What kind of faggot pretends to know it all and yet didn't anticipate feminists crying rape?
Gay Dilbert Man Says It's Ogre. Hillary Will Win
Other urls found in this thread:
He's essentially admitting he was just making it up the whole time. Also, he's ignoring that Trump still has another debate.
they're gonna hang themselves out of pure REEEE.
Literally who is this faggot?
What kind of retard wouldn't expect them to try and Cosby him? I can assure you Trump and crew knew they'd try it. Even Alex Jones knew it would happen.
Scott "pretends calling someone charismatic is some novel theory" Adams of Dilbert fame.
Even casuals could see this coming a mile away. What a faggot.
Still a live Persuasian man thread here
He's right that normies find "creepy" worse than "corrupt" and Wikileaks can only provide "corrupt".
At this point maybe only pneumonia can change the course.
All this is saying is that we should bring out a parade of people to accuse Bill, Obama, and Hillary of sexual misconduct then. Might as well turn this whole system into a farce before we start hanging people.
Like Trump did last week?
Next week we'll have a video recording of Hillary calling a black woman a nigger.
All this other shit is just social gossip.
Trump should have brought out more and had them accuse Hillary. Accusing Bill is not enough. Honestly, he'd be better off bringing out people who claim Hillary is a pedo.
Meant to post this thread
Oh, I forgot about that possibility. RACE CARD? DEAL ME IN!
It wouldn't have been believable. Right now, all he has to do is roll his eyes and say "Really? Again? We just went over this."
I will believe it when I see it. If it was really that extreme, O'Keefe wouldn't have hyped it up so much, as he'd actually value his safety.
He seems genuinely bummed.
exactly the opposite: it is one thing to Seth Rich a dude with meh video and another thing to Seth Rich a dude who claims a bombshell.
but he has a team & dead man's switch so none of this matters
Notice all his hedging, so that he can claim more bullshit later as the tides turn (they will).
He is a narcissist, like Trump, and is trying to make a quick buck since no one buys newspapers anymore.
Scott "I'm the awake hypnotist and you're all ashleep" Adams.
Not to sound like an mgtow, but both parties would sooner let themselves be ripped apart in hell for all of eternity by their worst enemies and the most foul demons before doing such.
And this nonsense is? The problem is that the media will keep acting like it is believable. Had he done that (or does that now), the media is forced to simultaneously bash him and call him and the accusers a liar while defending their own cadre of accusers, all the while their cadre of accusers have so many holes in their stories it will make the average person tune all these accusations out. Forced tuning out is one way of thinking about it.
What was that about chaos and selling trucks? Strange how a commiefornian comic artist was pro trump and still is employed unlike every other wrong thinker who gets wrecked immediately almost pure coincidence.
All of his analysis is predicated on him being better at this than Trump.
he essentially can't do public speaking anymore (nobody wants a "misogynistic Trump fan"), but his book is #1 in self-help, so maybe that evens out.
One more specific element of this that he hasn't addressed is that this story is being pushed by CNN. Which is in 3rd place. Because of Trump. Not to mention that Trump's supporters hate CNN for its bias which is now out in the open like never before.
He also never mentions whatever O'Keefe has yet to release. There's still hope.
Here's what he's saying:
- THE PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THIS (women) ARE IDIOTS: The claims against Donald Trump will be believed because they're plentiful. billcosby It is irrelevant that THE CLAIMS AGAINST DONALD TRUMP ARE BOGUS.
- ATTENTION MALE VOTERS: Women's suffrage is why our country will be in ruins. END WOMEN'S SUFFRAGE
- CAUTION FEMALE VOTERS: Women are going to be held fully responsible for WW3 and the impending economic collapse. MEN WILL BE MAD AT YOU, BLAME YOU, AND DISLIKE YOU IF YOU DON'T VOTE TRUMP. YOU WILL DIE CHILDLESS AND ALONE. I HOPE YOU LIKE CATS.
I think Scott is more painting a darker and more accurate picture of just what exactly Hillary supporters will actually get. It is demotivational to be reminded that you will have played a hand in getting someone as awful as the Clintons back in the whitehouse.
expect attack ads. OTOH, if O'Keefe delivers, MSM will be forced to cover it as Trump could just get the same exposure from ads
he supported hilldog awhile back for his personal safety. the death threats stopped llel
makes sense, he's good at the word game even if it's blatantly in your face.
He's admitting that women, mostly, cannot be persuaded though facts, or issues. Everyone knows this, Trump's campaign knows this too.
The msm credibility must be attacked directly. and it is, but… It is their main method of bombarding these women with rape scares. Most of the population was programmed to react this way.
I disagree with him on the point that the emails do not directly implicate Clinton. It proves beyond any doubt that the whole thing is rotten to the top. And the only solution is to clean these parasites out. We must attack the media's credibility and reenforce that Trump will clean it up, like he promises.
On a personal note, I just talked my sister back to "on the fence". She was down with Trump, but the pussy grabbing really did a number on her, she's a traditional gal. I got her husband to "on the fence" too. They were both "too le-enlightened to vote" before.
The muzzies have been quiet for a while too, we're overdue for one of their cultural enrichments.
This. I don't think he is the end all be all on the given subject. His main deal was being able to guess what Trump will do next, as opposed to how people will react. There's too much time and too much shit that can go down.
That said, it's not too late to bully people who regard the media as anything other than a joke. Peer pressure goes a long way and creating a culture where CNN is seen the same as a tabloid is the way to go.
I keep saying that Trump should bring up the fact that the democrats and cuckservatives are the ones trying to pass the female draft. We saw how many women lost their shit over that. Trump should push for getting rid of the whole thing. Hillary will either be forced to defend the thing since her party wants it, or lie and thus piss off Obama who is about to sign it and piss off all the democrats who backed it.
