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sorry I don't speak frog

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no problem, it's quite easy to understand:
the leftards see the cameraman and order him to stop filming under the pretext that he's a "fascist"
the pensioneers in the protest ask the antifa "what he is" and the guy answers he's an "anarchist"
jeers, mockery, leftard gets told "the [welfare agency] is this way"
later, cops intervene to oppress these antifa who were mostly here to stir up shit and were snitched upon by oldfags who may have a longer riot experience than these little shits have wearing pants
"stop recording me!"

every true frenchman is anti-fa at heart. that's how they have the best health care and shortest working week in the eu, plus 5 weeks paid vacation annually and they can still afford to feed, clothe and educate millions of idle sandniggers
socialism works preddy well in france

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Is your post a fucking joke.

Fils de pute.

nah, the facts are true
but it's not because the french are "antifa at heart", it's because they are jacobins (elitist meritocracy) grown on a soil of socialism (front populaire)
they just need a tiny bit more nationalism to become full-blown NatSoc

You are not french and you said shit. Fuck you.

gamin, tu sais pas de quoi tu causes
va discuter avec des ouvriers de 50 ans au café du coin, tu verras à quel point ils sont d'accord avec tous les points du programme du NSDAP 1920


Ooh, un ptit antifa
comme c'est mignon à cet age
Pouque! pince le pouce entre les doigts j'ai pris ton nez!

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Retourne sur le /1825/ le facho. Vous êtes ridicule les nazi.

j'ai plus du double de l'age nécessaire pour pouvoir supporter ces petits cons, merci bien
le ridicule des autres, c'est comme le respect pour soi, ça doit se prouver, j'attend ta rhétorique

Tu devrais avoir honte d'être ici.

et toi tu devrais avoir honte d'être ici et de ne rien avoir appris sur l'histoire et la politique
vas parler à des anciens soixante-huitards et regardes ce qu'ils sont devenus
tu seras exactement comme les pires d'entre eux si tu n'es pas capable de voir comment et pour qui "antifa" travaille

et ici c'est plutot cool, plein de gamins qui font les cons et quelques vieux qui se reconnaissent entre eux et avec qui on peut discuter de façon bien plus approfondie que sur le net non-anonyme

stop speaking baguette you croissant boy

Va te faire enculer, burgerland

Pourquoi tu l'insultes?

hon hon hon ribbit ribbit hon hon

Parce qu'il est américain. Et les Américains sont stupides.

if I want

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sauf que tu t'es gourré de numéro dans ton post

Et alors? Tu continues à être stupide.

apprends à mieux débattre ou vas regarder la télé
expliques pourquoi le national-socialisme n'est pas la meilleure solution pour éviter la destruction de la France

T'es débile ou quoi?

No wonder their favorite tactic is to surrender.

Bagguete mining thread , dont reply

Do you know how you say "Portugal" , in French?
Champions d'Europe!


Ferme ta gueule sale suceur d'arabes de merde.

No, if they were antifa at heart, their favorite tactic would be to screech autistically at a bunch of people with guns, leave after they realize they're not intimidating anyone, go find some random unarmed guy walking alone, swarm him from behind and beat him over the head with a heavy object, then post online how they totally bashed da fash and a 100% ready for the glorious workers' revolution as they wait for their MLP fetish art to download.

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I think the term is "useful idiot".


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I really wish Holla Forums fucked off. Literally nobody likes you

Let's be real here… nobody likes Holla Forums… except Holla Forums .. and nobody likes Holla Forums … except Holla Forums … and yet they fling their shit everywhere they can like monkeys in the canopy.

Is that why the last time I was there, there were homeless lining the streets begging for money? I guess they're all pretending, or the french way is to let their countrymen go hungry to feed worthless niggers.

Stay mad

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participate in the poor fights or take the heh pill.


fuck antifa

Antifa are a bunch of faggots.

Parce que t'as appris l'histoire et la politique ici toi? Putain ça craint…

Non mais en vrai…

Dites tous les 2, vous croyez pas que vous avez mieux à faire qu'un conflit des générations en plein imageboard ? À part donner du grain à moudre aux amerifags anti-europe et pro Trump, vous faites pas grand chose

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Ou essayez au moins de débattre sans vous insulter. Surtout qu'il faut pas péter haut pour croire que "suceur d'arabe" c'est une insulte. Ça témoigne plus du racisme de la personne qui dit ça que des préférences séquelles de la cible. Les trolls, de nos jours… -.-'

Préférences sexuelles.

Putain de correcteur auto >.

Well if Yurop wasn't so lethargic and moribund, maybe I'd have less to shit on them about.

It would also help if you granted your peasants plebians serfs "citizens" basic rights, like the right to free speech and the right to self-defense.

The cuck behind the camera too afraid to say a word actually got scared away at the end and you know it, pauvre con.

More like:

Guy (3:49 onwards)
>Stop filming! I already told you! Stop filming! Stop filming! Get away from here! Your buddies already have my face anyways so I don't give a fuck that you're filming me (meaning that he has nothing to hide but is just annoyed by obnoxious invasive filming) so buzz off! Buzz off! Move (meanwhile the cuck behind the camera backs away), move, just move. Nasty things will happen to you…(he said all of this sounding more authoritative than butthurt, as if he were talking to a bratty child)
Girl (4:04 onwards)
>Stop filming. (sounding more tired than butthurt with her eyebrows indicating confusion regarding the obnoxious behavior of the silent cameraman). When it's [someone's] private life you should not film it. If we do not consent to it, you should not be filming us. (talking like a mother giving a lesson to a bratty child who doesn't understand how his behavior in public affects others) Here we go! ("Voilà!", i.e. "he finally gets it!" because he's going away) No you don't have the right to. If I don't want you to film me you don't have the right to. No. No.

