CNN: 12 Women Ready to Come Forward Against Trump
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No one is going to buy this. 4 weeks out from an election? lol CNN is so desperate
Once NYTimes women are proven to be fake, no one is going to take the whole thing seriously.
There are people digging information and it's not looking good for NYTimes. Lots of holes. Rushed job
As a chapter president of my local Patriarchy, I can tell you that the Feminist Shame Cage just got 10 feet longer.
Megyn Kelly went through explaining to her audience on her show tonight how and why women take so many years to come forward. I hope Trump sues her too and when he becomes president he has he Scalia'd.
the fuck is wrong with her face?
It's what happened to Assange all over again.
Any of them have even a single shred of evidence?
Then you blew it.
Should have played this card months ago - now you've blown your trust-load, nobody believes a word you say, nor anyone you hold up, so nobody will care that some floozies come out with crocodile tears about something nobody can prove even happened.
Boo fucking hoo faggots.
This. CNN has no credibility whatsoever.
you assume that women will be rational here. that's a yuuuge assumption
I wonder if they used MKULTRA'd women that Bill raped while he was in power to lie against Trump.
hate to say it but, yeah. Then again, even though women are extremely emotional creatures, they also have short-term memories for shit that doesn't directly involve them.
And they're doubling down on Assange too:
UN system, British Court & PRWeb used to launch elaborate #PedoPlot against Assange during height of election pubs
D-Don't look at those Wikileaks e-mails! Julian Assange is a pedo who works for Putin!
It doesn't matter.
At all.
Do you think there are ANY women who were on the fence for whom such would be strong evidence?
The only women who will take such allegations seriously are those already firmly in Clinton's camp on the basis of "muh presidential vagina!".
What undecided women there are, are not going to be swayed by some sluts coming out to accuse a rich guy of some sort of sexual shit without any evidence.
Too bad we can't actually repeal the 19th before election day. That was a good idea.
They better be careful with what they meme
Trump needs to use this argument
The thing that Clinton and Trump do differently is Trump will hold a conference, and tell people personally.
Hillary uses the media to do it instead.
I wonder if people see this
Notice how it's +2 groped women since the NYT article. We are now at 4.
in this thread le persuasion man makes the same assumption. But we can strike back fight fear with fear. Do they fear a rapist boogeyman more than WW3 with gender equal armies? Just ideas.
Keeping up the attack on CNN's credibility is necessary too.
Fire Monkey just keeps getting hotter, fellers.
we need O'Keefe to deliver.
O shhit is that real? That's is a slanderous headline! AND confirmation bias is a bitch. That will scare some women.
10/10 presidential nominee, all things considered
It's going to be nothing.
I'm sorry. I want it to be something but it's probably just going to be as big as the ACORN shit. He isn't big enough to get to the head honchos, so anything he has will just be scapegoats, unknowns, or throwaways. The best we will get is Hillary having to disavow someone low level.
I think our best bet is Hillarys health, and digging through the emails.
And I don't mean acorn wasn't anything, it just didn't shake up enough outside of ACORN. Same thing, what he has might shake up like a certain office, but not the rotting head
Wikileaks dropping redpills
You are most likely right. However videos of honchos do exist, see for example the presidential boner video.
Fuck this shit.
I get the feeling a lot of women will be sitting this election out. I think for Trump, winning over women would equate to more of them staying home to not vote. Women may not be able to bring themselves to vote for Trump, but I can see them thinking that they would be okay with him winning if they don't vote. This rapehoax media push is entirely a hail mary play from the establishment to try and get these women upset enough to come out to the polls in support of Hillary and it is just not going to work. All they're going to get a few more snarky remarks from snotty women on social media and that is it.
He's already making America great again.
he has an eye for the future.
Checked, fuck MSM, and love that archive is being used.
I'm voting tomorrow, and I'm making sure not to watch any news media until the fucking election unless the third debate happens. Apparently, early voting was very heavy where I am and I'm sure it's because of Republican turn-out.
The numbers aren't the same.
