their rope.
I really hope that is just a picture of pizza, and not what I think it is.
I agree.
What else could "pizza.jpg" be aside from CP?
Is anybody who is swayed by globalism vs nationalism still undecided at this point?
I think it's funnier that they had speeches like this prepared, specifically for when people asked to see her paid speeches, and couldn't release them because it was still sucking up too much.
More proof of the fact that Cheese Pizza is cancerous.
Degeneracy and corruption in nice little package.
Guess I fucked up two posts
the term has been around far longer than chans man
I'm going to toss these bad goys some shekels when I stop being poor. They do quality work.
Thanks for the info. Still really suss on 4chan overall as I got a ban for no reason and apparently other people are getting bans lasting until 2 days after the election. I wouldn't put it past Hiroshima to sell out to these people, so still be careful
How do we dig deeper into the CF?
Is there a way we could found out what it is?
Dibs not doing it, pleb at covering my ass.
Someone needs to ask assange on Twitter what that picture is. If it's CP we're done digging. That's it. No one will ignore the use of the server to exchange CP, that's revolting.
The thing that lends more merit to it is that there is no attachment available.. Wikileaks could have removed it for that reason
Is that his efnet IRC nickname? Because I know who that is IRL if you need dox on 'Hiroshima' or 'Carcosa'.
You get gud and creative son.
Ask, "what terms would lead me to important documents"
E.g. "foundation" and "for your eyes only"
or excel filenames are good too.
Or names of corporations or criminals.
Or names of countries and leaders.
Isn'y Milo Yiannopoulos planning to buy 4chan?
The Fund for America is a 527 committee. Are 527's the super PACs? If so that would seem to be potential collusion.
Also: Current Commitments and Cash Flow Soros: $5M to $10M – Prepared to move $2.5M in the next 2 weeks
I can't currently bc wikileaks is blocked at my work.
Is this of any use or is it just crap?
Ok…I started a list of all her paid speeches, and there's no way in fuck she reported all of them. this list is giagantic and I'm not even 1/20th of the way through the doc
Speech to Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD Ceo Annual Conference, 6/4/13]
[Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit, 10/29/13]
[Hamilton College Speech, 10/4/13]
[Clinton Speech For General Electric’s Global Leadership Meeting – Boca Raton, FL, 1/6/14]
[Clinton Remarks At Boston Consulting Group, 6/20/13]
[Remarks at Cisco, 8/28/14]
[Hillary Clinton remarks to Global Business Travelers Association, 8/7/13]
[Hillary Clinton remarks at Sanford Bernstein, 5/29/13]
[Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium, 10/24/13]
[Remarks to CME Group, 11/18/13]
[Jewish United Fund Of Metropolitan Chicago Vanguard Luncheon, 10/28/13]
[Remarks at Mediacorp, 11/13/13]
[Hillary Clinton remarks to Gap Inc., 5/8/13]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks for Qualcomm, 10/14/14]
[Remarks at Bank of America, 11/13/13]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks at the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Convention, 4/10/14]
[International Leaders' Series, Palais des Congrès de Montréal, 3/18/14]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks at the Vancouver Board of Trade, 3/5/14]
[Clinton Remarks to Deutsche Bank, 10/7/14]
Clinton Speech At UConn, 4/23/14]
[Hillary Clinton’s Remarks at Knewton, 7/22/14]
[Hillary Clinton’s Remarks at Knewton, 7/22/14]
[Clinton Speech For Morgan Stanley, 4/18/13]
[Remarks to Fundacion TelMex, 9/5/14]
[2014 Jewish United Fund Advance & Major Gifts Dinner, 10/28/13]
[Accenture Women’s Leadership Forum, 10/24/13]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14]
American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting, 9/18/13]
[Chicago House Remarks, 9/18/13]
[Remarks at tinePublic, 6/18/14]
[05162013 Remarks to Banco Itau.doc, p. 34]
[02262014 HWA Remarks at UMiami.DOC, p. 24]
[02042014 HWA Remarks at Citi [Westchester].DOC, p. 24]
[Canada 2020 Speech, 10/6/14]
[LIA Speech, 10/4/13]
[Hillary Clinton’s Remarks at Ameriprise, 7/26/14]
[Hillary Clinton’s Remarks at Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd in San Diego, 9/04/14]
[Remarks for CIBC, 1/22/15]
[Clinton Speech For Deutsche Bank, 4/24/13]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks at Marketo, 4/8/14]
[Remarks at London Drug Toronto, 11/4/13]
Clinton Speech For JP Morgan, 4/22/14]
[Speech at Colgate University, 10/25/13]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks at Nexenta, 8/28/14]
[02262014 HWA Remarks at HIMMS [Orlando].DOC, p. 10]
[Remarks at Beaumont Society Dinner, 11/6/13]
[Remarks to New York Tri-State Of The Market, 11/14/13]
[Hillary Clinton remarks to ECGR Grand Rapids, 6/17/13]
1/27/14, HWA Remarks at Premier Health]
[4/11/14, Remarks at California Medical Association]
[Remarks to Cardiovascular Research Foundation, 9/15/14]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks for the Novo Nordisk Diabetes Conference, 2/14/14]
[Remarks for AdvaMed, 10/8/14]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks at DCAT – New York City, 3/13/14]
[Hillary Clinton Remarks for tinePublic – Saskatoon, Canada, 1/21/14]
Here's a funny read if you are taking a break from digging.
there might be 2 repeats in there I didn't catch but almost every one in that list is unique
Nah I mean the owner of 4chan, Hiroyuki Nishimura. He did shady shit with 2ch and has been doing progressively shadier shit on 4chan now that he owns it. I would hope he isn't corrupt enough to give user data to these people but he has done it before apparently, so I'm just issuing warning.
Oops. Copy paste, don't get redirected.
Ok I'm somewhat familiar with that guy and his shenanigans. I was worried it was 'Hiroshima' who is a shady possible Fed I've known through IRC since the early 90s. *phew* I guess.
That's why I'm worried.
Normally attachments seem to be included, but not for this one (I assume Assange knows that it could incriminate potential viewers).
That's what is so fucked. It's not just called "pizza.jpg" - it's also removed as an attachment by Assange for public safety.
It could only be that.
None of this shit is incriminating. I feel like Assange is wasting our time.
eat shit and die shill
Attachments are normally on the original email, not replies…?
Maybe the originals for some of these are coming in a future dump.
Thank you for:
Correcting the Record[TM]
I hope that's because your IT department doesn't want your IP connected to wikileaks (which could be bad for business)
But something tells me that's just censorship - what the fuck?
Do you have jews at work?
Am I reading this wrong, or are they admitting Hillary enabled Bill's predatory behaviour?!
This could be big.
I really hope they weren't actually discussing pizza, just for the fact that it's over if so.
Yes I suck using my phone with my sausage fingers
Yes. Make some good clear memes to spread to normies about it. Most people don't pay attention until the last few weeks of the election and most of them don't know what's at stake.
A lot of companies block all "malicious" sites that are branded malicious by a (((third party))) who maintains the list of unsafe (aka wrongthink) sites.
Any leak for this?
your daily reminder that your autism about breaking links does nothing because i'll always fix them in the developer console and click them out of spite
Unless the guy is a millionaire that fucks around all day with other people's money… There are probably no Jews doing any "work". You ever see a Jew's hands? There must be some sort of secret Jew hand lotion dispenser in the sleeves of all their clothing so when they do their merchant hands it applies a fresh coating of skin softener.
Mark my words: you'll never meet a Jew with calloused hands for the Jews do no actual work.
Has anyone tried any of podesta's email passwords on the georgetown email address
Also it's a quick way to get Wikileaks blacklisted for actually hosting illegal shit.
Oh shit maybe it's a buildup
that question was rhetorical, because no, there was never a chance somebody interested in nationalism was voting for clinton.
Just use Tor, it does the job of getting around censorship.
Some people say it covers your ass, but I think it's a little too lax in that regard.
real autism here
What about AshleyMadison.com or BlackNiggerSpermForFags.com
well it is some cunt trying to run for congress advocating a clinton staffer to sign a petition to "punish" congress for trying to get the facts out of a case the staffers boss was questioned, and is STILL, under question for.
ctrl+f this thread for Deutsch buddy.
Already sent emails to media about the email.
We need to ask Assange now.
Of course there is. The vast majority of people don't know about her comments about "open borders" for our hemisphere. A LOT of dems don't want that shit either.
They're saying they know it to be true that there's an organized assault…
That's what the LARP'ing screencap said. Also said Assange 100% knows Hillary won't be president. If he has proof of CP all over her campaign, that would let you know 100% for sure she wont' be president. I don't care if Trump grabbed Michelle Obama's pussy, proof of CP all over Hillary's campaign, right up to Huma, matters more than fake claims of adults grabbing pussy. They'll all be in jail by Nov. 8th.
If it's true they will definitely have a plan for it, don't worry
Weren't CTR already busted for posting that shit on Facebook groups?
We've seen such a level of incompetence from these people that it could actually be true too.
I doubt that. The vast majority of voting age Americans know exactly what her husband's signing of NAFTA did to our hemisphere. It's not even a whole step in logic to conclude she supports whatever Slick Willy did. It's barely a whole step in logic to say she's done worse, and is capable of doing even worse yet.
