The latest Rasmussen poll has Trump going from -4 behind Clinton to +2 in front.
CTR, Paul Ryan and JIDF all on suicide watch
Time for a change in (((methodology))).
This is fucking beautiful.
The poll is 43D 36R including leaning independents.
Trump is crushing this. The debate has cancelled the killshot in less than 48 hours and I am willing to bet that this ridiculous sexual assault setup is going to exhaust the patience of the public with the media rather than hurting him. People see through the Narrative, it's collapsing everywhere and with the Clinton camp in panic mode re the Wikileaks e-mails and throwing everything they have, October is only going to get better.
Regardless, Trump is more alive than ever and y'all better go out and vote like motherfuckers on Nov 8.
Well the sources do say that he doesn't give a fuck.
Also, a nuke would probably do a lot to clean up Mexico.
This should be called the "Carthage Special", but instead of salt the earth shall be covered with radiation so nothing grows there anymore.
also cockroaches have an uncanny ability to survive radiation levels would kill men. congrats on nuking roach central, now we all die and the mexiroaches take over.
Still a waste of a perfectly good nuke while there are still Somalians running around.
Unfortunately RealClearPolitics doesn't include Rasmussen but let's hope it's a sign for the rest of future polling.
I know this is OT but I didn't want to make its own thread for this. Have you guys been seeing that website 'the goldwater' buying ads here? I clicked on their shit and the first video I got was with him talking about how one can't deny the holocaust so I just closed it, but is he okay otherwise? I appreciate he bought an ad instead of just dropping links all over, but I shut off after I saw that vid.
How do you know this?? Rasmussen hides its methodology to members only
top kek user, how new are you?
It seems like a harmless old guy just trying to make a buck spreading current news, but yeah, if he wanted to milk Holla Forums for popularity making a video endorsing the holohoax arrative was probably a bad idea.
Damn you're right, well spotted. It was posted on Twitter in one of the numerous comments on this poll, but upon double checking the guy was posting the sample of the previous NBC/WSJ poll. I stand corrected.
This is good news. However, never forget that:
In short, keep fighting. This is far from over.
Is Rasmussen reliable?
They have a pretty good rep.
The problem though is that it isn't a popularity contest.
You can win the popular vote while losing the electoral college (thus losing the election) and vice versa.
They're reliable and usually poll 1500-2000 people as compared to the piddly little 800-900 people polls the more biased ones like NBC does (NBC also was the company that released the Trump tape btw).
It's also worth noting that almost all polls right now are vastly undersampling independents. So there's heavy dem bias, but there's also very little information on how independents are voting.
They're also over sampling Dems by5-10%, plus independents are voting overwhelmingly trump.
While true, they always ask "how do u like the direction the country is moving? Strongly disagree, disagree, agree, etc"
The independent answer almost nearly mirrors the rep answer to this question.
Most Ind. hate corporations involvement in politics; Cunton is the corporate candidate- Ind. advantage to Trump(5-15%, I'd say)
Electoral College votes or popular votes?
Popular votes don't mean shit.
Electoral College is all that matters.
I'm about to fall asleep, but you should all take a look at how the party identification % has shifted over time. I've seen some graphs illustrating it on here. A lot of Republicans have become Independents on paper but not necessarily in ideology. And that certainly supports the viewpoint that Independents may heavily turn out for Trump.
Trump is up by at least 5% already, but the leftist media is rigging the polls by oversampling to control the election narrative.
If this Rasmussen poll is correct, Trump is up DESPITE the rigging of the methodology against Trump. He's ripping that bitch Hillary a new one.
That's happened several times already.
Trump will win by 5%+ easy.
I never understood this line of thought but appreciated that some anons are keeping track of the polling narrative being spun by the media.
Its good because it shows that despite the rigging efforts Trump is still leading.
They rig polls by changing the methodology, not by completely fabricating numbers to publish. When Trump takes the lead in their current methodology, they change it within a few days to put Hillary back in front. Trump taking the lead in the polls happens despite their biased methodology, which is significant to say the least.
unrelated: comic merchant btfo
…he's baaaack
You're projecting the internet echo chamber that you live in onto lemmings. The lemmings believe everything CNN says and honestly believe that Trump will nuke the planet. Go outside and talk to them and embrace the black pill. He's going to lose in a landslide. You're about to find out what this country is really made of.
I think the clinton RAPE things are sinking in tbh.
I honestly think that is why this happened.
But nobody actually votes in the polls.
They're entirely fabricated.
They're put together to prop-up the concensus the media wants you to believe.
It's more accurate to call them Fake Polls.
