Are we living in the non Canon timeline?
U.N. Burned Money Studying Halchan Holla Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
what a strange reality we live in
How would you go about looking for malware in a PDF? Either this is a nifty tidbit that's made the rounds today or it's a very very sneaky honeypot
They should have studied Holla Forums and then they might have learned something useful, like a redpill or two for instance amidst our higher minded discussions.
Instead the culmination of their paper was a calculation of hate words per second autistic 15 year olds can spew per second. Simply remarkable…
Look for embedded javascript. If your PDF viewer doesn't execute code, or fetch images remotely, it is harmless.
Hmm, this looks like really important research.
God I hate the U.N, such a worthless, powerless irrelevant organisation.
The only reason to get involved in it is so you can diddle girls from 3rd world countries.
I just ran it through PDF Examiner and a few others. Only thing of interest is one block is >10mb, no java or flash shit.
also this is all exploitable.
Damn, I didn't even notice them.
I want to check your digits, if you know what I mean.
UN Science confirms, Portugal and Finland are white.
"Nigger" is by far the most popular, yet there's a close second? Did they even proofread?
Where were you when the UN started collecting rare pepes?
Nigger faggot retarded retard bitch cunt idiot kike fag trash.
I'm just surprised kike is that far down the list. Only one in 400 posts has kike in it? Step it up.
need mo money fo dem bureaucrats
This research paper was assembled by poli sci losers trying to justify their existence to middle aged poli sci losers.
Well I mean consider how many times we say JIDF instead of kike and I think that makes sense
JIDF isn't afik considered a hate word
I wonder how it would stack up on the list along side other more mundane words like jew or (((echos)))
Good point, There are plenty of ways to name the jew here without using kike.
I'm still surprised that it's 1/400 though.
Sub Sandwich.
My hypothesis is that as easily mockable nigger activity increases kike awareness drops
While this explains the low kike referencing it also points to a disturbing conclusion that we are being distracted
What matters in this case is your pdf reader.
We need to make some OC pepes.
I sure hope they didn't open any of my pepes in 7z.
They might find all those plans for genocide and coups that we've been secretly circulating through them.
do they know how important the bayeux tapestry is to memes?
Apparently they've never heard of the 1% rule.
I'm not sure if I should be happy or upset about my tax dollars likely winding up in the funding for this. I can't stop laughing either way.
Grab it while you can, lads!
screen capsulate these repeating digits
Isn't the UN a way to prevent another world war by letting countries solve their differences or at least be able to posture in NYC instead of just go right to war or posture in such a way that makes war inevitable?
this just means we don't have to worry about loli for now
We have the freshest content.
They are tracking images, they don't say how they are doing this, but are memes are being weaponized against us.
from which leak did this come from?
I wanna make sure this is actually shit they made and not some third party
You could have just called me you fucking kikes. I have 6,000,000 pepes in my collection so I think I qualify for the job.
That's it. There is no way this is real life at this point.
Someone, somewhere, has ONE MILLION,
unique images in a pepe folder.
Funded by academia, international academia.
Find them and post rare pepes on their social media.
Gabriel Emile Hiney, Jeremiah Onaolapoz, Emiliano De Cristofaroz, Nicolas Kourtellis,
Ilias Leontiadis, Riginos Samaras, Gianluca Stringhiniz, Jeremy Blackburn?
>burned your money
Gabriel Emile Hine
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
biometrics, information security, signal processing
They know imaging. They know it like the back of your hand, or palm:
"Abstract In this work, some possible procedures to extract both 2D and 3D palmprints from the same experimental 3D ultrasound image of the human palm are presented. The ultrasound system used to achieve the 3D images is composed of a CNC commercial pantograph, which moves a high frequency (12 MHz) ultrasound probe along its elevation direction to cover the desired area of the human palm. The ULtrasound Advanced Open Platform (ULA-OP) is employed as ultrasound imaging system. Verified email at"
What did he mean by this Holla Forums?
Cross post:
Nicolas Kourtellis
Emiliano De Cristofaro
Jeremiah Onaolapo
Gabriel Emile Hine
In conclusion my research indicates that the three most responsible Jews for this vicious hate crime against our culture are:
Which one of you fags created a fake faceberg profile
I am now wondering if the article is fake.
btw what is up with cuck/pol/?
Is all that pro-hillary just edgy contrarian shitposting or are they seriously that cucked.
How is this classed as scientific research, and actually funded by the European Union?
Loaded words all over the place, blog-like writing style, irrelevant statistics that are meaningless without context and the context that is given are biased opinion pieces.