If you have more proof though, I'd love to see it and be wrong.
It is such bullshit. Yes, it could occur, but it is rare, and still puts tons of doubt on any story. Not only that, but it makes the accuser a piece of shit for not reporting it sooner.
Megan Kelly isn't really a conservative and hasn't been for quite some time. She is a lying feminist cunt who pretends to care about issues like Benghazi so she can influence other things she cares about.
I saw on Twitter someone found the line that Trump was like an octopus in a song.
(I don't think embed honours the time code)
To cite my source:
Grope attacks should be pretty effective tbh fam
CNN has no credibility at all, who is going to believe this? All of these bitches just happen to come up a month before the election. Nothing suspicious about that at all goy.
I think they've made the fatal error of overkill. Three or four women would've been plenty. Twelve just makes people look askance at them and think, "seriously? all these years and THIS many women NEVER said a fucking word? He's not that wealthy and powerful! This smells funny…"
That they should all pop up RIGHT after Bill's victims appearance at the debate also brings the "tit-for-tat" aspect of things into sharp focus, thereby diminishing any potential effect on voters considerably.
It's obvious that they're trying SO hard to bury the whole Bill disaster, but for fuck's sake, it's too much. They really are panicking. Hell, ONE really convincing, sympathetic woman would have been enough. A well-acted victim, with lots of credible details and likeability, might have made some difference. This is so insanely over the top that even other Republicans who recoiled from the "locker room talk" are probably going to pause hard before reacting to this.
It seems the sexual assault laws and feminism itself is used as a control mechanism to prevent non-establishment candidates from gaining important positions. Now I understand why government and even corporations go along with it without question.
The constant push for 'change' is also something that destroys outsiders chances. What may be legal and acceptable today, may not be decades later. Consider white privilege. White males may be 'disqualified' from higher positions solely due to something that is considered privileged in the future.
The end result of surveillance, social media, and social justice is a society where anyone can be made guilty in time and as a result become unfit to hold power in the future.
A good deal of plastic surgery. She's 45 years old, and her face is collapsing.
The good news is that nobody watches CNN.
Sex scandals are a very old dirty trick. The Clintons learned well from history. They would've done well in WR Hearst's era of muckraking and "yellow journalism". The thing is, this whole social justice/political correctness craze has in effect created a sickening new Victorian era of repression, secrecy, and social censure used as lethal weaponry. Add to this the fact that there is no limit to the hypocritical prudishness of retarded middle Americans and it's enough to make a guy worry. I just pray we've shoved the overton window far enough out of the PC morass, and spread enough redpilled information over the last year, that most people will react to these gambits with cynicism and rejection.
All men have thought this.
No they're not you lying sack of shit.
and Assange too…
How strange… EVERYONE who doesn't like Clinton is a rapist and a pedo now according to CNN…
They've overused the exact same tactics too many times now. All this is going to accomplish is obliterating the last 6% of public trust in the media.
Going after Assange may actually be the thing that fucks them over since it creates a clear pattern now and one many millenials and such will see. They'll lose confidence in the media if they haven't already.
It fits well into the conditioning of young males that has taken place.
Any affection or even acknowledge of a child is deeply based in sex.
A father kissing his daughter good bye? He probably wants to fuck her.
A young man watching children play at a park? He wants to lure them and fuck them.
There's no way a male can show any bit of affection towards a young child without feeling shame and branded as pedophile or sexual deviant.
It's sickening that it has reached this point.
.25 cents has been deposited into your account. Thank you for Correcting the Record.
The emails aren't current, they're mostly from 2015. There is a vanishingly small chance this would be mentioned.
There's a debate in six days, and Trump is going to be fucking livid.
He is probably a liberal and maybe even a journalist. The goal is to get us to harass the lady and if not to spread a false rumor.
We need a terrorist attack. False flag it if we have to (why the fuck not, after (((they))) false flagged 9/11?). It will distract from all this bullshit and hand Trump the win.
What's worse is that you're not even allowed (in the US I presume) to talk to kids, since you might be one of those billions of pedos.