We can dream, but the chances that pizza means child porn in this context are pretty slim….
I've seen a few emails that say there's a [picture] in the email text, but it just doesn't show up on attachments. I don't think those are attachments but rather somehow pictures on the email itself..
true, but there is a little lady by the name of huma on that email who happens to have a separated husband about to go under some heavy charges for possible cp shit SO
I would love to know, right now I think its fake but I also have to admit some of the things in it are coming true.
It was posted the morning of the 12th and mentioned Hillary paying/forcing a woman to say Trump sexually assaulted her. That happened yesterday late afternoon. Now this pizza.jpg thing, something is up with that.
Perhaps would be good to ask Assange if he managed to procure the images as well.
I think he's saving it for a "bombshell".
What a bombshell it would be.
I don't know what to say.. it's fucking unbelievable.
Get your feeling in while you can. Hanging from a rope is not a good feeling.
Hillary to Podesta:
You're giving waaaaaaay too much credit to the average voter. You ever see those skits that Jay Leno did called "jaywalking"?? Those people are the average voter. You ever been to the DMV? THOSE people are the average voter.
Andrew Cuomo cell phone number = (917) 453-0501
What I don't understand is why they don't tell the public the truth about saudis and qatar.
What else are they hiding?
Nope. The average voter this election cycle are the people that have been taking it up the ass from the Clintons and Obamas since the mid-90s. They all know NAFTA was one giant step to open borders, and they all know how much anus-soothe cream they've been needing daily ever since NAFTA was enacted.
Go practice your demoralization tactics on 4chan, ya tryhard kike.
Clinton Foundation money laundering scheme has received tens of millions from them, which also makes that email borderline treason (it's from part 2 of the leaks though IIRC)
Anyone need John's cell number? text him dick pics?
Is there a compilation of the damning evidence against her? Get our own 'FACT CHECK!' circulating around.
Ok frands, here's the 2013 list. I found 30 going through the doc. we need to find what she publicly disclosed and compare
04.18.13 - Morgan Stanley
04.24.13 - Deutsche Bank (FIRST OF TWO)
04.24.13 - National Multi-Housing Council (WHERE SHE SAYS "PUBLIC" vs "PRIVATE" POSITION)
04.30.13 - Fidelity
05.08.13 - Gap Inc.
05.13.13 - Apollo Global Management
05.29.13 - Sanford Bernstein
06.04.13 - Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD Ceo Annual Conference
06.05.13 - SHRRM Chicago
06.17.13 - ECGR Grand Rapids
06.20.13 - Boston Consulting Group
08.07.13 - Global Business Travelers Association
09.18.13 - American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting
09.18.13 - Chicago House Remarks
10.04.13 - Hamilton College Speech
10.04.13 - LIA
10.24.13 - Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium
10.24.13 - Accenture Women's Leadership Forum
10.25.13 - Colgate University
10.27.13 - Beth El Synagogue's 13th National Speaker Series
10.28.13 - Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago Vanguard Luncheon
10.28.13 - Jewish United Fund Advance & Major Gifts Dinner
10.29.13 - Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit
11.04.13 - London Drug Toronto
11.06.13 - Beaumont Society Dinner
11.09.13 - National Association of Realtors Conference and Expo
11.13.13 - Bank of America
11.13.13 - Mediacorp
11.14.13 - New York Tri-State of the Market
11.18.13 - CME Group
typing up 2014 list now
This was already disclosed 2 days ago in a previous email, and media already broke out on this, (I sent an email personally to rt.com and they published "Hillary knew Qatar+Saudis give clandestine support to ISIS"
What's strange is that this earlier email might have been accidentally chained with your email because its a Subject: "Congrats!" Its the same email as yours: wikileaks.org
it's 99.999999999% probability of actual pizza instead of obscure memetic labelling for a single illegal picture sent to half a dozen people. and as already pointed out, the attachment wouldn't be in the reply anyway.
Someone needs to organize all this information eventually…
I take it a "coordinated PAC" is one that works with the campaign?
Cross ref with this email's attachment PDF:
(It has meetings and donations/sponsors of 2012-2013 CF)
CGI Advisory Group Meeting 2013
honestly that's still troubling because the people in charge of the dnc/shillary campaign shitshow are paid ludicrous amounts of money and wield ludicrous amounts of power are wasting their time sending pictures of food to each other
just archive.is each Podesta Part 1-6 thread, and save the links for us later
Yes, I could remember reading something along those lines in the other thread, just thought this might be corroborating it, should have done a cursory search before posting.
Thanks for the great work
Anyone ever wonder how frustrated the shills must have been when they got DJT's tax returns and couldn't find jack shit? I imagine at this point they're desperately trying to get raw footage from "The Apprentice" and praying he calls Omarosa a nigger or something. Lots of good material in here, esp. the Qatar FIFA thing. I get the sense they're scraping the bottom of the barrel where we have ample material to keep sifting through.
Reported for CTR.
Pedos have used it since before the Internet.
they're still fucking harping about tax returns the only way to stop them is to ask for their tax returns
According to some user a leak coming is the campaign threatening/wanting to bribe for incriminating stuff on DJT
LOL, captain climate changes personal email
i'm not going to lose any sleep over them wasting clinton's money to talk about food on the clock.
What are the odds on it being something that's not cp or actual pizza?
Do they even bother to use code words for anything?
it ain't clinton's money they're wasting
Yeah maybe it's Chelsea Clinton's pizza face
Just independently read this one. Has a bunch of high profile phone numbers, I'm trying to understand this format and can't really confirm if its their phone numbers, but it might have WJC's number, Bill de Blasio's number, Craig Smith, Stan Greenberg, Charlie Baker.
The fuck are you talking about demoralization? I'm the one who is saying we should spread this, you're saying "nah no need to bother, they already know". You're the kike, kike.
Filtered for being de facto CTR tier kike and for thread derailment.
Here's the rest. I'll track down dates for the bottom few that we're listed.
So far,
2013 - 30 speeches
2014 - 27 speeches
2015 - 2
? - 11 with no date
70 unique speeches mentioned in that one attachment, total
01.06.14 - General Electric’s Global Leadership Meeting
01.21.14 - tinePublic – Saskatoon, Canada, 1/21/14]
02.04.14 - Goldman-Black Rock, 2/4/14]
02.14.14 - Novo Nordisk Diabetes Conference, 2/14/14]
03.05.14 - Vancouver Board of Trade, 3/5/14]
03.13.14 - DCAT – New York City, 3/13/14]
03.18.14 - International Leaders' Series, Palais des Congrès de Montréal, 3/18/14]
03.18.14 - Xerox, 3/18/14]
04.08.14 - Marketo, 4/8/14]
04.08.14 - World Affairs Council of Oregon, 4/8/14]
04.10.14 - Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries Convention
04.22.14 - JP Morgan, 4/22/14]
04.23.14 - UConn, 4/23/14]
06.02.14 - International Dairy-Deli-Bakery Association, 6/2/14]
06.18.14 - tinePublic, 6/18/14]
07.22.14 - Knewton, 7/22/14]
07.26.14 - Ameriprise, 7/26/14]
08.28.14 - Cisco
08.28.14 - Nexenta, 8/28/14]
09.04.14 - Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd in San Diego, 9/04/14]
09.05.14 - Fundacion TelMex, 9/5/14]
09.15.14 - Cardiovascular Research Foundation, 9/15/14]
10.06.14 - Canada 2020 Speech, 10/6/14]
10.07.14 - Deutsche Bank, 10/7/14]
10.08.14 - AdvaMed, 10/8/14]
10.13.14 - Council of Insurance Agents and Brokers, 10/13/14]
10.14.14 - Qualcomm
01.22.15 - CIBC, 1/22/15]
03.11.15 - eBay, 3/11/15]
NO DATE - Banco Itau.doc, p. 34]
NO DATE - UMiami.DOC, p. 24]
NO DATE - Citi [Westchester].DOC, p. 24]
NO DATE - HIMMS [Orlando].DOC, p. 10]
NO DATE - Premier Health]
NO DATE - California Medical Association]
NO DATE - HWA Remarks for GTCR (Chicago, IL).docx, p. 2]
NO DATE - Watermark (Santa Clara CA).docx, p. 8]
NO DATE - BIO (San Diego, CA).docx, p. 1]
NO DATE - KKR Los Angeles.doc, p. 28]
NO DATE - UCLA.DOC, p. 19]
on it
Rick Caruso is obviously part of the clinton subversion team throwing shade on President Trump and his campaign
Looks like this asshat was backing Kasich. Now me thinks that Kasich is somehow connected to the clinton campaign. I'd bet money with enough digging, we could find evidence.
I cant tell if this was made in jest or not, but its funny either way.
That would explain why it seemed like he was doing everything he could to drag his feet and fight his own party.
There should be a word doc that summarizes the foundation leaks, I might start my own document, after I learn to encrypt first (doing nothing illegal, but Clinton might still try to fuck it up - if her staff have any brains they don't )
Has anyone asked Assange why he removed it?
Anyone with VPN check out these links?
I'm wondering what's in all the google docs and drive in this email?