Oh I agree. It may be a persuasion tool in it self since this is how I have been able to get my sister to swear off Hillary.
That changed her mind quick.
Someone should also let dilbert cuck know that this girl is just fucking him for his money btw. How much you wanna bet he doesn't even know. How much you wanna be he thinks he has her in a persuasion spell or some retarded shit.
I agree, if it's the scare game they want then that's what they gonna get. I think Big D's guys are onto this too.
He's saying we need a metor-sized hammer to hit Hillary with.
We need a tape of Hillary freaking the fuck out and throwing ash trays at people, or maybe her shouting "NIGGER."
that's on her fucking webpage, lol
As he said earlier, he's protecting what's left of his brand.
He is a turtle but he did his best to try to justify Trump to the normies, now he is afraid because he sees loss in the future, he could easily be wrong but he isn't willing to bet his life on it.
He made it pretty clear that is what he would be doing if he went all in on Trump, and now that they are openly stooping to this bullshit festival, I'm guessing he feels he made the right call.
We can take from this yet more proof that the left is incredibly dangerous, the media is just a corporate tool to crush political opposition, and that the people representing the right are traitorous dogs.
We will never be free through legal means if Trump loses, vote, keep your eyes open, and do what you can to create and maintain a leaker culture of insecurity and subversion against our foes.
TBH just because he's being passive aggressive dosen't mean much. I've kept him at arms length since I read that shit about wearing you down into buying a truck. But there is still 4 weeks left until November 8th.
Dildobert has to increase his online presence and sell more books because his pro-Trump blog posts will probably cost him a lot of money because a lot of leftists hate him now. So what does he do? He changes his predictions regularly
Dilbert is funny but Scott Adams' blog isn't informative, it's just a promotional tool.
Say what you will about the man, but has anyone else being able to consistently generate so much discussion about not only the recent events in the election, but in his posts on the election themselves? I get that ultimately this about promoting his own brand, even if everything he has written has been completely made up bullshit for him to accomplish this goal, I am extremely impressed with how successful he has been at it.
I don't pay any attention to the media. How hard is this being hammered? I remember many months ago some woman sued Trump for rape and the media didn't give much attention to it.
Oh shit boys that is a nasty headline. Shit is going to get heated.
Sick bants tho
To me it sounds like Scott just took the black pill.
Alternatively, if he's been actively trying to get Trump elected this may be his attempt to attack the Cunt in a way only he can.
(((Nate Silver))) agrees. Great cucks think alike.
They don't stop comin and they don't stop coming fam.
Never liked the fucking guy after seeing Molly's interview with him. You can keep dismissing it as bantz when he "ironically" endorses people to prove a point about leftists or whatever, but it's obvious by now he's just desperate to never be wrong and will happily flipflop on absolutely everything under the guise of it being "persuasion". How is that any different from what the kikes always do? He's such a tremendous, know-it-all faggot.
He fancies himself a "master persuader".
Suggesting that women take responsibility for what Hillary Clinton is about to do to America should make them take pause. Should, that is, if women had any sort of concept of responsibility.
Scott, his wife, and his wife's son.
I always sage e-celeb threads.
This guy is such a fucking psuedo-intellectual twit. Every fucking week he changes his opinion on what will happen, and usually basing it on some nonsense he pulls out of his ass.
This means she has been working with the top level persuasion artists in the world. She now has more powerful people than Trump.
who cares about cuck adams MUST read this
Off what data could they even be basing this on?
dubs of obvious truth
WTF.. I love Hillary now.
Scott Adams and his idol Robert Cialdini can hang from a fucking tree for all I care.
Podesta's dirty laundry proves all these parasites are sucking the same teat. The numbers are lies. They will say/do anything to look good in the moment. Very dangerous and need to be removed.
break links or archive, yo massive faggot
it was archived already
This is Trump's strongpoint, actually. He knows how to use vague feelings and make use of them.
In any case I'll sage because the octopus story looks like it may be an utter hoax and pure fiction meant to slander.
He hasn't exactly flipflopped:
Have you guys learned nothing? Are you so easily scared? Do you literally need the article explained to you?
Scott Adams lost my respect when he disabled comments on his blog.
Dilbert man understands persuasion but doesn't know a goddamn thing about strategy or OPSEC.
I'm 100% Trump has a plan to counter this I mean the hit piece has a lot of holes and that indicates that this was a rushed and/or shoddily done job and fucking everyone saw this coming a mile away.
Can't have bad goyim spread their evil may-mays, can we?
He already did by suing the NYT. Now that's the story.
The only chance Trump has is if he legalizes weed and offer free college.
Polls didn't change after "grab them by the pussy." Nobody buys what they're selling.
God I hate the media, and god I hate normies
If it were lost, they wouldn't be pulling this brazenly desperation move that will backfire as none of the shit has substantiating details. Or maybe it will work, then women will deserve every rape and murder at the hands of illegals and jihadists they're gonna get.
I can honestly confirm normies that I know getting super butthurt about the Trump tapes. Im not sure if they were going to vote anyway but the wave of allegations against Trump is pretty much impossible to refute because of how much fucking bullshit is piled on. Nobody even cares if its true, they're just trying to bully undecided voters into either staying at home or voting Clinton, and unfortunately its working. Fuck this stupid fucking country.
Ah I get it it's a direct assault on the media and they'll freak the fuck out and kvetch about that instead of this story. Especially since they're scared as all hell of president Trump getting revenge against them if he gets elected combined with them fearing for their lives from the newly radicalized populace.
Use their own fear and neuroticism against them.