If you need something like that to convince your people not to commit self genocide then you're not worth saving.
Look at the numbers you fucking sack of shit. They are not the same. Prove they are the same. Show us clear screenshots that they are the same instead of blurry stains.
t. CIA
m8, if I was CIA I'd have fucking done it already.
We really don't though. This week will be even uglier than the last, and there's a debate next Wednesday, which will draw direct viewership again. If Trump repeats or exceeds his performance from last time, that should counteract this fluff nonsense.
We need to play up the female draft shit.The democrats backed that. If Hillary goes against it, it reflects poorly on Obama and on the democrats who backed it who are looking for re-election. The main cuckservatives that get burned are John McCain and Lindsey Graham, cucks that broke publicly from Trump so going after them will not hurt Trump either.
Remember how hard women were freaking out over the draft. the idea of that and nuclear war with Russia, and its allies is the new scare tactic we need to hit them with.
The problem is how to force the issue.
hello common kike
saturate and drown out the oppo signals and attack the credibility of oppo
How to drown out the MSM?
CF actually killed himself yesterday. Too soon man.
fuck this retarded earth
For the record, carving knives have a small blade, look like pic related andò are absolutely legal to carry around even in europe. Also they are hardly "threatening" in my opinion
Memes and propaganda. Hillary has made it easy by constantly whining about Russia so it is obvious she hates them. All we have to do is act like anyone who is in favor of her is in favor of war. Bully them and call them warmongers. Then drop the women's draft stuff as well. In the end, bullying works and making it seem like someone is unenlightened or stupid for wanting war will work.
Also, for the octopus thing, one can also just remark that he has his own plane so the lady's story is false. I think this is why they are coming with these 12 women so people do not look at the details of Leed's story since it is full of shit.
We have good signal boosters on twitter and YT and FB. Trump's guys would have to handle the bigger outlets too. This is such a telegraphed play that they must have a counter prepared. I hope they aren't waiting only on the O'Keefe tape or the Wikileaks. I hope they are just timing their hits with these releases for extra umph.
Dubs of lies?
Sad to hear, user.
A sad world we live in indeed.
I hate hearing stories like this
They also called Governor Scharznegger the Octopus and it stuck quite well here (I still remember it). Probably liked it when they were preparing the scandal.
Anna Richardson and Denise Van Outen and made a grab at Melanie Sykes during
a trip to London.
Ok what is this shit? Besides saying pussy in some old video trump didn't rape anyone and those are just cnn lies?
I have'nt been following the last few weeks
Combining war with Russia and women's draft might work well. I'll see how some people respond to it. I'm certain women would not like to be forced into the military, get injured severely, and end up looking like a ghoul. That's the future they choose though.
It's basically another scandal
How deep are they planning to dig their graves?
This neocon, cloaked liberal cunt is evil, and an honorary Jew at that. Married to a liberal Jew, fuck her, she should be ousted from Fox. She'd fit in much better at CNN.
LOL, this. Her nose is getting downright Michael Jackson-esque.
I hope your wrong, but i know that at a very base level, youre right about at least one thing:
Women are fucking retarded and cant be trusted to have any influence.
BLM murdered 5 officers and the media buried it after a few days. The left is totalitarian in nature, even just having it around will always end up with a "total narrative" being create: a completely artificial tale of reality spread by MSM.
The women I've seen talking about this election on faceberg seem fairly equally disgusted with Hillary and Trump, for different reasons. More memorable bullshit like this might push some over the edge.
Pedo accusations are a pretty standard tactic of the feds. If someone gets too mouthy or too dangerous, charging them with pedo shit not only puts them away for a long time and is effectively a death sentence in prison, but also dirties their name and stops normies from buying into, or at least publicly sharing, anything that person touched.
Do the muzzies have a certain time of year where they simply take a hiatus from exploding spontaneously?
That seems like an awful lot of unnecessary effort when rape allegations are already the bread and butter of 3rd wave feminism.
