Why do communists always have great facial hair genetics?
Why do communists always have great facial hair genetics?
weak chins
Can't shave properly due to consuming cheap vodka
all that facial hair comes from their pubes
What the hell are you talking about? it was fashionable at the time to have facial hair.
Communists have more Testosterone, of course.
Not like all these right wing cucks.
Most communists have severe daddy issues and lack masculinity. They thus fetishize and elevate those public figures outwardly reflective the daddy-type masculinity, especially strong facial hair.
But i thought commies were evil who killed millions
Don't get me wrong, the people killed in commie countries were useless cunts…like you :)
Right wingers always looked like faggots look at them…they look like the type of fags that when you raise your hand all of a sudden they close their eyes and draw back.
And then Trump is a just a fat fuck.
Yo can see none of them has ever worked a day in her lifes. Lazy ass faggots
Replace right with left and you're right
men who put shit in their hair are faggots. simple as that
How bigoted of you, comrade! What even are you? Some sort of tankie TRAITOR to the Revolution?
Kys bigot
2nd pic is political middle
t. native
rabbinic lineage
Have you attended a leftist event in your entire life?
You mean dirty hair.
intellectuals tend to neglect their grooming in favor of a life of the mind. demagogues tend to shave very closely and over-polish their shoes to disguise their intellectual limitations.
soyboys are low T and have bad beards, OP and are high T with thick hair.
but those beards are well kept.
It's all the soy in the bloodstream.
Communism is a brutal
Let me rephrase that:
Atheists still do and not, it isnt genetic, some people have great facial hairs and they just remove it, atheists force them on public, why? they are hidding low testosterone levels.
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