According to Holla Forums, where is the best place to live on earth at the moment?
Where would you live?
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based on what criteria
Depends on what you value.
Here are some things that I care about:
Finland. With Mediteranean wheather and sunlight.
pick one
sorry comrade but I kinda lack the capital to travel outside of earth at the moment
Don't worry, lad.
The Aliens will provide intergalatic roads for us
because living in the middle of a warzone and being conquered by radical islamists is great fun, right?
Fighting for leftist causes is.
why dont you go back to your larping echochamber already?
Or at the very least, try to understand why war is not fun.
Finland and Switzerlan have anything but left.
Rojava has only left.
What do you value?
I value this:
Sorry. Can't have all these AND significant leftist presence.
All countries that have the rest are SocDem. And SocDem in crisis goes fullFascism.
Seattle/Portland are left enough to where they don't feel like the US tbh. They're both fun places to live.
But I'd say Canada because they'll have UBI there soon, and it's not hot as fuck while the rest of the humans fuck up the planet.
catalonia 1936 (the first couple months anyway)
sorry I shouldve mentioned no time travel allowed
Scandinavia, boy, it's really the only place you can get this. I'd go for Norway but feel free to pick. We barely have a military and you get university for free, majority of the population are atheists, a communist party with 2,2 % national and you've got some radical movements in Oslo that will be more than happy to take you in.
But if you're an accelerationist you should probably fuck off because people generally have very stable financial situations and are quite well off so eh no revolution here
If this is true it's a trojan horse to smash what remains of the welfare state.
chiapas mexico
(the jungles pretty)
Illegalist space colonies WHEN?
I think it could be possible to start an illegalist space program with all the research and data management handled over deepweb mediums, and all the funding handled via cryptocurrency
The library.
this is the worst fucking meme.
I went to the library today and what did it have?
well I got a complete stories and poems of edgar allen poe book, but I was severely disapointed that it didnt have anything else that I wanted.
Don't even gotta be an illegalist, amateur space programs already exists. Check out Copenhagen Suborbitals.
We just need to have a nuclear war first.
jej, horseshoe theory in action
Seriously, why do people even respond to the "not anarcho-feminist" anarcho feminist poster anymore? All they do is shitpost, and nothing else. I know Holla Forums takes bait out the wazoo but hasn't it gotten old by now?
6 feet underground
Montana or Siberia so I can LARP as Ted Kaczynski
Alaska in a cabin at least 200 feet above sea level with solar panels and a greenhouse.
My mum's basement. Safe, good food supply, internet access.
Sounds chill.
Enjoy your vitamin D deficiency fgt
This is the only correct answer. Just put me back fam
Berlin ? Leipzig ?
Why does everyone jerk off about Finland? Is it really that good?
The glorious Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
Canada, personal freedom and isn't a shitty banana republic like the US.
Canada except being the neighbor to the US is probably shit. Iceland seems like a great place from what I hear. European countries like Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland. They all seem to be great leading figures proving socialism works well. I think it's hard to pick one country.
Are you kidding me?
I don't mean they are strictly socialist, but they hold a lot of socialist values.
Slavs aren't people.
Not anymore they don't. Both major parties in Denmark at least are veering hard towards neoliberalism.
Ok, then never mind about Denmark.
Put on a trip retard so I can filter you. Worst poster I swear
In the backwoods and hills of Appalachia in a cabin near a flowing body of water with high speed internet and a hash farm
Buried dead in a grave
But seriously I quite like living in Canada and we seem to steadily be moving in a good direction.
That may be true, but I've got some stiff competition.
In a rich person's house.
Other than that, I think I might like Finland, I will be surrounded by people who are equally miserable as me, but I will have lots of metal and snow.
That's why all the socialists & syndicalists at the end of WW1 took up arms for paramilitary neoliberalism causes, right?
Don't delude yourself. Socialism is the wellspring of Not Socialism. Benny-tow was a socialist before he was a fascist. The SPD voted for world war. Not Socialism was born in 1914 when the left betrayed the working class (the Second International having pledged to rebel in the event of great war - didn't happen) and broke down on national lines at the outbreak of war.
SocDem in crisis are one of the scariest political environments on Earth. It's how dictatorships are born.