I bet you live in a faggot liberal city like San Francisco, Jew York, or Seattle.
Except one weird poll that's vastly oversampling Independents, it was one of the polls that had Hillary up by 11 or 14, I checked the methodology it was like 700 independents vs 500 dems vs 400 Repubs, something like that. Just a hunch that they intentionally polled some (((independents))) in known areas to get the desired result, because Trump wins independents in every other poll.
dubs confirm the public is waking up somewhat
Exactly. Trump needs to beat Shillary in the battleground states. That's the ONLY way to win in the current American electoral system.
Actually popular votes will be relevant because even in the event he lost the electoral vote, him winning the popular vote I believe would be a green light to the population for violence being the only way forward, because they know the majority is on their side.
do wins in those states guarantee a win in the electoral college or can they still fudge it?
They could, but it's never happened before. They'd really be taking their lives into their hands. At the end it's just 538 individual people selected by each state to represent the party that wins, who cast votes.
oh if they openly fuck everyone and it is clear trump won but the (((electoral college))) goes the other way……
Thanks for Correcting the Record!
Quite the opposite. I'm in the rural southeast. I'm even attending a trade school. I'm surrounded by white dudes that are going to be tradesmen and they're writing in Bernie or voting for Gary Johnson.
You need to educate yourself about how statistical sampling works.
There are no unions here to speak of. Just cuckoldry. The indoctrination is complete. The Trump phenomena is a loud minority.
>>>Holla Forums
cuz unions are blue pilled as fug these days
Polls …
This election has been glorious. I almost don't want it to end.
No, everybody is rightly claiming the polls are still rigged even with Trump winning. We are claiming he's beating the rigged polls. Try to keep up, the record wasn't sufficiently corrected.
It's all part of it, my good man. Trust polls, don't trust polls, rig polls, beat rigged polls, correcting records …
It's an amazing time to be alive.
Why don't you highlight my posts by ID before looking like a retard and replying.
its amazing that you are retarded. that shit doesn't work here, go to Holla Forums if you want to trigger people
woke af
whereu@ #sheeple?
If all polls are rigged in Hillarys favor by 2 points, then if trump is up 2 points, he is really up 4 points.
This may be right, or it may not be right but dont waltz into the thread and pretend there is some grand contradiction like an arrogant faggot
I think you're taking things a wee bit too seriously.
I think the day of the rope is coming. UUUU
If all polls are rigged, then all polls are rigged. All of them.
My plan is crashing the gallows.
nobody said that there weren't rigged, even when they have him ahead. Again you are retarded.
I think that you think you are clever, but you aren't, so go away
If you're gonna shitpost, why not post gondola webMs then?
you are just technically correct. if polls show him winning the popular vote, but Hillary ends up winning the popular vote, wouldn't be that a bit suspicious?
Filtered and reported :^)
No more suspicious than Obama winning areas near Philly with numbers greater than the number of registered voters in the area.
That's a fair point but they're still irrelevant for the outcome of the election itself.
Yes. It's impossible for either side to win without faring well in the battleground states.
According to RCP the battleground states this time around are:
New Hampshire
North Carolina
OP is celebrating because a poll told him to. The only poll that matters happens on December 19th, when 538 people pick the President.
When did Holla Forums become such srs bzns?
If all polls are rigged, then being ahead in a poll is not good news for anyone.
We have stickies for big political leaks and grand happenings since 8/pol/ was a thing, you outrageous, baiting faggot.
it means even with their current methodology they couldn't find enough people to vote hillary even when over representing hrc supporters you fucking thick kike
Is this all the cuckchan refugees we got yesterday in the mass banning of a couple hundred anons?
With his hand on his belt, Trump looks like he just took an atomic shit on Mexico.
this. A lot of people here have become as deluded as the reddit Bernouts.
thank you for correcting the record friend
You know the only thing you're doing is broadcasting that you're a retard, right?
Polls mean nothing. Just potential predictions presented in the media as fact.
Electoral College ballots are all that matter.
The meeting of the electors takes place on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December after the presidential election. The electors meet in their respective states, where they cast their votes for.
I keep reminding people not to get all worked up over "polls".
Much like your personal ballot doesn't mean much in of itself.
National opinion polls are shit and don't mean anything because it's electoral votes that mater. Florida and penn matter right now.
Reported for the following reasons:
1) No archive.is
2) Resolution of the image matches the preview, meaning you're an idiot who clicks "Save Image As" instead of "Save Link As."
In either case, you should not be posting for at least a month. It would, however, be desirable if you returned to your home on 4cuck/Plebbit/Tumblr.