I wouldn't expect halfchan cucks to get what he is trying to pull out with his last two blogs but had high hopes for anons here.
Checked, the 'CNN sucks' chants may have been a spontaneous, organic meme. Divine providence?
start using 8/pol/ language or get the fuck out or lurk for another year before you post.
Who cares their kids are gonna get raped and butchered by sand nigger refugees and they literally voted for it. They get what they deserve.
wtf I hate Dilbert now
But seriously, don't retroactively shit all over him because he didn't paint a rosy picture. The conclusion he reached comes from the "nobody cares about facts, only feels" axiom that guided what he's said so far. This is the only time the Dems actually took a page from Trump's playlist. With the cuckservatives validating the concern trolling, people on the fence get pushed off and supporters feel cornered. If the election was held in the next couple days, Trump would be at a great disadvantage.
People have made the counter point that the election is not held tomorrow. The (((media))) blew their load too quick. I think that's an important takeaway and one he fails to mention.
There is still a debate.
There are still thousands of Podesta emails (which may contain bad things Hillary said or did).
Media cycles will come and go.
The indignancy that people hold toward Trump will fade, especially when they realize who's on the other side.
Anyone holding onto dirt won't make the same mistake and keep real dirt for a more opportune time.
A meteor may have wiped out the dinosaurs but a few million years later the mammals took over, more resilient than ever. Don't get discouraged. Use it as motivation to keep pushing.
You can go back to cuckchan anytime, normie.
On one hand, the media are like a pack of ravenous dogs. They'll keep yelping and biting even when they don't need to. They're attack dogs, they're animals, they're not human. On the other hand, much of what they are doing is so Trump can drop out or so his party forcefully removes him. this last salvo is most assuredly this. They are doing this because they want Hillary to run unopposed. They want this because either she is losing bad in the polls (instead of these fake polls released), or her masters did not make the proper preparations and could not rig the general election in time. I think it is the latter and they are trying to force his party to drop him.
In the end, we will probably have to fight back in the most dirty of ways.
Okay, I'll explain it for you guys:
Are you thinking about Trump being an octopus by the end of the article?
He finishes with:
Talk about killshots. Are you with the octopus (centipedes are creepier imo) or the doom and gloom rapist brand?
The guy is campaigning for Trump.
I only care because im afraid of WW3 wiping out the real white resistance in Europe. I could not give less of a fuck about America and the only reason I had any temporary interest in this shitskin ridden/patriotard filled country was because of Trump. 99% of people on this continent deserve death.
Brilliant refutation, CTR.
Europe is already long gone and guess what? They voted for it too. Cucks. All of them.
Liz Mair votes in UK elections and should lose her citizenship under the provisions of the Naturalization Act of 1940.
I seriously hope this is satire.
I'm gonna run out of rope.
Yeah, let's blame them for the shit Jew foisted on them after we murdered their martial class!
Gas yourself, chaim.
Isn't it funny you see directly the result of the shit going on behind the public in America, yet you claim Europeans "voted for it"?
Guess IF Hillary win, you will go all "But we voted for her, so we can't complain :) "
Reality sucks. Get over it.
That's the definition of deserving it.
Yeah, remember the MP murder they tried to blame on Brexit? That's far worse than this "Donald Trump: Portrait of a Pussy-grabber" nonsense and it still passed. I'll give her credit for trying to create an anchor with the "like an octopus" comment. Podesta probably promoted the fucker who thought of that one.
CTR? How is me pointing out your autism helping Clinton? You lack the ability to understand subtle humor like sarcasm and irony, and take everything that Adams says literally.
I will say that the one thing that Scott may be forgetting is that Trump has shrugged damn near any attack. He may very well shrug this off as well. The fact that unlike Bill or Cosby he outright says the accusations are false and he may consider suing will make people realize how full of shit the accusations are. I do think he will take legal action against the women once people tell him to do so to prove his innocence ("if they're lying then just sue them"), which will let him sue them without looking like the villain.
It can be phrased as an attack on Trumps person.
They already ran the "he's so happy to sue, and jokes about suing everyone", so when he threatens to sue now, it will bait out the psychologists claiming it's a defense mechanism of his insecurity.
You have no idea what you're talking about. As someone who actually knows Europeans, they are without a doubt making a real resistance. All we have are fat retards saying "hurr durr if dem muzlim basterds came hurr we wuld shoot der asses, fuk u yurop" When I talk with my Trump voters everything is always "hurr durr da dems r da real racists" bullshit. When I talk with my friends from germany/switzerland they literally say 'every last nigger needs to die'. Not to mention their is not a single country in europe that comes close to the demographic decline of america. Face it, America is and has been the biggest blight on white people globally since the 1900s.
Who the fuck cares who some Jews think? Trump's been called every negative adjective in the book except gay.
Are your friends in Europe drunk Danes?
Yeah, doesn't reek of shill at all. Neck yourself, mate. Nobody's falling for it.
These Scott Adams groupies are really annoying. The guy can't even come out and support Trump like a man, he's a faggot.
Of course he won't endorse Trump, he's a financially enslaved coward.
Not if he makes it seem as if his hand is being forced. The NYT lawsuit will bring attention tot he story they put out that is not only false but has parts lifted from the Guardian story. It's a clever move. Risky sure but clever because the pay-off is a line of dominoes that works in his favor.
Stay strong anglobros. They tried way worse shit than this during the Brexit campaign and we still got ourselves out.
its the newest tactic for the destruction of public figures
win win for the left
the feminists get more converts, lying whores get big payouts and the liberals win again
They'll just claim they associated it with the song due to trauma.
I gotta say it's a well-executed kafkatrap. They set it up by calling him litigious in the past. Now they'll print obvious libel that can't go unnoticed or purchased away with blackmail.
