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we still don't have the tech

fcuk off, (((comrade)))

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the state of this bort

say that to my face, faggot

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You're a degenerate commie rat

This is the only appropriate answer.

ffs americans, why can't you be normal commies. See pic related, it's a communist elected representative in the parliment of my country. See that? normal!
Once another elected representative from the right wing party was chating shit about him and he told him: "let's step outside and solve this"
The right winger MP tucked his tail between his legs and went to make complaints :D what a fag.

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who's that shitskin in your picture?

"The scum that desises the constitution better be careful, because if my right to healthcare, education, retirement fund, job and home are worthless, so do their right to private property, profit, moral and phisical integrity are worthless too. And we are more than them"

Now that's proper commie talk :)

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My money is on 'mohhamed'.

sounds like a bunch of faggot shit

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Never liked soy. I just don't see the appeal.

Isn't Holla Forums blocked in islamic countries?

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Rebolustion soon Gomrade >:DDDD

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This is something that's always fascinated me about leftists. They seriously believe their "right" to these things is on the same level as the right to express one's opinions without being physically assaulted. They literally think anyone trying to take their gibs is akin to someone physically threatening them.

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Are you implying the dogtor's time is any more worth than my own you filthy burgersoie nazi? Gibs me your house, it's too big for you, or I'll kill you - we are more. We will put a to stop violence.

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Sounds more like a hardcore socialist rather than a communist.

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Vai-te deitar, caralho. Tás mal muda-te, corno.

Watch some of his videos, he often talks about how much he regrets that.


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Sub human communist.

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God, I want Holla Forums to win, even if they gas me for being race mixed, just so that you kike cocksuckers hang from every tree.

This but with dubs