This email is in reference to her campaign hillaryclinton.com website explaining to the public about her email scandal. Its a Q&A format, and the final draft is in this email:
Someone can read and see if anything was changed but I am assuming its probably 99% the same.
https:// www.hillaryclinton.com/briefing/factsheets/2015/07/13/email-facts/
Is this Bill Abrams? [email protected]/* */
I tend to take fullpage screencaps (firefox - press shift + F2; type 'screenshot'; add space; type '–fullpage' ; add space; add filename in square brackets '[]' ) of important mail too.
Sometimes I download the archive.zip, though I don't think that does anyone any good.
Permission needed :-(
I bet this chaps the clintons asses. Here's an email regarding HNIC telling them to remove something from Teneo website
looks like it carried over from something else in an older leak. politiforum.com
>[email protected]/* */
Wendy Abrams from what I've seen doing a quick search
. . . . What the fuck?? I know it's a saying but that's just creepy
It's more "I don't want to know about it".
But only after she insists Trump is bad. Doesn't understand that the MSM is completely paid for by Clinton. Bitch also doesn't like being wrong.
Fuck off about this being "old information." Did it hit the cycle? I first saw it today.
This is what the communists used to talk about offing someone: en.wikipedia.org
THIS IS LEGITIMATELY A SMOKING GUN. This email is actually evidence that Scalia was actually murdered.
user, all those dissenting republicans are probably connected (though some like chaffetz are either blackmailed or ignorant)
Not too important but what is Podesta "Hi Ho Silver Away"ing about? He sent this to like 100 people.
February 13th Friday 2015.
https:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Current_events/2015_February_13
I didn't see specific dates, just ranges of months/quarters where things were happening, and it matched up.
Here's a revised 2013 list that cross-refs her disclosed speeches. Mostly everything lines up with the info from the attachment.
**Four speeches arent listed (2 college speeches, a speech to "Chicago House" and "New York Tri-State of the Market" Either she didn't get paid for these, or she's just decided not to mention them for some reason
greentext lines are ones that are in her disclosure but arent in the attachment
04.18.13 - Morgan Stanley
04.24.13 - Deutsche Bank (FIRST OF TWO)
04.24.13 - National Multi-Housing Council (WHERE SHE SAYS "PUBLIC" vs "PRIVATE" POSITION)
04.30.13 - Fidelity
05.08.13 - Gap Inc.
05.13.13 - Apollo Global Management
05.16.13 - ITAU (listed in attachment file without date)
05.29.13 - Sanford Bernstein
06.04.13 - Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD Ceo Annual Conference
06.15.13 - SHRRM Chicago (Society for Human Resource Management) LISTED AS 6/16 ON DISCLOSURE FORM
06.17.13 - ECGR Grand Rapids (Economic Club of Grand Rapids)
06.20.13 - Boston Consulting Group
06.24.13 - KOHLBERG KRAVIS ROBERTS AND COMPANY (listed in attachment (as KKR) w/o date)
08.07.13 - Global Business Travelers Association
09.18.13 - Chicago House Remarks >>>NOT LISTED ON DISCLOSURE (unpaid? at house of reps?)
09.18.13 - American Society for Clinical Pathology Annual Meeting
10.04.13 - Hamilton College Speech >>>NOT LISTED ON DISCLOSURE (are college/uni speeches unpaid?)
10.04.13 - LIA (Long Island Association)
10.24.13 - Accenture Women's Leadership Forum
10.24.13 - Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium
10.25.13 - Colgate University >>>NOT LISTED ON DISCLOSURE (Are college/uni speeches unpaid?)
10.27.13 - Beth El Synagogue's 13th National Speaker Series
10.28.13 - Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago Vanguard Luncheon (listed together with next one)
10.28.13 - Jewish United Fund Advance & Major Gifts Dinner
10.29.13 - Goldman Sachs Builders And Innovators Summit
11.04.13 - London Drug Toronto
11.06.13 - Beaumont Society Dinner
11.09.13 - National Association of Realtors Conference and Expo
11.13.13 - Mediacorp
11.13.13 - Bank of America
11.14.13 - New York Tri-State of the Market >> NOT LISTED, NFC WHY unless this = cb richard ellis
11.18.13 - CME Group
President Trump should just enlist all of us into his army already. Who fucking cares about the optics of it. I still find it amusing that she has to pay people to do what we are doing for free, for freedom.
I have a question about Assange himself.
So, do these statements hold truth? Did Assange refuse to be questioned over the video link?
That looks awfully pixel-ed
Just go to the fucking page, dipshit.
Nice work. Now time to think about what to do with that. Maybe include the emails used too.
It was essentially a big load of shit to try to extradite him, Sweden wouldn't even guarantee they wouldn't turn him over to the US. Same sort of smear they're doing to Trump now
Optics aside, that would create a paper trail.
He should sue Huffington post for slander.
They need the fucking rope. Fuck huffington, they've done nothing but shilled for Hillary and covered up the newsfeed with their trash.
If no law suit, Ddos. We should kill their business.
KEK to they want to be sued too?
really bakes my lasagna.
that email and both seem heavily underrated, meanwhile people are getting run around looking for the attachment on a reply to the email which would have contained it.
Probably just referring to the phenom that happened 28th of september that year?
Who is their target demographic at this point, other than diehard clinton fans?
I find it hard to believe that they actually turn a profit.
meant libel.
Broadcasting someone as a 'monster' is a crime.
All Trump has done is use wikileaks and said what's in them.
But Huffington post talks out of it's arse which means it's more likely to be found as libel.
Here's one where they were covering up the launch of her presidential run and the legal issues they were covering up. I sent this off to the campaign legal center. Maybe it will get traction.
you'd have to prove that the email is legit first. But it raises questions about the case and it could lead to further research.
Morons, niggers and old people disconnected from the internet. They're in damage control on the net, but they seem to rule the waves on TV.
The youth know somethings dodgy, but the old are now convinced it's nothing but "crazy conspiracies"
Crazy conspiracies don't have as much hard hitting evidence, it's blatantly obvious what clinton is doing.
What the hell is she speaking there for?
It was some really shitty case. Two women had sex with him and all was fine. Then later they found out about each other and the first woman (Anna Ardin) convinced the second to report him for rape coz he didn't use condom as he promised. Ardin is connected too some shady religious part of the socialist democrats also. Very pro islam. But my guess is that it was just personal jealousy.
They were probably referring to some smear campaign against Bernie Sanders that happened that weekend regarding Martha's Vineyard. While the wording is really weird, them being Scalia's killer is too far into theory territory for taking seriously at this point. After all he died on a ranch, not a Vineyard.
Still, keep digging.
There is public access for the spreadsheet which I guess shows everything "tech" is working on:
Most of the links to product details, etc, require permission (not that we care about any of that).
Forgot to say that the prosecutor is probably just wanting to have him arrested long enough to be able to give him over to USA
Good find
is there an pastebin for spreadsheets? something disposable/anonymous. shits getting complex
We need to post this to everyone we know. They need to see this shit. Call them 'fucktarded computer inepts' if they say it's nothing but drivel. Link the email themselves.
This has to wake them up. There's fucking scripting.
The problem I keep running into with normalfags is that clinton is such an over-the-top actual bond villain, it comes off as "crazy conspiracy", because there's so many dots to connect.
We need some way to condense the dot connections in a way the average low information voter can digest.
Sounds like they're brainstorming a commercial to connect email scandal to Benghazi (because in the liberal circlejerk, everyone thinks Benghazi is a contrived issue).
Are these good enough to release the template?
yep that's related to this one, that was seen yesterday.
99% the same email.
fuck, inkscape fucked up the second one.
What the fuck are these?
Look at the date on those articles, numbnuts.
These are PR people. Running attacks is what they do. They may have faced social repercussions for pushing those.
If you can make a solid… or hell even a shaky link between the Clinton camp and Scalia's likely assassination, by all means be my guest. At this point it is still a wild ass assumption because somone said "wet works" and "all in" in an email.
What's got me concerned is that non of this is encrypted..
How stupid are they..?
Is that from the google docs?
Music. I here 'alt-rock' is on the turnaround :^)
from 4chan here is podesta talking about wetworks
reddit user who made that thread got his account deleted
It's missing something. Maybe a little shopped I. With hur button.
Of course.
Rhymes and rhythms are easier to remember.
Absolutely brilliant, user.
For Mexicans you should use the ones where Kaine was insulting Catholics. That has been circulating and has caused Catholic protests.
Podesta's face, he's an alien nutjob
(1) Please stop. This was already posted in the previous thread yesterday and has already been discussed. Can you atleast do ctrl+f "wet" before posting?
Good point.
They are "brand loyal", as the DNC leak pointed out.
These are tech projects that they're working on. eg. websites, apps, etc. All of those links are to planning documents, prototypes, etc (mostly all inaccessible).
On the "LAUNCH CAL[ENDAR]" sheet you can see what they're working on each week.
Trumps campaign should have this shit! They could head her off at the pass on all her bullshit!
how can we contact Trump?
what the shit is a 'voter education bot'?
yep, here's the 2nd spreadsheet.
We might have just found their future chess moves..
Last pic.
The last spreadsheet is "T-shirt sizes" so I'm not posting it.
Holy shit. TREASURE
twitter? Maybe there is a contact form on his website?
Shoot it off to breitbart, since bannon is his campaign CEO, I'm sure anything that lands there will find it's way to him.
What the fuck am I reading?
