Halfchan's Holla Forums wants to ban pronography.
Halfchan's Holla Forums wants to ban pronography
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Lol this just is just getting more and more relevant.
basically they just wish they had a strict father to rein in their impulses which they don't have the discipline to control themselves
Yeah, most of them cite their own addiction
Holla Forumsacks are very submissive, wanting to live under a fascist monarchist society
they want a world of clear rules so all they have to do is obey to obtain the basic necessities and pleasures of life
of course the world is lawless and always has been, so the best they'll get is a conman to deal out the occasional pat on the head and entertain them in the delusion that he is creating that lawful world
they get worse every day.
America is going to become a third-world country aren't we?
capitalism has entered a phase where third-worldization is universal
we're all going down
not just america
Don't fucking tell me they take the whole "no-fap" scam seriously.
Fuck these sjws
It seems they do. It also seems they've never heard of the placebo effect.
or confirmation bias
and they will violently argue with you if you suggest that that's what's happening
"Porn is raping US America!"
True, true. A mixture of placebo and ConBias would explain most of it, with the last bit being a spoonful of delusion.
my eyes have been opened
my sides
no Holla Forums, you are the sjws
people will hate Holla Forums even more.
Lots of people goes to 4ch only for the porn, no porn means 4ch dies of a cancerous tumor.
Now that I think about it, we should push Holla Forums into making this a real thing, people will hate them more and will see how cowardly fascist are
I don't think it's necessarily a placebo, but rather they feel they've made a positive change in their lives and followed through on it, masturbation was more of a scapegoat for how shit their life was going and they feel as if they've conquered it. I'm sure if they made a resolution to go to the gym or learn french and followed through it would've had the same effect. It's pretty much a self inflicted Skinner box: set arbitrary goal, achieve it, feel good, repeat.
I bet these very same people throw a huge spergrage whenever something "sexual" gets censored supposedly to appease to the ess jay double u's.
Nope, that's Holla Forums. Which, unlike Holla Forums and (You), actually has its head on straight.
Exactly. Not mastrbating everyday won't give you magic powers, but it's surprising how much you get done when you're not wasting time jerking off.
This is insane. DO they not think people masturbated 100 years ago? Yeah there was less porn but there was still imagination. What a shitload of fuck
What a surprise.
But don't they like watching interracial cuck porn?
No, they only keep that on their computers to redpill people with.
Good. Porn is against our stance of empowering women.
No, I'll be the one leading it
Why empower them when you can kill them for not giving up the vag
Consent is a spook
I always said Holla Forums had a lot in common with tumblr.
As someone who has a problem with fapping, porn and the compulsion to do it, I can certainly tell that self control is much better than external control.
I am just in the process of recovery from this, and after many months I have not moved much further than the beginning.
But it would certainly tell if young men knew about the way how pornography can be detrimental to their lives. That they are supposed to control themselves. How it works as a supernormal stimulus, how it fucks up the brain reward circuitry. And how the real thing is much better for both. After this kind of education, no one would ever want to touch porn ever again.
If anyone is to ever become close to helping in solving the real issues on earth, how can one do it if one is only offered some illusions that are so overwhelming that many become addicted to them.
I was about to post some paragraphs about my own addiction and how I hate myself, but that would be largely unoriginal and derivative, and it is not the topic of this thread.
One can even make up conspiracy theories about porn. Maybe how it is used to placate people into passivity. You cannot participate in group efforts to change the world, so here are some images of naked women instead.
if porn is bad for you then wouldn't looking at your partner naked also be bad for you?
this really religious guy at my high school used to tell me how evil porn was and that he was a recovering addict
yes daddy.
Holla Forums has largely become an extension of Holla Forums
they about black protagonists then criticize sjws for complaining about too many white male protagonists
Looking at your partner naked usually involves talking and interacting with your partner before that happens.
You know, it takes being an actual human being to do that.
Looking at porn involves mashing a few keys and then moving the mouse few times and clicking few times.
With a real person you look into their eyes.
With porn you look at a computer screen.
It does not take a genius to see which one is bad and which is actually good.
how can they not distinguish a fundamental human impulse from an addiction?
if you think porn is addictive then you must think sex is too.
your brain doesnt react differently to a person on a screen than to a person in real life. hence real sex would also be addictive if porn were.
Maybe the visual processing part does not.
But other sensory inputs do. Like the sensations you get from touching, talking to each other.
Or even the visual part when you see the other person and he/she sees you and you react to each other.
These are the most obvious kinds of information that the brain processes during sex with an actual person that are simply missing when you are fapping.
And also you are your brain, you are your neural network, the electrical impulses. So the brain must react differently to a person in real life than to a person on a screen.
But if sex were as easy to attain as fapping to porn was, it would most definitely be as addictive. As it apparently feels so good. I wouldn't know.
who's this 'we' you keep talking about?
lol there a burden let em die
Only 8 Holla Forumsack posts (and some of them I'm probably just misinterpreting)
Well, at last we're doing better than Holla Forums. There were about 347 posts in that thread, and you're looking at that screencap of about 200 I think
I don't understand how nofappers get anything done, I bust one out in the morning just so that I can focus on actually doing something with my day
you dont know what addiction means
porn 'addicts' dont build tolerance the way drug addicts do. also their brains react the same way to porn as non-addicts.
people who identify as addicts in reality just have high libidos.
Stirner was in league with Hegel and Marx. get the dick out of your ass before I put mine in there