Only 4cucks make this obvious they're trying to fit in.
Please Kek please save us from the liberal Jew order.
cuckchan refugee detected
Hey there Chaim, trying to derail?
Pussy just waitin' to be grabbed. If we survive WW3, the spoils will be endless.
DailyStormer wrote about how many' of the polls are over sampling Democrats by as much as 20 percentage point more than republicans out of 100%.
If the John Podesta locked Outlook screenshots are to be believed. Internal polling is not in Clinton's favor, but that just means that they are planning on rigging it at the polls. You faggolas 'better' show up on the 8th.
fuck off faggot. go back to 4chan.
Go back to cuckchan.
go back to cuckchan
wew I was there
They predicted Romney winning by a landslide against all evidence. What do you think?
I stand to make 1k from a $200 bet woo
They didn't, it was an Op Ed by a pundit.
I'll make some money if Trump wins, but if he hits 370 electoral votes, I'll make a LOT.
Ah, I must have remembered wrong. I do know that their polls were off by 3.5, due to methodology, but I could be wrong, and hopefully am.
As it is, I don't Trump will win. I'll go out and vote for him and hope for the best, but I'm expecting the worst.
A Clinton presidency is the worst thing that could happen right now, because the Republicans are going to blame it all on Trump. If the party falls apart, the Democrats will remain the only viable party and we'll have a de-facto one party system, Mexico-style.
From there, we can either see a new right emerging, or the Democrats will be the new "right" and a new leftist, probably socialist, party will emerge.
Dark times ahead if Trump loses. This is the most important election of our lives.
inb4 shill, but
Thanks for your concern, but the democrat party already split when the bernouts walked out during the convention and Wasserman Schultz was forced to resign because of email leaks. I realize it wasn't covered by the liberal media but it happened. With all the additional leaked podesta emails coming out do you really think they're going to get back on board with neocon warmonger wall street backed crooked hillary clinton. I think fucking not.
More people there need to hear about how Hillary would go after DUDEWEED.
It was thoroughly covered by CNN, so the normies know about it all.
Dude, what? Clinton basically promoted that bitch. She didn't resign as much as get a better job. Berncucks still will vote for her.
I would hope fucking not. However, a sizable majority of berncucks hate Trump because of identity politics. They will vote Clinton, I think.
As I said, I hope Trump wins, but I expect him to lose. If he wins, then great, but if not, it's best to be prepared. No reason to put all eggs in one basket.
Winning or not. There many out there that say Hillary is winning so don't get comfy yet!
Polls drive behavior, probably more than they reflect behavior. It's much better to be winning the national polls that are reported in the news everyday.
Thank you for correcting the record
I'd like to add that the difference between the typical Illary voter and Bernie voter is that the Berni voter, as misguided as he/she/xe might be, is far more politically conscience and engaged than brainwashed boomer lady.
It's likely that the majority of Bernie voters will read about these emails before the election and make an informed decision to vote for Trump or abstain.
And that's not taking into account her 33k emails, nigger tapes or that rumored tape of Bill raping a 13 year old girl on Orgy island.
She resigned because of the leak and as a direct snub to the bernouts Clinton promoted her as a reward for loyalty.
I'd like to say you're wrong, that they have principles and, sure, some of them do, but you're probably not wrong.
Gun sales have been running strong, I expect people are hopeful that Trump wins but are preparing for the alternative.
I need to go out and get myself a PTR91. I've wanted one forever, and I don't want to pay scalper's prices.
there isn't much left they can do
at this point i think we have finally won
they changed it to much and we forced them to use all they had, no change in methodology can save them now
we must keep fighting
keep raising the lead
we have won they have lost, all we need to remeber is to get out and vote, even if you don't think the vote counts it does, we want to win by such a landslide that shills will never be able to recover we're looking to get and 75%+ LANDSLIDE victory at this point hell if we keep the meme magic up, we might be able to take the grand prize of calli from the dems that should be our next target
GET CALI just to rub it in there fucking faces
I like how independent pollsters say Trump is ahead, but the (((Media))) says clinton has a +12 lead.
the 4th estate is in it's death throes, the 5th is falling, long live the 6th estate. kill em all.
on Drudge right now
Boulderfag. Can confirm.
Thanks for (((correcting the record)))
Thanks for correcting the record!
Too close to margin of error to be relevant.
You can try, and personally I'd love to see it. But my fellow Commiefornians are WAAAAY too entrenched in the groupthink the MSM is pushing. Trump's name alone brings up Pavlovian scoffing and cries of racism and sexism and all that stupid shit; the best you'll get are some butthurt Bernouts voting for Stein along with the rural people who were voting Trump anyways.