Is this info on how to rig an election?
should we just send a link?
Mein sides.
Dude this is huge. We have to get this out
No info about it in here. Possibly a social media bot, but that seems like a stretch… would be very large project. More likely some kind of lame app that nobody will ever use.
dunno, that's not my call. each user to his own
It's their marketing campaign
This is literally showing every fake narrative they were trying to pull, before it was possible for the narrative to be established.
We need a more recent one. Assange needs to release that next if it's not there.
J Schwerin comments about Scarborough investigating Algeria's donation to the CF. Scarborough claims Algeria is on terror list, but it isn't, and that Algeria lobbied about their humans rights issues to American lobbyists.
>There are parts about the donations that may not look good for Clinton. Maybe it becomes a legal problem, maybe it’s just a political one. But to claim the foundation took donations from a country on the terrorist list is inaccurate.
I'm guessing it's something to do with exploiting the leftist herd mentality.
Come to think of it, it probably wouldn't have to be all that complicated.
Just feed them the day's talking points or something.
Pure conjecture on my part, of course, but it seems reasonable to assume they've at least looked into weaponizing group-think.
This just goes to show everyone in her fucking campaign are completely incompetent fucking retards.
Now the question is do we blow it up and tweet it to DJT, Cernovich and others to blast it on the tubes on how incompetent they are with information, or keep it hush so we can use anything they add to it to destroy her
What's worse is that they all know it's fake.
They call some parts "Content & Storytelling".
RT needs to see this.
Yes, I see the date on the article, it's the same as the email, which is why it's not relevant when the contents of the email are talking about some future night.
No, the guy talking does not face social repercussions, Elmendorf is not a media man and doesn't "run attacks" in the first place, he does lobbyist networking. And this attack was about as pure as the driven snow in comparison with anything and everything else run this election which nobody quails about.
This deflection of yours is horseshit.
not sure..
I'm sure if we let this get out the plan will change. But Trump needs to know definitely, it needs to be sent privately.
Can you archive.is the google document? Not everyone can get into that and its probably going to get closed off of access.
If you don't know what you're reading you should go focus on something else. There's nothing big here. The only (possible) value in this spreadsheet is the agenda of projects they're working on.
Storyboarding is a technique in designing anything creative.
Can someone explain this to me? Nothing on there seeems suspect except "Fake VAN." The rest looks like normal campaigning.
VAN - Voter Activation Network
Why would you need a fake one of these? That seems to be a good question.
I'm out for now though, it's late and I need to study similar shit in real life tomorrow.
Someone needs to clarify that spreadsheet
It's proof that EVERYTHING clinton pushes in the media is a fake narrative.
Normies will not ignore that. They'd feel like a chump after that.
Or look into it more to clarify.
Why do you think I'm here user.
Yeah this is very normal documentation for a campaign. The category breakdowns are just different elements. If you guys can see anything about 'narrative' they're pushing about something they shouldn't have known, please point it out but don't blow it up just because you don't understand it.
:^) rt.com just delivered on the Deutsche Bank speeches I emailed, thanks to all anons.
Front page on America section.
(though they didn't include some quotes I provided)
You're doing Kek's work user.
One possibility is that they are talking about a mock version, sort of like a prototype. It's not uncommon in web development to call your mockups "fakes".
The 'vote by mail' part is referenced in the leak by Veritas (ass grabbing one). It was where they would give vote by mail applications to Clinton supporters but not Trump ones, also stating that it makes voting much easier. So yeah that could be a voter fraud thing, especially if it was stopped by their legal team.
As you're all already aware, Soros is behind flooding migrants into the West. Drew Westen seems to be his shabbos goy for that purpose. Drew has written some stuff for migrationpolicy.org. That site's funding page indicates that it is funded by Soros' Open Society Foundation.
So, yeah. Nothing new here except for Westen.
Forgot email link:
What about this:
What could that mean other than 'spin the media narrative so something interesting in a swing state occurs'?
Those names are probably more than meets the eyes. Take for example:
It's only barely, but there's an inference their rigging voter registration with "bots" from what I can see.
What the fuck is "NV Robot Arm"?
Help me out anons. In WL doc they refer to :
This is the "I'm far removed from the middle class" quote. It's listed as Feb 4, 2014
Now, they've mis-dated before, like the tinePublic speech (they list as 2014 but it's 2015) but..
```I can't find this speech ANY fuck where```
Did she not fucking disclose a goldman speech?
This is the FULL list of reported speeches. It's not ANYWHERE
There are 3 goldman entries on this list. 6/4/13, 10/24/13, and 10/29/13
All three of these show up in the wikileaks doc with specific headings:
06/04 : Goldman Sachs, 2013 IBD CEO Annual Conference
10/24 : Goldman Sachs AIMS Alternative Investments Symposium
10/29 : Goldman Sachs Builders and Innovators Summit
```So where the fuck is GOLDMAN BLACK ROCK```
NV = Nevada? Voting machines?
god dammit im tired and i cant format
Any of you fine lads have the balls to prank call George Soros?
'Swing a swing state' could refer for instance to pushing a campaign, say, on social media for people to get out and swing the state.
NV is Nevada and it has been a held opinion for a while that electronic voting machines are rigged so that's a possibility
Is that Soros or Weston's number?
He probably has a lackey that screens phone calls.
This should make poor people angry if they saw how much money is being spent to send WJC around to do campaign bullshit.
it was posted for the first time half a day ago towards the tail end of the thread, and the discussion hasn't been exhausted, all we've had is a cheap attempt at deflection.
Seems on the right track.
But robot arms.
Don't forget, 'this is a tech review.
Which means this summarizes tech developments.
I'm sure that, contextually, it means some sort of software for voting machines.
But is it just to allow people to vote, or rig the votes?
Fraud isn't their only tactic.
Probably just an event they are holding for volunteers to, you guessed it, try to swing a swing state.
While it is possible they want to rig Nevada, you'd have to prove that is what their registration bots are doing. Interesting thought though.
Good catch. Now I'm the one who is seeing things that I only want to see.
I posted all the spreadsheets, I'm not sure if there is a secure method of sending the excel docs.
I have pdfs, but again see above.
What did she mean by this?
No, seriously.
I wonder if related to this, maybe drones?
Why are you saging a sticky?
She seems to be indicating that the money expected from FOREIGN GOVERNMENT DONORS has all been accounted for.
I'm not up to date on the current laws, but it used to be illegal to accept money from foreign governments for political ends
In your guys' opinion, what's the single most important thing Trump could use from these emails for the last debate?
Or will the new batch of emails be released before then?
Holy shit that's a lot of speeches in 2 years for 225k a pop. Hmm Black-Rock, maybe its one of the 3 just named differently? "Annual conference, Symposium, Summit" Well Black rock is February 4 so my assumption was wrong. I'll startpage to see if all the goldman speeches are publicly disclosed.. Black rock has wikileaks articles all over the internet now so that's public haha.. let's see the 06/04 one.. look at pic related this might help
To trigger your autism.
Which is why it's funneled through the Clinton Foundation. Which is also why FBI guy said to focus on the foundation. That's where all the big links happen- Saudis and ISIS, etc.
I want to remind everyone that the Clinton Foundation is a money laundering scheme masquerading as a charity, taking money from foreign donors in exchange for political favours. We have some evidence of that which is building from the emails. THIS is what got the Clintons into hot water to begin with and likely is what will be the nail in the coffin
Emails are being released at a regular pace right now it seems. There was a new batch yesterday and a new one today.
yeah. it's not mis-labeled as feb2014 and actually feb2013 or feb2015.. its just, not mentioned.
I hope Trump is going to make good use of these emails to CRUSH her
Read the previous thread I said (Part 5) There's atleast 10 posts about that email. Come on now
Holy shit we did it guys
Soros is bankrolling CTR.
Looks like it's paying off, as even niggers are wising up to Hillary and her Party.
Making it stick is easier said than done, though.
At what point does a mountain of circumstantial evidence turn into something actionable?
Their leaks have been on a daily schedule (I can't nail the time because of timezones but it was about 5 hours ago). I fully expect for Wikileaks to continue this schedule until the election or there is enough damning evidence that Hillary has to withdraw. Maybe not every leak is Podesta emails, but about Clinton in general. This is the pace they have set and I doubt they will slow down now.
half were people confused what wetwork meant, then there was the bullshit sanders story, I replied to that, and then the thread was basically done and I got to repeat the same exact thing in this thread, with probably the same exact shill.
When it is corroborated and organised by a prosecutor. I am sure Gowdy is all over it, he is a true soldier. Remember that the purpose of these leaks is to END her, so fully expect a watertight case. They are so scared they are willing to start a war over it, I guarantee it will be in plain sight soon enough.
Look at JP Morgan for 4/24/14
That one is missing from her public disclosures / lists too
fyi: there will be email releases up until the 16th and then there will be 14 days of silence/e-mail digestion until the BIG one drops
related to what you are saying
Alright, fair enough. Just don't think we can go anywhere with that email since there isn't enough evidence, maybe wait for the next ~35,000 emails not yet released
Cheryl Mills:
New tor, internet too slow for onion, be gentle mods
Captcha had goy in it :^)
Well - she got caught avoiding protocol to release documents of donators to her foundation after she made a deal with Russia for Uranium.