When clinton takes a break giving them explosives to do so.
Don't worry. She'll start supplying them again when she needs something destroyed.
Nah but I imagine it's no coincidence things have cooled down a bit. Every terrorist attack was good for Trump's numbers. And the US gov clearly has some secret ties to ISIS, that's why they protect them from Russia.
They hibernate during the autumn and winter like squirrels. Apparently it's required by the Koran.
It's a tough trap indeed. According to filterman, the tapes were edited to sound the way they did and Trump just had to own it and apologize since no one would believe him and it would look worse to deny. This is plausible and fits his pattern of owning and doubling down. You can't own a pedo accusation. You can't apologize for a pedo accusation. You have to prove it wrong and discredit the source from hitting back without just denying the claim. It has to be a well executed combo.
This. While at the same time the kikes are pushing for pedo acceptance so as to let their deviant rabbis come out into the open with their perversion. It's a strange game we're playing, but the white man is now destined to lose.
On second thought, you can't even counter accuse a pedo accusation. It's a powerful feels before facts attack on the mass American psyche and Trump himself.
if everything else fails just yell rape
Even if you prove it wrong there's still a cloud that hangs over that person afterwards. It's a takedown you can't really recover from.
The ultimate test of the Nimble One's skill at navigation.
At this point, do you think undecided voters trust CNN enough to believe this? CNN's memetics are clearly inferior to ours
Your answers are logical and easier to get smarter normalfags to take notice, but
I like this guys answer better
and thus declare it fact.
Schwarzenegger really showed how ineffective this type of garbage is at swaying voters though. He won very comfortably with far that and videos of him saying far worse, running as a republican in a dem super majority state.
Can we maybe start using their tactics against them before they extend the pedo accusations to anons? As in breaking into their houses or cracking into their comps, planting cp on their HDD, calling the feds, seeing which ones are covering for them, then rinse and repeat?
Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh-but evidence is misogynisticalism.
They're playing by the old "where there's smoke, there's fire rule." They'll say that the great number of sudden accusations actually gives credence to the idea of Trump being guilty. They won't get any of them. Hell, octopus lady has no proof that she's ever even met Trump. The tape from last Friday will be used to make a case for this being normal for Trump. They've been planning this for a long time and framed an entire narrative around it. It's amazing that he was able to come out on top of the debate on Sunday, but the attacks will continue. A lot of Americans will be shamed to not support Trump. Despite what your teachers told you, peer pressure is a part of life long after your school days.
Look at how many women get their news and opinions from the view. There isn't a single center or right wing member of that cast and they have a lot of influence on the female electorate.
The old media is still very powerful and they have the full weight of the establishment fighting alongside.
I hope some miracle happens that can sway this our/Trump's way, but the power of the establishment is a frightening thing.
If people think that anything other than facism is a valid form of government they are a tremendous fucking idiot.
The general population of all countries are fucking dumb sheep who believe everything they hear at face value and 99% of people who are disgruntled with the system are swayed and mislead by other bullshit controlled opposition by the same people who they think they hate.
History just a series of propaganda wars fought by tiny interest groups like pol and the populas are willing to die for fucking nothing.
Kek didn't even think about that. Time released, encrypted cp then? I'm not sure if such a thing is possible but you're right, only FBI or capital elite can get away with handling it, was a terrible plan.
Shamed into not supporting Trump*
stopped here
Goddamnit. Trump came out so well after the second debate, but the kikes just keep attacking him.
Either way user. Both of them aren't moderate candidates. This election represents nationalism or globalism.
No matter which way this election goes. Its going to happen.
Dindus gonna dindu.
People are gonna get btfo left right and center.
The fire rises
The problem with these accusations is that to anyone paying attention, they always follow a predictable pattern of being released whenever a big story that hurts Hillary comes out and every time they do it, they get diminishing returns. Their best shot at destroying Trump was the Trumptape shit but that was negated by Trump demolishing Hillary during the 2nd debate. Now that people are starting to poke huge holes into the latest NYT hit-piece, it makes the MSM as a whole look vindictive and biased to the average normalfag and lessens the credibility/impact of the other "victims" they're wheeling out in a short amount of time – as if they're preemptively bracing themselves for what's about to come in future wikileaks e-mail dumps.
