It was a pain in the ass, but I've done it. I got ride of Google from my life. I'd like to do the same with Mozilla...

It was a pain in the ass, but I've done it. I got ride of Google from my life. I'd like to do the same with Mozilla. What browsers out there aren't written and supported by fascists that wish to suppress freedom of speech? I don't even care if its written by gay nigger trannies. As long as they as they understand what the US 1st amendment means.

Other urls found in this thread:

google chrome.

I didn't even use chrome before they outed themselves.

Guaranteed replies/10


you got tricked
lurk moar

Mozzila is not being fascist enough and is being oppresive on the wrong things. They should oppress degenerates and kikes.

Really, I'd love to have a genuine browser thread where each would be compared or ranked using a coherent classification (performances, stability, dev history, privacy, etc.), but there are just so many browser threads already...


almost as many threads as there are browsers


Nobody said anything about DDG.

And they're all shit, too. How fitting.

Microsoft Eggj


I think xe was upset at my subtle hint to use something else.

DDG is fishy though.


Tor browser

With some configuring you can play jewtube in it but otherwise just using a bind for videos is enough. If you're unfamiliar with vi and vim it'll be a little offputting but other than that its my daily.
+ Pretty lightweight
+ Comfy layout
+ Configurable keybinds
- Can't handle large processes(discord and things running a lot of scripts will crash it)
- Needs more work on its adblocker.

Same points I made for qutebrowser but I don't really use it so I can't say much for it.

Client based browser with image support. You can fuck around with the keybinds and stuff.
Links and Elinks
Same as w3m but these are more vi like and more people use these than anything else. iirc you should be able to use something like w3mimgdisplay for images in elinks but I haven't used these in a while.
i haven't been able to get image support in them, I use w3m more than them.

Firefox fork really reminiscent of what browsers looked like back in 03, does everything fucking chrome and mozilla do without all the bullshit in the codebase, supports add ons(adblockers) and has an autowipe function you'll find lacking in a lot of niche browsers.

+ Addons are available
+ Runs whatever "HTML5" is now that google is defining it
- Hideous ui that takes time to configure

Palemoon is another one but I can't really say anything because I haven't even used it.

Last time I used icecat on Debian it ran like an obese piece of shit. I don't know if anyone else has some fixes for it otherwise op I'd stay away from it.

Addendum for deleted text

links and elinks are the two I couldn't get images working in even though t
Same as w3m but these here is supposed to be a way iirc for elinks. But I use w3m over them even though its got an uglier default on the keybinds.

qutebrowser should not crash if you use it with an updated QtWebKit (5.212, see ) or QtWebEngine.
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Which means not at all, and then it rolled over and died of cardiac arrest.

I suspect Firefox has more bugs, but the database is limited to 10,000.

Is this supposed to be a job offer?

Mozilla needs more bug chasers