So I just made a hardcore originalist(not catholic or protestant etc) Christian exit the conversation angrily with this...

So I just made a hardcore originalist(not catholic or protestant etc) Christian exit the conversation angrily with this moral question:

TLDR: Its selfish and unrighteous to do things because it protects your personal eternal soul and to refrain from doing things you normally would to help others because they are sins and will harm you personally

Other urls found in this thread:


Moishe is about to dip 5 babies in a vat of acid.

The bible says you cant shoot Moishe in the head because its all part of gods plan, even what evil people do, and god will sort it all out.

Just let it happen, it says, dont snap his neck to save the babies.

So pretty much what Im saying is - argue that following the word of god is more important than saving lives and punishing evil people until they stop hurting others.

High school is a distant memory.

Im almost 30, and that is not an argument.

And you shooting him in the back of the head isn't? This is like saying the Crusades were invalid because mudslimes raping & killing pilgrims/isolated Christians was part of God's plan. At that point it really just depends on what you've come to understand as justified. Is violence never allowed, or do you have a duty to protect certain people/things/ideals/etc?


He goes to hell afterwards, evil peoples acts are part of gods plan, and we cant go around trying to save the world remember.


Crusades were invalid until the Church reinterpreted their doctrine to allow service in the name of God through conquest against their religious enemies, hence leveraging extant European warrior culture in defense of their organization.

Last post not because I disagree with Mr. Nearly 30, but because his revelation is so basic bitch it stopped being amusing to troll fundies with when I was 13.