If he brings out the lawyers, they say he's just abusing the courts to make problems disappear.
If he ignores, his campaign takes critical damage.
A late game fork is a pretty impressive chess move, at least at the 2D level.
Except they haven't talked about his being litigious in a long long time.
I dunno, I think this will be novel enough that people will be surprised rather than settling into one of the provided narratives. No election has ever gone like this before.
It's not over. It's never over. 2016 will go on for ever.
Anyone can claim he has his own plane or flew on private jets. People will also correctly claim that the armrests don't go up in first class. People will also correctly claim that much of what she says is lifted from a Guardian article where someone else was being accused. She also said he was young but he was in his 40s. She has too many things wrong and claiming trauma is not enough.
This is the weakest line of attack and retarded to purseu, who the fuck knows how armrests worked on a specific type of plane in the 80s?
"Leaks" about 'leaks' aren't actual information, dumbass. Until its released and corroborated, that's fan-fiction.
Wtf scott adams whst are you doing?? The unknown of unknowns akin to a meteor landing on donald trump, is people making shit up about him?? Not only is this retarded to say his campaign is over now because of that, THEY ALREADY TRIED IT WITH MACHADO.
if a specious accusation is enough to sinkmthe campaign then scott should never have predicted he could win, faggot.
How fucked is our country that unsubstantiated claims of sexual harassment can cause people to give the country's soul away.
all i ever hear from hillbots is how its "ABOUT THE ISSUES" hillary herself says "its about the issues!" but then they turn around and talk about how trump cant be president because he told someone once that he wanted to fingerbang a woman.
Michael jackson was the alpha test
Bill cosby was the beta test
is Trump going to be the first casualty of this fake rape weapon theyve been building?
fuck no, if trump gets pinned for rape, it will be in a post-debate analysis
People who flew first class in the 80s. Were not fucking dead and it is a very good line of attack on top of all the other things mentioned.
Do you realize how weak that sounds? "She's lying because arm-rests?" Don't even engage with the details, just point out how this is a massive media push once Trump threatened the globalist monopoly.
That's jewish doublethink. The goyim in left and liberal media act like this because they're golems.
Yes Scott Adams loves to write clever tricky articles, but this strikes me as a failed attempt at being that. What's the gotcha here?
TLP always brings the best analybantz.
I wish they hadn't disappeared.
On top of everything else, it works. If your only retort is that one true fact out of all the other things, especially the fact that he owns his own airplane which shuts down much of this right off is all you can say then either the person is full of it or is voting for Hillary.
Screaming it's a conspiracy alone is not enough. You can do both but it better to cover your bases because claiming conspiracy will draw you into an argument where the person demands facts anyways.
Yes, his writing was absolutely fantastic.
I still laugh at the "finally, please proceed". "interesting and unexpected, second point?"
That's a great word.
Let's be real, trump supporters, which I am one of, are overly protective of Trump because of how much the (((media))) has gone after him. Holla Forums especially doesn't do well with hearing things it doesn't want to hear, such as this media stunt is potentially very damaging to Trump's campaign. I hate to say it, but many on here are pretty dense. There is nothing in the article that positively influences people to vote for Hillary. It is extremely critical of the media and the Clintons and paints both them and those who would support them in an awful light.
He's basically saying we should make women scared of voting for Hillary to diffuse this nonsense.
Holla Forums is not one person, faggot.
But yes, a lot of people on Holla Forums are unironically cultists.
Trump isn't perfect but he's ok. He does have flaws though, as everyone does.
1st webm he's lying to avoid 'racism' his daughter lies with him because she is well trained. 2nd one he calls out the kike meme of 'white trash'.
He's obviously lying in the first one and even makes it obvious intentionally.
As far as this scandal goes, though, I'm really not sure what to make of it. On one hand, it really seems like the sort of thing where anyone who takes it seriously was never going to vote for Trump in the first place, and trust in the MSM is at an all-time low. And of course, to any rational individual, these allegations are way too conveniently timed and have massive holes in them. Nevermind the fact that, even if ALL of them are true, it still wouldn't be as horrible as half the shit either Clinton has gotten up to.
But on the other hand, just looking at the comment sections on the news sites reporting this, they seem to be on fire. Rape accusations, completely regardless of merit, are an incredibly effective weapon and pretty much the left's ultimate ace in the hole. I may be underestimating just how gullible the fence-sitters actually are, even this late in the game when it's abundantly clear that they're dealing with pure evil and corruption.
Certainly, there are several news cycles left before the election actually takes place, but this is exactly the sort of thing that might be able to last more than a couple news cycles. I may be misremembering, but I recall people talking about the Bill Cosby accusations for a while. And unlike in other cases, these accusations don't actually need to get Trump thrown in jail or completely discredited, they just need to keep people distracted until November 8th.
But what really gets my goat is that Scott Adams's "brilliant model" apparently didn't even take slander into account. Y'know, that thing that the MSM has been doing pretty much nonstop since Trump became a legitimate force in the primaries?
He's painfully obviously supporting him, but as he says fact don't matter, he said he endorsed clinton -for his safety- and retarded hilbots stopped harassing him, he ""endorses"" the pot guy -for his safety- and low-IQ folks get salty because they think he's betraying them.
BBC interview he gave yesterday related, dropping subtle redpills on thousands, that he would have never got if he was "officially" endorsing Trump.
this tbh
he's gonna be embarrassed about this comment when it all blows over
who got fucked?
Scott has always been a Trump supporter. There's been too many little knowing winks and nods in his writing on the election that a lot of people can't grasp. Scott isn't a super genius or anything, but his theories have been pretty damn accurate and sensible. There's still a lot to learn from the guy when it comes to pol-like political goals, but that is for a different post.