Afterwards, the cameraman did stop recording them and fucked off as they ordered him to.

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It's a public place Holla Forums. People can film you in a public place, and there ain't jack shit you can do about it.

What is it with leftists and delusions of power?

You don't "order" anyone to do anything, Holla Forums. You may LARP as brave Red Guards on your containment board, but in real life you don't even have the authority to order your parents to stay out of your room.

It's called an accurate translation while this is simply dishonest.
Doesn't matter, no one wants a silent weirdo shoving a camera in their faces in public, you dumb autismo. Vid related.
He literally did as he was told. What is it with nazi LARPers being so out of touch with reality?

I'm not even a leftist btw and here the issue isn't political, it's a behavioral one.

Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm sure a leftist, who is physically incapable of telling the truth, has broken the mold this one time and actually said something truthful.

And? It's still legal. I hate to break it to you Holla Forums, but you not liking something doesn't make it illegal, no matter how much you wish that were the case.

No, he finished filming after antifa was done providing him with salt.

Pic related.

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You don't even understand french so your sarcasm goes directly into the trash, amerilard.
Fucking your dog is legal, that doesn't make it okay. Go record people in public like and you'll have people looking at you confused and cringing wondering what the fuck is wrong you. You may also get your teeth kicked in.
I don't browse that board and don't care about politics, the issue here is behavioral, not political. Why do brainlets love strawmanning and playing dumb so much?
I've never made this argument and don't give a shit if it's legal or not.
What? He was aggressively confronted by two people with no one to stop them like the first one and he didn't know what to say, remained silent, kept backing off and walked away. "mission accomplished" my ass.
I'm not reading this shit, looney.

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That doesn't make it illegal.

I'd like to see antifa try.

Stop lying. I hate liars.

No Holla Forums, acting like a faggot in public and limp-wristedly whining at someone is not "aggressive confrontation."


I don't give a shit.
Arguing with brainlets is futile. Ciao ducon.

The thing that makes me sad about antifa isn't that they're scary. They're not, they're cowards who hide behand masks, numbers, hit and run tactics and the like. What makes me sad is that they always, always have women in their numbers. Remember Tricky Dick Spencer's gay little tiki torch march? I don't think there was a single "alt-right" female there… all the women into politics are far-left at worst, or centrist at best. There are a handful of dumb cunts who are pro-Trump, but they're probably just Cuckservatives who suck Tyrone off between shifts at the nail salon.

Sad tbh.

Wow pic related, indeed

(dubs of truth)

If it isn't illegal, you can't stop someone from doing it, Holla Forums.

Although I can see why antifa likes preventing people from filming them when they sperg out. They always end up looking retarded, and the way they threaten random people who don't toe their line turns away normalfaggots. Back in the pre-Internet era, that wasn't a problem. No one reported on anything but the corporate media, and the corporate media could always be trusted to slant things in their favor. But now, anyone on the internet can show the normalfaggots how retarded antifa is. And that's just doubleplusungood, comrade.

It's because women can literally smell you alt-cucks' insecurity.

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and of course, as always, you had to mention black cocks


Stay classy Holla Forums

No, it's because women are inherently attracted to emotional arguments, which is what leftist groups use.

I could break her like a twig. And this is what leftists use as their foot soldiers? Sad!

Then again, leftist "men" aren't much better…

I just know what you like bby ;)

sure thing sweetie

oh the irony
But you wouldn't, stay mad, incel.

admit it, you're obsessed with black cock, lmao

Hey, it's not my fault that leftists can't think of any arguments outside weepy "think of muh brown babies!" bullshit.

You bet your ass I would. A chance to beat a woman? A leftist woman at that? And to put the cherry on top, to be able to do so legally?

I wouldn't even have to think twice.

I'm actually a traditionalist, if anything… same difference to you, I'm sure. Alt-right are retarded imo. Want me to dump my fash cuckporn folder dollface? I'll do it just for you if you say please.

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No you wouldn't, cucklet.
Oh so you'd only do it if it were legal? lmao "if if if"

Of course you have one, why am I not surprised?

Hey man, I didn't go through all the trouble of getting a CCW for nothing. It would be disappointing to not get to kill me a commie at least once in my life.

No, but it being legal puts the cherry on top. I don't have to worry about hiding the body that way.

Why, is that a bad thing? Is there something wrong with it? That's pretty racist user. Also why do you keep calling people "cuck" as a pejorative term? Isn't that a bit exclusive, kinda like the alt-rights thing? I guess they've adopted soyboy as their mudsling of choice, which I dislike even more- since I'm also a vegetarian. My jewish ex and I were in a cuckolding relationship it was hot. She was also m2f trans. I'm a very open minded sort of nazi, you know.

f2m. Whichever one means she was born with a vagina. I'm not hip on the jargon, in all actuality.

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it still hurts

I've seen this guy before

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not surprising tbh, Houellebecq is pretty known abroad

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just post the pic

porque él es americano. y los americanos son estúpidos

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