Statistics professor Salil Mehta...

The (((Left's))) war on reason and fact continues.

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Scientists are overwhelmingly liberal/Democratic. One nut doesn't change that. Take the propaganda back to Holla Forums, please.

Your daily reminder that it took National Socialist scientists to reach the moon. Ponder that while you're deciding what gender to call your disgraceful self.

There were in the right place at the right time. There was no reason why American born scientists couldn't do it given the fact that communist scientists were also capable of this. There was nothing special about being a german scientist.

Sounds like he was an innocent caught in the crossfire between a Google ban script and the 14 year olds in that website's comments.

That's historically debatable and depending on your definition of special, factually incorrect.

user, even the most mediocre students know about operation paper clip. German advances in rocketry were highly sought after. I guess they were in the "right place" building the V1/V2, and the "right place" creating the Saturn-V.


Why is he a nut?

Let's pretend that all those Nazi rocket scientists died during the war. I'm confident that the Americans were talented enough to develop their own rocket and space program without them being alive. I'm confident that Americans could have easily taken any research in Nazi rocket science and develop the same results on top of that research.

The reason for operation paper clip is to secure talent that already exists. From America's point of view, there wasn't any point to let that talent go to the Soviets because those scientists had no other place to be after the end of Germany. America had enough of the best American born scientists who were perfectly capable of rediscovering the same principles of Nazi rocket science with the assumption that all the knowledge was lost in the war.

=( =( =( =( =( =( =( =(

Imbecile Leftists, can't look beyond their noses, can't see consequences beyond one level of inference, they're a bunch of hysterical emotional bitches, fucking shit.

meh gmail will be hotmail in the next 2 years. Deep down people know it's a joke but they are too cheap to just get a proper email address.
Then something like this happens and people act surprised. Do you think zerohedge would write an article like this if someone got locked out of yahoo? nah because half the comments would be people laughing at someone using yahoo for anything serious.

As opposed to hyper hysterical right wing emotional bitches who do nothing but jump to conclusions that don't actually play out. And then I'll see, "I was just pretending to be retarded". Nobody's coming after you, you can put down that red pill.

I live in a country where denying or just underestimating the Holohoax can get you a super cool travel to the hole. I'd say that this is "coming after you".

Anyway, even if european genocide and kikes kiking are real, this thread has nothing to do here.

user americans specificly tried to recreate the tech and could not so they brought in the nazis

the russians also broguht in the nazi scientists


It was a giant pain in the ass ditching everything Google related, but they need to go.

I'm also planning on de-Googling my life. Right now I'm not personally affected by anything they do but these cucks are out of control and there's no telling what'll happen in the near future. I should also start downloading all the YT videos I haven't downloaded yet.

Sick burn

Different countries in the war invested their R&D in different places, the germans had some comical wastes, but the one at the time science-fiction like concept they struck on and made viable was rocketry. We could have developed it or we could pick apart the corpse for work already done and focus our R&D into other fields or into expansion of the one investigated. Considering American R&D got the nuke by using Jewish Communists who immigrated here and then handed said blueprints to the fucking commies in Russia states that the allocation of resources and efforts were in many cases misplaced.

This. Germans are still leading the way in engineering.

People of Germanic blood are genetically superior. We consistently produce more geniuses that other races, except maybe Northeastern Asians because they outnumber us. Most people know this and deny it, dismissing this as "white privilege" or something. It feels great to have an IQ above 80 and nice facial features. If what I'm saying is wrong, Jamal wouldn't be chasing Stacy all the time.

Can you prove that any of the rocket scientists actually followed national socialist ideologies and weren't just employed by Nazi Germany, user? Or are you gonna just make baseless assertions?

This is a core commie belief. But it misses a piece of the puzzle commies miss every single time: people are not cogs. You need the right place, right time, and the right man. People aren't equal, if you put some negroid in Germany it wouldn't come up with the wheel, much less rocketry.

Confident, as fools often are. The first rocket the burgers tried to build without German scientists (but of course using German tech) failed so miserably they had to include the evil nazi scientists on the project to get it to produce anything other than scrap metal. With a lot of time and money, sure, burgers could eventually do it. But easily? Clearly not.

No amount of proof can convince a man who already decided what he wants to believe. I could tell you the scientists spoke German. For Nuremberg, that'd be enough proof they were natsocs and gassed 6 billion jewish babies every day since they were born, but not for you. Yet, you won't question Nuremberg because you already decided they're right. I could also tell you von Braun was a card-carrying member of the NSDAP since 1937, but, again, it won't change your mind.

Prove that.
Please kill yourself for being an assuming jackass faggot.
Wow, one guy out of dozens.