His whole thesis is that effectively, everyone creates their own reality and interpret events to fit their own created reality as much as possible. As such, things like facts and reason don't matter much at all when compared to feelings and how to make people feel certain ways about people or ideas. Good ways to do that are through things like unique emotional language.
That's why the pussy tape did more damage to Trump's campaign than policy discussions have for months because now Trump is a lecherous old creep and people don't like that feeling, and any facts about the incident will be much harder to get through to people once the emotion is planted.
Because of that, he thinks that the fact that they are coming out with a bunch of women to say that Trump raped them will end his campaign because any facts that disprove this stuff won't matter enough to get through to people even if they see it, and because protecting women is a hugely emotional thing for most people, that will become the prime motivation for people to turn away from him or vote for Clinton.
The thing is, he's probably right. Even though we can think it through easily and see that this is bullshit, even prove it, it doesn't matter.
This makes it tougher for Trump for sure, but he can still win on an emotional level. The next debate is crucial. He has to go big on fear of what Clinton will do across the board, from immigration to open borders to ISIS to war to her being a corporate sellout, you name it. If he keeps ramping it up from where he has been going at the rallies, he can make it to where he needs to be by the debate.
Combine that with some nice ads, a couple huge leaks, and some damaging video, and he can pull it off. But make no mistake, if they're going to go non-stop with "Trump is a serial rapist," that will do some big damage.
That woman who got captured and they made a movie about her being this fighting hero who didn't surrender.
See pic.
Seems a bit early for this kind of defeatist shit. The more they pull the sexist narrative the more the public becomes immune to it. If they have 12 shills ready to lie and say trump looked at them inappropriately which equates to rape then every single one becomes less notable.
Also weve only heard rumblings of what wikileaks/james oqueef are planning to drop before the election. Also anonymoose came out today and alleged they had footage of bill rapeing a 13 year old.
As far as firing back goes clinton has a lot more angles to aim for making each one more substantial than hammering on and on again about sexism
dont remember it
she got dicked by arabs?
Youre my kinda guy, user
When you're as rich as he is, you don't give a shit why hot young women want to fuck you.
its says the rape was made up by a journalist to spice it up a bit in here
she denies the rape and the journo claims it happened in the three hours she was unconscious with a broken thigh, arm and dislocated pelvis or some shit
Jezebel is trash, that is a statement of pure fact. It's specifically Gawker trash.
Punishment will be most severe!
he's going to be for trump again next week
stop reading his spastic drivel while he wanks over "persuasion" or something
Spicy martin
Now I've seen everything.
Somebody ask him if he thought Britain would vote for Brexit after that MP was kill.
He's only seeing that Trump's angle has changed. He's failed to see that the public's angle has also changed. It's not all about 'persuasion' it's also about ousting the status quo. It's also about voting for someone who offers different policies than the mainstream politicians have. It's about voting for someone who hasn't led the country into declining growth through globalization.
Adams is looking at just one factor of the equation (which he's usually right about). The public is the other factor though, and they're pissed off with what the establishment has done to the country. Trump is going to win now master persuader or no, simply because he isn't a political elite. Persuasion was far more important in becoming the nominee.
Reminder that he isn't a political analyst and just judges the situation on a persuasion level. He has been wrong many times.
pick one tbh
Yeah, it worked so well with Obama, right?
If you're talking about O'keefe, then you're getting your hopes up.
He does some good work, but he doesn't have the access to get good scoops like secret audio of Hillary. He'll probably release some footage of low level democrat politicians/officials that will look bad for them, but won't have any effect on the election.
I don't know man he seems to have stepped it up this weak and he's using the same tactics as Wikileaks.
Maybe he's acquired contacts and funding from Trump so that he can step things the fuck up.
Link to where she says that?
He's just talking about himself and his ability to "predict" things.
Now he's worried about being proven wrong and is backtracking to save his own ass and not be made fun of.
He's always been an obnoxious narcissist.
IT's all about him, me, me, I, I.
He's fucking irritating, I wish pol would stop even talking about him.
Why do they bring up the kissing so often? They always find a way to seem more and more inane in the eye of the public. (((They))) don't seem to realize that nobody finds any issue with Trumps hyperbole about how much he enjoys kissing beautiful women
It;s a promotional tool for his ego more than book sales. Glad others can see this though.
And women wouldn't have done the same if they also had significant power and affluence? Men only started most of the wars because they led the countries, and they only commit most of the crimes in the lower class because women tend to be contented with just shooting up heroine and so on with their welfare gibs
Don't get your hopes up.
His releases so far this week are revealing about the flaws in the election system and how out of date "ground based get out the vote campaigns" are, but they aren't going to make people not vote Hillary.
Regarding that graph, what most Burgers never seem to understand is WHY that is.
Here's the reason: over time, a country which is liberal by design, will become even more liberal. Likewise, over time, a country which is conservative by design, will become even more conservative.
It's that simple.
And America is THE liberal country par excellence (see the Constitution + later amendments, philosphers like Horace Mann, All American Superman and all that garbage).
I kinda remember him saying he wasn't following British politics
Sadly, they can literally just make shit up about trump and the public will believe it. You have to understand that many of Hillary's followers aren't even human. They've lost their brains and operate on programming alone. If Trump loses, that means that forever more the media will simply choose the winner by slinging blatantly false allegations at any contenders. At that point, killing leftists is literally the only way out.
He replied to you, OP
you weak minded faggot
In the same breath you'll praise Adam for his subtlety and hit Filterman for being disinfo.
When you need to tighten ranks, you have one dude who goes off and does his own thing, in the hopes that he'll survive the onslaught. And you call him a genius.
