I haven't seen much talk for this. This shit looks absolutely amazing. Also pilots thread.
Becky Prim
Got tired of posting this all over halfchan?
When did it come out?
Didn't know it was posted on half-chan
Like three months ago. I learned about it from Pan
Annoying and shit.
the animation is amazing for an animatic
Am I? Will I ever be cool enough?
It reminds me a lot of Ren And Stimpy, and the Jessica character is surprisingly well-done
oh man its another fucking manic prixie dreamgirl redhead redhead and with the bonus fiery bitch streak. shit, I haven't seen that one before.
I always enjoy seeing [DEFINITELY THE ARTISTS FETISH] in pilots.
i'm just saying man, why are so many cartoonist/comic artists so obsessed with it? oh and goth girls too. i guess artsy people are only allowed to like three kinds ofw women: redheads, goths and indie chicks aka shitty dye job.
Looks like shit.
You can tell that the chick who made this is fat and has no friends in real life.
Same reason in anime why you have archetypes like Tsundere, childhood friend, and mysterious girl. It's the type of girl they want in real life but don't have.
i'm on 8ch, do you expect me to NOT have that reaction?
I like the anime girl cliches better tbh. Some are fucking bitches but others are sweet when they need to. The girl clishes in the west are almost never sweet, or when they are there is a catch or they'll develop to become more independant and bossy.
I expect it, but you're still just giving in to thoughtless hivemind mentality so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
You say independent like that's a bad thing?
Have you been around any western women lately?
Looks like we have a shill here.
Yes, because I'm not a basement dwelling shutin, stop projecting my man
Well yeah.
Yeah, anime girls act more sweet and feminine compared to cartoon girls.
my nigga japan and the us have entirely different standards of 'femininity'
you're comparing apples and m16s
it depends on how it goes. if it's like "i'm going to become strong and independant so i can protect my friends/children/beloved" it's alright because it is born of a selfless nature, a good quality for a love interest. but if it's like "i'm gonna become strong and independant cuz guuurl power boyz r duuumb im gonna be cool xD" then it's not really my cup of tea.
At least the redhead fetishists have another broad to fap to.
Webm that shit.
So women can only want to be strong when they want to protect someone close to them, not because that's how most real women are? You must be lonely and don't know any women besides your mom lol.
Basically if it's like "I'm gonna be strong and useful so I can help the innocent and those I care for and love" then that's a good reason to want to be strong.
Not really no, a woman can be independant if she wishes to follow her own path and take care of herself, and if she can pull through with it then she's truly independant. My mom was like that.
It's when they do it just to prove a point when they don't need to that bothers me. And also when they are established as strong and independant but never get around to truly prove it because they don't face any serious challenge and never work for their supposed independance, wisdom and strength.
What's the difference of femininity to the US and Japan?
Another generic snarky loser cartoon girl with a bad temper who hates everything, add her to the pile.
This guy gets it.
Porn of Becky when?
When you get off your ass and make it.
Holy fuck, this has so much dark humor.
I hope this becomes some sort of adult animated series that airs on mtv or something.
It was alright. I don't think this has enough to work with for even a series. It's better off as a short.
This was shit.
Only funny moment was when the intercom lady said prayer before tests was considered cheating. How would the rest of the series even be? Would the rest of the show just be becky living in the possessed body of her nerd stalker?
But I heard that the series will probably be focusing on her alive, not on her dead.
Nah, this was good. Sorry it didn't have any lolsorandom jokes and anime girls to keep you interested.
Funny thing is, I like how they went with that. She wasn't just a bland high school popular girl trope designed for the audience to hate, but they had to make comically estranged for some reason. Like she could actually be interesting when they focus on what she does when she isn't in high school. What's her home life like?
What's wrong with the popular girl trope? The popular girl in the video was done pretty well.
you sound butthurt
These mean popular girls didn't seem any different from any other mean popular girls i've seen in media.
Not really lol
really butthurt
I see you're projecting.
She sounds like a tranny.
oy vey
How debased and starved for content does someone have to be to consider this "absolutely amazing"?
OP got hard from looking at the girls so he felt the need to shill it here.
Well DUH!!!
My Boner > Creativity
Pfffrtttt, everybody knows that!
It's pretty good, the humor is dark and Becky is pretty unique as far as cartoon protagonists go. This is the best concept for a cartoon I've seen in awhile why do you fags hate it?
Because its a shallow retread and obnoxious?
Referencing the fact that your characters are stock archetypes doesn't mean they are no longer those stock archetypes.
Jeez. I don't understand it either. If only everyone could understand the genius of this cartoon.
