This is your average Holla Forums moderator
This is your average Holla Forums moderator
Both degenerates that go way past what chans used to be like.
Thats what i expected tbh
Just an average day for Omlet
For the record, I cleaned my shitter out before doing this. My ass actually feels ok today, and I think I popped that hemorrhoid in putting an egg up there.
That is some really valueable information, i will consider that the next time i put an egg into my ass.
But i assume real art is to get the egg in and out as a whole °_°.
Its like a buttplug but without the constant sphincter pain. Putting it in is hard, pushing it out is easy, but more people are entertained by it.
I sucked Dysnomia's cock once.
How is it that on a board full of faggots you manage to out homo everyone here?