None of lingo is defined. They don't explain why they are doing those statistics and what they mean to find out. The conclusion is unnecesary since during the entire paper they conclude that it's a "bastion of hatespeech" with a "large influence" as the "centerpiece of this election". It's a preconceived notion, confirmation bias.
There have been some high effort autism posts over the years, that should really have been the first guess.
Guys… This shitty forum we post on for laughs and to escape the brave new world run by libshits is literally being investigated by numerous intelligence agencies and the United Nations.
It's so fucking bizarre when you think about it.
How many of them do you think have actually become redpilled because of it.
Look at when the facejew profile pic was updated
Since this shit came out about 6-8 hours ago I bet its someone from here or halfchan creating fake profiles
By the way, do we have emails and adresses of these people so we can send them plastic frogs or dozens of rare pepes ?
I'd wager that the UN is behind that. It's cuck/pol/ but not that cuck/pol/ right ?
Probably a Holla Forums raid or some gay shit
Told you fags it was a honeypot. Everything else in this thing is comedy gold, though.
I guess I haven't been there in such a long time that it's a surprise how cucked they've gotten.
yeah I bet their people contribute to the cuckoldry
I haven't went there in like forever , but i will go check for you. Will post screenshot of their catalog.
Oh no…
seriously dude, it looks like a horde of shills with a few confused cucks and normies in between
leave that place user, leave it and never look back.
This can't be real. I've seen it all and i still can't believe that the UN would do this. Waste resources on a couple of people on a pottery and fingerpaint forum.
I left it long ago, i never looked back, and what i just saw made sure it stays that way.
Welcome to Holla Forums you cucks, allow us to skew your data now that we are aware of your trickery, and thanks for the free publicity.
>trash is a hate word
"into the trash it goes" was mistaken for a hate speech, holy shit.
Also that entire 10-11 pages. Advanced algebra of shitposting.
Dose dubs mane. There's probably some exploitable algorithm parsing every word it sees, and trash just happens to appear frequently in same posts with those other words.
And i thought accepting a scam artist to redpill them on videogame&internet misogyny was the lowest the UN could stoop ; at this point just disband them, they are a waste of space
>Ausposters holding their own
urge to shitpost on those twitter accounts intensify
you have to go back
Delete this
where does it say that this was commissioned by the UN?
That's funny, it seems the other way around over here. Then, I guess it's probably got to do with the population.
not that many probably, see that thread about the german journalist who got mildly red pilled about the media but saw a doctor and went back to his old worldview like a defeatist cuck
did they at least come out redpilled in the slightest?
I'm willing to bet that they didn't concsiously become redpilled but the things they saw will fester in their subconcsious and they will begin to gradually notice things they didn't before.
They'll ask themselves "What's happening to me?". They'll start to see the media bias, the corruption and the degeneration of civilization. They will try to bury the gnawing sense with work, hobbies, alcohol or entertainment but it just won't stay buried like it used to. One day they'll come back "Just for some laughs." Then they'll start noticing more and more that the memes actually make sense now and the opinions that used to look like pure hate speech actually start to seem appealing and sensible.
2 more.
What's wrong with social science?
we create the hate that spreads out like rings on the water, it's like poetry n shit
I just screenshotted that too. Unexpected to say the least
Everyone is just justifying their existence, not getting anything done anymore.
It's far too contextual. Modern academia has very dishonest contexts.
I made these recently, they have both been posted once before now.
What did they mean by this?
it's the pope internet defence force
cuckchan fags stop creating same threads there is already a thread with interesting infos
see here for more info
ok jokes on me heres the link to the actual thread
Seriously what the fuck? The 1st posts are the same as our thread.
This is the current year's science. Get used to it, shitlord.
We need to get this too codemoney so he can put a wrench in the way they got 4chan data.
We are the intelligent. They are the bullies who have abused us for thousands of years now, taking all of our higher thought and good ideas for themselves so they can impress white women and wield a monopoly on power using our advancements.
Now, for once, we are winning against bullies - all bullies - and turning around the developer/publisher relationship so the devs are kings and the (((publishers))) are drowned to death in a septic tank.
That's some rare Pepes they have there
Walls of text and big words do not make you smart. Honing your opinions in the arena of combat, where being called a faggot 50 times a day is par for the course, THAT makes a man intelligent. Higher education is a prison for the "above average" to do mental slave labour for their Kike masters. I am so excited at the idea of all of higher education collapsing, and normalfags begging us to help them.
jesus almight…
Do you think we've escaped into some alternate dimension without even realizing it Holla Forums?