I agree that the big war is Nationalism vs. Globalism but there's also a minor war going on between traditional press and alternative press/social media.
This makes me less and less want to have anything to do with a woman in a business sense. There should be some kind of separation clause that they attest nothing inappropriate happened so they don't make something up after 15 years.
why do you try to fit in this badly sage-kun?
The media's dead already. This will have literally no effect. They shilled the tape to hell, and it virtually had no effect on the polls in the wake of the massive debate dicking.
Next debate is up in six days and really no matter what kind of retarded lies they come up with trump will schlong them for good.
The problem is that most people aren't paying attention. Your average citizen walks walks by a new stand, sees disparaging headlines, and they don't think to question what they see.
Reporters are saying that there are two other big stories, one that is similar to the first tape, and another that is much worse. Only time will tell whether that's true or not.
I do badly want to torture a leftist to death.
I thought it was 2? 12 women? Why is CNN bringing 96 women forward? Filthy racist Trump has raped and harrassed 846 women!
Hilary previously described the Trump Foundation as an octopus with tentacles everywhere. Trump has fondled the entire world.
why don't you ? sage isn't a downvote
trump tower is a phallic symbol, trump has exposed himself to millions of pedestrians, including children.
All jokes aside. I wonder how Trump will fight this
I think his best shot would be to frame this as the political establishment and their pet MSM against Trump and his supporters. It wouldn't be hard to make that case with wikileaks emails that show collusion between Hillary and them and the obvious vindictiveness/bias of the MSM against him as opposed to the kid-gloves they use with Hillary.
New standard for men trying to run for president? Only democrat women can be elected from here on forward, men get slandered with rape accusations
Hope Trump sues the FUCK out of CNN and these women.
This is part of a bigger problem that has to do with the way society handles these accusations
Reported for lying on an image board.
By that waffling measure, why not say up to a million.
Schools have churned out at least one generation of these kinds of people. Media needs to be held accountable for their false reporting. No slap on the wrist either: hard time for the people in charge and the reporters.
Is this going to happen? Probably not. A cultural change is needed. Right now the media is holds themselves up as a sacred part of society and are untouchable due to political protection.
They need to be shown as what they are: unscrupulous, power hungry people with an agenda to push.
Doubtful. Any that aren't already there are not the sort to be swung via such base pressuring - this is the sort of shit that will solidify the support of catladies (if it goes unchallenged) and have little further effect, beyond a lot of oy veying in the media, which basically nobody trusts at this point (yet thinks that everyone around them does…).
Thing is… This isn't going to go unchallenged. Unless Trump is totally fucking retarded, there is enough blood in the water for him to land some genuinely lethal hits if he plays it right.
Bill's illegitimate kid and further discussion of the details of Hillary's child-rape case.
The Podesta emails - Bill driving an aid near to suicide, Hillary's hatred of the average voter, the various connections back and forth. Whatever else leaks between now and Wednesday.
Attacking Trump on the woman card probably wasn't as good a card as they might've hoped, considering Bill's history, and that could well come back to haunt them further.
Ah, but this is the thing about women: They're conniving whores.
And I mean that in a respectful fashion here, they deserve a little credit - its uncanny and frightful shit. If they weren't so incompetent and emotional, they'd be really nasty critters.
In any case, as is, women behave very different dependent upon their social environment - what a woman portrays herself as thinking, versus what she actually thinks, can be a mile.
And as voting is an anonymous process…. What a woman says, versus what she thinks, can be a mile, and more.
Consider: More than half of White female voters went with Romney in 2012. Nearly half of women overall.
Just because they like to watch things like the view doesn't mean they necessarily are total fucking zombies for that shit, and they're mean. Real mean. Especially amongst one another. They might smile and nod at some clam on a talk show spewing some progressive drivel, while thinking (despite not even being all that racist/anti-Semitic/self-conscious[in context]) "fuck that uppity nigger/cackling Jew/perky latina bitch".