Obviously, she's already been caught breaking the law with regards to that.
I don't know anything about Gowdy, but you're not the first person I've heard speak highly of him.
Anyone know what is on the 4th floor of this building that is important to Mills and Podesta? I can't seem to find anything.
Check out some of the YouTube videos of Clinton's Benghazi hearing. He's based as fuck, chief concern to him is the truth.
What about that post yesterday talking about how they are going to release emails that could get Hillary and Obama in for treason? When are those coming out?
Here they are talking about the california primary.
Any indication what city it's in? DC?
Could be office space that's not officially tied to anyone, or something of the sort.
I like him already.
Probably part of the big nuke - needs to have good timing so that Obama can't pull any bullshit coverup, but also so that he doesn't go to war to avoid it (the user implied that they are all up for treason).
5404 wisconsin avenue chevy chase md 20815
Guys, what "product" is she talking about?
David Plouffe was HNIC campaign manager. Has anyone else come across any emails with him involved? This may be something worth digging into further
Share with Bernouts. That's rigging.
So do we know if that was LARPing or not? I mean he claimed Hillary was trying to pay/force a woman to claim Trump sexually assaulted her, yesterday morning. Yesterday evening that happened. He claimed to have a video of Hillary calling niggers niggers which seems to go with O'keefe's claim of having the same, to be released next week.
If the original email, not the reply here, is released with the attachment pizza.jpg and if that is CP that would make sense, the user said "Assange knows 100% Hillary won't be elected". If Assange knew he had CP from the highest levels of Hillary's campaign that would make sense.
Interesting. Everyone missed that one yesterday. Thanks.
That's in an interesting one, user. I suspect the product he was enlisted to produce was a sort of framework or campaign strategy outline. Read through the attachment, its also worth a look.
The CP thing is a possibility, especially considering the attachment was seemingly removed (presumably to protect us and Wikileaks, if it is real).
Here is a refresher of FBI guy, I can't find the more recent user right now. Some of what he has said has been supported by the email leaks, so I wouldn't be surprised if it goes very deep, as he says. Which would be another reason for the dripfed leaks: other than not flooding information, preparing and bracing the public that this corruption DOES exist, then proceeding to show how deep it runs.
After Hillary's question dodge on hammering the military for muh sexual assault and taking things out of chain of command by endorsing a senator's actions on the topic instead, staffers decide retroactively whether this should mean a "gentle nod to Gillibrand (basically status quo) or a full embrace of Gillibrand" in typical two-faced politician fashion.
its here
meeting with cucked irish catholics trying to steer position towards pro-baby murder
Loretta Lynch at meeting with Irish Catholics promoting abortion?
more of the cucking of Catholics.
That is not strictly true.
Trump will scapegoat a minority, so the majority can keep on working with it hanging over their head in case they should lack enthusiasm for the new policy.
The Obama administration will go free as well, as the US government need their employees to know that they will not be punished, if they do as ordered to do. Trump might get something else on them, if justice is that important, but that will only be a few.
That one was already found in this thread at the beginning.
Didn't know it had such potential though.. guess i'll send it too.
Ok, I've been at this for several hours now.
MANY of her speeches are unaccounted for in the public record. I'm not sure what the excuse for that is unless she just didn't get paid for it, but it's suspect considering there are several speeches referenced in the "PAID HRC SPEECHES" doc attachment that just dont show up anywhere else.
Relevant WL doc:
2013 and 2014 in images here.
Black = speech disclosed in tax forms, is not mentioned in email attachment
Blue = speech disclosed & is referenced in email attachment
Red = speech NOT disclosed but is referenced in email attachment
Its confirmed that there was at least one email chain with SAP stuff in it. If Assange really does have the 33k emails and releases them, finding it is priority #1. It could look as mundane as a list of names, mind you, and that would still be proof of treason.
lewl yeah that was the first one I found today
call for catholic spring
Get this to the bishops at once!
this violates that constitutional right to religious freedom
Democrats are proving to have a concerted, calculated campaign to destroy Western Religion with cucked false religious leaders.
I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking at here.
Office spaces over a clothing store?
It appears to be a commercial district, and there's for lease signs on some of the other buildings, so I'm tentatively leaning towards rented offices.
There is a video in there. Literally an ad that does what is described in the email.
I want to double back on this. Read through the attachment:
They imply they planned to circumvent voter law from day one.
Ya I just noticed on another page I had open - they are all clinton foundation speeches (so they dont have to give out specifics) but all are accounted for
Checked and saved.
anti-catholic DNC getting traction on Fox News
Dig for anti-catholic stuff and get it to fox and Alex Jones, M Savage, Drudge, as it comes out.
Deutsche Bank
Information is appearing in latest emails on Deutsche Bank I wouldn't say its a smoking gun conspiracy. But who knows what the rest of the emails will bring.
Bundy stuff is starting to appear in leaks:
sheeeeeiit I didn't think about searching for "Reddit"
Here's one that is what its talking about probably
Here's the search page for all emails containing the word "Reddit"
Funny how they allow these liberals to do such things but if conservatives did this, they would call them out so fast.
Funny how they allow these liberals to do such things but if conservatives did this, they would call them out so fast.
didn't mean to reply to the post under yours lol
I'm trying to figure out who the tenants are on the 4th floor, or at least at the time that email was sent. Only thing I can see is a real estate company in suite 410, but that doesn't seem likely.
What the heck is la raza?
The largest Mexican cartel operating in United States borders.
It's something Trump's university judge belongs to. Beaner Supremacy organization, as unbelievable as the thought sounds.
Its a very large sometimes-organized, sometimes not, political coalition for spics.
Literally translated from spiclish: "the race"
Does anyone have something like Komm Suser Tod but opposite?
I need some theme for this happening.
it's s spic PAC for the reconquista of the southwest. Fuck those wetback fucks
Please think before you post.
Ooops, meant for
But seriously, on a scale of 1-10, how close are we to war with Russia?
The leaked tapes and sloppy sex allegations are a distraction shill. More desperate than dangerous.
You guys are getting close to something.
Something big.
Libera Me From Hell
It'd be semi-believable if it was being sent and received by only males, but Huma is one of the emails. I doubt a woman would tolerate CP exchanging, but then again, you never know…..Huma could be pretty fucked up
Dubs have spoken. We will break through this political corruption with our spirits.
No, really?
Also, there's more woman-on-child sex than man-on-child.
The only reason we aren't already is because Russia is biting its tongue on the chance Trump gets elected and stops King Nigger's middle east chimpout.
Was also thinking about Berserk but it works and dubs decided.
I wish someone knew, user. The only thing clear is that Russia is refusing to play the part of the aggressor so far. Obama will have to step up his provocations massively if he wants to bait them into open warfare. Or, US and/or NATO needs to openly violate Russia's border, which will guarantee a retaliatory response that will escalate to open war rapidly.
In other words, its not "how close are we to war" so much as "how close is Obama to getting the war he wants?"
She's married to fucking Anthony Weiner dipshit.
Bro, there is a documentary of a Grandma who abducted her grand daughter to be used in satanic child sex abuse. If you want the video I will post it but get rid of this notion that women are somehow less corrupt than men when it comes to anything.
TBH forward all finds to all liberal news stations and republican news stations and see what they do with it. and screencap emails sent so you have proof youve sent the juicy shit.
Agreed. But you know they will probably botch the shit.
Highly suspect.
DNC found lawyers for Baltimore Rioters
==Donors include Computer Companies: Surveillance State when?=
Meeting With George Soros to get $$$$
Acronym KEYWORD for George Soros= GS
Its almost as if GS runs the DNC.
this is both funny and sad wikileaks.org
Any guess what the fuck this is about? Robby Mook and Cheryl Mills not getting along over what?
almost forgot link
Only Mexicans spew this La Raza shit, most other spics hate Mexicans, they complain how they come here illegally pay no taxes and get welfare-like Holla Forums except they tend to be from South America
Here's an interesting one. They are talking about one of the political action committees that Podesta was involved in. An article from Mother Jones called them out for being a quasi-legal funnel for special interest money and quoted one of their own officials saying this.
The main email suggests that no only are they going to get their pet journalists to publish stories countering the story but that they're making efforts to track down and likely punish the person who talked to this reporter and went off script.
This mystery is bugging me.
Could someone post the risotto recipe or tell me which email it's in?
We know she's fucked up. She's a DNC crony.
I don't think that's true.
but I did read that most pedophiles are homosexual as well. Suggesting that the psychology is not too dissimilar
Checked trips. Being a woman has nothing to do with it. If goon trolls are willing to do it then the bastards at the DNC sure as hell are.
checkin them dubs
and it looks like this email was sent at midnight on March 2nd, which is a monday, so first thing that morning. here's what was going on the weekend / friday before the email was sent:
February 27, 2015: State Department staffers tell House Benghazi Committee aides that Clinton never had a government email address while she was secretary of state.
March 2015: A State Department official gives Clinton’s lawyer David Kendall written permission to retain copies of the emails Clinton turned over in December 2014.
March 2, 2015: A New York Times front-page article reveals to the public for the first time that Clinton used a private email account on a private server for all her emails while secretary of state.
March 2, 2015: A former government expert can’t think of any valid reason for Clinton to use a personal email account for all her work.
