Knock it off

Im not even a pedo and im getting sick of you moral fags and reddits fucking every thread up with your bullshit.
Why pick literally the worst place to be a white knight?

Attached: d62f95ddd255711d62f7580948983c1458afcb37e4a925a7af23208eb552be67.gif (262x323, 1.34M)

Look out, or we will fuck you up!

Attached: meme-fu-up.webm (1280x720, 9.57M)

Because white knighting to a bunch of white knights doesn't "accomplish" anything I guess.

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No you!

Attached: 8f8d488437d9b731d8c49c45c77700919f4f8b3591f2c644e5b275fb038549fc.png (688x810, 532.38K)

Go kill yourself, faggotron

Attached: 8f8d488437d9b731d8c49c45c77700919f4f8b3591f2c644e5b275fb038549fc.png (688x810, 539.11K)

pedo-apologists get the zyklon too rectally, whole can

Sick pedos gas em we lolicons are harmless to children's cause they Will never be like my loli waifuuwu

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Attached: StemlessWineGlass_FuckThisShit.jpg (1000x1176, 112.14K)

Harambe and Andy have a little fun ;;;;)))))

Attached: boku_no_harambe_.jpg (352x550, 16.78K)

Finally someone who gets it OP is not a faggot thank god exactly pedophilia is apart of imageboard culture and pedophiles have always been on imageboards ever since the very beginning all these white knight SJWs and mods that act like redditors and abuse their power are all a bunch of newfags who came to sites like Holla Forums recently of course not everyone on imageboards likes pedos but a true oldfag would have spent enough time on Holla Forums where they may hate pedos but the pedo posting doesn't bother them because it's simply apart of the culture.

Attached: Pedo-Bear-Seal-Of-Approval-pedo-bear-18908337-600-600.jpg (600x600, 186.52K)

t. pedo

Similarly, hating pedokikes and constantly reminding that they will never be accepted, not even in prison, where even the most hardline fringe elements of society can find a sense of camraderie. Indeed, the only escape from such an affliction is to embrace death honorably and without fear.

Attached: grayons.jpg (244x250, 6.29K)


keep telling yourself that, buddeh

Attached: signal-2017-07-24-100508(1).jpg (696x478, 265.96K)

No only newfags complain about pedos on imageboards when clearly they have been here since the very beginning.


Harambe was a pedo?

you literally have to be a pedo. moralfags? pedos? we're mentally ill human garbage, not childfucking niggers.

welcome to Holla Forums

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Pedos were, and will be hated.
Since the start they plagued imageboards, and people wanted them out.
Stop lying to yourself, at beast pedos were tolerated, but they always managed to fuck up even that.
If they weren't booted then, then the site they were shitting, simply died out.
For example honeypotchan.

Attached: gaspedo.jpg (687x886, 146.36K)

Imageboards are a place people can speak their mind without a name, so of course pedos come to them, and they always will be at them. Forever and ever.

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Attached: chi.webm (720x720, 358.42K)



i wonder where things went wrong? mustve been when the pedos came over from wizardchan

You sound like a faggot.
I'm sure I could probably dominate you physically.
People seem to forget that they are not the Moses prophet of what is holy and true on the image boards.
To think that your opinion means anything or holds value in real life is a delusion.
children who have minimal life experience who think they have lifes answers boiled down to several paragraphs.
T. Op
Good luck with your attitude bud it will get you far.

please go back to reddit. i didnt even bother understanding your post because of how its written. its better than the usual double spaced reddit formatting but its still shit and you should consider suicide

Okay good post