Women are fucking insane, and evolutionarily designed to manipulate others around them for their own survival and prosperity - don't ever forget that. Its a great trait when channeled properly - but its tangent behavioral patterns make for a creature whose true intentions and perspectives may remain shrouded.
Holla Forums, please tell me hillary wont win because of their libel
Quit being such a pussy.
wud bang
then, *bang!*
I can't help it.
yeah, when she spewed that bullshit I just wanted to slap her crooked nose straight.
Try, faggot.
That nasty cunt needs to die so bad.
Haha that invention coming out right as everywhere is being flooded with third worlders. It's hard enough not to get punched in the head around white people.
I doubt anything will come of these, they might even drop them in fear of propping Trump up even more then they have so far.
They blew their load early for damage control and they know they fucked up, now this is just more damage control on top of it to try to make the Trump tapes work, but it wont work.
But remember, we need more womyn in the right, womyn are based.
It might do some damage considering the MSM is going to do a 24-48 news cycle just on this; hour by hour with redundant analysis but it won't have nearly the effect it should have because the MSM is essentially 24/7 anti-Trump so instead of being significant, it just becomes another piece in their anti-Trump collage and another typical day of shitting on Trump.
Is one of them Jeb in a dress?
I didn't come into this thread to feel, user.
Woman are the ones that know for sure how much of a lie all of it is, they all will see right through it faster than any man ever could.
They know their own tricks
fuck off FBI
Draw a cutie in her home taking care of her children
Later: draw a old woman surrounded with nephews
Draw woman with one leg missing on a nuclear war with russia
Draw a old woman without an eye and leg and arm in a corner alone with other veterans
user . . .
I would expect there to be tens of thousands of demented bitches that want some of Trump's money.
I hope he puts them in jail along with that rancid Hagary Crumbleton.
All of this shit is just fucking theater for the masses.
I hope the pests-from 4cant understand that the popular vote doesn't mean jack shit.
It simply exists to make you feel like you have a say.
You don't.
Electoral college determines who is """Selected""".
(((THEY))) whom are good doggies get to determine "for you g0yim"
Of course it is in the EC's best interest who is elected.
Also remember "polls" are simply to fuck with your head and keep you on edge, distracted, emotionally charged.
Polls are shit, polls are rigged.
We won't know the real 270 until "they" decide to let us know.
Already chosen though.
Disparaging shit yes?
Well… reality is.
Do not delude yourself.
I meant no family, I also meant grandkids and not nephews
KEK, Filter man said they'd call him a pedo.
Sex scandals are all they have left. Thankfully it's Trump running, because this shit would destroy anyone else's campaign.
Kek mitt uns!
stopped here
ah yes the same cunt who made allegations about murdoch years later over getting hugged and waxing poetic about the guy and then suddenly falls upwards into a new show and new standing on the network HMMM
satan, your sentence structure is terrible.
(((MSM))) is desperate boys.
Those cows just spout slander. Unsubstantiated and unfounded, pure undiluted horse shit
the mask is slipping…
Anyone who puts weight behind these claims is an idiot. The man has been a public face for almost 40 years and these women just now, a month before we vote, decide the world needs to hear about this? They're liars.
The Snowden leaks include material that shows how NSA and the FBI plants child porn on certain targets.
When Italian HACKER TEAM was hacked :^) the documents showed they sold a software to the FBI, including certain software modules to plant child porn in various ways on target computers.
forgot to mention. The early versions of the Hacker Team module did it by planting real CP in the form of "C:\childporn1.bmp, C:\nakedunderagegirl.gif".
The later versions included modules for Android, iOS and even Linux. For example, the Android version would send stealthy mms with CP to oneself from a spoofed number and reply with "thanks, i will contact you again" and shit like that.
McCarthy was right
the media is onto us
we have a chance to redpill people on pedowood
Good idea. Got anything Pedowood related to share?