Around March 2, 2015: Secretary of State John Kerry allegedly first learns that Clinton exclusively used a personal email account and a private server.
Shortly After March 2, 2015: The State Department asks for all the work-related emails from four of Clinton’s top aides.
On the other hand actually reading this boring adults do this. They show themselves at a restaurant with a delicious meal. Its mundane until Wikileaks releases the attatchment if they have it.
Is that you Robert Morrow?
Pls be him.
Also note I recall hearing somewhere in media where CF acknowledged some of their speeches were not disclosed. I don't know what came of it either, or if they updated or made an official "public speech list"
Also that's a subscriber/monthly email for current events. Nothing internal about it.
Somehow they are surprised Bernie is at a DSCC retreat and wanted to give the picture to NY Post. (picture is not in email) dscc=democratic senatorial campaign committee
Bloomberg Newsroom Albert Hunt invites Podesta to fancy DC dinner party with "lots of media people" expected, March 2016. (Unsure if he is free to make, but will try)
On wiki.
Some shit's going down around here that I dont know we dug through enough of. This is about halfway down on the following email chain, which is about 2-3 days after the email in
You sure put some effort into that .png …
lol podesta lost his phone on feb 27th
Brian Fallon tweeting that rt.com / Russia are getting wikileaks info before wikileaks release, which is a lie. Someone on twitter laugh at him, he's in a ton of these email leaks and he is just buttmad.
https:// www.rt.com/viral/362696-rt-beats-internet-podesta/
Kill yourself, CTR
Contact with Big Social Media
We know google is fucking with searches. If you guys have a few minutes please look into Executives for Google Facebook, and Twitter, lets see how deep they are into the rigged election.
Larry Page sends his brother Carl Page to clean tech meetings, who knows? they may talk about other things. We know that these tech giants are CLIMATE CHANGE enviroweenies.
Future of AI Meetings
Remember folks, they aren't talking about AI sexbots, they're talking about MASS DATA collection algorithms to watch all of us.
Facebook donates $1mil against GOP
Sheryl Sandberg FACEBOOK CEO
Nothing yet except she campaigns on Women in workplace.
But this one I found interesting, as she was talking about gender in the workplace during a conference while podesta met here to discuss Facebook strategy. Hmmm.
HRC Met with Twitter's Evan Williams, Linkedin Reid Hoffman(What's the Future?)
Its not much…
So much for the big tech rigging election angle.. no smoking guns… yet. I'd see what these HRC tech contacts say in future leaks.
What the fuck? There were a bunch of articles saying there was a recipe but it's just a shitty tip. Fucking MSM lying out their ass as usual.
Indeed. Doesn't matter whether they're an official campaign or an unconnected PAC .
Smells like yet another felony, doesn't it?
report back on /ck/ and tell us how it is
Whats the significance? How bad is it for them?
just dots for connecting
[corrected]Will you useless retards ever understand that shitposts like this which do not convince anyone of doing anything have much more power in derailing a thread than well-thought out shill posts? This is why (((people))) use them in the first place. It's bait aimed at the retards who think that responding to somebody who literally says "do not look" at 2000 new emails is outing them as a shill. [/corrected]
Anyone good at converting vids to webm?
I'm not sure if this'll all fit into a single one and still be readable, but it's worth a shot.
To add to and , La Raza has received funding from Soros, of course.
cmon son
banksters and fraudsters united!
Where does it say that he donated $1M against the GOP in that email? That email just looked like an email trying to get a subscription from podesta?
I think this is a really good one to share, they are blatant huh?
Stay woke, Chelsea.
Just download 4K Video Downloader
Its a newsletter. Podesta gets a lot of those. Stop with the fucking false leads already.
Google News just labels this as 'Opinion.' Only gullible and intolerant bigots could possibly believe such insane conspiratorial propaganda. Only ignorant hatemongers so blind to the supporting paradigms and privilege around them could ever buy into this shit. I'm not even angry. I just feel sorry for you; I hope you can educate yourself.
I suggest you start by reading Mein Kampf (((revised edition))) and building from the little truth still to be found in it, to return to it's source … and getting a semi-auto rifle … or a cricket bat with a nail in it if britbong
1) What kind of image is this?
2) Why would they be getting the NY Post involved?
It does webm?
An MP4 works I guess, but I'd prefer webm.
Thanks though.
First post should always be we do it for free on these things, tbh.
Does anyone have any leads on what pizza.jpg could possibly be?
Wtf is a deep dive?
Sounds connected to the mundane explanation for the wet works email. May have just been smearing Bernie "the outsider" for taking vacations at the DNCC retreat at Martha's Vineyard.
Then again it may be an incriminating pic of something bernie did at the DSCC retreat.
I believe we are still awaiting confirmation from Assange?
it's the name of the vetting process they came up with to deal with transitioning the team of people in a campaign to being staff for the white house
According to google it seems to be a brainstorming technique.
An in-depth exploration.
We Ministry of Truth now.
A Kingdom Hearts trailer. :^)
To be fair this is becoming increasingly true with every tyrannical thing the left does.
Appears to be their vetting process. Wouldn't want just anyone getting into their sekret klubs.
basically one day you're running for president, and on the campaign trail you have your staff – campaign manager, chief of staff, press officers, advisers, staffers, etc. Then, you win the election. grats. now you have to run the country.
all those fucks who were working on your campaign are pretty much all going to become your in-white-house staff, but you don't just let any random fuck work for the government, so you have to do the highest level possible background checks on all the fuckwits to make sure they arent retards or rapists.
this would normally take some time to do, but this has to be a fast turn around (couple months) so they worked out a streamlined process to vet the fuckers with a shitload of lawyers and they named it 'deep dive' because they think they are living in their own novel
Got an email ID? What date was it?
dubs this is fact
she was selling information to ISIS financiers by putting top secret info on her easily hackable server
she gets paid, server gets hacked by ISIS, she says 'oops i'm a woman you cant hold me accountable if i say it was an accident'
Rereading it seems to be vetting for something very specific. What indeed is a "deep dive?"
It appears to refer to these teams or sujects in this case. MYSTERIOUS!
Wait, I'm a fucking dumbass, date's at the top.
best I could do fam.
Pepperoni or Cheese?
email between the CEOs of Disney/ABC, Dreamworks and Hillary's campaign
If I had to guess why the word pizza is being used, it would be the way it's used in british politics. This article says it's not popular to use anymore because "pizzas and services are delivered, not improvements, etc"
so Doug Band OP was just delivering a picture that proved something happened. August 8th is when sotomayor became a sup court justice, so maybe its that
'prove' probably isnt the best word to use but you know what i mean. dude could have been there for the swearing in and took a picture or some shit
Not totally readable, but good enough.
Thanks user.
how is this related to CP?
chelsea is using CF funds - which includes taxpayer dollars - to fund her for-profit activities
Does anyone know what they're talking about in this email?
So the most newest emails we have is from March of this year? wtf
those jaywalking skits are propaganda.
They script them to make the viewer lose trust in the average citizen, and be less likely to cooperate with each other or organize in any way.
Thanks for clearing that up.
Also has anyone linked this yet?
no, but the sender is critical on another occasion.
Someone get me up to speed on our methods of spreading info to the masses.
Before people keep saying Scalia's fat ass got wacked by some old fogey democrats (oh wait you did already) i posted this in another thread and I'm going to put it here, because we need to crack down on the huge fucking leaps to conclusions like murdering scalia. It makes us look bad/stupid
copy pasting it too because fuck it
im sorry pham but these old men aren't james bonding anybody, even a fat court justice. here's what happened:
This shit's all happening around the time of the New Hampshire primary (Feb 9th). Clinton was supposed to win that shit hard because
Billy won it in a big landslide when he ran, so they were fucking furious when it started going Bernie's way.
Email here is Feb 9th at 8:56 pm. Bernie had basically won at this point.
Go back a few days for some context. 2/7 polls are showing bernie is going to win huge, and bill starts fuming to the point where staff are trying to calm him the fuck down:
With Bernie winning NH they're moving on an opportunity to make him look bad so they'll do better in the next states' primaries.
In OP's email we get "Sounds like a bad nite, we all need to buckle up and double down" It's because hillary lost.
Bottom of email is from Podesta to Elemdorf saying thank you in the subject line.
Steve Elemdorf works for Goldman and is a big name in political strategy, etc. Clinton supporter.
He's a source of stories for this MSNBC journalist, Alex Seitz-Wald. See Feb 2nd article here:
So a few days later, Alex Seitz-Wald puts out another article about Bernie going to 'retreats' funded by big business. Here:
>Senators are flown on a private plane chartered by the DSCC to the retreats, which are held at five-star resorts like the Ritz-Carlton. Sanders was often spotted at the pool, walking on the beach, and at the buffet line. He went on a boat ride off Martha’s Vineyard organized by the committee.
Wald leaves the source here unnamed, but what seems to have happened is, Elemendorf leaked the story about Bernie (and probably the guest list) to Wald, who published the article to hurt Bernie's image.
yeah yeah.
I may be wrong about a detail here and there, but these dates line up and it makes more sense to me that Elemendorf was an anonymous source to knock Bernie down a peg.
Re-read the wet works line from a different perspective. '''Podesta's saying that he didn't realize you could murder a guy (Bernie, politically) so hard just by showing him at pool parties at the vineyard
He's just using the word wet works as a pun.'''
