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ITT Post the most fucked up shit you have saved on your computer.

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I have not "saved" any types of shit. And the term's "downloaded". Saved makes it sound like I have a secret collection in my closet, or a jar full of shit. "You saved up all those pennies for a rainy day dear?"
"You saved up all that jar of shit dear"?
See how retarded that sounds? And I hope I helped you realise.


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I actually have some good advice "saved" up. I can post it if you want. There might be some fucked up shit you'll discover about it. Btw hows your collection going? What type of fucked up shit you lookin' to download Mr. Creepy FucksMcGee



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Who will dig up and find it? Future generations? don't want my kids finding kids. My thousands of bald kids might not remember me well

You are kind of sounding creepy right now dude

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too soon man


waaaaay too soon
that is fucked up

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Says you.


Can someone give me a rundown on this?

I love advice. Please share

Newfags need to learn how to reverse image search.

1. drag image to images.google.com
2. click on link telling story of what happened
