Bon app

The teeth

Attached: VID-20180320-WA0000.mp4 (640x352, 12.4M)

i honestly feel bad for the kid. nobody should have to go through that.

No animal or man naturally deserves pain and torment. Negroes included. Assuming this kid hasn't done anything particularly horrible, he doesn't remotely deserve what's happening, and if you think so, I'm sorry to say but your animalistic, tribal, negroid savagery is showing.

I like your attitude and agree on your opinion that nobody should go through this but your argumentation kinda sucks.

Killing is the most natural thing on this planet, and so is pain; there are many animals that kill for fun and enjoy their prey suffer (i.e. lions). Humans are animals as well. Separating humans from animals is like separating water from liquids. Sure, we're the only known species so far that could develop a consciousness and learn to handle its animalic instincts to a certain point but the amount of controll we have over them depends on our education and awareness of social norms. These retards in the video were most likely raised in an ignorant envoirment, thus never learned values like tolerance or empathy and the only form of respect they know is fear, which certainly doesn't justify their behavior but at least explains it.
That sucks.

The absolute state of niggers

What a fucking mess when more civilized discussion can be found on a Holla Forums gore thread than most Holla Forums threads.

Well i agree that we don't know what the boy did, but it's certain that he would've done the same to another one if given the chances.
They had the same time to develop like we did in Europe, yet they are still animals.

Though i agree that no one should suffer from this, it's a horrible disgusting death. I can only imagine what the boy was thinking.

Sad that one of your golems went down, kike?

Translated from spanish:
< If you want to know I'll let you know.
< Please release me
Missing some lines, killer likes to repeat the same lines.

Pretty sure everybody knows about the serious lack of provisions in Venezuela right now.

most retarded post ive seen so far tbh

Ill disagree. most venezuelans are good people but the bad ones are the loudest

huh, so it sorta sounds like he was just stealing to stay alive. thanks based spanish speaker

The savages will be easy to crush beneath our boots. America is about to get a whole lot bigger in the next hundred years. Don't believe me?
We will annex the south american continent through political negotiations in the next global war. We will destroy any rebel groups who refuse to bend the knee, and that will be easy peasy. Once taken, the south will cease to be a port of entry for filthy isis jihadis, with the added benefit of humanitarian success. Trust us, we can run your shithole countries better than you can Pablo. Now accept that and help us fix this shit or get crushed underfoot. Your choice.

Fucking savages, this is not justice, this is barbarism, inhumane, and what Jesus Christ and Christianity has saved us from.

Attached: the west is the best.webm (569x320, 7.69M)


What's the point of annexing countries filled with latinos?
Also, America isn't interested in annexing Canada & Mexico (countries filled with riches and retards) so little point in going further.

underrated post tbhwyfamalam desu

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Someone needs some head chopping lessons.

I will annex passively all countries in the American continent. From the tip of Chile and Argentina, to the gelid regions of Canada and Greenland.

I will start by pushing certain people on the border and pushing the neighboring country to attack those civilians (in which case I will personally intervene) or allow for free flow of people. I will then move to another country and pull their populations to my country; the instant they try to quell immigration from their country, I will make them start a war as I'm liberating their people.

I will change my tactics often, but will always center on the personal and economic freedom of the people… my goal isn't as much as altruistic as it is suckerpunching countries that don't share my ideals and are too attached to their (((nationalism))). I will continue creeping my influence north until I hit Mexico. At this point, I will attempt to get all of Mexico's international deals for the people of my country. Either Mexico goes bankrupt clinging to their (((nationalism))) or they allow the continental nation to solidify it's power. If the US wants to intervene, I will allowed them to get the islands in the Caribbean provided that SOME of their populations goes to my country and they keep the rest.

I will focus relationships with Greenland and put pressure to allow US and my populations to freely travel there, in exchange I will ease economic pressures and allowed their citizens to settle in my country. Then I'll do the same to Canada, and eventually the US… Then I'll go to Asia and get my loli waifu.

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Jesus didn't save us from shit, it's still happening worldwide. God doesn't give a shit about us, or maybe he's just enjoying all the gore.

If you saw a man put a bear in a cage with dogs, you'd know what the man had in mind.
When you look at the world, you can have some idea of what God had in mind.

The bible is quite clear on this.
Proverbs 16:4 (KJV)
The Lord hath made all things for himself: yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.
And the book of Job is more or less how the Devil is on a leash held by God. …so?


Well, when you consider that the Abrahamic God of the Old Testament is the Demiurge, an evil parasitic divinity draining loosh from mankind it kinda makes sense. Satan is probably just an egregore rooted in Christian/Islamic fear of the Dark Power tbh.

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What of God was making PC to post in a transdimentional image board.

The Bible was written by men, and them edited again and again by men to be used as a tool for control. You know god through your inner self. If god is the demiurge, I'm a Stockholm syndrome stricken servant of demons

hope the jews dont smash your master plan

Why don’t I feel any empathy? Is there something wrong witn me?

All christkikes will be deported to Jerusalem, where your semitic religion belongs.

Btw, barbarism means acting like someone from the Barbary Coast. It is christkikes that brought that form of semitism to Europe. Calling Europeans barbarians is literally saying that Europeans are as bad as berbers unless they worship a magic Sky Kike. Get fucked. I truly don't understand why you traitors don't all move to Jerusalem.

yeah, fuck all the kike on a stick lovers. im 100% germanic btw. christcucks ruined our people and countries and they must pay!!!

Attached: Me.jpg (900x900, 91.35K)

you're a nigger