Pedos think kids are smart and wont get tricked and used by adults and then false equivicate that with blaming rape victims
Pedos think kids are smart and wont get tricked and used by adults and then false equivicate that with blaming rape...
I was arguably smarter and more intelligent when I was 12 than I am now at 25. Yes, less knowledge, but my brain was working better back then and absorbing knowledge like a sponge. Now, I don't learn as fast, and I'm not quite so clever.
whats "neurilemma"?
further study is needed.
we need to fuck some children and see what happens.
whats "development of frontal lobes"?
makes sense.
tl;dr none of that matters.
No they don't.
Another lie.
You clearly don't understand what victim blaming is. Educate yourself.
If pedophiles are stupid, then how did they take over the entire DNC?
Checkmate, Drumpf!
How do we know they haven't already?
there was an entire thread where they did think that, so shut your whore mouth
Lying cunt. I was in that thread.
because jews
What exactly is with the taboo about blaming rape victims anyway? If something you did led to you being raped, it's probably best to identify and cease such behavior so as not to get raped again.
You literally just said that it's the children's fault for being so stupid they end up getting raped.
and thats what u thought, u homo pedo fuck
Nowhere did I state that it is impossible for a child to be tricked and used by an adult, or that they don't have poor judgment.
and u say u were in that thread…
are you so autistic you're incapable of telling apart troll posts from genuine discussion?
You're gonna need to explain how these two statements are at all connected. If anything, if pedos don't think kids are being raped, then they can't equate this to rape victims, especially since nobody blames children anyway. Unless you claim they are claiming they are being raped by kids and then being blamed for it.
theres so u admit u r wrong and your trolling has been defeated, cuz u reveal your true face? Godd
they r not connected, but pedos think they r
I have no idea what the fuck you just said.
He's not attacking what pedos claim, he's attacking what you're claiming, and now you're basically agreeing that you're wrong.
u love having it backwards, huh? Hows that pegging u r getting?
Let's try to make this so simple that even your pea brain can comprehend it. What the other user asked is how is your claim about what pedos claim not self-contradictory? What is your response to that?
calling them stupid for thinking kids r too smart to get used sexually by adults has no contradiction in it. Neither does calling them stupid for equivicating kids being abused to blaming rape victims for being raped
I suppose it's too much to ask for you to comprehend that your accusation is inherently contradictory, so let's not bother any more. Let's go back to the original point which is that pedos say neither of these two things:
The first is just something you want to believe or you're pretending is the case to make your argument stronger. The second doesn't even make any sense.
Age of consent laws are necessary as a shoddy quick fix that unfortunately causes more harm than good but we don't know what else to do is a statement about the intended practical effects of the legal system.
Age of consent laws exist because children are not smart is victim blaming. You're shifting the blame from the abuser to the victim, which is where it never should be.
theres the pedo
no1 blames the kid, u mongoloid.
OP is literally victim blaming children for not being smart enough to avoid being raped and abused.
he isnt - he blames the perps.
He's also implying that it's partly the child's fault.
no, he doesnt
Straight from the horse's mouth. If only children were smart they wouldn't get molested. Literally. Victim blaming.
no, u shithead. No1 blames them, its not their fault.
Yeah exactly. It's not their fault - because they're victims, not because they're stupid.
they r not smart and rational either
they r dumb and need protectin. They r not blamed - how hard is it for u to understand?
Yeah except you're victim blaming them so what is wrong with you? This is how the patriarchy gets away with abusing women and children smh.
u dont know hat blame is, u retard
When you imply that rape could have been somehow avoided by the victim because of their actions or how smart they are, you are shifting the blame from the abuser and normalizing child rape culture. You are just as bad as a pedophile.