Please enlighten us about how this deep-voiced 'I hate everyone' character is unique?
Yeah it may not be as deep as Evangelion but I'm sure that the show will have continuity a storyline planned if it becomes a show.
Yeah I wish Becky was a generic preppy cheerleader who loves everything, that's so unique and interesting!!!!
again opinion
Prove me wrong
Because there aren't many cartoon girls like that while many girls in real life are like that. It's refreshing to see this.
I don't fucking know why you guys don't like this, this is well received at 4chan at least.
Sweet girl doing sweet things would actually be pretty unique at this point.
Well yes, cuck/co/ is obssesed with shitty waifus because they have very low standards and would fuck anything.
This is clearly someone who works on the show shilling their shit. Notice how over the thread the shill starts losing their shit as people state their dislike for Becky Prim.
You know what yes, give me that. Give me a sweet girl instead of a stand up comedian spouting memes or a cunt.
Have you ever gone to college?
No, I don't think it's that. I think the user finds the tranny smoker to be his waifu, thus when anyone criticizes the show, he takes it as a criticism of his cartoon wife. That's why all of his responses to criticisms of the show have been incredibly butthurt and defensive.
Why the fuck would anyone watch post 90's MTV?
Ignore haters, post Becky
Boy I wish this board had IDs
It keeps being brought up to the mods and board owner and each time they make a poll shitposters either vote multiple times against it or make bots to rig the vote. They also bitch at the mods about how they're taking away their free-speech and the mods give in to the shitposters every time.
Place needs IDs and an actual mod team that does their job. The second we start suggesting it though, all the autists get triggered because they know they'll finally get called on their bullshit. Using "CENSORSHIP" as an excuse to oppose any actual order here.
she looks like a yandere maniac
which automatically makes her best girl.
Boy I wish this board had competent mods.
If it did, you'd be bored out of your mind.
Jesus, do you people ever give up?
Agreed on all accounts. If Beyonder and his monkey of a Janitor actually had the balls to delete obvious shitposts and faggots we wouldn't be having this problem.
Just look at the Samurai Jack thread, derailed by faggots from Holla Forums and obvious cuckchan refugees thinking their shit don't stick.
Hey Truthseeker.
she's a redhead……… with an APTITUDE
Yeah it may not be as deep as Evangelion but I'm sure that the show will have continuity a storyline planned if it becomes a show.
The Big Bang theory Has continuity. Doesn't make it good. That's a reference that's in the show. Therefore the show is clever.
Obnoxious asshole cunt is no more generic than preppy teenager.
>WELL YOU LIKE __!!!!!!!
Im not interested in Waifus. Im not interested in lolrandum. I'm just saying this is grating on its own.
Your constructing strawmen to assume that the people that don't like this show must just all be idiots.
I already mentioned how this show makes a cardinal sin of post modernist cartoons is often referencing mistakes or cliche whilst doing it themselves thinking that it somehow "Modernizes" them. the Fucking Alvin and the Chipmunks Squeekwell does this sort of bullshit.
reminder that the creator is a SJW numale cuck and that Becky is a parody of the hateful snarky cartoon girl character type.
So tranny girl was voiced by a male.
oy vey
You're right, that was amazing.
Are there any good softwares for making animatics? This has me wanting to give it a go.
I heard Krita is good, its pretty new though.
GIMP can make gifs, but krita is better overall. Main issue so far with krita is the lack of acceleration, so it's a bit laggy.
becky is cute!
in a weird way i feel like aside from the supernatural shit this could be the kanker sister spin-off nobody thought they wanted
maybe i'm just talk out my ass
Yeah, I wanted to like Krita, but between the lag when drawing and the constant crashing, it just isn't a reliable software. Toonboom would be my pick if it wasn't so damn hard to crack and keep it working.
Perhaps I'll go with TVP, that's not to bad for getting this sort of look, but it doesn't have to many tools for saving you work like tweeting certain movements. Shame Flash doesn't have better drawing tools.
Flash is practically dead
Did you make that gif user? Thats nice.
The Jessica girl was better from what we saw. Hopefully she sticks around.
I know. It's sad because the program has a lot of nice little ways you can lighten the workload. If it weren't for the abysmal drawing tools I'd just about say it's the perfect animation software. There's a reason why the french chose it to animate wakfu.
Nah, mine look a lot rougher. Here's one I did recently(unfinished). I wish I could post the nicer one I did in toonboom, but for whatever reason my pirated version stopped working on my computer so all that work is lost.
well that's disappointing.