I'm pretty sure he not only reads but has made a few threads here over the past months.
Also, we seem to be forgetting that Hillary is sick as fuck. If she collapses in public again, she's in trouble.
Go to bed, Scott.
Google "scott adams planned chaos" - he is a proven, known internet sockpuppet user who uses fake accounts to talk to/about himself. He got busted, the dox are out there.
What do you think those record sales of guns and ammo are for? Peaceful protests? Trump losing will be the first nail in the coffin for zog, Hillary attempting to take away the people's guns will be the last.
The leaks cause the further radicalization of the right which has exploded this year thanks to Trump make them rigging the election more and more unlikely because the more pissed white men get the more they have to fear civil war.
Never forget the in the end human society still and always will fundamentally operate on the law of the jungle and force is the still the fundamental basis of power. I mean the law means nothing without enforcement and you can't enforce laws without violence and threats of violence.
It's very simple
40% of America are minorities, who will of course say diversity is good.
Half of whites are pozzed cucks, and so they agree.
So you get the numbers you see there. It's minorities and race traitors, who outnumber whites in America.
what kind of ego does a 50 year old baldman with horrible drawing skills that once had surgery just to fix his voice have?
Basically this.
Unless we force them into a lose-lose situation (ie: either Trump wins and you're all hung for treason or we start a violent revolution and you're all hung for treason), they'll weasel their way out of it and continue to be the nation destroying kikes we all know they are.
There must be direct and deadly action taken towards these faggots or it will never stop. SOPA, PIPA, TTP, and everything in between and beyond is proof that no matter how many pieces of legislation you stop or how strong your defence is, they will not stop until they win or they are dead.
Potentially the threat of violent revolution will be effective enough to take power away from them and at the very least buy us a few generations before they jew it back though.
Err, no. That was kikes you four eyed dumbfuck. I hate these fucking "muh guilt" defeatists.
I mean only the starting of wars and the crime of course.
Shittons of minorities in the polled Euro countries as well yet not a single one polled even remotely as badly as the US did.
Im a Brexit veteran and while I dont agree with gay dilbert man, I think its a decent message to send.
You need to think that every single vote is the winning vote.
Let them be over confident. They will stay on facebook and twitter and the vote will pass them by. It happened for us at brexit.
You need to go out there and engage with people and work hard for every single vote like your country depends on it.
Even for you, this is some low-energy self-shilling, Scott.
Men in general commit the vast VAST majority of violent crime.
That's just a fact.
Most wars are started by women but they are finished by men.
Quads confirm. Not leaving them unchecked m8.
Women started WW1/WW2?
Gavrilo Princip and Hitler both identified as woman kin.
But in all seriousness, a woman promised he would get laid if he assassinated the archduke.
This dude is tiresome as fuck.
Don't make any more threads about him, please.
So WW1 was started by a desperate tfw when no gf beta-male?
ITT: People with autism can't read inbetween lines or grasp sarcasm
He was an angry manlet as well
Big league words.
Anons don't realize that this a "Scott Adams persuades women to abandon responsibility for the future and vote for Trump" post.
You mean take responsibility for the future?
Scott Adams already ditched Trump once over the KKK thing. He'll be back.
I have literally never been to reddit. On Holla Forums we use "normies" and always have.
So lurk moar, faggot.
Them voting for Hillary means they will be responsible for everything she fucks up. By voting for Trump, they cede their responsibility to a man. This is the natural order of things.
British officers atleast are tho.
Personally I don't see how groping at the ladies makes him any worse than about 50% of our presidents for the last 100 years. George Washington race-mixed with a slave and in my opinion he was the greatest leader by far.
Has this really impacted the normalfags? Anyone have reliable current numbers for Trump?
It"s either tbh fam, depending on how angry you are or how repulsively normal they are.
who takes this at face value?
I've been off by one about 10 times today already. Politely saging myself.
But perhaps you should. Because when you don't, and all it matters is "dem hot pussy, yo", you end up looking like a fool, no matter how you paint it: they are taking your money and all they'll giving you in return is sex.
Pls be Arctic nazis probably cuckchan larpers
Completely false, at least as far as the bigger boards are concerned. You're definitely new here.
Funny fact that happened with some right-wing journos in my country: they have been hammering Trump for some time now, mostly because they are journos and they fear the anti-media feeling that Trump is causing. Anyway, one of them posted a video where Trump says something to a 10-year old girl about dating her in 10 years (something most of you probably heard an uncle/family friend say to a little girl in family gatherings, as something endearing). Now, people called this journo on it, saying that they didn't see anything inherintly bad about it, and the journo called people on it, jokingly suggesting that he's an idiot because he would punch anyone who said such thing in front of him.
The media is eager to bash Trump right now because they know that their influence will be severely diminished if he wins. It's a matter of political (and financial) survival for them. They don't want to be the ones hanging on the metaphorical for now lamp posts on the metaphorical for now Day of the Rope that Trump will cause if he wins. That's why I'm kinda bored and avoiding all talk about the burguer election at this point. It's so transparent what's happening right now, I don't need no journo or cartoon "master bater persuader" to tell me what's the deal.
I'm just hoping for the cucks to end up fucked beyond repair at this point. That's all I ask Kek for: the Cuck Pogroms.
Also, this "paint him as rapist" strategy is exactly what the US government has been trying to do with Assange, and absolutely no one, anywhere, believes them.
You were saying?
You mean the leddit faggots DiCaprio-posting on Holla Forums and Holla Forums until nobody paid them any attention anymore and they just fucked back to Reddit because posting on Holla Forums doesn't give any upboat karma points?
Bullshit, only a few boards use "normie". It's predominately TRSreddit lingo, which is why you see it used more around here these days. On Holla Forums it's pretty much always been normalfag.
space, don't space, reddit space….
spacing has become a contentious issue around here lately.