Dank memes
Is he scared?
I took the day off. Good digging anons. I'll get in on the leaks that will be released tomorrow, and if the past is any reference for the future, Friday leaks are juicy as fuck.
Well put.
This is concerning. A Paul Twomey, who is from his twitter
Fucking ICANN and Australian cyber shit is impressed with Hillary, emails Hillary's New Hampshire campaigner about it.
is this real?
hey guys I don't know if you know about this
ctrl + f "thumb drive"
2nd result
user is writing fanfiction.
for an alternative interpretation.
Do you feel in charge, goyim?
Not trying to shit on assange because hes doing keks work, but the last two batches haven't had that many bombshells in them. It takes like two days for people to sift through them and connect the dots, then another two days for people to assimilate them into news pieces and distributed to normies. He needs to accelerate the leaks just a little bit while still dragging them out for the rest of the election. Anyone else get what i am saying?
I was kind of expecting something a lot more devastating as well considering how much he hyped it up before actually releasing anything.
there's a lot more to come, the latest e-mail is from 6 months ago you retards. have some patience.
I REALLY think we should be pushing the hillary campaign coordinating with her super pacs way more than we are. She is circumventing campaign finance laws and she is ALWAYS bitching about campaign finance laws. Doesnt she caterwaul about getting money out of politics all the time? This doesnt play well with us because we are more concerned with the CF corruption and taking moneymfrom foreign countries and things like that, but the super pac shit matters ALOT to bernie people.
Remember how cruz taking a low interest loan from goldman and not disclosing it turned him into a pariah among some tea party folks and us? We need to meme those more.
Something that's really sunk in over the course of reading these emails is just how many fucking jews there are in government.
Are there no white people capable of leading? The kikes are obviously fucking terrible at it, even when you take into account the fact that they don't even have dual loyalties (lol I wish), and I really can't see how anyone could stay bluepilled or in denial of the JQ when they look at the inner workings of the government. They're so fucking overrepresented it's insane, and the influence they wield, even without going into the culture of critique or heavier antisemitism is just blatantly obvious. I'm honestly curious to see if we have people talking about how this redpilled them in a few months. St. Trayvon of Skittles converted a hell of a lot of people due to the media duplicity, and what's happening here has the potential to do the same.
Only time will tell.
It could be a trap to make us all complacent waiting for a mysterious benevolent person to push us up.
He does seem to be correct with the women getting paid/forced to accuse Trump of harassment.
Though, like many other anons have said it could just be a LARP.
Don't believe it until it happens.
If it does happen it will be magnificent. If it doesn't we'll have not taken the bait and still pushed through, so nothing will be lost.
Man, this is like a plot from a bad manga.
I think it is a mindset they have. I know growing up i didnt want anything to do with politics because everyone involved is so two-faced and fake. I had a Jewish friend that was reading the 48 laws of power in like 11th grade. What 11th grader is interested in that shit.
and the MSM, policy think tanks… The eizenstat emails proved the extent to which jewish lobbies drafted the Syrian policy, the war with Libya, the Iran deal - all to placate and protect "america's steadfast (((ally)))" - considering the strain that has put on Russia-US relations (strain being a massive euphemism) and how potentially close to full-on WW3 we are at this point, anti-semitism should be the de-facto position of any true , non-suicidal patriot. These fucking kikes ahave engaged the West on a path to total annihilation
Well, not like clear and obvious felonies have stopped the Clinton's before. After all, Comey basically said, "Yes she violated multiple felonies, and perjury, but who cares!?"
The media collusion is insane.
Trying to find that webm of salon and all their pedophile articles. Was gonna post it but I seem to have lost it.
Massive email list, look to see if it shows any more media collusion or cuckservative traitors.
this might be late to the party but has anyone seen this?
found this link at chateau heartiste about CTR
apparently somebody got inside one of their boxes and got a screen cap.
cant confirm if its real or not.
but the foxacid thing might be going around - again if its true- in these PDFs ppl keep fucking posting around here.
We have the use of an NSA intrusion package. We are going to find the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow 5 PM.
You will monitor, identify, and using the FA software set we have, identify/dox.
[6:18 AM]
that will dox them??
efink [6:20 AM]
It will man-on-the-side for the user boards and intercept traffic. We can use that for IP addresses and loading tracking software and magic lantern onto their devices. Once we have them compromised
David? How many do we need?
brock [6:21 AM]
I want 150 from 4chan, whatever you can get from 8. I want 1000 top reddit drivers exposed and I want content analysis for their posts. I want the people who are really driving their narrative.
I need all that in a packet by tomorrow afternoon with lexical analysis, proof of compromise. I want clips of memes. I want to up-vote patterns. All this has to be inside the US too. We can’t use externals.
He offered to be interviewed any number of times, they kept trying to get him to go to Sweden.
Everyone knows if he stepped foot in Sweden he would be extradited to the US for the cable leaks.
Lurker here just dropping some stuff I found. Plans to use nig on nig in Chicago against Biden. Admission king nigger is to blame. Another between Paul begala and Podesta in 08 saying you know you have to break federal law when you sign on to Hillarys campaign.
Podesta with somebody else's wife I take it?
What's going on in that second picture? What email is it?
I would be happy to call him, Is that his cell or something? Link to email?
I would imagine a guy like soros only deals via his personal assistants etc. He doesn't pick up phones.
only CTR would be dumb enough to sage in a sticky thread. and say bullshit like that
archive org/details/Podesta6
Podesta emails in .eml format with full metadata and attachments. Emails numbered from 7242 through 9077 (the sixth of leaked emails) compiled Oct 13, 2016 File names use the wikileaks email numbers not the original file names.
Also included is the multi threaded python script used to download the emails, it can easily be adapted by any novice (skilled enough to get a hello world to run) to quickly download future batches with just seconds of editing.
Our enemies can take down or edit online data but when you have a local copy you have it forever.
Batches 1 and 2 can be found here: archive.org
Batch 3 can be found here: archive.org
Batches 4 and 5 can be found here: archive.org
My schedule does not align very well with these leaks, I had hoped someone would be using my script to upload this shit before I could get to it but that does not seem to be happening. Are my archive uploads being useful for any of you, should I keep doing them?
Gave him a call and it goes to an automated voice mail managed by a "Drew Weston" he gives an email but apparently it's
[email protected]/* */
He says "and that's w-e-s-t-e-n" emphasis on the E.
Who is this Drew fellow?
Youre saying because the doj and fbi are corrupt we shouldn't expose more hypocrisy? Drip drip, water erodes the tallest mountains user.
yes. A conservative legal group have been trying to get the witch. The federal judge made her respond to the group, who have been trying to get her in person. Her campaign instead insisted on her writing to them instead, which she has now done.
Found another from 08 where I think they called/orchestrated the ouster of an NEA union leader but too much more important stuff to waste time on now
Legal Puerto Rican here, Can confirm. Voting for trump to build wall.
she's so fucked, everything she does is lie
Every word is a lie. Here's an opinion piece which goes into a bit more detail about some specifics:
Mark Penn was Hillary's chief strategist and pollster in her 2008 campaign against Barack.
Lost the primary to Obama
Trying to convince John not to hop aboard the sinking shit that was Hillary 2008. The rest is lamenting how shit Penn was for losing such an easy campaign to such a flawed candidate.
Which is true since unlike Trump, Obama could never have survived even the lightest flak Trump has been getting since day 1, even with Barack's manufactured popularity.
there is pretty obvious conflict of interest with the fbi directors' prior relationship with the Clintons …not prosecuting the Whitewater stuff. isis our congressmen completely trying to cover this?
She finished "answering," like half an hour to an hour ago, allegedly.
they exclusively promote disinfo. every single thing in that image is completely hoaxed. those faggots got the list of CTR names from the public payroll records that we found a long time ago, and then read up on the NSA technologies on wikipedia that came about from Snowden's leaks. it's the easiest thing to fake in the world and they get a shit ton of page views for their disinfo. you even direct linked to them you faggot.
I was hoping someone knew what true news was, i had never heard of it
i hate to be that user but lurk moar. if you seriously want to participate on here you need to be reading through the vast majority of the threads on the catalog every day. otherwise you'll get caught out by shit that we debunked a month ago and that the rest of us all know.
Weird that HRC had a fund raiser there on the 8th of June, only 8 days after Beau died on the 30th of May. Beau Biden was hospitalized on account of his brain tumor on the 20th and died 10 days later.
Biden was strong armed into not running by Ronald A. Klain as show by a previous email where John Podesta welcomes Klain in exchange. Biden cites Beau's death as the principle reason he didn't run.
Lucky Clinton.
>She was great last night. Thanks for inviting me into the campaign, and for sticking with me during the Biden anxiety. You are a great friend and a great leader. It's been a little hard for me to play such a role in the Biden demise - and I am definitely dead to them – but I'm glad to be on Team HRC, and glad that she had a great debate last night. Thanks John. [email protected]/* */
They realize when some disappear more will step up and take their place, right? I know there are incredibly intelligent people lurking here that only shit post.
Yes it outlines the cons of going to work for her campaign in 08, the not wanting to break federal law is noteworthy though. Comment like that shows mutual awareness of what's expected.