There may be something in the Podesta emails related to that
Assange removed the attachment, which is unusual as other emails have attachments. Maybe he's saving that for later.
thanks but there's not much to go on there without the attachment.
You think they were talking about a cheese pizza?
I mean, the tone sounds pervy to me. Who emails around to a bunch of degenerate Moloch worshippers pictures of a great looking pizza.
Assange wouldn't want to incriminate everyone by including the attachment, but if he has it he will release it before the election.
It's still not useful to show the normies unless we can prove they were sharing cp.
Any anons know where I can find an archive of old pedowood digs?
Fascism is just as easily exploited as a republic.
We are only on this path for one reason:
we removed the founder's original idea for what constitutes a voter. (someone who owned land and therefor had stake)
That one TINY change destroyed the nation, it was the linch pin that held the entire system together.
If only we could have had a little more respect for the founding documents, then we wouldnt have been so eager to give away our power to the weak and stupid in the name of fairness.
weve all been there.
Here, have some chemo from your bad experience. simmiliar kind of story.
cool story bro
JESUS HOLY FUCK these people sure are a one-trick pony.
"Trump touched my anus and then gassed my dog in the Trump tower gas chambers while riding a bicycle 6 million years ago oy vey! dont vote for him goy!" - Ann Frankengoldstein
Megyn is cute, let my waifu alone.
The term for this, coined by the shitlibs themselves, is "swiftboating". Make fraudulent claims with no merit, because the point is to strike a low blow for max damage in the short term and deal with inevitably being outed as totally fraudulent later after the results of the election are in.
When it gets outed as collusion and complete fabrication later (and since it's women "rape victims", they'll be spared scrutiny because "gosh haven't they been victimized enough? Must we make them relive it?" which makes it an ideal card to play because the accusers are shielded by muh feelings muh survivorhood. Democrats might lose face at that time, but they'll have secured what they coveted for themselves so they'll throw one or two staffers under the bus to maintain their image. So Trump takes a hit in the polls on some trumped up (ha) allegations and maybe in February it comes out that these slags were so completely full of shit, paid by Soros himself including lawyer fees, but the damage will have been done and the election results set in stone.
A batch of "rape allegations" materializing out of fucking nowhere as a group of actresses simultaneously recovered from amnesia in the final month of the campaign, you'd have to be blind, retarded or both to not have seen this hail mary coming from the panicked cuckoldry party. It's such low-hanging fruit, you knew and I knew they were going to play the rape allegations card specifically, well before the RNC even officially endorsed him as their candidate. Played out as I'd predicted almost to the letter.
My. how convenient!
It's the war on masculinity. Kike media has brainwashed people into believing every man who's nice to children who aren't his is a potential kiddiediddler.
They tried this shit on Assange and it didn't work.
It looks like the dates don't even match up.
Just leave the women to me.
Underrated post. Capped for posterity.
Trump promises ‘substantial evidence’ to disprove sexual assault claims
" Trump, who ordered his attorneys to draft a defamation lawsuit against the Times late Wednesday night, said his campaign has already gathered “substantial evidence to dispute these lies and it will be made public in an appropriate way and at an appropriate time very soon.”
Trump claimed the allegations against him are part of a coordinated effort to divert the attention of voters away from the damaging information against Hillary Clinton contained in thousands of illegally-obtained emails that have been released by WikiLeaks.
“It’s no coincidence that these attacks come at the exact same moment and altogether at the same time as WikiLeaks releases documents exposing the massive corruption of the Clinton machine,” he told his supporters. The former secretary of state’s “most powerful weapon” is the “corporate media,” Trump said.
“The corporate media in our country is no longer involved in journalism,” said the GOP nominee. “They’re a political special interest no different than any lobbyist or special entity with a total political agenda, and the agenda is not for you, it’s for themselves.” "
they have an awful small binder if they can only fit 12 women into it
“Their agenda is to elect crooked Hillary at any cost, at any price no matter how many lives they destroy,” Trump riffed. “They will attack you, they will slander you, they will seek to destroy your career and your family. They will seek to destroy everything about you, including your reputation. They will lie, lie, lie and then again, they will do worse than that.”