At least they don't look like they came from Calarts.
If it gets picked up it will.
There really is no way to please these types of people.
Good lord.
Hey Truthseeker
For making flash animation.
or any really. There have been good examples of hand drawn and puppet animation in flash… again, if you want to fight with the painting and drawing tools.
sketching in TVP feels pretty nice so far though. It's rough having to learn a new software, but I think I'll get some nice animatics with it.
I'm skeptical about flash being designed to meet the needs of high level professional hand-drawn animation production.
It's hard to say. Harry Partridge uses flash for his hand drawn animations and they look better than anything on tv at the moment… though that's no big feat really. I know people say Toonboom is better suited for that, but in my experience it's more geared towards puppet/rigged animation, even more so than flash, though the drawing tools are slightly better in Toonboom, but not by much.
I found this amusing and would want to see it finished, but I don't think it would hold my attention for a full season without some greater plotting than ghost chick fucks over assholes.
The core animation team for Pokemon Sun & Moon is using ToonBoom to do digital hand-drawn animation (the industry standard is RETAS).
huh, that's kind of neat. Admittedly I used and older version of Toonboom back in the day, so perhaps it has gotten better…
or I just didn't know the best way to use it for hand drawn animation. The program is not user friendly at all.
am I being baited here or is this user really this retarded
she sounds she was voiced by a man because she was. the same man who voices every other character but the fat girl. who I'm willing to bet is also the same guy who drew the whole thing in the first place. It's an animatic, a proof-of-concept, it's the creator showing you his ideas, a pitch. Like embed (assuming 8ch accepts Vimeo, don't recall right now).
Anyway, regarding the thing itself. It's well-drawn and amusing on virtue of the drawings themselves. The creator's SJ cunt, from what I know, but he can draw nice cartoons, man, so it's got charm on that regards. I like good cartooning, good visuals, so I've no idea if I'd have liked this as much were it drawn, say, like Family Guy. How much is the strength of the visuals vs the strength of the writing. As a one-off pitch, it's nice and I enjoyed it.
Anyone know some good places to download generic sound effects? Better yet would be a pack of them. Seems like sound effects is pretty important when it comes to making a good animatic
AudioMicro is pretty good.
I'll check it out, thanks
Ain't it sad, that you can already tell it is made by some major SJW just by watching a few minutes in?
Good thing it wasn't greenlit. Don't waste your energy on it. The people are sick and tired of this stuff.
ha, seems I developed a flair for detecting this kind of bullshit!
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
Go back to reddipol, retards.
You sure showed them.
Hence why pic related is incredibly popular
It's neither Holla Forums or Holla Forums kid, it could be "You know who" plus Holla Forums though.
She is the dream on any half Asian, half Anglo boy.
Did you get tired of trying to take over Holla Forums?
Your waifu is a drunk slut and you'll never be BO of any noteworthy board.
Maybe of a new western-exclusive "waifu" board.
riiiiiight, what if he wants to make the main character into a tranny?
That's the problem
The girl or the show?
But just because Archie comics did something socjus, doesn't mean it automatically gets a greenlight from tumblr-types. They can still dislike a comic for being boring. They're not entirely mindless automatons whose tastes are determined by boolean values of "Is it gay", they still have likes and dislikes and shit.
The girl. She's apparently one of the more popular Loud Sisters.
Not from what I've seen, they'll profess to like what all the other socjus like, as virtue signalling.
Sort of pseudo-Platonic analysis.
Not a surprise, but it's a shame someone with skill is another piece of garbage. The short/pilot was decent, but most of the humor and snark is stale.
Yeah, archie dying for a fag
Manlets never change
They pretty much swallow it even if it's shit.
One of the supervisors from the Archie Comics company molests their employees because she feels like it and since they are white there would no problem.
Is there an animation software that can transfer sai files?
cuckchan will watch anything with a character that makes their dick hard.
Waifufags are a derailment to any type of media
Sai? Not without a lot of effort, at least until Sai 2 comes out. You'd basically have to import them into photoshop and niggarig it. You're better off using a new version of Manga Studio if you want the tools and sai "feel" with the ability to animate.
So do some of the losers on here.
Isn't Archie pretty SJW anyway?
Anyone who makes a patriarchy joke is a SJW or on the road to becoming one.
Yeah but those are rare and at least we make fun of them when they show up.
In porn is anything to go by it seems that Lynn is the most popular.
So everyone on Holla Forums?
We need to know what he looks like IRL before we cast our judgement.
Actually, it looks like Lincoln is.
I think they mean popular girl but you're right. The fujoshits have won again.