National Bolshevism and Strasserism are literally chad ideologies.

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Did you intend on doubleposting user?



that 2nd image is wrong…a centrist not voting? centrists love to vote and can't strees enough how voting is so fucking awesome… and no voting doesn't change anything, not when you live in a fucking liberal democracy that promotes some regions in your country having more power than others, because fuck you. In my country i.e. a party can win election by wining in 6 electoral circles, the remaining 20? fuck you! your vote means shit. goes to to the bin…but hey, at least you voted huur duur



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lol I was there when that was posted and I even replied with "B A S E D"

A fellow /bant/icoot on 8ch???

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ye I sometimes go here even tho I think this place is shit

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Funny, I'm the other way around. I don't like /bant/ anymore and I like this place better.
/bant/ used to be pretty great though.

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your a Holla Forumstard so ofc you like it here

"Socialism in one country" aka Stalinism.

also how tf do you like this place better? its even worse than s4s

I stopped liking /bant/ because it got so predictable. Getting into sperg wars over ice fairies is only fun for so long.
I can't predict 8ch (yet). Also it supports bigger file sizes and webms with sound. Also there is actually less bitching about 'muh board culture' and Holla Forumstards and redditors and what have you.


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o ic


Fuck off if you wont discuss nazbol /bant/boys

holy shit is that the AMA alzheimers guy?

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can't remember

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/bant/ is a nazbol board so discussion of /bant/ is discussion of nazbol

Is it? Cool.

He looks like a villain.