How popular is 20/20 ?
ABC to air '20/20' feature on Rolling Stone rape hoax
"I mentioned yesterday in an article I wrote about the lawsuit that ABC may have received leaked deposition footage from the lawsuit. One video, included in the trailer for the ABC "20/20" feature, shows author Erdely crying during her testimony about her article. In the days and weeks after the article was published, Erdely was defiant in her defense of her article. The last tweet Erdely sent out was critical of a reporter who didn't call her a "journalist" while profiling her for her soon-to-be-debunked Rolling Stone article.
ABC's program on the gang-rape hoax will air Friday, Oct. 14 at 10 p.m. ET. It will feature interviews with Eramo, Shapiro and friends of Jackie who helped debunk her story."
Can you see it?
This is absolutely true.
My wife, daughter, Mom and two sisters all rolled their eyes at the "locker room talk"–daughter said "all the boys talk like that, they just think we don't know. Idiots. He was probably trying to impress one of the Bush family"–I thought that last bit unusually perceptive and I haven't heard it elsewhere.
The subsequent accusations made them pissed off, especially as they all particularly sympathize with Kathy Shelton, whose story made my tough-as-nails wife cry openly. Shelton is one of the most powerful weapons we have, because even other defense attorneys decry Hillary's treatment of the child. Even in the context of the legal practices of that time, her defense was egregiously cruel and amoral. It showed Hillary's sociopathic self.
At any rate, the MSM brought too many of these so-called "Trump victims" out and it brought them out WAY too fast. The stench of lies and desperate overkill is in the air. Many women, even, aren't buying it. It's helped that places like 8ch have spent the last year aggressively fact-checking every lie and smear of Trump the MSM have put forth. Isn't it like 96% of the populace now that doesn't trust them anymore?
My Mom observed, "this all just looks crazy and fake, it's too much too fast. Plus they never even tried to act unbiased or fair so they damaged their own credibility. If they had set things up by acting more reasonable earlier, this would be way more believable."
Never say never, user
Not a nice pic
pedos detected
the nose knows
BUSTED: NYTimes Trump Accuser Rachel Crooks Is LYING According To Family Friend
Only 12? I figured there'd be hundreds of them trying to get free shekels.
Late-night Holla Forums browsing was a mistake.
tbh would blow her brains out immediately after I came
This pic desperately lacks something tbh.
you and me both, lad
I might play Russian roulette with her the entire time. Every time she tries to breathe instead of s u c c, KLIK - Oh I'm sorry my hand slipped
You better have a very big revolver with a lot of empty space, or else you're gonna end up with a dead bitch and blue balls in 3 mins, guaranteed.
I want to end up with a dead bitch either way
The patriarchy wins again.
She is ashkenazi.
Do you have proof of that?
Fuck off wizzie. (((MGTOW))) is anti white
Does the Alt Right already have people working inside CNN that have uncovered enough evidence of election manipulation and conspiracy to incite riots to have 50% of the staff incarcerated?
See how I did that?
No it isn't. And Trump isn't a "Russian agent". It's fine to criticize MGTOW, or say it's threadjacking, or whatever, but it's not some kind of jew scam. Here's what you have to remember about jews: They LOVE money. A huge percent of trial lawyers are jews. And the last thing they want is to lose one of their top revenue streams.
They wont be rational, but they overlooked bills accusers because they liked how charming he seemed. Unfortunately(for hilldog) bill is not his old shiny lying self nor is he running 🏃 this time.
I was wrong, she's still ugly with long hair.
what is this from?
At this point I'd like to point out that one of the best-selling pornos for women of all time included a mixed-race werewolf that fell in passionate love with a vampire baby a few minutes after she was born. He was projecting an 18-year wait before literally fucking her, as opposed to the Donald's off-the-cuff smart-ass comment.
Women masturbated to this.