A question to which no answer seems to exist yet on the internet

How popular is BDSM amongst blacks?

It isn't, and if you think about it the reason why is obvious.
What does the D in BDSM stand for?
Nignogs are incapable of exhibiting discipline, either in action or even to the point of articulating an adequate understanding of what the word means in any context, let alone this one.


I have no idea what bdsm stands for.

My black fiancee loves it, though she won't call me master and doesn't want to be called slave.

Also, bondage, domination, sadism, and masochism.


BDSM is not popular amongst Negroids because they cannot immediately vacate the premises once they impregnate a female.

wew lad

Hard to say. BDSM is still underground in a lot of ways in spite of 50 Shades. I've known blacks who didn't get it at all and blacks who were way into it.

i'm not even going to ask how you know this.

i bdsm a whole village

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t. typical european

Blacks are into BDSM like Jews are into SS cosplay

How popular is the theme of SS-uniformed dominatrices among Jews? I'm not even joking.

sm stands for sadism and maschocism

the b stands for bondage

I don't know what the d stands for.


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fuck you, i am french!!1!

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Islamic African.

Bondage, Domination, Sadism, Masochism. That's it.

I was going to say that they rape and kill each other all the time, but…touche.

They used to really be into it.

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