Is this anything? I searched for perjury on a whim. Lots of mention of illegal stuff in there but I don't know anything about it.
Those are just news bullitins. You want to try and look at the ones that are from HRC-related emails just like you did, but probably not bulletins like that one (unless you think they added some valuable info into one of these, but those tend to be circulated to the goyim also)
They're quite useful to me for personal archival purposes.
No one find anything on this? Seems real flirty. Podesta and this Armenian Jewess hugging at a wedding.
The picture was an attachment she sent of them together with a :) face.
Who is [email protected]/* */ ? This would be the end of the Hillary campaign if it could be linked to her.
Ben Swann bringing the heat on Donna Brazile.
lol look what i found while digging i.imgur.com
germans btfo
it's just the same old tired "german shopping cart" shit thats uninteresting
What's wrong with imgur links?
Will she step down, or have Bernouts been cucked to death?
You're on a fucking image board, nigger; it's bad form, primarily. Also don't need them tracking where the traffic came from.
who is [email protected]/* */
HRC Office is a new web domain…. Have any of you seen it before?
Sorry for the inexcusable delay; too many cooks, but it was my fault that
Is this who I think it is?
I clicked the link just to spite you, and see
Its just so much easier to use. I'm not the kind of person to store hundreds of images.
What kind of keywords are you guys searching for? I'm not finding dirt. Run out of things to look for.
Someone gave holders cell number to these jackasses, KEK
Lets go down the rabbit hole user.
[Querying whois.verisign-grs.com]
[Redirected to whois.godaddy.com]
[Querying whois.godaddy.com]
Registry Domain ID: 1861043969_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server: whois.godaddy.com
Registrar URL: godaddy.com
Update Date: 2016-05-25T01:25:52Z
Creation Date: 2014-06-01T01:21:14Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2017-06-01T01:21:14Z
Registrar: GoDaddy.com, LLC
Registrar IANA ID: 146
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Registrant Email: [email protected]/* */
Registry Admin ID: Not Available From Registry
Admin Name: Nick Merrill
Admin Organization:
Admin Street: 2540 Massachusetts Ave NW
Admin Street: Apt 307
Admin City: Washington
Admin State/Province: District of Columbia
Admin Postal Code: 20008
Admin Country: US
Admin Phone: +1.2027337158
Admin Phone Ext:
Admin Fax:
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Admin Email: [email protected]/* */
Registry Tech ID: Not Available From Registry
Tech Name: Nick Merrill
Tech Organization:
Tech Street: 2540 Massachusetts Ave NW
Tech Street: Apt 307
Tech City: Washington
Tech State/Province: District of Columbia
Tech Postal Code: 20008
Tech Country: US
Tech Phone: +1.2027337158
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Tech Email: [email protected]/* */
DNSSEC: unsigned
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>>> Last update of WHOIS database: 2016-10-14T02:00:00Z
isn't "Yuge" a Trump thing?
Just some crazy person. Podesta never responds to them from what I saw.
you are a little bitch
I don't watch lou dobbs but the reason was probably the fact that this accusers home address was the same as some superpac or some clinton campaign office.
I don't remember the details now but it is bullshit accusation invented from the campaign it looks like.
Considering she leaked it, she's going to die.
Not by any of our hands; Shillary will have her offed for outing their treason.
If, by some miracle, she can dodge Shillary's kill-squad, we should probably offer her a deal in exchange for testimony. eg. 5 years in federal prison as opposed to life without parole otherwise.
This one is interesting. Catering to spics with a little help from Univision's kike owner.
Maybe just shoop the (you) to cshaw or something, seed confusion in the ranks
"sent from my iphone" is getting me some interesting bits to go through
In talks with Haim Saban, mentioning his first name and his univision colleagues? I dont know if this is any good.
Perjury charges are guaranteed now if Assange releases an email with proof she had knowledge of federal record keeping laws in relation to her private server before submitting statement. I hope this was a part of his strategy.
what are the chances of us both posting this at the same time? wtf man.
Those dubs say the plan is coming together nicely.
It's an interesting exchange, and I'm searching Huma's exchanges.
Isn't something like this in the speeches? Then again, good luck pinning hillary fucking clinton down, she's above the law… she's just keep saying "i dont know, i dont remember"
They are talking to NYT a bit here
Looks more like they're bitching about the NYT running an article.
Small chance that it is implied Hillary doesn't like fags here
that too
I wonder.
It's beautiful, ain't it?
At this point, I find it difficult to believe that Hillary has any strong beliefs. I think she meaning her agents since Hillary isn't person but a blob of confidants didn't want to isolate themselves from the minority vote by supporting fags too openly. It is a fairly big fracture point in the Democratic Party especially in primaries.
You know, Assange has a twitter page, you can literally just ask him for confirmation directly. Like, we're not cavemen.
she's just going to do an executive order remember
lol somebody is salty?
Despicable, but whatever. It's no secret that the left was waiting for Scalia to die.
What's funny is that when I looked up the date he died, I saw that the usual suspects are already running wild with the wet works thing.
Clinton Foundation COO Laura Graham nearly committed suicide over Chelsea Clinton's creative accounting – trying to use Clinton Foundation money in her for-profit ventures.
No one is covering this yet as it just came out in the WikiLeaks releases today.
Email 3332 contains a reply dated Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 2:49 PM from Doug Band to John Podesta, Cheryl Mills, and Justin Cooper
Late last night, laura graham called me as she couldn't reach my brother or her shrink. She was on staten island in her car parked a few feet from the waters edge with her foot on the gas pedal and the car in park. She called me to tell me the stress of all of this office crap with wjc and cvc as well as that of her family had driven her to the edge and she couldn't take it anymore. I spent a while on the phone with her preventing her from doing that, as I have a few times in the past few months, and was able to reach roger and her shrink.
Laura Graham's email about Chelsea's creative accounting was dated Dec. 7, 2011 22:48:
In this email late at night on Dec. 7 she is increasingly frustrated with Chelsea's use of Foundation money in her for-profit companies by Clinton's inability to account for the increased billing of a consultant.
Doug Band refers to the call "late last night" on December 8th. Meaning Graham phoned him late at night on December 7th.
She tried to kill her self the very night she wrote this email.
also this
Trips confirm the Chelsea embezzled so much money that CF COO had a mental breakdown.
IIRC she actually signed affidavit when she started at State saying she received all the requisite training.
DRAFT: Benghazi Hearing Opening Statement
Please link this. I've been looking into MKULTRA-type stuff lately.
You probably know of the franklin cover up?
Remember Clinton's van ride across America to kick off her campaign?
what the hell? is it common to discuss the confederate states over in america? not seen that before.
New email chain about fucking over sanders via DWS stuff we already knew but a lil more ammo against Wasserbitch
I tried sending that link around, but nobody has touched it as far as far as I can see.
that link is from the 3rd batch of Podesta leaks i think, it's been around
[email protected]/* */ is hillary. look at the pic you posted, the e-mail address is H > and hillary always uses H as her alias.
that's interesting, i found this one tho were the WH director of communications (now hillary 2016 director of comms) a few days later seemed not at all worried about Bernie. perhaps they knew, internally, how the fix was in. She mentions pretending to attack sanders to make sure it doesn't seem obvious they're only focused on the general:
My theory is that we do not want to be in a one on one with Trump - but want to hit him occasionally. In which case, we also need to be hitting Sanders occasionally so we can credibly say we are not only focused on the general.
that is the smoking gun right there
it proves that she deleted the emails deliberately
you could indict her with that alone
Nick coming in with some top tier bantz
it's because the bit about hillary deleting stuff herself is a question posed by a journalist for bloomberg, she's preparing for an interview by giving the question in advance. has no relevance
"I don't recall discussing the matter with Erika"
ok lad nvm sorry for wasting your time tbh
Read that one earlier and saved for further review. Did cursory search of CNN and found that one. Going thru every email now release date only search criteria. Did come across a funny one of them asking why jake tapper was such a dick. They think the criticism he got for doing CGI caused it
concern about killarys stance on GE labeling? Useful?
Bubba made Robert E Lee day a holiday in Arkansas.
This could be a spark. In March 2015 Podesta asked for info on The Logan Act how it relates to Iran
Just that the only reason she supported labeling was to curtail Bernie's support.
So what she says is influenced by political opponents. Which thing has higher priority to Shill: what she believes, or beating her opponents? And that's just what she says. What influences what she does?
There's something subtle but powerful about this I think.
One weird aspect of the leaks concerning Chelsea is that she uses a pseudonym for her some of her emails, Anna James ([email protected]/* */)
Eventually she seems to get her own office and staff (@chelseaoffice.com) but it still struck me as odd.
She also used the pseudonym "Diane Reynolds" a bunch. There's a lot of e-mails in the older Hillary e-mails leak on Wikileaks from that name. Allegedly she also used that name to book hotel rooms and other things so that the media wouldn't be able to track her. Not suspicious at all.
EmailId 7469 is full chain
On March 16, Clinton will be inducted into the Irish America Hall of Fame at an event in New York. Clinton is not Irish – her family is of English, Scottish, French, and Welsh descent – but she is being hooded because of "her dedicated work on Irish Peace Process."
I'm going to go out on a limb and say people probably already know this, but posting anyway.
Ran across one chain in 10/13 release with Diane Reynolds so far. All signed Chelsea