Bell hooks

What does Holla Forums think of this very fine theorist?

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I'll be sending her to the gulag with pleasure

Brilliant Marxist theorist and fiery orator.

the fuck is a bell hooks

is that what i use to hang ornaments on my christmas tree

she's alright.

Dat bitch be

I don't know much about her other than I think she's a proponent of the idea that the West is a White Supremacist Patriarchy. I really haven't heard a good case for this being true, but if Bell Hooks has done so I would like to see her case.

I had to read her "it's a dick thing" for a…..history class.

College is a joke. Bell Hooks is a joke. Racism isn't the result of being afraid of black mens "sexuality".

The fact that the academic left practically scarfs down her shit yet doesn't even know that Night Vision and books like it exist is exactly what is so fucked up about feminism today.

If their can be class reductionists, there can also be race and gender reductionists.

despite her being black I think I could take her in a fight


My thoughts on the bulk of her work.

This is a real quote from an essay she wrote called "Penis Passion," in which she argues women should sexualize flaccid penises to fight the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy and it's oppressive boners.

Also, she continually refers to penis as "the penis" throughout the essay. Yeah.

Lynch that dumb nigger slut pronto.




Looking at Holla Forums, she may have a point.

Except for neonazis, where it clearly is.

this is what happens to leftist politics when all of the activists who become even somewhat revolutionary get get reamed by the FBI. In other words, her voice has found purchase because the Black Panthers are either dead or in prison.

Fucking RIP.

yfw Holla Forums is an empirical verification of the most fucked up feminist/gender studies theory

As a point of fact, any person who uses the term "class reductionist" is almost certainly some sort of race/gender/cultural reductionist, because "class reductionism" is simply asserting that there's a material basis for social development, which violates muh sacred feels theory.

Fucking this.

I'd say it's more about the retreat from the real world into ivory tower academic circle-jerking through texts (and their interpretation) that exponentially become more esoteric to the common man

Yeah, it's basically students of literature masquerading as historians and philosophers.

These people live and die by vacuous rhetoric. What they essentially learn is how to design all their writing so that it's bereft of any falsifiable propositions that they'll have to defend or commit to after the fact.

They're aiming for mere validity instead of soundness. Validity is just a matter of wordplay. It doesn't require your premises be true.

Fucking LEL.