Ironically the media are signing their death warrants in more ways than one. They're afraid of Trump winning and changing the rules of the game for journalists, but they might be out of touch with the sentiments of the general public. People who are paying attention to the media's behavior, especially lately, are going to be increasingly in favor of sweeping changes that will hurt the mainstream media. There are many out there who are tired of all the bullshit, lies, and non-journalism that the media represents nowadays.
fucking reddit spacing faggot, kill yourself
t. CTR D&C nerd virgin
Also note, you get all his books right off libgen for free.
That's because a couple of people don't know where to split a paragraph.
So their sentences end up loooking like this.
Instead of following a proper flow (and properly longer paragraphs, so double spaces between them would make things easier to read).
Couldn't find anything like that but look at this:
This means either prostitution or porn. kek
What came first, ranch or "cool ranch"?
who cares? that has been a standard posting style on the internet for years.
I just hope the faggot doesn't run around yelling a bout how great at predicting things when Trump wins the election. That would annoy me quite a bit.
Guys I'm scared, what if they finally manage to stump him this time?
It worked great. It made us.
Fuck off Scott
0/10, kek does not approve.
topkek. You know he's going to. He's pulling this shit at the wrong time too considering the rasmussen poll. He should have held the line for a week.
It's Trump saying "pussy" (which he's already done on stage) not a meteor, Scott.
Onni~fam please, I'm serious.
You guys really should put your e-penises away. Nobody gives a fuck except you.
People like you are so lame, not only you are dumb as fuck and can't understand the point of his post, but you are also bitter as fuck when it comes to a guy fucking some girl.
Truly ebin oldfags know that it's
Normalfags who don't want to use evil "hate speech" words like fag use Normie. So stop being a faggot and lurk more.
Normalfag sounds better. Normie is something a cuck would put on reddit to avoid using FAG.
Get out, normalfag.
Why do you betas obsess over ugly spics?
Get fucked you salty loser, you suck as much as he does.
I have no idea why everyone has a boner for this guy. He appears to know fuckall about anything.
thanks scott, but now check these doubles
You guys 360 over Dilbert Man as much as he 360s over Trump winning. At least he might be sarcastic some of the time.
Fuck off back to cuckchan faggot.
The article he linked to trashes Jezebel pretty hard you retard.
What the fuck does that webm even mean?
Why didn't you Kek 'em
Who cares?
Sorry, cuckchan, but "normie" is used here, now get the fuck out.
Scott Adams's blog will be clickbait until November 9. Ignore him. He's promoting his books.
here's previous part
It's pretty deep if you look more into it. It's about Dillbert being addicted to social medias to the point he stops talking with people and looses touch with reality, begins to have delusions ( thinks his dogs tells him to kill himself ) so he decides to go on a mass murder rampage with his friend. They shoot up the office and when that other guy commits suicide on 3 dillbert realises that he lost his only friend and kisses him for some reason.
basically an office shooting
I think he's just being sarcastic.
Trump will get 70% of the vote. The people will see right through this as the obvious MSM coordinated attack that it is. For the past several years, such attacks have been overexposed, and most people who aren't the far left understand this.
Meme responsibly, Dilbert.
At this point I think Trump hates them so much that he's going to work towards their destruction win or lose.
Fuk I hope this is true. This pic currently on the upper right corner of drudge is giving me chubs that the hrc nigger video exists and drudge knows about it.
Only the wisest of the wisest will ever know.
Left corner, I'm fucking stupid (op)
You don't think he means us, do you?
As she starts WW3 with russia.
What could it mean?
I've been happily flagging posts for mods to investigate. It seems so outside the bounds of logic as to smell fishy.
Of course Scott couldn't anticipate the tapes 6 months ago when he was saying "TRUMP WILL WIN BY A LANDSLIDE!" Are you shills fucking stupid, or do you take us for fools?
You will not be spared on the day of the rope. No amount of shilling or schilling will save you.
You think they read the whole post or just the title?
I wish there was more of this stuff.
The idiots only read the title.
The schilling shillers, well it doesn't matter they're shilling for a schilling.
Defend him all you want. If you believed for one second that Trump didn't see this one coming you're as stupid as Scott is.
Being "smart" won't save you from the rope, friendo.
You and your stupid fucking quips. What do you mean?
kek, totally this
If there's one thing women are world-class champions at doing, it's avoid accountability and blame.
Scott Adams confirmed for autist who has to study human nature from the outside. Nice momacita waifu, thou
He tried to meme relevancy and it has collapsed entirely
America is too spread out.. there are still too many areas untouched by diversity
Is he lolberg? He comes across as a california liberal. Though him being a lolberg explains the arrogance.
Yeah, its why he was quick to hop on the Trump bandwagon temporarily to protect his shekels as that's the only thing lolbergs actually care about.
Right back at you Patrick, checked
Who is gonna believe these cunts got randomly molested by a complete stranger on a plane. This all surfaces 24 days before an election?
Give me a break kikes.
Modern spacing, using only three to five sentences per paragraph, was first adopted in the fifties and sixties in universities so professors could have more space for annotations and corrections. It truly is an abomination. This bullshit then spread to publishing. Read novels from the 19th century and early 20th century and one can find single paragraphs that occupy a whole page (or more.) Just like in those golden olden days; a new paragraph should only be started when the subject or setting of the content changes. Not before.
Nice reddit copypasta
I wish there was a way to counteract the presently-insurmountable killshot of a rape accusation, because it's equivalent to a cheat code in terms of effectiveness.
Having less flies on you and a KO punch counter attack help, but its fighting in the mud until it is settled.
