==tfw mods bumplock a thread because "muh pedo discussion" was going on

==tfw mods bumplock a thread because "muh pedo discussion" was going on.

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Welcome to Holla Forums.
No rules for mods, unwritten and ever-changing rules for anons.

Because everybody gets sick of a bunch of middle-aged men trying to justify why they want to fuck 10 year olds.
pro tip: you can't, kill yourselves

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We should explore this line of reasoning further, /thread


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How tight are little asian girl pussies? Can they "take it"?

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Why do asian girls have that weird stringy black hair it's so disgusting. Do they even have feelings? What about that guy who wears the Scream mask?

how have i not thought about that…all this time i have been thinking that pedos should just be put in solitary confinement and die of starvation…human centipide is so much better tho, that's indeed brilliant and it should totally be the deserving punishment for pedos.

Well this fat cow definitely lives up to her name LOL.

even americunts are disgusting by pedophilia…fucking hillarious :D
but hey, i rarely agree with americunts. Pedophilia tho, is worst than being americunt.
It's the ultimate level of narcisism, an adult fucks a child who can't grasp what sex is destroyed just so the edo can have 9 to 16 seconds of orgasm. That's so fucking disgusting, it triggers me beyong believe.

children can have orgasms too tbh. also reminder that this was normal before

They may be able to have an, but they sure as hell not thinking of having one at that age or let alone sex. It's when these lower then dirt pedos exploit them is when they learn these things. Kindly kys freak

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giving them an orgasm isnt exploitation tbh. and the overwhelming of pedos are nice to them and many are still friends with them once they become older

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You are likely a narcissist or person with APD trying to virtue signal. Doesn't work here.
Little asian girls don't have real feelings and chinks aren't human, they behave more like narcissists - your kind.
They should be impaled on my cock like Nanking and the disposable bugchildren they are. Post vlad memes. I wish I had vlad memes.

Anything can be technically dost nowadays, because as dysnomia said:
"I think it's (Holla Forums) quite balanced right now. Anons do what they want whatever they feel like it, and mods do as well" (03/11/18).
So, if mod feels like something is dost, it's dost.


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Hispanic whore…lol

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thats not really nice tbh. most chinks ive meet were nice people

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I can tell you are a teenage girl and no longer sexually viable

Well then you must certainly be one dumb piece of shit that does not deserve opinions or being able to evacuate your colon for that matter

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this is merely % of sexually attractive girls. All the statistic shows is how many girls haven't been disfigured or overweight etc, because as time goes on it gets more and more likely. This is not a scale of how sexually attractive, just the frequency


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You will rationalize until your head is decapitated, called hypocrites in Islam, but we kill you anyway.


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Now replace "child" with "those of the same sex"

What happened to people don't choose their sexuality and shouldn't be shamed for it?

no no no no no! Don't offend the faggots, you biggoted cis gender patriarch

100% this

inb4 muh freespeech

having the right to say something =/= the right to say the same old shit over and over again and stick your fingers in your ears and while when other people tell you to fuck off with your retarded ideas that have been debunked ages ago

Pedophiles should be helped, not shamed.

Child molesters should be jailed though.

freeze peach is the right to say whatever i want. No matter how "old shit" that is.

finally someone sees the difference. There is hope after all.

I've been observing these debates for some time and the pedophiles actually make some very good points. The only rebuttals the anti-pedos are capable of coming up with is an ad hominem, a bandwagon fallacy (which is what the post you are agreeing with is), intellectually dishonest over-generalizations and special pleading.
As for whether or not they're melting hearts or changing the way anyone feels about the idea of kids having sex is where you might be right. But then that's feels over reals which makes you an SJW.

did you know getting help will just get myself raided and off to jail i go?

The US has a hard on for making sure Pedophiles cannot be helped. Anything that can possibly help with their temptations they make illegal, or try to make illegal.

Loli dolls = Illegal.
Loli porn = Illegal in some states, and others trying to make it illegal.
Talking about it to a shrink = They're allowed to tell the cops about you if they simply "think" you might be a danger to kids.

pedos dont need help. we should just allow children to fug adults without thinking its a bad thing

you think revealing your power level that you are a 1488 nazi, anti femimist reveal, or you took any kind of redpill that can get you fired is bad when normies find out? Try revealing your little girl love power level and everyone that you knew, other than other pedos, but they will also not show their power level and go along with normies, will cut you off for life, actively get you arrested, character assassination, maybe and anit will kill you.

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And I should be allowed to play polo with people's heads and a sledghammer. Fortunately for you I am not allowed to do this, and fortunately for the kids, you're kept on a leash lest you end in a cage.

horrible comparison tbh

Poor kids.

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I'd love to play tag with little girls and tag them on their vaginas

one day you will be able to do that :)

dub dubs confirm

I would like to play tag with little girls but the way you tag them is you bat them on the cheek with your penis.

I would like to play tag by shooting pedoniggers with my AK and killing them. no tag backs.

I am savoring your pedo hate tears

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