Back in the original timeline our past selves are slowly losing their minds as the West spirals into its inevitable doom.
But through some strange fluke, some split in the timeline, we've escaped.
We've made it to a universe where meme magic is real and the UN is writing reports on Pepe.
The word satire has become almost meaningless in this universe as nothing is too bizarre to exist here…
I guess they didn't bother to check any of the other boards or they'd know about /r9k/.
At this point I almost wouldn't be surprised
It's already started, now sit back and wait while the masses adapt to OUR designated future.
That's how we operate user, we're the virus of truth.
When people are exposed to us we infect them, even if they're there purely for "research purposes".
Source: I first visited 4cuck Holla Forums back when I was a complete Holla Forumstard in 2011 to look at the crazy Nazis.
It's just some faggot who is earning himself some ad bucks by copying post from there, randomized username and not copying images at all.
Make a virtual machine without access to the internet/no network adapter, copy the suspect file to the virtual machine, open said file in VM sandbox.
derogatory use of “cuck” in response to an image of Bernie Sanders. Thread
B shows a casual call for genocide with an image of a woman’s cleavage
as well as a “humorous” response. Thread C illustrates Holla Forums’s fears that a
possible withdrawal of Hillary Clinton due to health issues would guarantee
Donald Trump’s loss. Thread D is dedicated to “Kek,” the god of memes
via which Holla Forums “believes” they influence reality.
via which Holla Forums “believes” they influence reality.
hahahah what the hell am i reading
Oh i know, i used to think Paulbots were just misguided for following a "crazy old man". Joke was on me.
Go back to cuck-chan or assimilate.
Either-way your bitching needs to stop.
They dont ever bothered to research meme magic and how checking reapeating digits can impact reality.
i wasn't bitching
this shit is hilarious i can't believe someone spent money on this, what a time to be alive
This is the first time I see this shit.
is this shit legit?
always wondered what happened to Davidson after high school
Um… what?
Look at this slimy kike thinking he's all cute and funny "teehee we made the chans mad :)"
We should grab his dox and show him how cute we can get
fucking KEK
it means we are capable of creating, while most normies just parrot the MSM or trendies
in [current year] there's nothing wrong with social sciences
it's just that there's nothing right with them
Soon, there is no canary warning you when to leave Holla Forums. Enjoying your stay though is probably the only sign you may have.
This is the U.N. were talking about not the EU
kikes btfo
trash is a hate word
cuckchan's /r9k/ doesn't have the robot like ours does, remember?
rare agent
They got rid of the robot? When?
jewt did a long time ago, saying /r9k/ had long passed the point of being about OC.
This is so fucking surreal, how weak they have to be to fear us like this? How many times in history something like this has happened? What if all the revolutions have started like this? Some sick fucks just wanted to burn the world, and it happened to be flammable in that time (corrupted, degenerated in 'a right' way).
least rare agent
Goy means non-Jew. The plural of goy is goyim. Goy does not mean jew.
Everything is subjective, everyone is right. These people are not doing the scientific method at all. Or think critically.
And by that I mean the marxist teacher's truth is the only one viable since the badthink is not allowed. If you write papers according to the book, then you're top of the class.
If you do any kind of critical thinking then you're probably failing.
Don't get me wrong, I love pre 1960 sociology. Legit statistics and population trend analysis. Onward from that is just pure crap.
tl;dr Think of it like reeducation classes. Nothing to learn, just hot air hammering in(>>7838381
) to indoctrinate you further and suck money from natural sciences. These people are literal charlatans.
its virtue signal
not virtual signal
We literally have an API for extracting data. Hell, we even have a python module for Holla Forums. I use it on a day-today basis.
If a nationalist wore a a shirt like that he would be arrested (in Western Europe)
No d&c but are you jeallous? :^)
Holla Forums found this back in 2014, get with the times
Of course they do, they support Trump as well.
Not everyone here is tech-literate, user.
it exists as a state above other states for the lesser states to "willingly" cede sovereignty to at the threat of "economic" sanctions. and a mild threat of war.
Basically easier ways to get to data.
It's this thread in JSON layout, easier to use.
So much Lainposters recently. I'm a little unnerved she looks exactly like my waifu. Perhaps it's a sign from Kek? (Stopped watching anime years ago; couldn't stand the focus on degeneracy any more)
nice trips m8. i never noticed that similarity before with the hair. both shows are kino imo, shaft has some very nice artsy shows.