Eh, it's the same thing that's happening to the "racist" kill shot. So effective it's used too much, and eventually becomes comical and ineffective. Just give it time.
Ok you answered it.
Eh, I expected as much. With as much skin in the game as Adams has, money-wise, it was a matter of time before he'd correct his wrongthink and back the only "politically acceptable" (i.e. good goy) candidate. He already said he's lost a million dollars on speaking fees alone since openly backing Trump.
All this hue and cry about petting bitches is meant to distract people from how soundly Trump kicked Hillary's ass in the last debate. He still has the people behind him and he's going to win in a landslide. I've been saying this for months now and nothing's changed about that.
Saved this image from a shrill thread, which proves they're at least good for something.
That image is totally unrealistic.
I don't think I've ever seen a Hillary lawn sign.
An interesting theory that someone voiced on Twitter is that Hillary's camp actually paid Scott's ransom and has now hired him in a desperate last minute-attempt to stop Trump from saving America. (You may recall, months ago, Scott saying that if someone wanted to hire him to use his persuasion skills to stop the Trump train, he'd do it - for millions of dollars.)
This would explain why he's suddenly claiming an obvious fake hit piece on Trump will finish him, along with pushing the "octopus" line, which many people are saying they'd never heard before Scott said it (and is borrowed from an old song lyric anyway.)
Alternately, it could just be his usual problem - that Scott lives in an ultra-pozzed area of Commiefornia, and as such has a really weirdly skewed version of what the "average person" thinks and believes.
That gif just fucked my whole world up fam
Holy fuck do you retards not into sarcasm?
lol nigger
We all saw this shit coming. This is like the most typical way of trying to get someone's character assassinated ever.
this guys "basedness" has been questionable for quite some time.
This is a good time to remind you that I endorse Gary Johnson because he only touches himself.
Anyway, getting to the point of this post, if Clinton wins, it will be because women voted for her in landslide proportions while men (on average) preferred Trump. And that means two things of historic importance.
1. We will elect the first woman to be President of the United States. That’s good for everyone.
2. Everything that goes wrong with the country from this point forward is women’s fault.
I feel some relief about that. The next four years are likely to be some of the worst in our country’s history. The Republican establishment will make sure of that because a failed America is in their best interest in the short run. Four years from now they want to offer their chosen savior (Paul Ryan). Trump would have a good chance of bullying the Republican establishment as he has done so far. Clinton, not so much. She’ll be buried in scandals, both real and imagined.
Amongst other things, but mostly Goons field that nowadays.
Is this pic all photo manipulation and filters? Maybe also some rendered shit like the dust clouds?
it's an interesting flip
Maybe he doesn't care that he looks like a fool to some people.
He just don't understood how far Trump could go, and the reaction it would get.
Trump could for instance ask his supporters to use mass violence and occupy the media, if the (((media))) is willing to use any means necessary to enforce globalism.
It would be pretty funny.
One that doesn't know about the emails that proved she planned this long ago and made it completely up
Stop bumping this stupid thread. We should all be either searching the Wikileaks e-mails or spreading the revelations everywhere to attack the media.
We are at war against the media. Keep your eye on the target. Don't stop, don't give up.
It's shit. I don't understand why people think it's funny.
No idea. All I knew is it was dank as fuck and I had to have it.
Didn't Adams also predict that Trump would lose the second debate?
(sage because is right and Dilbert Guy's election opinions are fairly meaningless)
Was this because I posted the tech review from the podesta emails?
Women who were voting for Trump before are still going to vote for him. The only ones who will be "withdrawing" support are the ones who never really supported him in the first place.
Wikileaks and O'Keefe bombshells will destroy Hillary.
This guy is a faggot.
Dude sold out like the faggot he is. Didn't want to be scolded by libs. When Trump wins he should have him put to death for treason.
made my blood boil when i realized
Looks like (((they))) got to him
why is trump driving a chicks car?
trump would drive the gentlemens musclecar, like a buick GNX or an Oldsmobile hurst/442
wtf, I hate Scott now
Hello, brother.
Gay Dilbert Man needs to make up his fucking mind.
Scott is a smart guy but it's looking like he got this one wrong right now. He thought 'octopus' was going to stick and be the linguistic kill shot, but it hasn't panned out.
I wonder if he will admit that and do some analysis on why it didn't stick.
He's been admitting that the entire time. Every blog post he writes says either "Trump is persuading great and will win, but if something happens then Hillary will win" or "Hillary will win due to [latest bombshell] but if something happens then Trump will win." How many times throughout this election has he said "X has this election locked up, it's already over" only to change his mind the next day?
He's basically been baiting people into reading his blog every day by all but saying "Tune in tomorrow to see if I say your candidate is now ahead!" And of course every post ends with a link to buy his book.
and underlying all this he's a massive beta pussy-worshipper who couldnt imagine that even women would laugh about Trump talking of grabbing women by the pussy
It's always been about dick
dick versus cunt
this doesnt change anything, cunts will be cunts, dicks will be dicks
and pussies who love dick will be pussies who love dick
It's not like anyone has to read his blog anyways; I'm surprised people here still bother with, as he shown himself to be no more a fence sitter than most people.
Yeah, that's called persuasion, you found him out, you want a cookie?s
No shit. They are all about feelz over realz.
The woman I am going to marry is a princess, in both senses of the word. Be her king and the rest follows.
I he really a fag?
Yes he supports LGBTQRST rights and women's rights
He's done this multiple times. He just wants to keep people interested for the rest of the election. His persuasion advice is reddit-tier, you can learn all the same shit and more by reading the unabomber manifesto.
Yes, but you forgot to SAGE
I don't know, I he cumskin?
He's a poojeet