
Drumpf is the ultimate pleb-filter.

this is fake tbh


oh please, your racist bullshit has no place in trump's america

that's rather accurate though

Not surprised that SA goons work in the studio like Spacedad.

Is it possible too make this video any worse?

Niggers love him.

what the fug, did some posts just disappear?

Maybe you're confusing this thread with the other five or six that are very similar.

Wikipedia tells me Fox shunted it to some cable channel I've never heard of, was it ever actually popular?

no, it was this one and there was another faggot like you who was complaining about political threads

yes, read the comments section.

a faggot like me? suck my dick

gaylibs be glad you dont live in one of the commie shitholes you praise, you would all be put to death over there

suck your dick? sorry sir, i'm not a faggot like you

nod surbrisig 2bh, dey do wershup an ornj redarb dat gids mag ad cool bear

why can't you be more polite? jeez


u herd me drupper pupper



nod surbrisig 2bh, dey do wershup an ornj redarb dat gids mag ad cool bear

no wundr u voedid 4 a redarbid pumbgin


trump is going to get impeached before the end of the year, then hillary will assume the presidency and we'll finally be able to welcome refugees and immigrants without bigotry or hate.

And polumpfedoras will cry wee wee wee all the way to the tolerance camps

Enjoy your "independence" day reddipoledrumpfweenies

Trump really does suck tbh

Tfw drumpfposting is getting stale

It plays in the same block as The Simpsons and Family Guy, so I imagine that it would be a lot. It's not really good though. It's just your average edgy newgrounds content with a leftist and politically correct stance.

Drumpf cucks will defend this

I don't get it.

I love it cuz I hate him

der aetr meny digns u dun gid, druplix

It's not that it's political, it's that your bait is boring and repetitive.

It's been stale for months now. I think it lost its charm when autistic Drumpfcucks started ironically posting it th I.

what did he mean by this?

Nothing. The part about autistic Drumpflets sucking the fun out of Drumpfposting was the main point.


He "pretends" to be retarded. Just ignore him, he uses the same nonsense words a lot so it's easy to filter him.

ohw dybgal

Prove it, faggot.
I'd drop the full load on you for what must be the 10th time this month but I feel a single killshot would be much more worth my time. There are many Holla Forumss after all, but only one Holla Forums.


yeah, you tell that damn ideologue
enlightened alt-centrism is the only way forward

Top cuck. You faggots are Christian tier with your gay arguments.

You're really not fooling anyone, goon.

yeah, you tell those damn opinion-holding cucks
radical neutralism is the only way forward


Drumpf btfo forever

Where did I say that?

Stay deluded Chumplet. Protip: If you don't think those neckbeards are lolcows then you are probably one of them.

ok so
do you mind if i ask exactly what the fuck are you? or what you think you are at least

Do the autistic retards I am posting represent the right wing in your opinion? I do have right wing beliefs but that doesn't mean I am allied to these people, they are lulzy but I definitely don't want them making my politics look retarded by association.

I'd praise the kek in his ass tbh

I thought you were a humorous fellow but it turns out you were unirionically butthurt the entire time.
Had me fooled, I'm a bit disappointed tbh

Polumpfydrumpolds cucked again.
Who's keeping count?
They've been getting cuckold trumpd since the election, this has to be a record.

Never change Drumpflet, never change.

>there are only (((two))) opinions
>supporting (((Trump)))
Gas yourself.