Nice meme, faggot. Goddamn shill containment threads are in serious need of a purging
I have enough rope for all the CTR shills.
Then why isn't your boss 50 points ahead, faggot?
I discovered a new HIGH ENERGY song.
The amount of shills in this thread is a good sign.
I should've gotten in after the first republican debate, I knew he'd win then, but I was being a stingy jew with my shekels. The moral of this story is to not be a stingy jew.
There's also enormous under sampling of independents and unaffiliated. In some of the data i've personally looked at, they make up almost 30% of the voting pop. And Trump leads in those groups.
You guys worry too much. Don't let the shills get to you. It's a case of "Who are you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes." One candidate can barely draw a hundred people to a rally. The other fills fucking stadiums.
Who do you think is going to win? Men lie, women lie, but numbers don't.
go to /newsplus/
this goldwater site is being spammed all over it
its the go to site now for news links
i grabs pussy
Guys it's over. Let's just give up and stop wasting our time.
Kek is on our side.. Their heathen gods aren't powerful enough to stop the pure chaos we and Kek bring about.
They also rip up ballots and turn away niggers and spics who wan't to vote for them. Our friends at wikileaks will be sure to expose that in the coming weeks. The time of the Jew is over, and the time of the Aryan has begun anew.
Praise Kek
*vote for him
I don't think he's ahead either and I don't think leaks will have enough of an impact. There's a silver bullet that can work, what I'm going to say isn't pretty but exploding muslims can change everything in one day.
Getting a bit bold there Mr.shillstein
wtf i hate drumpth now
Right, a lot of the shit she's leading in is only because her husband was president; some of the hits are false positives, so his numbers even further dwarf hers.
Also, I did this back in June, pretty sure the numbers have gotten even better for him since then.
TBH any other polls other than them with trump ahead?
I've seen some but by states. There aren't that many post debate polls out yet.
Knew it was a reason I didn't like this fuck nigga.
Nate Silver is a fantasy baseball faggot who "predicted" the easiest two elections in American history. He's a fucking joke and a kike.
We need to stop saying they undersample infependents. I used to say thIs as well. Most of the time this is not true. The reason being turnout rates. Independents have a much lower turnout rate. Pic related are voter identification for 2008 2000 and 1992 elections. While 40% of people identify as independent less than 30% of actual voters actually identify as idependent. Yes this still means that Reuters for example heavily oversamples democrats and undersamples independents however other polls are pretty close to actual historical turnouts.
I was 6e0aca and I still hate jews.
Can't wait for the Trump landslide.
Also on Drudge, the Great Pennsylvania Democrat Exodus. Is it happening? What does this mean for the state's chances of going red this election?
Kek, /r/ing updated image.
That's from the Michelle O story on Drudge if anybody's wondering
what kind of turboretard made this?
I don't think she's going to go after Colorado or another state because of their legalized pot, it has more to do with once again her hypocrisy over the issue.
Trump said he's in favor of legalizing medical marijuana and respecting the decision of each state when it comes to recreational marijuana. Clinton publicly pretends that she could be in favor of rescheduling it or maybe perhaps legalizing it but in private she says no way:
Clinton Gave Thumbs Down to Legal Marijuana, Leak Shows
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton spoke out against legalizing marijuana in a paid speech, hacked emails from her campaign show. During an on-stage Q & A session with Xerox’s chairman and CEO in March 2014, Clinton used Wall Street terminology to express her opposition to ending cannabis prohibition “in all senses of the word”:
URSULA BURNS: So long means thumbs up, short means thumbs down; or long means I support, short means I don’t. I’m going to start with — I’m going to give you about ten long-shorts.
SECRETARY CLINTON: Even if you could make money on a short, you can’t answer short.
URSULA BURNS: You can answer short, but you got to be careful about letting anybody else know that. They will bet against you. So legalization of pot?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Short in all senses of the word.
They are really great rifles, I have one myself. I wish .308 wasn't so expensive. I'm trying to decide if I should get an AR, I've never been too interested in them, but if I ever want one I should buy one now.
top fucking kek, i love you guys
makes you wonder why xerox cares about marijuana
They tend to release polls in which Republicans fare a little better than other more skewed polls like NBC/NewsMonkey but it is a reputable polling firm.
It would be hilarious to see the (((media))) react to what last week they were sure was a killshot against Trump and that his only choice was to drop out.
Looks like Hillary just got grabbed by the pussy.